Chapter 76:New Home and Goodbyes
Geno's POV
I am soon sent to the doorstop of this really big building. It looked like it came right out of a horror movie, or was Frakenstein's castle in the very least. Except it didn't have the cliche lightning and thunder strike in the dark. I am told to knock on the door before the driver drove off. I hesitantly do as told. The door creaks open. There stands a skeleton. He gave me a bad feeling. My face goes grim.
"H-Hello."I say, hearing my voice shake
"Hello, what's your name?"The skeleton now in the doorway says
"Geno."I say
He places his hand to my chin, lifting my head up. He examines me, staring me in the eyes.
"So, you're the new guy Renew sent me?"He asks
"I g-guess you could say that."He says
"I see. Here's something I think your missing though."He says, putting some orb in my foreskull
*Code ability regained!*
"O-Ok."I say, trying to hide the emotions building up in me
"Small, weak, skittish, but has potential. Perfect. Come on in."He says
I'm not weak.
"Who are you?"I ask
"Serram. I test all the chemicals or tools for their plans and send it to them. I'm basically the Science of their crew. Welcome to your new home!"He says
"New home?"I ask as he pulls me inside
"Ya, you're not going anywhere. You serve me. Unless you feel like dying!"He tells me sternly with a creepy smirk
"Got it."I say, nodding
"Now, be a good servant and bring these to your new fellow servants Fenna and Samarra."He says, handing me a tray with two bowls
I nod.
"And be snappy, they'll be hungry. I haven't fed them in three days and they may get upset if you're late."He says
"THREE DAYS?!"I exclaim
He nods.
"So get a move on."He says
I nod and move quickly down the halls. I dunno where to find them, so I call their names loudly. I run as fast as I can. The bowls hop and the containments jiggle and sway, threatening to spill. Those poor kids! Starved for that long can't be good!
"Fenna! Fenna! Samarra! Where are you? I've got food! Are you guys okay?"I call out
I keep running and calling out.
Eventually, I decide to just choose a room to enter. I find a room labeled Servants and choose that as a good chance. I knock on the door anyway.
"Fenna? Samarra? Are you in here?"I ask
"W-Who's there?"A voice asks
"My name is Geno. I will not hurt you. I am unable to and have been sent to bring you food. Also, I have a message from Dameon for you both."I say
The door opens.
"Did you just say Dameon?"This skeleton asks
I jump back and nod. I guess she noticed me jump because she nervously rubbed her skull.
"Oh sorry. This must look weird. Stupid experiments..."She says
"Wait, they've already experimented on you?"I ask
She nods.
"I am Dameon's sister Fenna."She says
"Nice to meet you. How old are you?"I ask
"14. Samarra is 15."She says
"Oh dear. And Serram says that he hasn't fed you both in 3 days, is that true?"I ask
"Yep....He's a real scientific jerk. You know Science, right? He's nice right? Wouldn't he call him a pain in the gluteus maximus?"She says
I nod.
"Yep. Yep. I can see that. Quickly! Eat this!"I say, handing her one of the bowls
She wolfed it down as fast as she could. She places the bowl aside and smiles.
"Thank you!"She says
"No problem."I tell him
She smiles and then looks behind her before at me.
"Now, I'm guessing you were kidnapped. Or taken and now you're a servant like us?"She asks
I nod.
"Welp, prepare to be a test subject. Because that's one of the servant's 'jobs' supposedly."She says
"I see..."I say
"Ok, come on in."She says
I enter. She shuts the door behind me.
"Samarra, come say hi!"Fenna says
"Who is it? Better not be that female dog Serram."Samarra says
"Nope! It's the inspiration for your creation!"Fenna tells her
"Huh?"I say
"Say what?!"Samarra asks
"Yep, Geno came! He's one of us now!"Fenna says
"Samarra, that isn't exactly a good thing..."Samarra says
"Positivity helps all the time!"She insists
"Samarra is it? Here, take this food. That pain in the butt has done enough to you like starvation or experimentation."I say
A girl climbs down from a makeshift bunk bed. She lowers a hood and looks over at us.
"Woah! This is amazing!"She says
"She wasn't made with the horns, do not fear."Fenna whispers to me
"Why fear that? She seems nice. Never judge a book by its cover, kid. And a some horned person seems like one of the last things to fear. There's worse."I respond quietly
I put the tray aside on a small box that seemed to be used for a table. Before I could grab the bowl to hand to her, I get knocked to the floor. I turn after some struggling and see Samarra on me, hugging me with a smile.
"It's an honor to meet you, Geno! Though not under these circumstances! Change spoke so much about you and your friends before we got seperated! You're amazing!"Samarra says
"Um...What's going on?"I ask
"Boss, er, Change, got inspiration to create her from you. Your determination and may I say, protectiveness gave her the idea for Samarra's personality. You never seemed to give up on anything and Change thought those traits, among others from you and your friends would work for her. You are basically the reason that she is here. And she has been excited to meet you as long as she knew.."Fenna says
I am amazed. Me of all people? Crazy. I nod though, understanding. I look at Samarra and she smiles at me. I hug her close and try to comfort her, making her feel safer. I notice that from the starvation, she is skinny. Too skinny to be healthy. I frown and quickly sit up. She gets off me and I give her some food from the bowl. We sit and talk. We gladly get to know each other.
"Dameon told me to tell you both that he is okay and that he misses you. He hopes you guys are okay."I tell them
They say nothing, but this caused me to get another hug from both of them.
Days pass. The three of us were assigned to tasks around the place, which we do our best to do. I seemed to get the most. Once I finish a task, I'd get another three. I hardly had even a chance to eat or sleep. Eating wasn't much when it came to me, but I did get weaker. Sleep was the thing that got to me more. I went for days, weeks without sleep. There were no windows so I cannot tell time, but as far as I know, I've been pulling all nighters. It got to the point where Fenna or Samara secretly did my tasks just to help me get some rest. I haven't seen Reaper in my dreams but many factors could take part of it. Maybe time runs faster or slower here, I'm not asleep at the same time as him, he can't intrude my dreams, there's a barrier here, he doesn't want to, or something else. But I don't let that hold me back. I use the time in my dreams to use my code ability without even moving physically. I add to my code so that controlling me would be harder. That guy is up to something. And it isn't anything good. This is a helper for Renew we're dealing with. After a few naps, I finished the third barrier for that code. Then, I use the next few naps to try to protect Dameon, Fenna and Samara. Dameon first so that he could be protected. I don't know what is happening to him. For that reason, I made his have 4 barriers of encryption around it to keep removing it hard. I did Samara next since she looked up to me a lot and I didn't want to let her down by letting her get into more trouble than she already is. Fenna was simply too good not to protect. Then again, she does have the soul of kindness and Samara has determination.
Then, one day, we are all left without tasks. This weirds us all out, but it's not like we could do anything about it. And to add to things, we get locked in our room, unable to get out. I lean against a wall as the two talk. One slight change that one of the tasks did was give me some temporary "eye surgery" during a test. It gave me another eye-light while trying to fix my "disgusting eye mistake". I'm still adjusting to the change. But, one thing I learned here is that adapting is key. If you can't adapt here, then you will be deemed useless,worthless, uneeded, whatever you want to call it, then mysteriously disappear, most likely killed, and thrown out like garbage. The three of us have stayed alive due to being able to do this after all.
I strangely find my mind drifting off. Many thoughts come through my head. The situation, Dameon, Change, these two, my friends, my real home and where I belong, etc. But one topic of thoughts that keeps coming back to me is Reaper.
May seem silly or dumb in my place, but I thought about him a lot. How was he? Where was he? What is he doing? Is he okay? Who is he with? Is he hurt? Are they under attack? You name it, I thought it. I begin to find myself picturing Reaper in my mind. I smile. I feel my face burn a bit.
"Hey, Geno!"Fenna says, knocking me out of my thoughts
"H-Huh? What's up?"I ask
"Nothing. Just wondering what or who you're thinking about that makes you so happy or red-faced."She says while Samara just stares
I feel my face burn a bit more.
"I-It's nothing. N-N-Nobody."I lie
"OOoo! So this is nobody?"She asks, displaying some kind of hologram of Reaper up from her hand
"What the?!"I exclaim feeling my face get brighter.
"Ya, I took the code of one of your thoughts to make this. Who is this?"Fenna asks
"Definitely not nobody. Just look at his reaction."Samara says
They look at me curiously. Fenna hands me the display. I gaze at this sight of Reaper. I then tuck it under my bed. If Serram found out of our abilities or that we know him, Reaper could be put in danger. I don't want that. I look at them.
"It's someone....special."I say, smiling a bit
"Ooo! Interesting! Seems like you have a lot of love for them."Fenna says
I nod.
"Change always told me you didn't have any weaknesses."Samara says
"Love isn't a weakness, it's a strength."I say
"Finally! Someone thinks that too!"Fenna says
Samara has this awe-struck look on her face. It was as if I gave some wise words of wisdom or something. Like a mentor to their apprentice kind of look.
"I see..."She says
Then, the door unlocks.
"Geno, come with me."Serram says
I quickly got a bad feeling but comply. I leave the room and he shuts it behind me, locking the other two in the room again. He looks at me and smirks. I feel uneasy. He's up to something.
"Time for testing!"He cheers, then knocks me out with some pan
Knew it.
I do not waste time. I begin to make a plan. But not for me to escape, for Fenna and Samara to escape. I check the code of my location. It bans teleportation. I couldn't see what AU it is. But I could see the coordinates, which is like the encrypted version of the AU name as well as the address of the location. I smile and save that coordinates to my memory, which was protected by the barriers I had set earlier. I had a feeling I'd need that later for a plan. Something is gonna go wrong. I sit and try to think. I try to plan, figure stuff out. Two hands grab me and lift me up. I panic and let out a yell. What if it's the test or soe kind of virus?
"Hey! Let me go!"I yell
"Geno? Calm down, it's just me. Long time no see. Why must I let you go?"A voice asks
I look and see it's Reaper. I sigh with relief.
"Oh phew, it's just you Reaper. Hey. You don't, you just scared me."I say
"What has happened? Are you okay?"He asks, holding me close
I nod.
"I am okay."I tell him, then explain everything that has happened since we last spoke
Though, I do not tell him about the tests that may be starting to be done to me at any moment.
He hugs me close. He takes me by the hands and I smile. But then he starts to dance with me. I follow his lead, surprised and curious.
"Are you...dancing? Since when did you learn that?"I ask
"Yes, I am. What? I can be surprising. I learned a while ago. Can't I have some fun with the Geno I love?"He replies
I feel my face warm.
"Sh-Shut up!"I say, though hold him tight
"Heh, you're so silly, Geno."He says
"You're one to talk about silliness."I say
"Hm?"He says
"How can this be considered dancing if you won't even let me touch the ground?"I ask
"Is it wrong that I won't to keep you close?"He responds
"No, no it is not."I tell him
"Besides, I know you love me too. I just can't believe you're letting me hold your hand."He says
"What? I can start not allowing you again."I say
"Nope. I like being able to."He says
"Then it's settled."I say
"Then do you think I can do my idea? Hmm?~"He asks, leaning close to me
"U-Um, w-w-w-well, I-I-I...."I stutter, feeling my face warm and soul pounding
"Hmm..."He says, holding me tighter
"R-Reaper? What are you doing?"I ask
"Thinking."He says
"If you try anything, I will wake up."I tell him, though knew I can't
I'm too weak after all.
"Fine."He says
We continue to talk as we danced. I feel the fear melt away from me. All the worry. He made me happy and feel safe, even though I knew I physically wasn't yet. I knew the tests would come soon, but he helped me keep my mind of it without even knowing.
After some time, pain shot through me like a plague does through a city. I don't make a sound, not wanting to alert him that I'm hurt or he'll get worried. Suddenly, Reaper puts me down. He steps back and looks at me. I am confused.
"Reaper? Everything okay? Why are you looking at me like that?"I ask
He says nothing. He bows his head. I step closer to him.
"Reaper?"I ask
He is silent.
I place a hand on his cheek.
His face brightens.
"Are you okay?"I ask
His wings appear. This can't be good. Something must be wrong. I look at him and frown. He knocks me down and tears fill his eyes.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Geno! I'll kill them! I'll-I'll'-I-I-I-*unitelligible crying*"He cries
I sit up with him on me. I look at him as he cries and struggles to speak. He pulls his hood back with one hand and places the other hand on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him.
"Sorry for what?"I ask
"For letting them kill you! For not coming in time to help you! For failing you! For letting you die! I-I-!"He replies
"Reaper! I didn't die! You didn't fail me! I'm okay! What makes you think I died?"I ask
"W-W-White w-wings....."He whimpers
I look behind me and see I have a pair of big white wings. Some feathers were red but still. I remember the experiments and sigh. I shake my head. I look at him.
"Reaper, that doesn't mean anything. Serram, that dude I told you about, is running experiments. This must be from one of his tests."I explain
"T-T-Tests? On y-you?"He asks
"Ya, and this isn't the first time these things happened. Fenna was made a skeleton and Samara got horns from the tests."I say
"So I didn't fail you?"He asks
"What? NO! Reaper! Come on!"I tell him
I grab his hand and put it to my chest.
"What do you feel?"I ask
"Y-Your soul racing."He says
"Correct. So I'm alive. You never failed me, Reaper. You never do or will."I say
"How do you know that?"He asks
"Because I love you."I say, kissing his hand and winking
His face lights up. Then he falls backwards and disappears.
Just in time too since I feel some more pain and wake up to find myself thrown back into the room. I sit up and look at Fenna, then Samara. They come over and hug me, crying. They were glad I am alive but scared half to death the entire time I was taken for testing. I wrap my newly-recieved wings around them and pull them into a hug.
"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here. Besides, help is coming, I can assure you."I tell them
"Ya, for you."Fenna says
"No, for us. I am going nowhere without you both."I say
"Really?"Fenna asks
"The protective trait in"Samara says
I nod.
"Then, will you take this? We made it ourselves with the scraps of fabric in here."They say, handing me a hand-made bracelet of string.
I nod and put it on.
"Of course, thank you."I say
They hug me tight. Then, the two fall asleep. I stay wide awake, wanting to protect them. Dunno what Serram may do. But then, I hear a conversation outside the room.
"Renew, you lied to me. That skeleton useless to me! He can't wake up or do half the things I expected! And, that virus didn't do crap! I can't even hack the code!"Serram says
"Fine, cancel the deal. Do what you wish with him. I don't give a crap about him."Renew says
"Goodbye, Renew."Serram says
"Tomorrow, Geno dies. Jerry! Prepare the area!"Serram mutters
"Yes, sire!"An unknown voice says
I frown. I try not to tremble. I tighten the bracelet around my wrist. I know what to do. They need to be safe at least. I close my eyes and force myself to sleep. Please be there, please be there. Reaper....
I enter my dream and look around. No sign of Reaper. Still, I need him. He needs to know.
"Reaper!"I yell
Reaper swoops down and wraps his arms around me, giving me a sly look and feeling my wings as they softly flap.
"You called, my angel?"He says, his face a bit bright
"You're funny. And I did."I say, feeling my face warm
He nuzzles his head against mine. My soul races and face burns.
"You love me, huh?"He teases
"More than you know. And I yelled for you for a reason."I say
I grip his wings gently.
"Why's that? What do you want to talk about?"He asks
"I want to speak to you about something important. I needed to make sure you are here."I say
I feel tears flood from my eyes. I realize how much I'm gonna miss him. Miss everyone.
"Well you can as soon as you release my wings."He says
"Heh, you first."I say
He releases my wings and I release his. He lands in front of me.
"So? What's so important? Change your mind about the idea?"He asks
"I managed to get some code. It can tell my location if you get someone to properly decrypt it, like E!Pap or someone. Point is, I want you to have it."I say, handing him the code
He holds it, then looks at me.
"And please, if you come, don't hurt these two, they are my friends."I say, making Fenna and Samara appear for a moment in the dream
"Wait...This is important. You never give me code or speak these things, and rarely cry. Unless....Wait! That means...Are they gonna? To you..?"He asks, looking at me
I look at him with a grim expression. I wipe my tears and nod.
"Noo! I love you too much to lose you!"He cries, hugging me
"I love you, Reaper. I'm sure you will be okay as well as everyone. I will make sure everything goes alright or that nothing bad happens to any of you."I say
"You really are a Protective Mama Bear with those you care about."He says
"Oh shut up."I say, shaking my head
He hugs me tight.
"I'm coming as soon as I can."He says
"I love you, Reaper, stay safe."I say
"I love you too. I will as soon as you guys are."He says
"Reaper, please. I-OWW!"I yell, feeling something stab my spine
"Geno!"He cries
I wake up to find a blade through my chest. Blood comes spilling and I gag as blood even got choked out my mouth. It hurts...So much. Sarama and Fenna woke up and are panicking. But I grow dizzy as the blade is removed. A hand grabs me and drags me off. I do nothing. I pass out.
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