Chapter 7: A Trip to OuterTale
I woke up the next morning shooting up from my pillow. I had the craziest dream. And it was about Ink. I felt my face warm up at just gazing at the puppet. I tuck it away, not wanting to accept the meaning of the dream. Ink was just a friend hidden by a truce. A cute, stubborn, silly little....NO! I groan at my thoughts.
I get off the bed and open the door to find the protector of dreams himself at the doorway. Dream. That little glowstick had to know or he probably just wanted to give me a bad time. Either way, I was not up for it. I shut the door a bit so he couldn't come in, only communicate.
"I know what you dreamt of last night. Or should I say who? Ya, who. But let's get one thing clear. Ink's mine. He will be. I just gotta tell him. He's never gonna be yours. And if you dare go near him and start becoming buds, I will end you. I don't want my Ink with a killer or destroyer."Dream states
"SaYs tHe 0nE wHo tHrEatENeD t0 kiLL aNd iS rESpoNSiBLe f0r ThEIr br0 dEstROYing tHeMSELveS anD tUrNIng eVil iN tHe FiRSt PlACe. InK. And. I. HavE. A. TrUCe! CHilL ouT gL0wsTicK."I say
"Stop calling me that!"Dream snaps
"WhEn y0u St0P ThREatEnInG Me&d0inG UnNEedEd aCtiOns, I miGhT."I say, then use my strings to swing myself over and away from him.
I land by the couch and look around. Blue was in the kitchen, most likely making tacos, while Ink was still asleep on the couch. I check my wounds to find that the ones on my legs have healed, but my arms are still healing. I still wore the new clothes Ink made. I look over to Ink. He looked so nice, harmless and innocent as he slept. I sat beside him and began to play with my strings. Blue enters the room indeed with tacos that he freshly made.
"Good morning, Error! Could you do me a favor and wake Ink up for me? He might tickle me away if I do."Blue says
"Hi, BlUe. SUrE tHiNg."I agree.
Blue went back into the kitchen after dragging Dream in there with him. Probably to talk. I nudge Ink lightly and whisper to him to wake up. I seemed to be getting nowhere. I nudged with a little more force and spoke at a normal volume. Then, Ink's arm swung out and wraps around me, pulling me close and into a hug.
"Nooo, don't go."Ink sleepily mumbles
He mumbled some more but I couldn't understand him. I tried to free myself but Ink had a tight grip. I look around to see if anyone was seeing my issue and could help, like Blue or someone. I saw Dream in the kitchen doorway, watching with a heartbroken look on his face. He knew what Ink was dreaming, but I didn't have a clue. Dream took a taco, then went to the doorway again. He looks at me and signed sorry with his hands at me, making each letter, then ran up the stairs and out of sight. What did Ink dream of? What did Blue say? What's going on?
"HeYa, InK! WaKe Up!" I say, trying to get out of his grip.
Ink sleepily mumbled something, then kissed the forehead of my skull. He then rested his head on the couch again. I felt my face light up. Was he dreaming of kissing someone? But he keeps responding to my voice like it me?
"InK!"I say, trying not to shout.
That woke him up. He opened his eyes and looks at me. He had this confused expression on. He must be clueless or have such bad memory that he already forgot his dream. He released me and we sat up. I hid my face in the scarf and look at him.
"Hey, Error! How are you? You seem upset, what happened?"Ink asks
"TeLl y0u lATer, BluE's c0mINg."I reply
Blue comes over and hands us both tacos while wishing us good rest, happy dreams and a lovely morning. I look at Blue as I munch on the taco.
"BlUe, wHy DIdn'T y0u tElL mE wAKinG INk uP woUlD bE hARd. YoU maDE it s0Und liKe TiCKles w0ulD bE tHe w0rSt ThiNG hE c0uLD d0, bUt iT wAs NoT!"I say
"I thought you would've known. Tickles are bad. Wait, what did he do? Is there something else I have to watch out for?"Blue replies
I look at Ink, then nervously look away. I went silent.
"....NoThiNg."I state
"Ink, what did you dream up and do in your sleep this time?"Blue asks in annoyed tone
I watched Ink's face go rainbow. He had to know some part of the situation now.
"WeLp, Y0u b0th FiGUrE tHat 0ut, I'M gOiNG t0 OuTErTAle."I say
I open a portal to OuterTale and hop through, shutting it quickly behind me. I ran to the cliff I usually go to and sit down. I try to get my emotions and thoughts into place. I realized that the evidence all pointed to me having a crush on Ink.
Why else would I keep Ink when he was healed? Why would I agree to the truce? Why would I want him to stay when Dream came? Why would I say what I did to the puppet? Why would I feel safe and happier than ever with him? Why would I dream of what I did last night? Why would my face light up whenever something happened? Why would I have done anything that I did?
No other reason. I had a crush on Ink. The skeleton I had been enemies with. The other end of our so-called truce. My friend. I crashed on the spot.
When I finished rebooting, I began to question what to do. How would he react? Does he even feel the same? Why? Should I tell him? Should I keep it secret? Why does this taco taste weird? Am I really the destroyer anymore if I don't destroy? Maybe I can "secretly" destroy....
I stop and investigate the taco to find some weird liquid in it. I rummage through it and found one of Blue's tiny bottles. He had told me of them. They have special effects. Each was labeled with an AU that uses the effect. Man, dude, at least hide the evidence! I read a label on the bottle that says Singtale. Oh hell no! Blue is so gonna pay and explain himself later! The destroyer, singing? Are you kidding me? Thank the stars nobody is around in this area and that I left!
I stood and look around to make sure. Sure enough, nobody was around as usual. I made sure this cliff was away from any stupid characters or parts of the timeline that would disturb me with my usual stargazing. I thought for a moment. Maybe the effect can help me. I do need to get it off my chest, cause I may crash if I don't and I'm too scared to tell anybody. I place my feet firmly and think of words to say. Then, I got it.
"To bE y0uNG aNd iN l0vE iN ThE nEw muLTiVeRsE. To nOt kNOw wHo i aM bUt stIlL knoW thAt I'm gOOd LoNg As YoU'rE HerE wiTh Me! To Be drUnK aNd iN lOve In ThE nEw mUlTiVErSe. MidNIgHT inTo moRNiNg tAcOs. BUrnIng THr0Ugh tHe hoUrs tAlKiNg."I sing, my voice glitching and echoing as I did.
"DamN, I liKe Me bETter wHen I'm wItH yOu!
i LIke mE bettER wHen I'M wITh You!
I KnEw frOM tHe firSt tImE, I'd sTAy fOr a loNg tiME 'caUse...I LiKe mE bETteR whEn! I liKe Me betTEr WhEn I'm wItH yOu!"I continue, listening to the echo and glitch that repeats itself.
"I doN't KNoW whAt It iS bUt I gOt thAt fEelInG. WaKiNg uP iN tHis hOUse wiTh yoU, sweAr thE roOM,YeAh, It gOt nO cEiliNg! If We lAy, lEt tHe daY juSt pASs uS bY! I miGHt gEt tO t0o mUcH tALkInG. I miGht hAve tO tELl You soMEthiNg. DaMn,"I sing, pacing the edge and picturing Ink here.
"I likE Me bETter whEN I'm witH yoU!
I liKe mE beTTer whEN I'M wITh yOu!
I kNEw froM tHe fIrSt tiMe, I'd staY FoR a lONg tIme, 'caUse I liKe Me BettER wHen! I LikE mE BETter WHen I'm WItH yoU!"I realize I'm getting too excited and try to calm down.
There's still the chance that he will reject and leave me.
"StAy awHile, StaY awhiLE! sTAy HeRe wItH Me! STay AwhiLE, STAy AwHile, oH! STay AwhiLE, STAy AwHile! sTAy HeRe wItH Me!STay HeRe WiTh me! I LikE Me bETter WhEN I'm wItH yOu! I LiKe mE BettER WHen I'm wItH yOu! I KnEw frOM tHe firSt tImE, I'd sTAy fOr a loNg tImE 'caUse I like me better! WHen! I liKe mE BETter WHen I'm wItH yOu!"I sing more calmly.
I waited for the echo to fade.
"BeTTer WhEN, I LikE Me bETter WHen I'm wItH yOu!"I states, the effects of the liquid fading as well now.
Now, to get the thing off my chest. I take a deep breath, ready to yell.
"I lOvE InK SaNs!"I yell as loud as I can
I sigh, relieved. That felt good to get out. Plus, the echoes did not have my glitchy sound so it was hard to tell who it was. It was getting fainter too by the second. I sat back down and stargazed for a bit. Then, I heard an echo of words that weren't mine nor sounded like me.
"I-!"the echo yells
I was confused, but didn't have to wait long to hear it again. And I was shocked.
"I love Error Sans!"The echo confessed.
The echo was already too faint for me to recognize. But this didn't make sense. Who would love me? Do they know me? Do they know I'm here? What's going on? My thoughts were racing but I decided to go back to the house before Blue gets worried or whoever that person was finds me.
When I came, Ink was watching TV and humming what I guessed was Tokoyovania. Blue was nowhere in sight. I nervously sat down beside Ink, already feeling my face light up. I searched my mind for a topic starter as I lifted my scarf to hide my face. Guess it wasn't enough because Ink stops what he was doing and rests his hand on my forehead, as if checking for something.
"WhAt aRe y-y-yOu dOiNg?"I ask
"Checking for a fever. Ever since I brought you here, your face has been turning as yellow as a star at the most random of times. Your face feels warm. Are you okay?"Ink says
"Oh. O-OkAy. I'm oK, InK. ThAt iS nOt bEcAusE oF a FeVEr, iT sEeMS tO bE nAtURaL, liKe yOuR RaInBoW."I tell him
Ink lowers his hand and lifts his scarf over his face quickly. He looks at me with a nervous grin and his eye lights small purple X's. The rainbow glowed through the scarf and peeks from under it below his eyeholes.
"W-What rainbow? H-hehe."Ink asks, nervously trying to laugh.
"ThE oNe aCroSs yOUr fAcE rIIigGGHtt HeRe!"I say, touching his cheek lightly with a finger.
He squeaks in surprise. I had to hold back a chuckle from finding it adorable.
"HeY sHoRtIE, wHaT iS It AnYWay?"I ask teasingly
"Shaddup! Besides, it's nothing. Now if you excuse me, I have to go find Blue. He put some of my extra vials in my taco and I lost my self-control. He saw it and I think he deserves some 22B."Ink says, then runs off.
I grab his arm. He got tricked with tacos too? Was Blue planning something?
"WaIt, hE dId thAt? So tHere Was soMethInG pUt iN yoUr taCo, tOo?"I ask
"What? Yes, he did! Please don't tell me he used an extra vial on you as well!"Ink says
He then got this nauseous expression. Ink looks away and puked ink out but his brush was nearby and sucked it all up.
"It wAs sOmE sOnG lIQuiD aNd I, uH, sAnG iN OuTERtAle, bUt iT cOUld'Ve BEen wOrsE. PlUs, I heArD sOmEonE sAy tHey LoVe mE, wHiCh iS oDd. HeH, whO woUlD lOvE mE, rIgHT?"I say, chuckling nervously.
"You....heard someone? Confess? Do you...know who it was? Cause...I love you, but probably not as much as whoever that person you heard does. Hehe."Ink says nervously, his face becoming more rainbow.
"Ya, I dId. YErp. ButT I cOulD NOt seE 'eM, sO I dIdN'T kNoW wh0. I....I liKe knOwinG tHAt."I say, then did something I hardly do.
I initiated a hug. I pull him in and hug him, watching as his face become more of a rainbow mess. My little skittle.~❤️ He looks up at me, one of his eyes a heart, the other a star. Both of us knew the last time I did this was when Dream came and what I said. I still cannot believe I am falling for him. I then released him and he ran off to do 22B. I sat and wondered about what's happening, what has happened and what will.
I hear Blue yell for help through forces laughing, pleading Ink to stop. Next, Blue ran and sat beside me. I look at him as he taps my shoulder, instantly taken out of my thoughts.
"So? How was singing and then hearing someone say they love you? Sounds like a secret admirer situation since you dunno who it is. What did you sing? I still regret nothing, except what I caused Ink....The Magnificent Sans messed up on that and regrets it. I won't tell anyone."Blue says
I knew Blue well. I knew he wouldn't stop until I tell him, but at the same time, if he can keep our friendship a secret as well as Ink and mine's, then he could certainly keep this one.
"It wAs sTranGe, NeW aNd suRprIsiNG. I..."I begin, then whisper everything to Blue about my song and the situation.
"WHaT hApPEneD to hIm AnYWaY? AnD wHy dOeS hIs fAcE tuRn RaInBOW?"I ask
"Oh! The rainbow that you're talking of is probably across his face right? That's his blush! I was wondering when you'd notice it after all the times he's had it! And...let's just say he was very hyper and made his own puppet."Blue says
I was surprised. That's what the rainbow was? The cause of his skittle-like appearance? So, it was like my yellow blush? Thank goodness he doesn't know that's what mine is! But why does he blush only around or with me? Hmm....Wait he made a puppet?I was silent. I look at Blue, questioning if I should ask. He must've saw my questioning look because he spoke again.
"And may I say you look nice as a puppet! I bet he made it while under the vials control and his face a rainbow for the same reasons that you blush, care about your puppet of him so much, and sang that song!"Blue says
He made a puppet....of me of all skeletons? What? Blue has to be lying! Is he hinting that Ink loves me in that way? Could he...? No! Ink said! He couldn't possibly! If I say I don't then why would he? But I what does that mean? Argh! Why are emotions that are positive so confusing? Negative ones are so much easier to understand and solve!
I heard a sneeze that sounded like a kitten's. Aww, cute.
"Blue! What are you telling Error?! I sneezed meaning someone's talking about my secrets! And you tell all of my secrets! I'm guessing it's you! Don't make me come over and do 23B! I bet your bro would love another chance to do it!"Ink yells, appearing at the stairs.
Wait what?!? That was him?! I just called his sneezes cute! Ohmystarsoh- ohmystarsohmystarsohmystars! Don't crash! Don't crash! Don't crash! Don't-!
"What? Name three times! I ain't saying anything!"Blue denied
Ink took out his phone, typing on it, then tucks it away. He lifts his hand, hiding his fingers. He glares at Blue. He lifts one finger.
"You told Dream that I'm soulless when I specifically told you not to!"Ink states
He lifts a second finger.
"You showed Dream and Dust my diary a few weeks back at some sleepover you held! Why was Dust even there and not Error may I add?"Ink states
I lift a finger.
"GOoD poInt. DuSt nOr BlUe SpOke of SoMe sLeEpOvEr. PlUs ThAt's mEaN. NoT evEn I wOuLd dO tHat. YoU hAve soMe eXplaIninG lAter."I say, a bit jealous that an ally of mine got to go and have fun with Ink and Blue but not me.
Blue was my first good friend, besides Nightmare's gang.
Blue got a panicked look on his face. Ink lifted a third finger.
"You told Fell about my vials after accidentally leaving it as his place! Why'd you even have it? And why couldn't you have just done what humans do and plea the fifth to not answer!"Ink snaps.
Blue was silent.
"BlUe. ExPlAin."I say
"Fine. I didn't invite you, Error because I knew you and Ink weren't on good terms. And I did not feel like having my house littered with Ink and strings and arrows, knowing how you guys fought as well as Dream. Dust had begun to hang out with me and I saw no issue with it. Dust gave me all his weapons at the door with Dream and my bro to see. He's....just a good friend!"Blue says, a cyan blue spreading across his face.
"Ooo, sOmEonE haS a CruSh. I'lL tElL mY pAl DusT yOu saiD tHat."I tease.
"Shut up! Do not! Unlike you and Ink! And third, I had it because you lost it and Fell offered to help me find ya. He would've gotten suspicious if I did that! Besides, what did five have to do with that situation? Nothing! Now please don't call my bro!"Blue snaps
There was a knock at the door. I realize what Ink did and smile. Sneaky. Clever. Evil. Vengeful. I like it. Sweet payback. But, I dive behind a couch as Ink went to open the door. Blue's brother, Swap!Pap did not like me. I heard footsteps and Blue gasping in fear and shock.
"Hey, bro. I heard you caused another 23B. Such a shame. Oh well, maybe this time you'll learn your lesson. More fun for me. Thanks, Ink. I'll be taking him home."Swap!Pap says
"Gah! No! Mwehehehehe! Stop! Mwehehehe! Bro, please put me down!! Ink! Mwehhehe! You'll pay! Hehe! You'll pay!"Blue yells, laughing
I heard the door shut and the sound of Blue laughing faded. I look to see Blue being carried and tickled out of sight by his big bro. I got out from behind the couch and checks my injuries to find them basically gone. I smile and roll down my sleeves. I look to my left to find Ink coming over quickly. He grabs me by the scarf and yanks me down and forward. We're now face to face. I smirk.
"Ya kNOw, ShOrtiE, If yA just wAnteD tO bE aT eYe lEvEl, I coUlD'Ve knElt oR PiCked yA Up."I tease
"Quiet you. Now what did Blue tell ya?"Ink snaps, giving me the most serious glare I've ever seen, holding my scarf firmly
"OnLY aBOut sOmE rAiNbOw BlUsH oF yOuRs. AnD I heAr yA mAdE a pUpPeT oF mE." I say
He let go of the scarf quickly, his face becoming an adorable rainbow blushing mess. He steps back and looks away.
"He is so gonna pay later."Ink says
Ink looks at the couch and his face became even more of a rainbow skittle color. He frowns and quickly ran off with his brush, muttering revenge is required.
I was confused. What did he see on the couch? I go over and sit on the couch but when I lean back, I felt something behind me. I turn and felt my face light up. Oh ya, Blue was gonna pay.
There sat my Ink puppet with what seemed to be Ink's puppet of me. The detail of it was pretty good and cool to see. But Blue wasn't in trouble for the puppets being on the couch, though I want to know how he got the Ink one away from me. They were positioned to look like they were kissing. Now I knew, Blue was trying to set us up for something like that to happen. A kiss. Love. Whatever you wanna call it. And seeing as he knows my feelings about Ink, he will use that to help him. But, I already have a revenge idea. Oh, when Blue returns, he's dead.
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