Chapter 68:Clues and Hobbies
(above is a little doodle I made with a base cause why not)
Geno's POV
After a quick chat with an alternate me in my head, I walk around and figure out telling by what I heard who was being mean to Reaper. Certain things they said went too far. These people are Dust, Error, Nightmare, and Cross. Palette and Goth were upset, but now learned of what he did and were looking to forgive him...eventually. Ink had been the only one to listen and believe S!Geno or S!Reaper, so he says he forgives Reaper. E!Pap, Ink!Pap, and Blue have no clue of the events, only that I was gone and that I'm back. Raven is looking to see what will happen to decide on where he stands. Shino is oblivious to it all. Who knows what Dream thinks and knows.
I find the four huddled and talking in the kitchen about Reaper. They were theorizing that he sided with Fresh and Epic or the enemies and just came back with me, S!Geno and S!Reaper to keep trust and an alibi. They were honestly wrong and giving him too much credit. Reaper hardly is able to plan much, let alone something as complex as that. Plus, he means well and hates those people as much as they do. He would never side with them. He doesn't even know what an alibi is! I just roll my eye-light and keep walking, pounding a fist against the fridge to get their attention. I slip out of the room before they turn or see me. On the fridge, with one of Raven's "approval stickers" and hung up by Errror's own string was a list Reaper got put there labeled:"Jerks to kill List" On it was each of the enemies:E!Gaster, Fresh, Epic, etc. I feel they need a reminder of this list before they say any more stupid things.
"Hey, wait a sec. Guys, stop. I don't think allies would have a list to kill each other. Plus, this is Reaper we're talking about."Cross says, coming to his senses
"AnD?"Error asks
"Chara shut up. Just listen."Cross mutters
"Hmm...Cross has a point. Reaper is smart enough to fight and use flirty lines on Geno, but he hardly is smart enough to do much else. Heck, he falls for a kid like Shino's magic tricks! One of those pick a card any card ones! He may have done wrong but...."Dust says
"We're no different. We all have done so at some point. And do you see how he cares for Geno or any of us? And we of all people are not innocent little angels. Maybe we should give him another chance and believe the other Geno or other Reaper's story. There's a difference between being obliviously rude and an intentional jerk and traitor. We're all under a lot of pressure, I'm sure it was just getting to him. Also, Geno's here now. It's gonna be ok."Cross explains
"Hmph, my senses never lie. And I know the mistakes of the past, I just want to be certain that he isn't like Dream. I will forgive him when I'm sure that he is sincere and isn't up to anything."Nightmare says
"I'm sTaYiNg nEuTrAl. DuNno yEt. NeEd tO cLeAr mY hEaD fRoM aNgEr."Error says
"Thank you both for finally coming to see the light!"S!Reaper suddenly shouts
"Gah!"Cross shouts
"Ack! Let me go!"Dust says
I peek in and see they were getting hugged by S!Reaper. Error and Nightmare seemed glad to not be in it. Nightmare certainly hasn't gotten a hug but isn't looking for one. Error's reason is obvious. S!Geno comes running over to help break them up. I smile. I knew they just needed a lil push.
"Hey..."A voice says, a hand getting placed on my shoulder
I turn and it's E!Pap. I look up at him.
"Oh! SoRrY! I tHoUghT yOu wErE ReaPeR."He says
I look at him confusedly. Why would he think that?
"YoU arE wEaRinG hIs clOak. EvErYoNe tHiNks yOu ArE iN yOuR rOom. Didn'T yOu kNoW?"E!Pap says
I'm what? I look down and sure enough I'm wearing the cloak. It was a lot bigger on me than I expected. But I jolt at this discovery, feeling my face warm. How? When? Why? Huh?
Ya, your Reaper wanted me to distract you. That's why I spoke with you so suddenly. He used his magic to get it on you while you're distracted. He says it was to help you out. He knows that you didn't really want attention and everyone would ignore him, so he saw that as a solution. Plus, he knows it would hide your eye and other features. And he thought you were cold, so it may warm you up and help with your "fever" that you got.
Oh, ok, so that makes sense.
"I gUeSs hE suRpRiSeD yA. I cAN tElL bY y0ur rEActi0n. Eh, I wAs g0NnA aSk y0u aNyWay. BoTh oF y0u wErE g0nNa gEt tHiS qUEsti0n."E!Pap says
"What question?"I sign
"AnY pLaNs fOr ValEnTiNeS dAy? It iS tOmOrRow."He says
"Why would think I of all people have plans for that day?"I sign
"BecAuSe yOu ArE iN lOVe wItH ReApEr!"He says with great enthusiasm
I look at him and wave my hands, looking around nervously. My face is so warm now. I got caught.
"Don't say it so loud!"I sign
"So I'm rIgHt?"He asks
I nod.
"You're the first to figure it out, E!Pap, out of everyone. You're quite observant. Must be a gift. But please keep this between you and me!"I sign
He smiles.
"Ok...So d0 yOu?"he asks
I hesitate a bit. I nod.
"Can you help me with it? You do have copies of photos from that scrapbook of yours, right?"I sign
He gets real excited. He looks at me, grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs, taking me to his room. He gets the scrapbook out, putting it at a desk surrounded in photos and has me sit at it. He opens it and I start to flip through it. He searches about to make sure he didn't miss any in the room. So many memories rose from the notes and the photos. Each page was wonderfully put together. Then, towards the back, there were pages dedicated to each friend and even, each pair. Memories for all of them. There were some pages for Ink&Error, Blue&Dust, Goth&Palette, one WIP for Reaper and I even. After that was some pages being saved for his prediction:Dream&Cross. A loving brother and friend has no limits I guess. I sit there and gaze at the pages full of memories. I smile. This is amazing. I hear E!Pap behind me.
"WoAh."He says in awe
I look at him.
"I hAvEn'T sEeN aNyOne bEsIdEs ErRor enJoy wHaT I mAkE. Did I d0 g00d?"He asks
"You did great! This is amazing! Can....Can you show me how to make one? I want to give Reaper one."I sign
He gets overjoyed again and nods. I take some photos out of my jacket pocket after slipping an arm within the cloak. I pull it out and we get to work. We worked for hours happily. It is fun and E!Pap made it easy to understand or easy to do. I smile at the result. We begin even making the box. I place the book in and put the lid on top. I had him promise me something after I got a really bad feeling, like something was gonna go wrong. I didn't think it would but wanted to be safe. Then the door opens with a loud slam, making me jump and teleport randomly.
I appear outside in the backyard. I find Ink sitting there, painting something on a canvas. I watch him curiously. It's been a while since I've seen him create something.
"Hello, Reaper."Ink says without glancing
I stiffen up. This cloak....
He glances at me.
"Have you and Geno made up? Are your alternate selves telling the truth?"Ink asks
I nod and give a thumbs up.
"Ah, good. Glad to hear it. Thank you for helping him, then."He says
I nod. I glance at the painting. It was a basic outline so far. I could make out the outline of two people, a big heart, a sun to the left and a moon to the right. He notices my glance.
"Oh! This will be a gift for tomorrow to Glitchy! We may be different and that seems to be on his mind lately, but this painting will show him that differences makes things better. Makes him better. Hehe. Kinda like someone I know has done after I taught them."He says, his face a slight rainbow
I give him a thumbs up again. Then I see something odd. The painting was rising up. I point to it and Ink turns.
"Glitchy!"He snaps
"Hehe, yOu cAtCh On fAst."Error says, dropping down from a tree above us
He makes some strings disappear and the painting lands in his hands. He glances at it curiously. He chuckles.
"WhAt? Is DrEaM hAvInG yOu mAkE sOmEtHiNg fOr hIm aNd NiGhTmArE? DoEs hE eVen kNoW NiGhTmArE iS hErE? AnD hE dOeS kNoW tHat iT wiLl tAkE mOrE tHaN sOmE aRt t0 gEt bAcK oN gOoD tErMs wItH NiGhTmAre, rIgHT?"Error says
"He is not. I dunno if he knows. But that's just plain obvious."Ink says
"ThEn wHaT iS iT?"Error asks
"It's a painting."Ink says
"I kn0w thAt, y0u dOrk."Error says, lifting it out of Ink's reach
"Glitchy give it back!"Ink snaps, trying to reach it and failing
"AwWw, sHoRtiE cAnNot rEaCh?"He teases
"Error!"Ink yells
"LeT mE giVe yOu a lIfT."Error says, grabbing Ink and lifting him up
Error pulls Ink closer and kissed him. Ink froze up, carefully gripping the painting he finally managed to reach. Their faces lit up. Error lowers him down gently and smiles proudly.
"What was that for, Glitchy?"Ink asks
"WhAt? I caN't mEss wItH mY swEeT sKiTtLe sHoRtIe? ThAt wAs yOuR eArLy gIfT. FoR y0u."He replies smoothly
"Gift? Huh?"Ink says confusedly
"FoR tOmoRrOw, siLly."He says
Ink goes silent. He looks away from Error but didn't take the painting. He hugs Error, his face a rainbow.
"Thanks, GliTchY."Ink says
Error pats his head.
"My pLeAsUre, InKy."He says
Error puts the painting down. They looked so sweet. He smiles and Ink held him in a gentle hug. Their faces were very bright. He sees me and narrows his eyes. He fires some strings but I teleport back to my room. I drop down and press against the door. I sigh with relief. That was close. I reach up and lock the door. I lower my hood and smile. I shut my eyes and think.
"Oh, hey Geno."Reaper's voice says
I open my eyes and see him in front of me.
Shoot. Forgot he was here.
I look at him and he smiles. He gets down to his hands and knees. Then he reaches out to me slowly, placing a hand on my chest. His face is bright and he looks at me happily. I feel my face warm and soul beat faster. He winks at me, which only made me feel even more uneasy. My ears go down.
"So, telling by how you came here alone and seem calm, nobody bothered you? The plan with the cloak worked?"He says
I nod.
"Good. That's what I was hoping for."He says
He slips his hand off my chest. I feel myself relax. He sits in front of me.
"How did things go?"He asks
I give a thumbs up.
"Good."He says
Then he reaches up and feels my face. He placed his hand right on my cheek. I feel my face get brighter. My soul is beating out of control now.
What is he doing? Why do I feel like this? What will happen? Wait....I forgot the gift in E!Pap's room! Dang it!
"Your face is still very warm. You seem to have a fever still. Maybe Science was right when he said you needed rest....Hmmm...."He says
I quickly take his cloak off of me and give it to him.
"Or maybe the cloak was making you overheat. Sorry."He says, sitting beside me
I, of course, stay quiet.
He casually puts it on and smiles at me. I look away from him. I look at the doorknob. If I unlock it and go, I could get the gift. But I could run into trouble with others. I could teleport but that uses a lot of energy out of me and I don't know if E!Pap hid it somewhere. I'm already low on energy. Also I want to surprise Reaper. If I leave, he may question my reasons. If I come back with it, he will question what it is. Both ways ruin the surprise for tomorrow.
Maybe I should......
I feel two hands wrap around me and lift me up.
"EEP!"I yelp in surprise, coming out of my thoughts
"Hey! Your voice is starting to come back! And relax, it's just me."Reaper says
I look at him, my soul pounding, realizing that he was right. He lowers me into his lap and wraps his arms around me. My face cools as I relax a bit, but it was still warm. He nuzzles my head. Then, I get an idea.
I put my hand out and try to focus in on the gift. I picture the box in my head as well as its contents. I try to summon that into my hold. A glowing sphere begins to form above my hand. But due to my low energy levels, I am struggling to summon it.
"Are you trying to summon something?"Reaper asks
I nod.
"What is it?"He asks
"B-x."I say, my voice faint and broken
It still needs time to return and gain strength.
"Okay, let me help."He says, putting a hand over mine
His hand glows a bit but he was giving magic to the sphere. He shuts his eyes, smiling. I focus on summoning the gift, being the only one who knows what it is.
It lands in my hands, wrapped and all. I look at Reaper and smile. My ears go up. But I'm very relaxed. He stops nuzzling my head but rests his hand at my chin.
"Th__k --u."I say
"No problem....Geno...Anything to help you."He tells me
Then, he breathes slower and at a calmer pace. His eyes stay closed, the smile never leaving his face. I smile and gaze at him for a few moments. Then I open the box that wasn't completely wrapped to add some final touches and make sure everything is inside.
Clue #2, Reaper, is coming soon.
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