Chapter 60:Geno....
A day or two later, Error POV
I lean back and smile. I let out a sigh of relief and relax. I've finally dried off from Reaper's STUPID prank. I've also completed my first web. I lean back in it and find that being a spider has its perks. I can get around unbothered or noticed, or see things in secret or at a new angle which is cool. I can prank people without them even knowing it's me, sorry not sorry Dream. Plus, I can find smaller and nicer spots to hide and relax in, just like now.
It's so peaceful, so quiet. Something I haven't heard in a while. I savor it. I smile and begin to rock side to side gently in the web. I begin to wonder about Ink. Everyone says that they haven't seen him but Ink!Pap recalls saying he's going to get some more ingredients to cook or bake with. Still, I have my worries. But then I begin to think of how I can mess with him, guessing he does not know that I am a spider. I smirk at these thoughts.
But then I hear loud, thundering footsteps. I open my eyes to see a hand reaching out to grab me. I press back but still got grabbed. Error signs fill my vision as the fingers poke me.
"What a strange spider. I haven't seen one like you before!"A voice says
I couldn't speak. They, whoever they are, was squeezing my skull. Error signs clog my visions. I use my extra arms to try and shove the hand away.
"Oh! I'm sorry! Am I hurting you? I'll let go!"The person says, releasing me
I nod and smile a bit as thanks. I look at them once my vision clears up. They looked like Geno, except wearing different clothes, without the injury shown on their shirt, looked more childish and had a different voice. They kneel down.
"So, what AU are you from? I'm from Goth's if you know him. I'm Shino, by the way, his little sister."They say
"NoNe."I say
"What? I can't hear you. And what's your name? If you have one."She says
I look at my web and work on it. I make it saymy name on it. I look at her and she nods.
"Do you know where my bro is now? I hear that he came back from Raven's."She says
I point to the stairs leading up. She nods. Then gets a smirk.
"HEY INK! Come up here! I found Error!"She yells, picking me up
"WoAh, wOAh, woaH! PuT mE dOwn!"I yell
"Really?"Ink asks
"Yep!"She says
"I'm coming!"Ink says
"He's been worried. He doesn't know you're a spider and nobody told him, so he thought you went missing. The last time he 'saw you' turned out to be someone faking as you who took him."She says
"He wAs tAkeN?!" I exclaim
"You didn't know? Everyone says he went missing the day Blue died."She says
"BluE dIed?!"I ask
"Ya. How clueless are ya?"She says
"I waS rEbOoTiNg aNd wHen I fiNiSheD, sOmeoNe kNoCkEd mE oUt fOr wHo kNoWs hOw loNg! WhEn I wOkE up, I was a SpIdEr iN a BoX iN a ClOsEt! TheN I geT oUt anD DusT giVes mE BluE's sCarF. NobOdy tOld mE aNyThinG!!"I say
"Ah, I see...Well, on the bright side, everyone escaped. Blue was brought back to life and Ink insisted on bringing me to reunite with my brothers. I'm grateful for that. Oh, I'm sure he or Blue can tell you all about the Smokey Quartz incident! Hehe!"She explains
I look at her confusedly.
"You said you found Error?"Ink asks
I see him coming down the stairs. He's wearing a flower crown. Shino nods. Then, Shino flings me into the air. I panic and websling some string and pull myself to the ceiling. I gaze down. Ink looks around the room, then at Shino.
"You just missed him!"Shino says, looking up
"Ah, ok."He says
"Wait, you're wearing the gift I made you!"She says
"Of course! You did a lovely job!"He says
"Thank you! I'm glad you like it!"She says
I then get an idea. While they chat, I create something with my strings. I work on the ceiling. I move silently, quickly and with delicate detail. I feel like I was back in my anti-void, using Ink's brush again. Soon, I completed my work. Crotchetting skills came in handy. Now, I wait for a good moment. One where Inky is too distracted to notice.
Goth enters the room. Shino explodes with joy. Perfect.
"Goth! Big brother!"Shino cheers
"Shino!"Goth says
Shino runs over to Goth. Goth picks her up into a hug. They laugh a bit and chat happily with each other. I smile. They sure are overjoyed to be reunited. They seem so happy.
I take the chance and slowly, very carefully, inch down from the ceiling on a thread of string. I gently place the creation on Inky's head, resting just above the flower crown. I climb back to the ceiling and smile.
"Thank you so much for helping Shino, Ink. I owe you. I really apprecciate it. I-"Goth says
"You don't owe me Goth. We're friends, and friends help friends. Plus, there was no way I was gonna leave her with them."Ink says, stopping him
"Ok then, if you say so. Also, I see you got a flower crown."Goth says
"I made it!"Shino says
"Shino did give it to me. I like it."Ink says
"And the crown of string?"Goth asks
"Huh?"Ink asks
"The one on your head. It says INKY and is just above the flower one. Didn't you put it on?"Goth asks
"No, I didn't...."Ink says, his face brightening
Shino looks up and smiles at me, knowing what I did. She points to me and starts yelling.
"Spider Error! Spider Error!"She shouts
I crawl away along the ceiling and websling upstairs before any of them looked up. And who do I websling into? Right into my friend from the undead. Blue.
"Heya buddy! I was wondering when I'd run into ya!"Blue says
"WhO ThE hElL wAs ThE oNe wHo kIlLeD YoU?! WhAt'S tHe SmOkEy QuaRtZ iNcIdEnT?! BlUe! I dIdN'T kNoW wHaT hApPeNeD! I'M sOrRy! I-I sHoUlD'Ve...I-I-I-!"I tell him
He picks me up in his hand from the thread I hang from. I hug his hand. I struggle to speak. He smiles and ssshhh's me.
"Error, it's ok. Dream sent me to find Cross but Cross killed me when I did. You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm guessing, telling by the name of that incident, you've met Shino?"He says
Now do I kill Cross or X!Chara? Or Dream, perhaps?
I nod.
"Heh, that kid. Well, the best way to put it is that Ink and I fused as part of the escape and it is the reason I'm back. When we unfused, part of Ink's soul went to me."He explains, showing me half of a soul in his stats
"It'S aLReAdY iN tHe AlBuM thAnKs tO tHat KIdDo!"Papy says from down the hall
"ThEn wHy iS iT cAlLed a SmOkEy QuArTz iNcIdEnT?"I ask
"It's a character's name from a show she watched. Steven Universe and honestly, I can see it with Blue and Ink."Geno says, coming over
"Hey Geno!"Blue says
The show sounds familiar. Isn't it a kid's cartoon show?
"Hey, Blue."Geno says
"SinCe wHeN dId yOu wAtCh StEvEn UniVerSe?"I ask Geno
"Since she made me binge watch it with her. The show ain't bad, not at all. She's a good kid, so I didn't mind."Geno says
"I sEe yOu bOth gOt flOwEr cRowNed."I say
"Yep, and Reaper if I'm not mistaken."Blue says
"It's her sign of grattitude for Blue bringing her here. Reaper and I are for another reason...."Geno says
"BeInG hEr aLtErnAtE pArEnTs? BeInG a MaMa BeAr To hEr? And ReApEr dOes sEem sIlLy eNoUgh tO kEeP hEr hApPy."I say
"I'm NOT a Mama Bear!"Geno says
"You do seem to be protective of them, Geno."Blue says
"LiKe a MaMa BeaR."I say
Geno shakes his head in denial.
"We are on the edge of a flower-crown-apocalypse. You have no clue what she's hiding in this house or creating."Geno says
"How's Reaper? You two on good terms?"Blue asks
"Reaper's good. We're on great terms to be honest. He's the greatest friend I have."Geno says
"Is Reaper still tiny?"Blue asks
"Yep and he looks adorable with his little flower crown. Wait....You didn't hear that from me!"Geno says
"SoUnDs lIkE GenO iS geTTinG a CrUsH.~"I tease
"You. Error. Spider. I will squash you if you don't shut up."He says, his face turning red
I notice the hidden message and smirk.
"No pRomIsEs.~"I say
"We all know that he is a spider Geno. You point out the obvious."Blue says
Geno sighs with relief that he doesn't catch on.
"Geno! Are you trying to be caught or attacked?"Ink!Pap snaps, coming down the hall
"Huh?"Geno says
Blue and I look at each other, confused at first. Ink!Pap facepalms. We look at them and see what he meant. Geno was still wearing his regular clothes. He sticks out like a sore thumb. Ink!Pap grabs Geno and drags him away.
"Let's go!"He says
"Wha-Huh?"Geno says in confusion
Blue and I look at each other in confusion. We chuckle. This oughta be interesting.
A little while later
By now, I have made a new web in a corner of the living room, right up in the ceiling. I watch everyone chitter and chatter, Ink still looking around the place curiously. I'm planning to see him in private, not knowing how he may react with others around. Now, the living room is empty, everyone doing different things in other rooms. In walks Geno, still wearing the flower crown but in a different outfit. He holds his scarf in one hand. His face is turning red. At first I don't know why, but then I see who was with him and smirk. Reaper. He clings to Geno's shoulder and whispers stuff to Geno. He wears a white flower crown, but would be more of a bracelet if he was his normal size. He then begins to nuzzle his head against Geno's head. This was clearly making Geno uneasy.
"R-R-Reaper! Quit it!"Geno stutters
"Can't stop, won't stop."Reaper says, followed by kissing Geno's cheek
"You can, you just don't want to."Geno says
"Maybe.~"Reaper says
Geno looks away but then made eye-contact with me. He subtly gestures to Reaper with his gaze telling me not to say a word, maybe leave even, and help him with Reaper. I nod and give the silent gesture of being quiet and prepare my strings.
"You took off your scarf?"Reaper asks
"Ya. Ink!Pap would kill me if I kept anything that would give me away on. He is trying to make an eye-patch and convince me to remove the glitches over my eye."Geno says
"I bet you'd look awesome."Reaper says, placing a tiny hand on Geno's neck
"Sh-Shut up, you idiot."Geno says
There was a ding sound. Reaper takes out his phone.
"I have to go to work."He says, hopping over Geno's shoulder
Geno got this alarmed expression when he says this. He quickly lifts his hands up and catches Reaper in them. He had tucked his scarf away. Reaper jumps and his flower crown fell off to the floor.
"Wait! Are you sure that's a good idea?"Geno asks
"Yes. If I don't do it, who will? Nobody. Only idea I can do."Reaper says
"But what if something happens?"Geno asks
I could hear the worry in his voice. I remember something that I witnessed yesterday and quickly understand his worry. I climb off my web and slowly move along the wall. Geno has every reason to be worried and I'm ready to support him on it.
"Then I'll handle it. I'll be fine. I'll be back before you know it."Reaper tells him and it shocked me what was hinted in his tone
"Y-You don't know that! Nobody can tell the future."Geno says, his voice shaking
Reaper looks away from Geno.
"Are we friends?"Reaper asks
"H-Huh?"Geno stutters
"Are you my friend, Geno?"Reaper asks
Oh he isn't! He isn't pulling that card on him! He better not be! Hell nah!
"Yes, I am."Geno says
"Then you can let me handle it. That's what friends do. I can handle it on my own. Back off."Reaper snaps at Geno
He did! That's it! I begin to summon my strings again, but stop when Geno opens his mouth to speak
"I'm sorry....I'm just trying to help like friends also do. Aren't you my friend, too, Reaper?"Geno asks
Reaper is silent. He looks at Geno. Geno gazes down at him in his hands, looking very distressed. Reaper had to of seen this or he's a blind idiot.
"Yes, Geno. I'm your friend."He says
"And you know of our situation?"Geno asks
"Yes."Reaper says
"Then why won't you let me help you? Protect you? That's what friends do and you can't deny that because you've helped or protected me plenty of times."Geno asks shakily
"Because unlike you, I don't need it. I'm strong enough."Reaper says coldly, looking away again
Anger boils in me. Calling him weak!
Geno is silent.
Then, Reaper grows back to his normal size. Geno holds Reaper in the grasp of his arms closely, which catches Reaper off guard. Reaper looks at Geno, who looks away from him.
"I love you, Geno."He says, kissing Geno on the same cheek
This idiot.
Both of their faces light up. I could see Geno was torn among emotions and scrabling to get his mind in order again just by his gaze. Oh, they were so full of life in the conversation he had with Blue and I. Now that liveliness in his eyes drained away. Reaper looks at him and this time, Geno returns the gaze with a cold one.
"Are you still gonna go?"Geno asks
Reaper nods.
"Fine. Go then. Not my fault if something happens then. At least I know the truth about your empty words."Geno says, dropping him
"Geno!"Reaper shouts
Geno leaves the room, heading out to the backyard and slamming the door behind him. It's silent. Reaper slowly gets up. I slow clap him, but of course with more arms now got to do it with three pairs, making three very slow claps.
"Ya, thAt wAs tHe wRoNg aNsWeR yOu iDiOt."I say, coming down on a string
"Oh! Hey, Error!"Reaper says casually
"DoN'T aCt cAsUaL, I sAw anD heArd tHe eNtIre tHinG. WhAt wAs gOiNg tHrOuGh yOuR sKuLl ReApEr?"I snap
"What? I have a job to do!"He says
"Ya! It'S cAlLed bEiNg GenO's fRiEnD! A gOoD oNe tOo! YoU kNoW tHe siTuAtIon aND guEsS whaT! YoU'Re jOb Is bEiNg haNdLeD! ThE MUltIvErsE iS bEiNg dEstRoYed!"I bark at him
"But I am his friend."He says
I see Geno's scarf and part of his glitch peeking out from the door frame. He's there. He's listening, probably. Maybe Reaper will fix it during his chat with me.
"Oh ReAlLy?"I ask
"Yes and that's all we ever will be. Nothing more, nothing less."Reaper says
I see the scarf wrinkle and scrunch, meaning Geno tensed. Then, the flower crown fell. The scarf and glitch disappear from the door view. He had to be soul-broken now.
"WeLl nOw yOu seT tHat iN sTonE. ConGrAts! YoU reAlLy fOolEd uS aLl!"I snap
"What do you mean?"He asks
"YoU maDe Us aLl tHinK yOu wErE iNtO GeNo. BuT I gUeSs It wAs juSt sOmE gAme tO yOu. A gAmE tHat pLaYed wItH anD hUrT GenO's feElInGs!"I yell at him
"What are you talking about? I do love him!"Reaper says
"WeLl tHen yOu diDn'T aCT lIkE iT! AnD ThaT wOulD bE cOnSiDeReD mOre ThaN fRieNds!"I say
"I'm just accepting how he sees us."Reaper says
I shake my head and take out my phone. I find a video and play it.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Or hOw yOu tHinK hE sEeS yOu. AnD usInG tHe fRieNdsHip CArd on Him waS nOt a GoOd moVe."I say
"Ok, maybe that wasn't the best choice, but what do you know about Geno of all people and his feelings?"Reaper says
"A lOt mOrE tHAN yOu apPaReNtlY. YoU reAlLy aRe a BlInd iDioT."I say
"I'm not blind! Science says I have 20/20 vision!"Reaper says
I take out my phone and call Science. I put him on speaker.
"Hello?"Science says
"HeY sCieNce. I'm jUst wOndErInG hOw gOoD ReApEr'S vIsIOn iS."I say
"Are we including Geno and his feelings into the equation?"He asks
"Mhm."I say
"Oh! Then, in scientific terms, he's as blind as a bat! Geno, his feelings mainly, could hit him in the face and Reaper still wouldn't know what hit him. Certainly doesn't help Geno and what he's going through. Poor Geno....."Science says
"I sEe...ThanKs bUd!"I say
"No prob!"Science says, then hangs up
"What are you trying to say? What did Science mean?"Reaper asks
"YoU mEsSed uP. YoU mEsSed uP wIth GeNo, yOu iDiOt. He'S gOiNg tHrOuGh a LoT rIgHt nOw, yA kNoW. WhaT yOu jUsT dId dOeSn'T hElp. YoU hUrt....nO, bRoKe hiM."I say, grabbing his arms with string and pulling him closer
"AnD I dOn'T tAKE mY fRiEndS gEttInG hUrt lIghTlY. So qUIT bEiNg clUeLESs oR wE'Re gOnnA hAve iSsUeS."I say
"What did I do wrong?"He asks
"ThInk fOr OnCe anD maYbe iT wIlL oCcuR to yOu! I'D lIkE tO sEe yOu tRy hAnDlIng tHe siTuaTioN wiTh alL thE rIskS and EvEryThiNg hApPeNIng, kEeP a ProMisE t0 yoUr aLtErnAte sElF tHat yOu'lL pRoTecT tHeIr kIds, aNd deAl wIth nIghTmaRes aLmoSt eVerY nIghT! It iSn'T eaSy, tRuST mE fRom Ink's expEriEnce oN tHe nIghTmaRe paRT."I explain
"Wait, Nightmare is giving him issues? I'll kill him!"Reaper says
"NoT tHe pErsOn! ThE eVenT! Ya kNow, bAd dReaMs!"I say
"How do you know he has those?"He asks
"He shOwS tHe sIgnS anD i'Ve wItNeSseD hIm wAkE uP fRom tHem. Let'S jUst sAy yOuR aCtIonS aRe tHe laSt tHinG hE neeDeD."I tell him
He gives me this look like I was speaking wingdings. I could tell he didn't understand and shake my head.
"WhEn hE shOws yOu woRry, yOu soUndEd anNoYed. ThEn yOu qUesTiOn hIs fRieNdShiP wiTh yoU wHen hE jUst wAnTs tO kEeP yOu sAfe iS juSt...UGh......ThEn yOu sNap aT hIm foR iT! TelLinG hIm 'ThAt's wHat fRieNdS dO!' And fOr hIm tO Back oFf! GeNo GaZeD doWn At YoU iN hiS haNds, lOokiNg vEry distrESSed! YoU reJeCt hIm fRom hElPiNg yOu anD baSicAllY caLlEd hiM wEak! YoU clAim tO bE hiS fRieNd bUt yOu tReatEd hIm sO coLdLy! ThaT dOesn'T exActLy saY to hIm, or AnyOne tHaT yOu lOvE tHem aNd wAnT tO hElp. SO wHen You saId yOU loVe hiM, iT sOunDeD lIkE emPty liEs. The vErY laST tHinG He nEeDs RigHt noW wIth evErYthIng. EsPeciAlly fRom yOu oF aLl pEopLe."I explain
Reaper sat there, lost in confusion and a shocked expression on his face.
"You'Re mIsSinG sOMeThiNg. HeRe."I say, shooting a bunch of string into his face, forming a buffering sign
He wipes it off his face. His face was full of shock and was very upset. I shake my head.
"AnD tO pUt thE chErrY on ToP, hE wAs lIsteNinG iN eaRlIEr fRom oUtsIde! So whEn yOu saiD quoTe:'YeS aNd thAt is aLl wE evEr wiLl bE. NotHinG mOre, noTHinG lEsS.', hE hEaRd anD rAn oFf! He mUst tHinK tHat'S yOuR oPiNiON! WhIcH hUrtS hIm moRe! SO tHat'S wHat I meAnt bY yOu sEttInG iT in STonE!"I say
"I don't see why that of all things would bother him..."He says
"Ugh...You'Ve gOt tO be KidDiNG mE! ScIenCe wAs RIGHt. WeLl, wHen yoUr eColoCaTioN rEtUrnS tO yOu aND yOu uNdeRstAnd, tHen wE'll taLk. I'M gOnNa gO fInd hIm anD cOmFoRt hIm lIkE a fRiEnd wOulD."I say, webslinging away
"Error wait!"Reaper yells
I look at him. I look away again.
"He....He tOld mE eArlIeR tHAt yOu'Re tHe gReatEst fRienD hE cOuLd hAve...I jUst...I jUst dOn'T gEt hOw yOu cOulD gO do ThAt anD pRovE hIm wRonG. JusT gO do yOuR 'jOb' ReaPer. It wAs sO iMpoRtanT afTer aLL."I say, then keep webslinging.
Poor Geno.....
I find Geno outside. Night has fallen and he laid behind a tree in the backyard. He is curled up in a ball, shaking. I go around and see he's asleep, but was crying recently. I can tell he's shivering and having an unpleasent dream. I quickly make him a blanket out of my string and place it on him. I crawl close to him and hug him, wiping his tears while he rested.
"Don'T wOrRy, GenO. I gOt yOu. It'S gOnNa bE oK. I gOt yA, bUd."I assure him
He opens his eyes slightly and smiles at me.
"Thank you so much, Error. You're the best."He says with a trembling voice
I hug him and he sleepily dozes back off.
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