Chapter 53:Tasks and Rivers
"Your first task is to take Killer to Ink. I know he's been reset to when he had a soul. So, Killer will do his name and perhaps Error will finally come to his senses."Nightmare says
I nod.
Nightmare snaps.
"Can't let you get caught so here's a disguise. Also..."Nightmare says
I look and see I was wearing a new outfit. But then, Nightmare slashes me across the face.
"That's a reminder of what I can do."Nightmare says
We discuss details for a few more moments. I was internally angry with him and myself for the situation. I had to find a way out of this. But, until I do, I have to do as he says.
I nod. But then, he teleported me away. I find myself beside Killer and we look at each other. Killer groans and I sigh. I grab him and teleport him to Ink's room. I release him and teleport outside, not wanting to be around when Killer does his task. Guilt overcame me. I walk out from the front steps and into the pouring rain. I lift my hood down and let the rain pour down on me.. I don't want to continue. Any second, I will hear a yell and Ink will be gone. I kneel down in the rain, crying. What have I gotten myself into?
"Hey, are you okay? You should get out of the rain before you get sick."a voice says
I look up and there was Palette. I look down, summoning my scythe. Maybe if I get rid of myself, my soul won't break and stay with Palette so he won't die. Then, Nightmare won't use me. I lift my scythe and aim it at myself. I'm about to swing when someone slaps the scythe out of my hands. I look behind me and it was Palette.
"No! Don't do it!"Palette pleas
He yanks my arm, forcing me to stand.
"W-Why not? I'm not good enough to keep g-going. I did something horrible already."I ask, crying with my voice shaky
"Because I know people have to care about you! I'm sure you can make up for it! Anybody can be good if you try!"Palette says
"D-Do you know me?"I ask
"You seem familiar, I know that."Palette says, taking a coat off and using it to cover us from the rain
"G-Good, because I don't think you'd be proud if you know who I am."I say
"W-What? Wait-"Palette says
I feared he was catching on. I panic and without thinking, I pull him in and kiss him.
I hear a scream of fright which was followed by Error yelling Ink's name. I know I have to get out of here. I release Palette and run, lifting my hood back up. I run until I'm out of sight and sure that I'm not followed. I sigh and go to do my next task.
Many tasks later
"Hey cutie, how you doing?"a skeleton says
"If that's your way to greet someone, don't. If you think your being cool or whatever, you're not."I say
I was now pinned against a wall by another skeleton. I frown, quickly annoyed. I cross my arms. This task I had now was to kill this skeleton, who's been causing Nightmare low-key trouble. He keeps talking and I shake my head.
I summon my scythe and get it the heck over with. I leave the scene, raising my hood. I go down an alley. In it stood Nightmare. I approach him. I'm ready to get my next task. But I also had a question.
"I did it. How many more tasks until I get to go free?"I ask
"Hmm, this next one will be the last since it's replacing you."Nightmare says
He hands me a photo of a skeleton.
"Do whatever you must to bring him here."He says
I nod.
He teleports me to the area that the target is. I walk around, cautious. I see them and approach them. We talk and I explain what I'm here for. He was smart and stubborn. But we made a deal. If he was to replace me like Nightmare said, I had to do him a favor. I agreed, not knowing what he could ask for as a favor. He wraps his arms around me and places my hand around him.
"Let's break some hearts."He says
"Huh? What do you-MMPH!"I begin but get cut off
This dude straight up kissed me. He held me in place so I couldn't move. He then backs up with a grin. I shove him away. The hell?
"You completed your favor. I'll go now."he says
"The Hell? Frick you!"I snap
He runs off. I look around, but didn't see anyone. Did he just use me to break someone's heart? Who? Someone he knows or I know? I shake my head and double check my surroundings.
"Jerk. Well, I'm free now. Time to go."I mutter
I walk around and try to find the spot Nightmare promised I would find my reward that comes with freedom. Dark box under tree by 21st street sign. I walk cautiously and soon find the street sign. I see the box by the tree and approach it. I hear footsteps from behind. I lift my hood, pick up the box and look over my shoulder. Two figures stood a few feet away, watching me. One points at me and that surprised me. I take off in a run, holding the box. I hear them following, based on speedy footsteps from behind. I hop a fence and leap from the fence onto the roof of a building. I run and leap across the rooftops. I stop and check. They were still coming! I continue to run and then hop down in a narrow space between two buildings. They leapt right across my hiding spot. I clutch the box close to me.
"WhEre tHe hEll did tHey gO?" A voice asks
"I dunno, but I hope he's okay."a second says
"You hOpe hE is? He cAUsEd Ink tO dIe! Error, calm down. I'm sure he had a good reason, plus, how can you trust Killer?"The first says
"Yes, I do. Killer can be lying. But he was taken by Nightmare. We don't know what situation he could be in."The second says
The two, who actually sound like three, continue to talk but soon leave. I slip down and sneak out of the space. I look around and find a hidden path. I go down it and sit down once a good distance away from the town or start of the path. I hold the box in my hands and carefully open it. Inside was my soul, resting in a container. It was still black. I smile. It becomes grey. I look around and carefully lift the container out. I lower my hood.I start to twist the lid off of the container.
"Gothy?"a voice calls from behind, a hand being placed on my shoulder
"Yipes!"I yelp, jumping
I drop the container and it breaks in the box. I shut the box and look behind me. There Palette stands, hand tucked behind him with the other on my shoulder. I sigh, relieved.
"Oh, it's just you, Palette. You scared me. Wait, how'd ya find me?"I ask
"I...uh, go on this path regularly and just found you here."Palette says, though I could tell he was lying
"You're a horrible liar, Palette."I tell him
"Really? Dang it! Okay....I followed you."Palette sighs
"Were ya one of the people chasing me?!?"I ask
"Y-Yes. The other was Error but I promise he isn't here!"Palette replies
"O-OkY...How's Ink if I may ask?"I say
"He's still with us, more or less. Did you really work with Nightmare and Killer?"Palette asks
Tears come to my eyes. He sees this and hugs me. I didn't expect this. I grip him tight.
"Yes, I did. But I didn't want to. They were gonna do worse if I didn't. I'm sorry! I should've went with the backup plan! I-!"I cry, trying to explain
"Shh, shh. It's ok, Gothy. You did what you could. You didn't mean to, and that's what counts. You're not the one to blame, they are. I got you, and I won't let them hurt or use you again."Palette says
"Palette....don't kid yourself. I could've done something, I could've helped...But I didn't....I was too much of a coward to...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-AGH!"I tell Palette, but then yell in pain
"G-Gothy!"Pakette cries
"Palette....I'm sorry....I make it"I say, feeling weaker by the second
"Gothy, stay awake! I got you! Don't go!"Palette pleas
"That's easier....said....than...done..."I whisper
I slowly shut my eyes. My grip on him loosens. I could hear him crying my name, but I could not move or speak. His voice grows fainter and everything went dark.
Palette's POV
I could see the bones pierce Goth. I recognize them. I drop the flowers I painted up for him. He slips from me, but I catch and hold him before he falls. I hold him tightly, removing the bones from his back. I knew exactly who did it.
"Error, come out. I want to speak with you. Now!"I say, though my tone was sharp
"How coMe I sOunD tO bE tHe onE iN trOuBle?"Error asks, coming out of hiding
"Probably because you are, Glitchy. You killed Goth!"Ink says
Error now shares a fused body with Ink. How? He grabbed Ink's soul before it could break after chasing Killer away. Error was still angry and wanting revenge on Nightmare and whoever helped him, while Ink was being more reasonable. He was analyzing the situation and simply trying to calm Error down to get the full story. Two different views. Yin and Yang, trapped in one body and readjusting to it still. Error approaches us.
"What? But he literally just confessed to helping you get killed! And you're getting mad at me for killing him?"Error says, realizing the tone Ink had
"He apologized, Error! He's a kid! He says there could've been worse! Nightmare doesn't exactly give people choices!"Ink snaps
"And? This is Nightmare we're talking about! Goth could've just made it up!"Error claims
"That's like saying someone could've made up a story of you destroying their world. Highly likely. And do you seriously trust Killer or any of the gang's words than Gothy's?"I tell him
"He did protect me, Glitchy. If he really wanted to hurt us, he could've done it back then. But he didn't. He protects us and he always seems to be a protective person."Ink says
"Maybe that was to gain trust. You never know. Besides, I'm sure his timeline will be reset and another Goth will come."Error says with a shake of his head
"No he won't! His world is gone! He and Raven were the lone survivors of it! And how dare you imply that my Gothy is a liar or a killer! You're the former gang member and AU destroyer after all!"I growl
"How dare you say that Error! And to say it as if his life doesn't matter! Oh, we can just get a new one! That's what you sound like! He matters! Poor Goth! Palette, I'm gonna check on him. I'm gonna try to speak with him while I still can. Will you allow that?"Ink snaps
I could see Ink was faintly leaving Error and coming over. His faintly seen spirit soon was visible in front of me, a tear coming down his face. He places a ghostly hand on Goth's knee.
"O-Okay. H-He's gonna be okay, right? I can't lose him..."I say
"I can't confirm that. But I'll try to help with what I can."Ink says
He then goes into Goth, disappearing. Error steps closer. He steps on a box, nearly breaking it. He picks it up, peeking inside. He shuts it and crushes it. Goth jolts.
"Stop! That's hurting him!"I snap
Error shakes his head. I summon my roller and use it to snatch the box from him. I open it and find a soul cracking. I shakily reach into it and it glows bright. Goth shakes in my hold. This was his soul! It was darker but a note inside explained it. "Here's your precious soul back, Goth. I think your friends will be glad you complied. But good luck getting the darkness out of your soul though, NOT! XD-Nightmare" Tears come to my eyes. He was telling the truth. I hug him even closer now. I check my stats, seeing the bit of his soul in mine was strangely glowing. Strings grab the box and yank it away. Error holds it, then teleports it away
"What did you do?!"I yell
"SEnT iT fOr SciEnCe tO eXaMiNe. NoW, hAnD hIm oVeR."Error says
"No!"I snap
Error steps forward. I stand up with Goth in my arms. He summons his strings. I take off into a run. I run down the path and through some trees. Goth keeps twitching, muttering weakly at the movement.
"Don't worry, Gothy! I got you! I won't let anyone hurt you again! I'll help you, no matter what it takes!"I say
A string pulls my ankle and causes me to trip. I turn quickly to keep Goth from getting hurt. I sit up and hold him close to me.
"HaNd. HiM. OvEr."Error orders
"No! I promise to protect him! I won't let you hurt him! Would you be doing this if Ink was in his place? No! So back off! You're only getting him if you pry him out of my dusted body! I love him no matter what you say!"I snap at him, nuzzling Goth's head while glaring at Error
"Oh, yOu rEaLlY dOn'T tHiNk I'd kIlL eItHeR oF yOu? No, I'm jUst gOnNa gIvE yOu bOtH aLoNe tImE uNtiL I gEt sOme aNsWeRs!"Error says
And with that, Error's strings yank Gothy out of my hands and throw him into the river nearby. Before he hit the water, a book falls from his pocket, landing at the riverside.
"Gothy!"I yell, running to the river
Right as Goth hit the water, he opens an eye and looks right at me. He gets swept away by the current quickly. I could hear him yell and cough before I couldn't hear him anymore. I absolutely broke into tears. Ink appears beside me and looks around. He looks at Error.
"Error, why is he crying? Where's Goth?"Ink asks
"Error threw him in the river!"I exclaim before Error could make any excuses
"Error!"Ink yells
"WhAt?"Error asks
"Goth did not deserve that! He is just a kid! He went through a lot to keep us all safe! He was willing to die just to make us stay safe! He had a back up plan and was gonna do it from guilt but someone stopped him and convinced him otherwise! Nobody should ever have to feel like destroying themselves is a way to keep others safe or a solution! Nightmare literally took his soul, which is connected to Palette's, and threatened to snitch on us to E!Gaster and Renew or doing way worse! He explained everything to us and apologized! You want proof? Where's the box? And did a book fall from him when you threw him?"Ink snaps
"He sent the box to Science."I say
"Error! That's his soul you just sent away!"Ink exclaims
"It wAs cOrRuPtEd."Error says
"Ok, that's a good reason, but next time, don't throw him in the river as well! Don't hurt him!"Ink growls
"Here's the book."I say, handing him it
Ink opens it and scans it, flipping the pages. The more he read, the more grim his expression became. He throws the book at Error.
"I'm out. I'm telling Blue, E!Pap and Science the full story. Error, just no."Ink says
Ink flies off, his soul following and causing Error to turn to normal.
"InKy waIt!"Error yells
"Save it! Save it Error! It won't help you!"Ink snaps
Error flips through the pages and his expression gets dark. He frowns and shakes his head. He tosses the book to me now. Error runs after Ink, leaving me alone. I look through the book and find one of the first entries. I read it carefully. My soul sank. It was what Ink was talking about. He was right. Gothy had a backup plan. He was gonna destroy himself to keep everyone safe. He was trying to protect us. He was gonna kill himself! But I stopped him and didn't even realize. That must've been so tough for him. Making that choice. Tears fill my eyes. I had come so close to losing him, and here I am, too late to help him. I tear the entries out until there were empty pages for new entries. Better, positive ones. I will give it to him, if I find him again. If we meet again.
I gaze at the rushing waters, rought currents, and overall dangerous river waters. Gothy could be anywhere in there in who knows what condition. I need him to be okay, though. I don't want to have broken my promise. I feel a surge of pain overcome me. I check my soul. Goth's piece was glowing red. I look at the water and see some waves shoot out as if there was a blast before it suddenly became peaceful waters. His piece begins to fade. No! I heal the piece, hoping it healed him as well. I see the stats. Palette: 20/20 HP Goth:0.2/??HP
"Hiya, Palette! Where's your Gothy?"a voice casually asks
I turn to see Reaper hovering there. He had a calm expression, though his eyes show unease.
"Error threw him in the river."I reply
"Ah, so the jerk tried to make him swim with the fish. Meaning he's gone too, huh?"Reaper says
"What do you mean 'too'?"I ask
"Geno...has gone missing. He isn't answering anyone's calls. I'm starting to get worried. And you know how rare that is for me."Reaper says
"Well shoot. I'm...I'm sure we'll find them."I say though couldn't believe myself
I then begin to stare into space while Reaper tries to look around for a sign of Geno or Goth. I begin to mutter and think. Gothy....I will find you....I hope you are okay. I love you, Gothy. I will protect you as much as I can....I will keep the promise. Gothy....
I fall backwards in shock.
"What the-?"I exclaim
"What's wrong, bud?"Reaper asks
"I'm hearing voices!"I reply
Palette....You okay? I don't see you....
I'm going crazy....
You're not crazy, Palette. You're my best bud.
I passed out.
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