Chapter 51:Overprotective
Goth's POV
I slowly wake up, but not to bandages over my eyes. And I wasn't with Raven. I was with Palette. In bed. Beside him. He looks so peaceful resting, but had an arm under me with the other across me. He was so close to me and he even had my scarf. No clue how he got it. I feel my face ignite brightly. I feel anxiety kick in as well. I see my satchel on the table behind him, open. I already know he went through it now. But I wonder if he saw my hat in the biggest pocket. I shift and see that was the only pocket zipped tight. I guess he didn't go through it. I sigh relieved. Then I notice that I wasn't even in my room or house. I was in his. What happened last night? All I remember is getting attacked....Then....I woke up here. What the heck went down in between? I shuffle, trying to get out and away. He pulls me closer sleepily. I feel my face warm extremely. I then hear him sleepily say something that made my face burn to a crisp.
"I love you Gothy, always will. I will find you and protect you. No....matter....what....."Palette sleepily says
The timing was too good. I look up at him, frozen in his hold. I question wether he is awake or if he is asleep, what kind of dream he's having. I don't dare move. I didn't want to wake him. After a bit, I relaxed in his hold. I begin to wonder if Raven is looking for me or how much trouble I'll be in. He's probably gonna lock me up in the house again.I look around the room and some paper with a crayon or two. Perfect. I use my magic to have the crayons write a short message to Palette, then fold the paper and set it on a desk by the door. I look up at Palette, sleeping like an angel still. We're alone. I can take a shot. I get some courage together. I lift my head up and kiss his forehead.
"Aww! How cute!"A voice cheers
I look to see the door slightly open. Peeking in was Reaper himself. He had a sly grin on and all. I was gonna shush him but it was too late. Palette woke up. He sits up, sleepily rubbing an eye before resting his arms back down again to hold himself up, one on the other side of me. This kept me trapped beside and slightly under him. My face I could feel was boiling.
"Reaper? What are you doing in here? I locked the door."Palette says
"You think a locked door is gonna stop me? Bruh my job is to get through these things for the people on my list. Now you better treat my alternate son nice or you may find yourself on it."Reaper says
"This is your alternate son?!?"Palette exclaims, his face lighting up
"Wow, you spend the night with him and you don't know him? You talk of him and you don't recognize him? You're lucky I have to go to work now. I'll have to talk with you later, bye."Reaper says, shutting the door
I look at Palette, wondering if he caught on to what Reaper said. He looks at the ceiling, then back down again, sighing.
"My memory must really be going now. I can't even remember you, yet I apparently have known you. I'm sorry..."Palette says
I place my hand on his and smile. I nod and shrug to show him it's ok, seeing how clearly worried he is.
"Can you answer some questions for me?"Palette asks
I nod.
"First of all, who are you? How come you had Goth's scarf and a pic of him and I as your home screen?"Palette asks
I open my mouth to speak but then realize he of all people would recognize it. Time to use the voice skills Raven taught me. I take a breath and speak, sounding to have a higher voice.
"I'm Reno,"I lie,"He gave me his scarf. I'm one of his brothers after all. I have the photo of you on my phone with him because he showed me it and wanted me to find you. It's kind of a reference to figure out who to look for."
"H-He did? Is he okay? Do you know where he is? Does...Does he think I'm a bad bud?"Palette asks
"Yes, he did. He's okay as far as I know. I dunno where he is, but he's traveling the multiverse to hide away and wants to find you and your friends. But I know he's been here recently. So he may be nearby. He never had or has a bad idea about you. Why would he think that?"I reply
"Because I left him. I-"He says
"He says he told you to. You followed directions and he's glad. He doesn't blame you. Fulfilling your promise is a good thing."I explain
"Still, I could've done more. Plus, I saw him. He called out to me and all I did was turn around and reply with his. I saw him fall and froze in place, reaching out to him. I could've ran to him. I could've helped him. I should've. But instead, I was frozen in place. The portal shut and Ink took me away to this place. I abandoned him. He needed me and I didn't come through. I....I'm supposed to protect him. But...I'm failing him."He says, breaking into tears the more he spoke
"Nonsense! Palette Roller, you listen to me and listen to me clear! You did everything you could've! There wasn't much you could do! So what if you froze up? That's a natural reaction! You didn't abandon him, you simply did what you could. Plus, it isn't easy to jump through a portal. He would want you to be safe, and you were doing just that. Plus, you left a clue to him. You left a note and hat behind. Goth found it and just that cheered him up. You're the love of his life, Palette! He loves and cares so much for you! He wouldn't ever want you to feel like this! To feel like you abandoned him! To feel like you fail him! Because you're not! You did not! Come on! What would he say if he knew this? If he saw you crying?"I tell him, grabbing his shoulders to keep him where he was and to listen, but soft enough to comfort him
It upset me to hear he felt like this. But I had to stick with my story. Imagine how'd he may react if he found out it was me he was talking to and everything that occurred! I had to wait. Plus, Raven doesn't particularly want me to reunite with Palette yet for whatever reason.
"O-Okay. I guess I'll keep this in mind. Thank you, Reno. But why do you say that he was here?"Palette asks
"Check the note by the door."I say
He looks at me confusedly. He then looks at the table by the door where I set the note down. He saw where I had written largely, on one folded part facing him, the words: To-Palette ❤️ From-Gothy! Palette practically leaps out of the bed, running over and swiping the note up. He wipes his eyes, smiling. He seemed happy just to find something from me. He reads it. He hugs the note close to him, just like I had with his note and hat. He was crying a bit again. He smiles and shakes his head. I cough, it was tiring my voice to change it already. But I still needed answers for my questions. I look at him as he tucks the note away in his nightstand. He comes and sits beside me again. He hands me my scarf but I shove it back.
"Keep it. You clearly care for him a great deal. You deserve it. And if I see my brother, I'll tell him you have his scarf and you are looking for him. But can I ask you some questions?"I say, back to my fake voice
He nods.
"What happened last night? One moment I am under attack and the next minute, I'm here."I ask
"I was taking a stroll and he had begun to rain. I hear a commotion. When I went to investigate, I found you getting attacked by at least 3 monsters. They were not holding back. I scare them off and find you wounded. I brought you home, bandaged you and kept you beside me to keep you safe."Palette explains
"Well...Thank you. Wait, give me a sec."I say, reaching for my phone
I turn it on and check the scream. I facepalm.
"I'm dead."I sigh
"Why do you say that?"Palette asks
I show him my phone screen.
"He's going to kill me. He doesn't like being ignored. And he's gotten...protective. Especially after Goth went missing or attacked. Doesn't help that it's the afternoon as well."I say, shaking my head
"I can see and understand that."Palette tells me
There was a knock at the door. Both of us look up.
"What's up?"He asks
"Raven's here. He wants to speak with you. He doesn't seem happy."Blue says from the other side
"Okay, I'm coming."Palette says
There were footsteps leading away. I frown, knowing how Raven can be and may act. Palette began to get up but I grab the scarf and set it aside from him.
"He sees you with that on, he'll go nuts. But it looks like, if he figures out I'm here, I'm going back to jail."I tell him
Palette looks at me.
"He....doesn't let me get out much. He locks me in my own house or if he's extra protective, my own room. Last night was my first actual time outside."I explain
"OK, do you want to go back to that?"He asks
I shake my head.
"I want to stay with you. Get to know and see how Goth's friends are. I'll find him. I assure you."I say
"Ok, then you stay here. I'll speak with him."Palette says, then leaves
I sit there, thinking. I listen in. Palette was friendly, but Raven wasn't as such. He keeps telling Palette to come with him, so they could talk alone. I know that's a red flag. Palette seems to catch on because he keeps insisting to do it here. Palette offers Raven to sit and talk, but he was determined to take things outside. I was getting worried. I ease myself out to the hall and peek around the corner. Raven was tense. He had his hands behind his head, dealing with his cloak. He was anything but happy.
"Let's go bud. I want to talk."He says coldly
"Ok, let's talk. Here. We've known each other well. We can trust each other. So why not talk here?"Palette says
"I used to think that with you, but I learned otherwise."Raven states
"What do you even want to talk about?"Palette says
"Goth. And what you did to him."Raven snaps
"What are you talking about?"Palette asks
"Don't play dumb! You know what I'm talking about! And I never want you near my brothers again because of that! So..."Raven growls
I suddenly find myself in Raven's arms. I look at Palette and he seems so confused.
"I'll take him before you do more damages."Raven says
I quickly shove myself away from him. I free my upper half from him and fall back. I feel two arms grab mine. I look up and see Palette gripping me. I feel my face warm and I grip him tight.
"I see you already got him. But, if you lay one finger on him, you will not like what happens next. I have my own list for those who hurt my brothers."Raven says
"Hurt? Wait, you think I-? No! I would never! He's my best friend! Raven, come on. You know how I felt about Goth."Palette exclaims
"Situations can change things. It may have changed you. How can I believe you when you left, abandoned even, Goth to die! You're lucky I found him or I doubt he was gonna last! Friends don't leave friends. They listen and help. But you, you left your best friend! Then I sense you kill someone and only moments later I find Goth hurt worse than before, laying on the ground weakly! You hurt him! What could I believe about what you say anymore."Raven snarls
Palette was brought to tears now. I do not like seeing him unhappy. Raven was still smiling and anger could be seen on his face. He also has broken logic that I hated.
"You hypocrite! Just shut up now and be a friend to Palette! Jumping to conclusions and turning your back on others will get you nowhere! He did not hurt Goth! He left Goth only because he was told to! By Goth himself! He was only hurt so badly after you sensed that because he tripped! Palette did nothing wrong! I'm sure he can explain why he killed someone! But he did nothing to Goth! If you think you can blame him, protective brother or not, you're no good friend! You'll be leaving a good friend and be no help! You're not even listening to him! Goth will not be happy when he learns of this!"I snap at him
"So, you made him lose his memory! That's it, you are forbidden from seeing him! I hope he forgets you. I wish I could. Traitor."Raven says, yanking me away from Palette
I use my magic to get my satchel, containing the phone. I couldn't get Raven to release me. He drags me out the door. I look at Palette and see he was falling apart. He was crying. He was broken. That upset me. I made eye contact with him and smile. I grab the doorway and see there was a whiteboard with a magnetic marker. I quickly write a message saying:Goth will be back! It's gonna be okay!
I got somd criticizing and lectures from Raven but I didn't care. I told him what happened and snap at him for how he acted. He could care less. He just sent me to my room and locked me in it. I sigh and go into my satchel. I take out Palette's hat and hug it. I was so close to him! So what if Raven is overprotective? So what if he isn't allowing us to meet? There's always meeting in secret and he can't stop me. I check another pocket and find just below my phone lays Palette's scarf. I gasp, shocked. Tears come to my eyes as I lift the scarf up. There was a note on it saying: Can you get this to Goth? Please? I don't want him to get cold with winter coming! Thanks! ~Sincerely, Palette
I hug the scarf. I put it on and try to occupy myself. I rest, then shake my head, waking up from a nightmare. I feel myself shake. I get my phone out. I see the time was 1:30 AM and text Palette. I wanted to speak with him. I had to.
M:Hey...Palette? You up? Ok, even?
A few minutes pass. My worry was growing. Then, I get a response.
P: Gothy?!? You're okay? Yes, I'm ok! And I'm up! What about you?
M:Thank the stars! >﹏<' Reno told me everything! Thank you for looking out for him! I'm sorry about Raven, he isn't much of a think, then action person. I...Had a nightmare and had to ensure that you're okay. I'm somewhere safe, I can assure you.
P:Oh really? No problem! It's...It's understandable. That's good. If you want, I can stay up with you if the nightmare was so bad.
I hear a hiss from my ceiling. An unnatural one.
M:...something isn't right.
I send this message and look up. There on the ceiling was the vampire Palette from days before. I freeze up. He tracked me down! I could see his fangs in his grin. My phone dings. I look down.
P:What do you mean? What's going on?
Right as I read that, I got pinned to the bed. I drop my phone and Palette's scarf was lowered. The next few moments were full of pain and fear. This Vampire Palette bit me. He then teleported away. I feel my neck but no blood or mark imprinted onto my hand. Using the camera on my phone like a mirror, I found two dots on my neck. I shudder, still holding back a yell. I take some breaths and shakily pick my phone back up. I see Palette had messaged me in a panic.
P:Gothy? You okay? What's going on? Gothy? Gothy!
I smile nervously. I lift the scarf back up to hide the mark.
M:I'm sorry, I had to check something.
P:Are you ok?
P:Gothy, are you ok?
P:Gothy! Please tell me!
M:I was followed and attacked...
P:By who? Are you okay?
M:Someone from the vampireverse. I'm...I'm not dead, so that's something. I think I will be ok...I want to see you though. I miss you.
P:Well, as long as you're okay, I'm happy. So do I.
M:Hmm, I might sneak out to find you.
P:But you have to stay safe!
M:Ya, and I'm safe with you!
I look around the room and notice another door. I open it and it leads to an outdoor deck. I look around and see there were multiple ways for me to get down. I smirk. I block my bedroom door with some books and a chair. I use my magic to ban teleportation.
M:I already made up my mind. I gotta go. Love you!
P:Love you too, Gothy.
I tuck my phone in my satchel and take it with me. I step onto the deck and carefully climb outside the railing. I lower myself until I'm at the bottom of it. I then leap down and securely land. I look around, not seeing anyone. I head off, heading the way Raven went to take me from the house. I carefully approach the house and see not a single light on. I hide myself on the wall without any windows. I try to remember the layout of the house and match that with the windows leading outside. Once done doing so, I go behind the house. I count the floors and windows from the corner of the wall. I see one of the window's lights go on. I press against the wall. I guess the window opens because I heard talking soon enough.
"HmMmM..."A voice says
"What's up, Error?"Ink's voice asks
"I tHoUgHt I sAw sOmEoNe sNeaKINg aRoUnd oUtSiDe."Error says
"You literally were laying in the dark, staring out the window. It's dark out and it could've just been a nocturnal animal. I'm sure it's fine. Just rest. You shouldn't even be up at this hour. Come on."Ink tells him
"OK, lEt mE jUsT cHeCk jUsT iN cAsE. DoN'T wAnT tO tAkE aNy cHaNceS."Error says
I soon see Error lean out the window, examining the backyard. I stay close against the wall. Then, he looks along the wall. We make eye contact. His eye-lights shrink. He then smiles. He turns and whispers something. He then spoke extremely loud.
"GuEsS yOu'Re rIgHt. ThErE's nOtHiNg oUt tHeRe. HaVe yOu cHecKed oN PalEtTe tWo dOors dOwn tO tHe lEft oF tHe hAll? BlUe sAys hE hEaRd a c0mMotIoN beTweEn hiM&Raven."Error says, but then shuts the window
He just set me up! He didn't rat me out! He helped me! I run along the wall, seeing the window mentioned. The light was off. I back up and take a running leap. I grab the windowsill and lift myself up enough to peek in. Palette was laying in bed, seemingly asleep. He was hugging my scarf tight. I tap on the window twice to test if he was awake. He simply rolls over, now facing me and sleepily mumbling. I try to open the window and find it unlocked. I climb in and shut it so a breeze doesn't wake him or something. I open my satchel and take out his hat. I place it on the nearby desk beside him. I sit beside him and rub his head gently. He looks so peaceful. He sleepily grabs my hand, holding it as it was on his cheek.
"Gothy.......five more minutes..."Palette says
I feel my face warm a bit. I feel his hand pat mine slowly. He then mutters something else.
"'t hurt.....him."He mutters
My face explodes in warmth. Another time he was dreaming and catches me off guard. I then smile. I lean down close.
"I love you too, Palette. I'll protect you as well, I promise."I say softly, then kiss his forehead
I smile. His face warms and his grip tightens on my hand. He shuffles a bit and nearly pulls me down with him. I jolt, panicking. Then something made my head hurt. I shut my eyes and shake my head. When I open them, the pain in my head was gone. Palette no longer held my hand. But everything was now in a shade of red. I try to get away, this was freaking me out. I look around the room and see a mirror on the far wall. In the reflection I saw why I was seeing this. My eye-light has turned red and I have fangs. I knew what this means.
"No...I gotta get outta here...Before I..."I mutter
"Gothy?"a voice calls
I look down and see Palette had woken up. His face was brightly lit. His eye light of his one open eye was a heart. I could see the worry on his face. But I have to go. I know this. I want to keep him safe.
"Is it r-really you?"Palette stutters
I nod.
"Hey, Palette....I gotta go, now! Good to see you're ok!"I say, getting back to the window
"Wait! Gothy! Please!"Palette exclaims, grabbing my hand
"Go back to sleep, Palette. It's for your safety. I need to go. I cannot stay. Please, you weren't even supposed to wake up and see me."I tell him
"..."Palette was silent
"Palette?"I call, placing my hand on the windowsill but feeling his hand still holding my other.
He was silent still. I climb until I'm sitting on the windowsill. As soon as he releases me, I'll jump and run. He yanks my hand and I turn to face him. He leans in and kisses me. I feel my face explode. He parts from me.
"Please tell me that you'll come back. That we'll meet when you feel it's right to."Palette says
I nod.
"I will. I could not ever leave you, Palette. I just need some time to figure things out. I'll be wearing your scarf."I tell him
He was silent. Then, he releases me. He hugs me tight and releases me again. I leap down and run. I run through the streets, around corners, looking for a place to go. I stop in my tracks in front of a building. I read a sign saying Rebooting System. Then below it said: Got any unwanted transformations? Potion use? Etc? Come inside and with the newly invented machine, you'll be back to normal!(mostly) FREE!
Worth a shot. I go inside. I keep my hood up so nobody recognizes me or could recognize me, in person or on security. The secretary sees me and allows me to go into a room without any questions. I go in and there was a machine in it. The machine turns on as soon as I shut the door. It scans me and seems to be processing the info. The door to it opens and a robotic hand pulls me in. The door shut and I was surrounded by darkness. I began to be tossed about to the point where I felt like I was in a dryer or something. Then, it stops. Something pierces my arm that I could not see. I close my eyes and when I open them, the door was open. The red shade of my sight was gone. I get filled with joy. I come out and check a mirror. I see my fangs were smaller but still noticeable, any injuries as well as the red color of my eye light. But, I still had the mark on my neck. I sigh. Good enough. Better than nothing. I leave the building and climb back into my room. I toss my satchel aside, remove the stuff from the door and doze.
Months of sneaking out later...
I've successfully been sneaking out at night to see Palette. Not once has he woken up, luckily. I'd always leave some note or something behind. I haven't had any issues since I went to that building. I just hide my mouth with a scarf in order for the small fangs to be hidden. Raven hasn't caught onto any of it. He enters my room and reminds me of how I can never escape. Or how he's protecting me and whatever. I hide the escape door behind a bookcase. But one day, he entered my room with big news. He was gonna let me go out on my own again, except in the day.
"And you stay away from Palette, got it?"Raven orders
"Okay."I lie, knowing that I wanna see him
Raven unlocks my door and let's me go outside. I smile and stroll down the sidewalk to lower suspicions. I take my phone out and text Palette.
M:Hey! Wanna meet?
No answer. Cue worry.
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