Chapter 5: Dreams can Get in the Way.
A while has passed now and everything seemed fine. I can't tell how long though, there's no way to track time in the anti-void, besides instinctive routine of eating, sleeping, and awaking. Even if there was, there's no way to track it and compare it to other AUs for time differences. I have grown closer to Ink and our new friendship has improved. We get along. I had shown him my glasses and he didn't mock me or anything for it. Which was nice. We talk and tease, create and explore. We have visited OuterTale countless times and stargazed, plus I finally got Ink into UnderNovela. He loved it too, almost as much as me.
Now, I was watching one of the UnderNovela timelines, Ink happily sitting beside me and watching with me. I heard a portal open into the anti-void. I thought nothing of it, thinking it was just Blue coming to visit and hang out. That was, until a freaking arrow was shot into my arm. I yell in pain and shut the UnderNovela peekhole, Ink looking at me worriedly.
"WhAt tHe hElL?"I growl.
"Release my Ink at once, villainous glitch!"A voice demands
Ink and I turn to see the very glowstick of the Star Sanses himself, Dream. He wore the most yellow of clothing, golden serious eyes and a frown on his face. He had his stupid bow and arrow aimed and ready, his eyes narrow.
"Dream? What are you doing here?"Ink asks
"Ugh, you must've forgotten again about contacting me. I'm here to take you to safety. You've been missing and Error here is probably behind it. Come, now, my Ink."Dream says
"Didn't Blue tell you? Error hasn't taken me! He was letting me stay until I heal from the damage that Fresh caused! He helped find me! I'm not going anywhere until I heal! Be-"Ink tries to explain
"So, Error's used your memory to his advantage. I'll show him what he deserves! He's tricked you! Now come, Ink!"Dream snaps
"You're not the boss of me!"Ink snaps
"He'S rIGhT, DrEAm. BeSiDEs, InK's MINe!"I say, wrapping my arms around him protectively.
I had gotten over my Haphephobia when it comes to Ink, and I had the arrow out of my arm too. I felt my face brighten. What was I saying? Or doing?
"Error!"Ink says, looking up at me with anger, then chuckles.
"Let him go."Dream says
I look at Ink. Was I willing to end such a great time? I've had the best times of my life with Ink. Our friendship was growing and it was precious to me. But was I really gonna let Dream end it?
"Y0u'vE heAlEd n0w. Y0u cAn g0 iF y0u WaNt."I whisper to him.
"But I don't wanna go. I'm having fun with you. Let me talk to him. I'll tell him of our truce."Ink replies
I nod and release him.
Ink got up and approached Dream. As soon as he did, Dream grabs him by the arm and pulls Ink beside him. Dream then quickly regained aim at me.
"Now pay."Dream barks
He fired eight arrows at me. Five of which I dodged, but three got me. One in my uninjured arm, and the other two in each of my legs. I dropped down, hardly able to move now. I could only lift my head and weakly move my hands and feet. I summon my strings but couldn't move to use them.
"Dream! Stop! We made a truce! We don't fight anymore as long as we keep the truce! Don't hurt him! He's innocent!"Ink yells, raising his brush to block Dream from firing more.
"But he's a bad glitch! A villain! He doesn't deserve mercy after what he's done!"Dream argues
"He wasn't always like that! He was innocent! He is innocent! Would you be doing this to your brother? He's turned into a villain and done bad things but you claim your brother still deserves mercy! So stop! Unless you can explain the difference in these situations!"Ink demands.
I saw Dream freeze, his eyeholes wide and his eyelights tiny, in shock. His expression darkened and he was silent, as if in thought. He lowers his weapon and opens a gateway, most likely to their home or whatever.
"Let's just go. We'll discuss this later. Okay, my Ink?"Dream says
"Ya, sure, discuss is a nice way to put it. Stop calling me that! I'm not your Ink and never will be, not after the stunt you just did."Ink says, but walks through anyway after giving me a sorrowful expression.
After he left, I assumed Dream had and I heard a portal close. I turn my head and weakly have my strings lower the Ink puppet. I may as well have believed that the fun was over. Dream will get in the way and end our friendship, or our truce. I sigh and gaze at the Ink puppet. I use my magic to put my glasses on.
"Stupid Ink..."I whisper
Of course, there was no answer from the puppet.
"...I didn't want that fun to end. Having ya was nice...."I whisper
"Whispering your schemes to take Ink to a doll of him, I assume? Well, I don't think so. I'm not letting that happen."A voice says
I turn my head to see Dream had stayed. He pulled back an arrow and fired. I couldn't dodge it. I couldn't move. I felt it hit my skull and I was out. I assumed I either crashed, glitched, passed out, or died. Can't really tell anymore. Well, it was nice while it lasted. I waited for something to happen, like a soul breaking, the sound of me rebooting, a glitchy noise, the sound of me hitting something when I fell, just about anything. But...nothing. Just nothing. I couldn't hear anything. It was so silent. Then, I heard something. A portal opened, followed by yelling. Was I alive? Maybe the arrow had just blinded me or caused me to glitch somehow. But, I recognized the voice of the yell. It was Ink!
"Dream! What did you do? *Gasp* Error! Dream! You hurt him beyond the necessary point! You crossed a line! That was uncalled for!"Ink yells
"Ink, I was just doi-"Dream begins
"Oh, don't even give me the: I did what I had to do excuse! If you had patience and let us explain, you would've known why you're in the wrong and none of this would've happened! I'd like to see you try and do this to your brother!"Ink snaps
Dream went silent.
There were then running footsteps and I felt a hand touch my face.
"Error? Are you ok? Can you hear me? I'm so sorry for Dream's actions! Oh, gosh! He hurt you bad! Please, say something."Ink pleas
I guess he wasn't faking anything. He actually cared. The truce was real. Our friendship was real. I was happy. I weakly smile.
"InK? tHaT y0U? I cAn hEaR BUt cAnN0t SeE. It'S 0kaY, y0u cAnNoT sToP tHe Gl0wStICk fR0m bEiNg StUPid."I say
"Silence, Dream. You're forgetting who's in the wrong right now. You are. Error, can you stand? Let me help you."Ink says, taking my hand
I use his hand to lift myself up, but I feel weak and stumbled, gripping his hand tighter. I shake my head. I had to do this. I reach out and feel something dangling. I feel it carefully and based on the materials I felt, I knew it was my puppet of Ink. I grab it and tuck it in my pocket. Ink was yelling at Dream while I did this. I took a step forward but my foot gave out beneath me and I nearly fell, but Ink pulled me back and I felt my free hand latch onto his shoulder. I felt awkward as my face lit up. I felt like a young giraffe learning how to walk. Except my body was in complete pain, the arrows fading now, and I couldn't see.
"OoPs, s0rRy."I say, lowering my hand off his shoulder.
"Clearly you can't stand or walk. That's it. You're coming with me."Ink states, taking my other hand into his, now he held both of mine in his to lead me.
"What? Ink! You can't possibly be thinking of taking him home! You're crazy!"Dream objects
"Dream. I'm not thinking of it, I am taking him home. Says the one that just acted as crazy and merciless as Dust. He kept me here and safe while I healed from an attack, it's only fair that I do the same to him. We have a truce, after all. And I'm not leaving him here for the chance of you or someone else to come along and take the chance to finish off your already stupid stunt."Ink states, his voice cold and sharp to Dream.
I felt someone grab my arm and tug at it, I yell in pain as well as from my Haphephobia. I knew it wasn't Ink. And I didn't like their actions.
"He. Is. Staying. Here!"Dream snaps
I felt the hand get whacked off me from what felt like a brush.
"I think it's time you leave. You, unlike us, are not coming home. Say hi to your bro for me!"Ink says
The sound of a portal opening and Dream yelling was heard, soon followed by a portal shutting and cutting off Dream's yells. I was confused, yet glad he was gone.
"WhAt Did Y0u d0?"I ask
"Sent him to Nightmare's place. I felt he needed to be reminded of who he's defending and who he isn't. Maybe have some sibling time again. He'll be fine. He always flees from battling Nightmare and then I'd like to see him try and say you don't deserve mercy without knowing the truth."Ink states
"ThAt's CleVeR&SneAKy! I LiKE iT! ArE wE TelLInG BluE?"I tell Ink
"Thank you! Oh, we're so telling Blue. He's our friend. He deserves to know what Dream caused. Otherwise, we may hear a rant from him of why we should tell him of any issues and yada yada yada. Now, let's get you outta here."Ink says, opening another portal and walking through.
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