Chapter 47:Joining Change
"Hey, wake up. Wake up. Buddy? Wake up! Wake up! Oh no.....Please, wake up!"A voice shouts
I recognize the voice. It was Palette's. I sit up and slowly open my eyes. I look around and smile. But at first, I didn't see him. I realize that I wasn't in the house or on the couch. And Palette wasn't beside me. I shut my eyes, thinking this was just a dream&that I want to wake up. I thought it was just one of those times where the dream sucks stuff in from reality, like the sound of an alarm clock going off. I then open my eyes.
"What's wrong, Pal-You're not the Palette I know."I say, finding another Palette towering over me
I tense up. I feel worry fill me. Another Palette can make things only go so many ways. His eyes glow bright stars and he had an awed expression on. His face was brightening.
"Not the Palette you know? Wait are you a Goth from another world?"He asks
(Situation shown in image above)
"Y-Yes, I am. What happened? Where am I?"I ask
"Well, I was just chilling. I saw a portal. I get up to investigate and down you fall through it, oddly enough. I caught you and could hear muffled yells before the portal shut. You were out cold. I was so worried, you wouldn't wake up and then you're ears disappeared. Thank goodness you woke up!"He replies
I notice my hood was down. But that news of my ears being gone brings a smile to my face.
"Oh, those ears being gone is a good thing. I-Is it safe here?"I sigh
"Yep! This is a swap universe! I'm Swap!Palette, what world are you from?"He says
"I'm not from a swap. I'm just Goth."I tell him
"Ah! So an original! Hmmm, well then, you must've been sent here for safety! This is the safest place I know! Come along, let's get you settled!"Swap!Palette says
I nod and get up. I follow him as he leads me to a house. But then, I hear the ringtone I set for Palette on my phone. I search my pockets and even my scarf for my phone, but find it nowhere. Yet, I still hear the ringtone playing. I look around, but don't see it on the ground anywhere. Then, I hear the ringtone end, which can only mean so many things. Either my phone died, it went to voicemail, he stopped trying to call, or someone turned my phone of or answered.
"Hello? Who is this?"Swap!Palette asks
I look up curiously and see he had my phone. He looks at me while casually holding my phone to his face, talking and listening. He gestures for me to come inside, so I do so. He shuts the door behind me. I sit on the couch and he paces, on the call still.
"Woah woah woah! Slow down! I can't understand what you're saying! Now who are you and why are you calling?"Swap!Palette orders
He goes silent. He was listening. I gaze at him. He nods slowly, continuing to pace.
"So, you're the other, original Palette, huh? Ah, ok. Your Goth is with me, safe and sound. I'm Swap!Palette. Now why are you calling so worriedly? I thought you sent him here or your friends did with that little portal. Wait, you didn't know?"He explains
He stops in his tracks. No longer pacing, he shakes his head.
"You were sitting next to him, holding him and you didn't notice, or stop him from slipping through your grip? Oh my goodness, we really are the oblivious kind at times. So, you're so-called best friends? Hm?"He says in a sly tone
He is silent again. He then looks at me sly-like. He walks closer to me. He leans close to me, his grin only growing even wider. He places a hand to my chin, lifting my face upward slightly. He examines me with a grin, my face warming.
"Huh? What are you doing? I-Is everything okay?"I ask
"Ya, he's okay. No injuries. But what would you do if I were to hurt him? Hmm?"Swap!Palette asks
I was shocked and could feel myself shake. I had trusted a Palette too quickly. Safest place he knows, also the most isolated place probably. Swap!Palette smiles but then gets that expression of someone getting yelled at over the phone.
"Okay, okay! I was kidding! But man, you care for him big time! Probably more than a best friend if I know us Palettes well enough. Now, what if I kiss your buddy?"Swap!Pap asks
My face lights up more. I tense up more. He made that expression again. He chuckles and leans closer. I shove his face away. I get up from the couch. He begins whispering on the call, putting a hand over his mouth and the phone so I couldn't hear.
"Ok, ok, fine! I won't! Heh, so you admit the truth. I knew it wouldn't take much to get it outta ya. Hmm, uh-huh. Okay. Hey, Goth."Swap!Palette chuckles
"What?"I ask, my tone sharp and uneasy
"Here's your phone back. It fell out of your pocket during your fall. Your Palette wants to speak with you."Swap!Palette replies, holding my phone out to me
"Okay."I say, taking it from him
"Hello? Palette?"I say, though could feel my face burn and hear my voice shake
"Gothy! Are you safe? Are you hurt? Did he hurt you? Did he take you? Where are you? How are you? Di-"Palette questions after cheering my name
Now I see Ink's inquisitive side in him. So much worry in his voice. So many questions.
"Palette, calm down. I'm ok. I promise. I'm safe. He did not hurt me. From what I know, which isn't much, he didn't take me. I was still asleep and apparently fell through a portal. He caught me and woke me up. I'm in a Swap universe from what he says, and given by his name. I'm alright, just confused. What the heck happened, Palette?"I explain
"Well, you were resting and I was keeping Error away. I left for one second to chase him away and when I got back, you were gone. Nothing more than a portal finishing shutting itself where you sat. I'm sorry, Gothy! I should've stayed with you! I-!"Palette tells me
"Don't even get into the self-blame. It's okay, Palette. You couldn't have known. Besides, I'm ok and I don't have any ears either! If someone was trying to take me or hurt me, they're doing a bad job at it!"I assure him
"Ok....But, he didn't k-k-kiss you, did he?"Palette says
I feel my face grow warmer. My eye-light shrinks. I could hear him struggle to speak the question and the nervous tone of voice he had.
"No, he did not. I think he only said that to get info out of you. He-YIPES!" I say, yelping when I was shoved, spun and caught by Swap!Palette.
"Gothy? Gothy! Are you okay? Hello?"Palette calls from my phone
"P-P-Palette?"I say dizzily, hearing his voice
Swap!Palette takes the phone from my hand.
"Better hurry up and come, other me. The clock is ticking. You know what I mean. Heh."Swap!Palette says
"Don't you dare! Gothy, I'm coming! Don't worry! And don't you dare lay a finger on him, other me! Cause if you do, I wi-"Palette exclaims
Swap!Palette hangs up on him. He tosses the phone away, landing on a table in the corner of the room. He then begins to lean down to me, getting his face closer to mine. I shake my head to shake away the dizziness and shove his face away from me. He drops me in the process. I get up and back away from him. I'm tempted to summon my scythe.
"What? You're gonna hurt me? A Palette?"Swap!Palette says
"If they threaten to hurt me, then yes."I state, though still haven't completely summoned the scythe
"Oh come on! You know I only said that to motivate him to come, right?"He says
"And why would you do that?"I ask
"Because it seems there are hidden feelings between you two that should be brought to the light. Look, you're the third Goth this week to fall into my world. Each of them were from a different, altered world, but each of them had hidden feelings for their Palette, as did their Palette did for them. Plus, I'm a Swap version of your world. In my world, Goth is the confident cheery extrovert one while I, Palette, am the shy yet protective friend. A role swap of you both basically. And I'm gonna bet that you have feelings for your Palette, just like I and many others feel for our Goth. It's better to tell him now before you lose the chance. I'm simply setting up the oppurtunity."Swap!Palette explains
"Pfft. As if! I dunno what you're talking about with hidden feelings but it seems you make too many assumptions. We're best friends and he makes that quite clear by saying it to anyone we meet."I say, trying to blow it off
"Uh-huh, sure you don't."He doubtfully says
"Seriously! I don't! I-Gah!"I deny, then get shoved into the wall
He pins me against the wall. He leans in close. I could feel my face warm a bit. He grins lowering his hood. I lift my scarf over my face, but he lowers it.
"Then I'm sure neither of you would mind this~."He says
"What do you-hey! NO!"I snap as he leans in and places a hand on my cheek
I know where this is going. I stomp on his foot and shove him away. I pull my hood back up, feeling my face was still very warm. I feel anger boil up in me. Was he really trying that on me? But he has his own Goth! And he claims to have feelings! Yet he's so-ARGH! I get myself away from the wall and away from him. I frown as he comes closer again.
"Stay away from me! Just because I'm best friends with my Palette does not give you the chance to do whatever to me! You have your own Goth! Back off!"I growl
"Oh? And why's that? You're only best friends and so are we in my world. I'm sure my Goth or your Palette won't mind. It's not like you have feelings for him beyond best friends, do you?"He asks in a teasing tone
"Because it's wrong! I don't like you like that! I.....I like him like that....There, I said it!"I reply
I hear a door open.
"Gothy? Gothy, are you here? Are you okay? Gothy?"I hear Palette call out
"So you admit it! Good practice. Now, let's get it done with the real thing."Swap!Palette says, grabbing my arm
"What? No! Hey! Let me go!"I yell, trying to stand my ground
"Gothy! Other me! You better release him now before I find you or you won't like what happens next!"Palette yells
I start to lose my ground. He grabs both my arms now, lifting me off the ground and pulling me to another room. I flail my legs and try to kick or fight him.
"On the contrary, Palette. I think you'll love what's gonna happen next!"Swap!Palette says
"Get your hands off of me! Put me down! Agh!"I exclaim, struggling to get away from him
"Gothy!"Palette yells
"If you insist."Swap!Palette, putting me on the ground again
"Thank you, but you still have to let me go! Please!"I tell him
"I'm coming, Gothy!"Palette shouts
"Time for the big reveal."Swap!Palette whispers
"You're crazy! I'm not telling him! Now let me go!"I mutter
"Okay. Suit yourself."Swap!Palette says
He turns me around, then shoves me forward. I shut my eyes, thinking I'd fall or hit a wall. I do not feel myself hit the ground. Yet, I do feel myself collide with something. I open my eyes. My eye-light shrinks. I feel my face ignite brightly, my hood down again. My scarf sways in front of me. I have bumped into Palette and we are....kissing. What do I do? Back away and apologize? Break away from him and yell at Swap!Palette? Flee to a corner and question life?
Nope. I just....froze up. I couldn't move. I did not break eye-contact with him. He stumbles back a bit, his face getting covered in a green and yellow shaded glow. I fall forward, feeling paralyzed and freezing up still. This doesn't help.
"Ohohoho! This went better than I expected or planned!"Swap!Palette says
Palette lifts me up. I break away from the kiss and feel myself tremble. He wraps his arms around me, lifting my hood onto me. He hugs me close to him. I feel my face burn. I look at him and see his face was still blushing brightly. But, his eye lights changed for once. They were no longer stars, but hearts. This only made my face get brighter. I slowly lift my hands up shakily, nervously stepping back. He shifts his arms to tuck my hands under his arm, pulling me close. I recall and understand what Swap!Palette was telling me now. But what just happened made me uneasy. I want to tell him how I feel. I want to apologize for it. I want to tell him before I lose him or the chance. But the thought was making me shake nervously and internally tremble.
"P-Palette! I-!"I stutter
"Shh, Shh. I got you Gothy! Shh, I got you. Shh, shh. It's okay, shh, shh."Palette says soothingly, placing and rubbing a hand on my cheek
"Oooo, I'm getting some adorable vibes from here. Let him speak, Palette. He has something to tell you, I believe."Swap!Palette says
"Oh go find your Goth already! Goth, has he hurt you? What did he do to you, if anything? Are you okay? You won't leave my sight again!"Palette snaps
"I-I'm ok! He didn't hurt me. H-He pinned me against a wall and t-teased me, but that was all. B-B-But he did try to kiss me right before you came in and he shoved me to you! I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry for what just h-h-happened! I-I-I-!"I stutter, my voice shaking still
He rubs my face and the back of my head softly. He keeps softly saying shh to calm me down. But I swear he gave Swap!Palette a dirty look full of anger when I explained what he did. He pulls me closer again. My face warms greatly. I breathe slowly to calm myself, but even that was unsteady.
"Sshhhh,I got you. It's ok. I'm just glad you're okay! I won't let anything happen to you."Palette says
"B-But I-!"I say, wishing to tell him my emotions
He hugs me closer, my face now in his chest. He rubs my back, calming me and holding me protrctively. I was surprised and jolt, my hands shaking from behind his back. I know I can't tell him, not clearly spoken or heard that is.
"No excuses!"Palette tells me
I sigh, nodding. It was worth a shot. Maybe another time. I hear the door open. Now I feel Palette jolt. Then I feel the handle of his roller tap the back of my shoulder. I feel my feet leave the ground. Next thing I know, he had picked me up and was holding me in his arms. I feel my face ignite brightly. I tug my hood over my face. I look to see Swap!Palette giving sly looks. I look at Palette and he smiles at me.
"Hey Swap, how are y-GOTH?!? PALETTE?"A voice cheers
We look to see Change standing there now, shock clear on her face. She stands beside Swap!Palette. I smile, glad to see her safe. She then sees our position and smiles, her eyes lighting up. Swap!Palette whispers who knows what to her and she giggles. Palette tightens his grip on us.
"So, you both grown closer in my absence. What? Have I been holding you back or something?"She asks teasingly
"More like the contstant teasing of those around us...."I mutter
"I wouldn't say that about you, Change. But we have grown closer while you were gone."Palette says
"Uh-huh. So, how long since I've been gone have you two been together? You do seem like a cute couple."Change says
I hide my face in my scarf and hood, horribly embarrassed and feeling my face burn bright. Palette looks at me and frowns.
"The answer to that is never. We aren't together, or a couple. We're just best friends. He doesn't like me like that. And if he told you about any kissing, it was since he shoved Gothy into me."Palette claims
"Gothy?"Change asks
"It's my nickname for him."Palette says
"Ah ok, sure! Let me guess, he calls you Palley or something? And the hell he doesn't! You seriously don't see the signs? He is literally blushing in your arms right now!"Change says
"Yes, because you're making him uncomfortable! Now, leave him alone!"Palette snaps
I focus my gaze on my scarf, not wanting to be part of the conversation. Palette gently places me down but grips me protectively. I smile, feeling secure by his side.
"Where have you been?"I ask Change
"Spying on ma sis and that old man. I got some valuable information from it as well."
"Like what?"I ask
"I'll tell you later, let's get back to the others. Bye Swap!"Change replies, grabbing and dragging us through a portal.
We wave goodbye and go through. I smile. One more ally is back. We enter the hideout. We go around and talk with everyone. I look at Change as they tell the others the intel she learned. She then sits on a chair once she finished with everyone. Everyone begins making plans. I wander around a bit, but then notice Error with Palette away from everyone. Palette was frowning with his face bright. Error was smiling and blocking Palette with his strings. I could see they were talking, but Palette didn't want to do much more. Error though didn't seem to be letting Palette leave the conversation anytime soon. Palette's face was just getting brighter and brighter, yet he was staring at the floor. Palette stops talking. Error steps forward and speaks again. I don't hear anything they're saying. Yet, I got a sense that Error was talking about something Palette feels uneasy and disinterested about. I decide to step in. I smile and walk over. I lean forward, placing myself between them. I look at Palette and his face warms when I did so. I look at Error and narrow my eyes. His eye-lights shrink. I grab his arm and his error signs cover his eyes, his smile disappearing. I smile and release it. I look at both of them with a smile.
"What are you guys talking about?"I ask as Error gets his vision back
"I n-n0tiCeD PaLeTtE hAs hiS nAmE oN sTuFf aNd I'm jUsT wOnDeRiNG wHy."Error says
"Oh! That's because it shows ownership, or that it's yours. It usually is to keep others from taking it or claiming that it's theirs. Plus, if it gets lost, it can be returned easily. Like a book or something."I explain
"Ah, I sEe. NOw tHaT wAsn't sO hArD tO tElL mE nOw wAs iT, PaLeTtE? ThAt gIvEs mE aN iDea. THaNkS GoTh. TAlk tO ya lAtEr!"Error says, patting me on the back and running off
"What's he gonna do?"I ask
"No clue."Palette replies
"Ok. Was he bothering you about something?"I say
"N-No. I'm just...tired! Ya, that's all! Hehehe....heh. I'm gonna check on Sprinkle and the others upstairs. Cya! Thanks for helping me with him!"Palette tells me, then zips up the stairs after patting my back
"O....Kay? That was weird." I mutter
I head to the kitchen to see if Blue was there and if he could teach me how to make tacos. I want to occupy myself. Anyone I passed either gave sly looks at me, began whispering to each other while looking at me, or laughed. I pull my hood lower awkwardly and nervously. What's going on? Why do they do that around me? I could hear bits of the whispering. I hear words like "Lone survivor" or "Have ya heard? Poor boy lost his entire AU and family" and even "How is he still here with his AU gone?" Stuff like that. I even heard Epic, who somehow arrived, saying "Bet he didn't do anything to stop it. Just sat back and let it happen like an idiot." This hit me hard. Along with other whispers and odd glances. Blue ended up not even being in the kitchen. Instead, Geno and Reaper were. I look at them and could hear the whispers from the doorway. I bow my head. I shut the door to the kitchen and slide down it, hugging my knees and hiding my face in my arms and scarf. A hand touches my shoulder. I look and it's Geno.
"Goth, what's wrong?"He asks
"I could hear everyone I passed whispering. They were whispering about me and how I lost my world, my family while giving me suspicious glances. It made me uneasy and hurt with their comments. I'm still trying to accept the fact that it happened."I say
"Well I'm sure they don't mean it in a rude way. They're just worried."Geno says
"Many of them worried of losing their worlds. I mean how can't they when they have Mr. Multiverse Destroyer and his buddies around. They're just sympathizing with your situation."Reaper says, sitting beside me
"More like pitying me. But I don't want their sympathy or pity. I don't need it. I may be seen as a child but I'm aware enough to understand the situation and know how to help. I'm not some poor defenseless person. So I don't need to hear the Poor Goth's or be reminded of what happened, behind my back especially. I'm sure both of you can agree that being talked about behind your back is not the nicest thing you know."I sigh
"Understandable."Geno says
"I get it. Nobody likes that. You have a right to be upset."Reaper says
"But their comments besides the pity couldn't be that bad, could it?"Geno suggests
"Epic is back....I heard him saying that I probably stood back, let it happen, like an idiot. Basically blaming me for everything I loved in that world getting destroyed. That...That really hurt."I admit
I see Geno's genocide eye engage, as well as Reaper's. Reaper summons his scythe.
"Idiot huh? Blame game, huh? I'm sorry but who invited that dude back here?"Reaper asks
"Let. Me. AT HIM! I will kill that pest! That idiot! That jerk! That-ARGH!"Geno yells, spiraling into a rage
"Geno, he's on my list. Why don't we do it together?"Reaper offers
"Hell ya!"Geno exclaims
The two shove the door open and Geno runs out of the kitchen, anger boiling in him. Reaper hovers in the doorway, looking at me. I gaze back at him.
"Heh, that's my boy. Alternate timeline or not, we care about you. You have that stubborn fighting spirit of Geno's and seem to have my fighting skills. You also seem as smooth as me with the moves. Congrats, Goth! You two seem good together!"Reaper says, winking
"What do you mean?"I ask
"Well, you and Palette of course! You are his Gothy now! Heh. I can tell you liked each other. Good job at that!"Reaper says
"Reaper! Get over here! Don't make me do all the work! Again!"Geno yells
"Coming! You tell me all the details of what happened and how you did it later. Bye, Goth!"Reaper says, then zooms off to assist Geno
"About what? Did what? Huh?"I mutter
I get up and check the kitchen for ingredients. I find some and begin making tacos. Soon enough, Blue enters and helps. He shows me how to make them and what to set the oven to. Apparently he puts them in the oven to heat them up and add tastiness. He was overjoyed at my efforts or interest. Apparently the last person he taught was Error and that was a long while ago. He then catches me off guard by pointing something out to me as the tacos bake.
"You do realize there's a label on your back right?"Blue asks
"What? What do you mean?"I reply
"Ya, it's some kind of paper note on your back saying Palette's Gothy. Telling by how you didn't know, I'd say someone tricked you."Blue says
"Oh, okay. I'll be right back, Blue."I say, then teleport away
I teleported upstairs. I walk down the hallway, checking each room in search of an empty one. I find one and go in it. I take off my cloak and check the back of it. Sure enough, there was a note on the back of it saying Palette's Gothy. I could feel my face burn at the sight of it. This was what Reaper meant. But who did it? Two suspects come to mind. Error and Palette both patted me on the back before leaving. That would've been a sneaky way to get it on. I take the note off my cloak, right as there's a knock at the door to the room.
"Who is it?"I ask
"It's Palette. Blue said you seemed a bit panicked."Palette's voice answers from the other side of the door
"Okay, come in."I say
Palette enters and shuts the door behind him. He sits beside me on the bed. He looks at me with worry in his eyes. His eye lights were back to the stars though.
"So, what's wrong?"Palette asks
"Nothing really. Blue just told me that someone put this on the back of my cloak. I just went here to get it off."I tell him, holding the note in hand
He takes one glance at it and his face lights up. He then facepalms and groans.
"Do you know who did this?"I ask
"Error. He did it. I had already told him why I have my name on stuff. Up until you came over, he was teasing me about why I didn't put my name on you since I seem so protective of you. I denied it but it seems he had other plans. I tried to take it off when I patted ya on the back. But I couldn't find it without making it obvious there's something there. Sorry, Goth."Palette explains
"Eh, it's okay. It seems only Blue and Reaper noticed it. I'll find a way to get back at him. But the whole multiverse doesn't need to know that you call me Gothy or that I'm your best friend."I say, crumpling and tossing the note into the recycling bin
"Agreed. Also, I saw Epic fighting Geno and Reaper. What's that about?"Palette asks
"Probably just Reaper doing his job and Epic probably just annoyed Geno."I say with a shrug.
"Ah, I can see that."Palette says
I noticed that once more we are alone. Good chance to tell him.
"Palette....can I tell you something?"I ask
"Sure. What is it?"He replies
"Well....I....."I say, the anxious fear kicking in
The door swings open. I jolt and Palette looks to see Ink enter. Jeez, why can't I just tell him?!? Ink smiles at us.
"There you both are! Blue says the tacos are ready!"Ink says
"Oh, okay. What do you have to tell me, Goth?"Palette asks
I sigh. Another time. Another time.
"Nothing. I'll tell you another time. Ink, you seem to have a note on your head. Probably from Error's tricks."I say, changing the subject
"I do?"Ink asks, then feels his forehead, right where a note was
He lowers his hand and the Ink was still fresh so the word printed onto his hand. Only one. Error's. Ink was not pleased.
"I'll handle him. Error!"Ink states, then leaves the room
"Hahahaha! No rEgReTs!"Error cheers from downstairs
Palette and I shake our heads. We head downstairs to find Ink hugging Error, purposefully making him crash and reboot.
"I'm so dead when he reboots."Ink chuckles
"Then get revenge before you die, bro."Ink!Pap says, handing him a marker
"My bRo woUlDn'T hUrt yA InK."E!Pap says
Ink nods and begins to write on Error's forehead. When he finished, Error completes rebooting. Error looks at Ink and narrows his eyes. Palette stifles a laugh, as well as the two Papyruses.
"WhAt diD yOu dO?"Error asks
"Nothing.~"Ink replies
Error looks at me.
"WhAt dId He dO?"He asks
"Get revenge."I reply while Ink!Pap and Palette lead Ink away
E!Pap was trying so hard not to laugh. Error feels his forehead and his face ignites into a yellow glow. His eye lights shrank.
"So, hOw doeS iT feEl bEloNgiNg tO a ShORtIe?"E!Pap teases
"NoT jUsT aNY shOrTiE. My sHoRtIe. IT's nIcE."Error says
"Ok."E!Pap says
"Oh nO, I'm sO scArEd!"Error says with sarcasm
"Coming!"I cheer, heading to the kitchen
This is good. Everything can get better. Can't it?
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