Chapter 44: Goth!
I struggle and fight, but was unable to get my scythe or do anything really. Fresh ties me up, taping my mouth, though I still struggled and yelled in muffled anger. He picks me up and carries me through a seemingly blank space. I couldn't move now. The most I could do is yell muffled, glare, or elbow my tied up arms into him. He only chuckles and keeps walking.
"Yo, chillax broseph. Yo brought this unradness on yourself. I gotta do this unless I want my AU gone, which I don't."Fresh says
I elbow him. He's blaming this issue on me? Taking me to do who knows what? And he's telling me to calm down? Who does this idiot think he is? He needs to explain! Big time! I see why Error dislikes this dude.
"As you probably know, your timeline was destroyed. So sorry about that, broseph. But they know you're still out here. So, they made me a rad deal. Destroy you and get my AU spared. Unless...."Fresh explains
I look at him curiously. Could there be good in Fresh? Was he gonna try something and help? Or am I gonna die like the rest of my timeline or other AUs? I don't show my emotions, trying to remain calm. Emotions can be used, especially fear. Can't let my fear be used. Can't let anything be used against me.
"Unless you can get my rad broseph Ink and your rad broseph Palette to me instead. Within an hour. I haven't seen Ink in a while. Besides, that takes two annoyances out of their way instead of one for this deal."Fresh states
I stare at him, frozen and silent. He was offering for me to give up beloved Ink and Palette to him for my life. I know he was not gonna be good to either of them. I won't let those two take my place, even if I may die. I shake my head no. Palette and Ink deserve to live. Besides, maybe I'll reunite with my timeline and family. Maybe it won't be so bad. Perhaps, this is all that needs to happen to end this chaos and may lead to the downfall of Renew and stupid E!Gaster.
"Suit yourself, bruh."Fresh says
He sets me down but yanks me onto my feet. He tells me to stay still. He then chuckles, knowing I couldn't move even if I wanted to. I teleport around a few times, dodging his attacks. At least I have that ability still. He throws some liquids at me after at least the fifth dodge. It quicly dries, taking my teleportation ability away. I stand there, unable to move now. Fresh comes close, a bone attack in hand. Fists clenched, his glasses reading HAHA.
"Good thing Renew gave me those rad chems. Now, sorry but gotta do that rad deal."Fresh says
I look at him as he comes closer. He raises his bone attack. But then, the bone attack gets knocked from his hand. He looks shocked and swings a fist at me, but I lean back and dodge it.
"Keep your hands off of me alternate son you idiot!"a voice shouts
I hop back as quick as I could. Fresh once again keeps swinging fists but I avoid them. I then see a figure coming forward from the distant background. I couldn't recognize them, but keep my dodging up. I see Fresh look quickly and his shades turn to OH-NO. This tells me that he was in trouble and whoever was coming was on my side, or against Fresh at least. Then, I see a sight that fills me with emotion. Tears came to my eyes. It catches me off-guard still. Geno runs up and kicks Fresh away from me. Fresh's shades read:OW-W!
"What did I just say?!"Geno yells
It's clear he was angry. Soon as he lands on the ground, he swiftly kicks Fresh repeatedly, knocking him further away. He then scoops Fresh up and tosses him as far away as possible. He claps his hands as if he took out the garbage. I witness this entire thing. Geno walks over to me. Seeing him brings tears to my eyes. Memories come rushing through my head from my timeline, especially of me with Geno or Reaper and fam. A big reminder that my beloved timeline and family are gone. But, I had to try and hold that back. Again, it was just gonna be troublesome if anyone learned. I had to hold it in until this ends, I can grieve or let my emotions out later.
"Goth? Hello? You there? Are you okay? Goth?"Geno calls
I snap out of my thoughts. I keep a neutral face on, though the tears sit in my eyeholes. I nod. He kneels down and carefully unties me. He then tears my arms free. I reach up and tear the tape off my face.
"Are you okay, Goth? He didn't hurt you, did he?"Geno asks
"N-No. I am okay and he didn't. Apparently he made a deal with Renew to kill me or P-Palette and Ink to spare him and his world. How'd you find me or even know I was in trouble?"I reply
"Good. I would've done more if he did. That info is important and interesting. Ink called me, saying that you're missing with nothing more than a scarf. I've been in this odd place for a while now and after he called, I saw Fresh and heard him. Only took a few seconds to get the rest."Geno explains
Darkness swoops in behind Geno. I already know who it may be. Sure enough, the darkness took form as Reaper. He looks at me worriedly, but then grins. He looks at Geno.
"So protective of Goth, huh, Geno?"Reaper teases
"Hey, would you rather have everyone angry at us for not doing anything when we could've? Plus, I will not stand by and allow an alternate child of mine get mistreated!"Geno snaps
"Even if they're an alternate child of ours?"Reaper asks in genuine shock
"O-Of course! No exceptions! Besides, you're not so bad!"Geno replies, his face getting a bright red glow
"Oh really? That's nice to hear."Reaper says, putting a hand on Geno's shoulder, his face igniting a bit
"Y-Y-Yep!"Geno says
The two talk to each other sweetly, their faces bright. I could see the feelings growing between them, their relationship blossoming and growing. I smile, happy to see this. Reaper then focused on the situation again.
"So, Goth, how about we get you home to your timeline? I'm sure your real versions of us are worried sick about you."Reaper suggests
That did it. That was the breaking point. I feel tears come down my face and drop at a rapid speed.
"Y-You can't..T-They...It...."I cry, stumbling on my words with a shaky voice
"What do you mean?"Reaper asks
It seemed to click for Geno. His eye light shrank and a frown comes to his face. He elbows Reaper. Reaper looks at him and Geno glares.
"He clearly got upset at the mention of his timeline. And that can only mean a few things....But I'm guessing those idiots did, ya know...."Geno states
Reaper was silent. I could see he was processing it like a slow loading or buffering sign on a phone screen. His face morphs into shock.
"OOOOOH!"Reaper says
Geno facepalms. He looks at me and opens his arms out to me.
"I'm so sorry, Goth. Come here. I got you. Let it out."Geno says
I quickly come to him. I trust him. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I let it out. I cried, tears coming down my face. I grieved. I hold him tight while he grips me gently, patting me and comforting me. I know I'm scared, upset and uncertain of where to go from here. I used to be sure that it'll be over soon, that I'll be back home in my timeline with my family soon enough. But I see that I'm wrong. Yet, it feels comforting to have Geno at my side and comforting me now, though he was an alternate one. It feels like, in a way, I'm still with my family. Still, the fact that they are gone brings me to tears.
"Shhh, easy, Goth, easy there. Deep breaths, breathe. Let it out. It's gonna be okay. You'll be okay. It may not seem like it now, but it will. Trust me, I of all people should know that."Geno assures me
I nod.
"But his timeline is gone. There's nothing we can do about that. How could things improve from here?"Reaper says
"It can and will! You're not helping!"Geno growls
Reaper catches the hint and silences himself. Geno holds me close. He wipes the tears from my eyes. I smile a bit, feeling cheered up the more he speaks after that. I was soon able to calm down and release Geno as he does so with me. He begins to walk around with Reaper beside him. They claim to be finding a way back to the others. I follow and hear bits of their whispering. I shake my head, even they were unsure about the situation. As we were walking around this blank space, I see someone in the distance. I stop in my tracks to see who it could be. Geno and Reaper notice and quickly do the same. This distant person comes up from something on the ground and looks around. They look in my direction and clap. I step back. They seem happy to have spotted me, but who are they and what could they want? Geno places a hand on my shoulder. I look at him. He's staring ahead at the person, pulling me closer to him protectively and glaring the figure down. I look at the figure as well now. They hop on the ground and then, they were gone.
"I think it's best that we keep moving before they return, whoever they are."Geno says
"Agreed."Reaper says
I nod. Geno releases me again and I once more trail behind them. Memories were hitting me in my mind still and I frown. I feel arms wrap around me, but Geno and Reaper were still walking ahead of me. This sends me into a panic. I try to teleport or summmon my scythe, but get nowhere with that. I just try to escape the hold that this person has on me. I push myself forward, trying to walk and break free. It doesn't work and I couldn't get anywhere.
"Let me go!"I snap
The person's grip on me tightens. I know this means they won't. I then feel something I didn't expect. Someone starts to nuzzle their head against the side of mine lovingly, my hood pressed between us. This confuses me, but also freaks me out. I freeze up.
"Gothy! It's you!"A voice cheers
I relax a bit, knowing who it is now. I look to see Palette hugging me from behind. I smile, though was a bit confused at this.
"Palette? What are you doing here? How are you here? And were you really just gonna hug anyone with a hood up from behind, saying nothing for the chance it was me?"I say
His face glows a bit.
"Hey Gothy. I'm here to find you! E!Pap got me here after he found ya here! N-No! I was gonna say something! Hehe....heh...Are you okay? What happened? Nobody hurt you, did they?"Palette tells me
"I-I'm ok. Fresh made a deal with Renew to get his AU spared....All he had to do was kill me. He was gonna and get you or Ink too. He was gonna try and do that, but Geno stopped him. He did not hurt me, I'm just glad you are ok. Nobody hurt you or the others did they?"I explain
"Nobody attacked us. We're all okay as far as I know. Ink!Pap somehow found his way to us. Good! Deal or no deal, nobody can hurt you, Gothy!"Palette cheers
"Heh, interesting. I kinda expected Ink!Pap to sneak his way back to his brother one way or another. Is that so?"I say
"It is! Nobody! No one! Nowhere! No how! Nothing! If they do, they gotta answer to me when I find them!"Palette says
"I think Sprinkle's influence is rubbing off onto you too, now! You're very protective!"I say teasingly
Palette shifts, his head now on mine.
"So what if it is? So what if I am? You're my best bud and you know how I feel about ya! Besides, is it so wrong that I'm getting protective because of Sprinkle? Being alert is often a good thing."Palette says
I feel my face warm a bit. I look down, finding an interest in the blank ground. I smile.
"I sure do..."I mutter
"As an alternate version of a parent, I ship it."Reaper says, catching my attention
I look up to see Reaper standing there, watching with a grin. I feel Palette's grip tighten on me. I see Geno run over and shove Reaper. Reaper looks at him confusedly.
"Don't say that! Don't remind him! You used the p word! Again, not helping!"Geno snaps
"Huh? What do you-ooh! Oops! Sorry, Goth, I keep forgetting!"Reaper says
I realize what they mean and stiffen up.
"It's ok."I tell him
"Remind him of what?"Palette asks
"Palette, is it? Come with me. Best to speak privately."Geno says
"Agreed."Reaper says
"Okay."Palette says
Palette releases me. He looks at me worriedly. He digs through his pockets and takes my scarf out again. He hands it to me and then follows Geno and Reaper. They walk off into the distance. I just stay where I am. I tuck my scarf back on. Then, I hear a voice speak, but when I look around, there was nobody.
"Time to use the side-effects from the test to our advantage. Press the button."the voice says
"K."A second says
Then, there seems to be silence. I look to see Palette talking with Geno and Reaper still. I smile. I seem safe. Though that odd bit of conversation I heard from who knows where did freak me out. But I have my guesses on who. Then, I see my surroundings darken. What the heck? I step forward to see if there's a wall or someone trying to trick and block me, but there was nothing. Then it all went black. I'm so confused. When my vision returns, I was now surrounded by some red light. It was bright and dark depending on where I gaze. I was lost and confused. Where can I be? I get up carefully. I try to reach out to learn of my surroundings. I instead feel a soft fabric on the red surroundings. It was like my scarf. I quickly feel myself for my scarf but find it gone. Could this be it? But that makes no sense. It's bigger than me. That could only really mean....Wait. Did I shrink?!? Was it the chemicals or that chat? What the heck is going on? I grip onto what seems to be my giant scarf tightly. I try to walk and feel along it, trying to find a way out. But then, some noises made me freeze.
"Gothy? Where'd you go? Hello?"A voice calls
"We take our eyes off him for one second! ONE!"A second says
"We'll find him. I'm sure of it. We gotta be positive."A third states
"Finally, you're helping!"The second says with sarcasm
Okay, so the second voice is definetly Geno and the third is Reaper. Meaning the first may be Palette.
"Gothy's scarf! Not again! I'm gonna tell on Fresh to Error and Sprinkle if it was him, which is possible. But Renew and E!Gaster will pay if they had a part to play!"The first exclaims
Yep. That's Palette.
"Hmm, I'm sure that he's around here and just dropped it by mistake. Or maybe someone came and got him, taking him to safety and he simply forgot it in the rush."Reaper says
There was silence again. I continue to climb through the scarf, trying to find my way out. But then, the scarf begins to shift and move. I leap onto the scarf and grip onto it as tight as I could. The floor leaves me and my feet dangle. I quickly swing my feet, trying to climb and get a grip on the scarf. I get my feet on the wrinkle of a scarf and hold my hood to my head as gravity made it hang. I need to hide until I figure the situation out. I was now out of sight as far as I know. I look around to see Geno and Reaper a few feet away. I see the ground was hundreds of feet from me. I look up to see Palette lifting the scarf, looking around curiously. I look back to Geno and Reaper. Reaper was looking right at me, a sly grin on his face. I gesture for him to be quiet, he covers his mouth and stifles a chuckle. I shake my head. I continue to crawl and climb around the scarf, trying to get to a safe spot out of sight. But that gets hard especially when Palette put it on over his scarf. I was right on the back of his left shoulder, peeking ever so slightly. Now, Reaper AND Geno see me. I signal them to be silent, Geno subtly and slightly nodding. Reaper does not.
"Hey, Palette! I think I see something on Goth's scarf."Reaper says
Reaper you snitch!
"Really? Let me investigate that."Palette says
I climb as fast as I could to a wrinkle and tuck myself under it, hidden from sight. I feel his hand patting the scarf down, coming dangerously closer and closer to where I hid. Fortunately, he passes right by me, continuing to pat the rest of the scarf. I sigh, relieved. Unfortunately, Palette had inherited Ink's stubborness. He doesn't stop searching. he stops patting and begins shaking it roughly. I grip as tight as I can onto the scarf, but he begins shaking it with more and more force. He shakes it like trying to get wrinkles out of it or a blanket, or like fanning a flame. My grip begins to slip. Then, it does. I no longer could hold the scarf, so I begin to fall the seeming hundreds of feet between me and the ground.
I try to teleport to the ground.
I try to teleport somewhere safe or out of sight. For all I know, this was just an illusion and each of them were Fresh, Renew, and E!Gaster and were just trying to trick me while planning who knows what. Fail at that as well. I summon my scythe. It flickers in my sight before fizzling out again. There goes the ability to break my fall or catch myself. The ground seems to get closer by the second. But then, a hand catches me. I know I was tiny now, especially since the hand was much bigger than me. I'm able to sit in the palm and still have space around me. I was not near the fingers either. I look up to see Palette gazing at me, worry blending with shock and joy. I smile nervously.
"Goth?"Palette calls
I say nothing, just lift a hand and wave.
"Oh there he is!"Reaper says in fake surprise
Geno elbows Reaper roughly.
"Hey! What was that for?"Reaper asks
"You know why."Geno growls
"You ok? What happened?"Palette asks
"Yes. Either some chemicals Fresh threw at me to shut me up has caused this or some side effects from the test were put into action."I reply
Palette lifts me closer to his face. I look right at him. He examines me, gazing from different angles curiously. He was silent. So was I. I don't move either. He doesn't say anything either. I see Geno dragging Reaper away from behind him. Palette looks over his shoulder, seeing this. He then looks back at me, his eyes brighter and his face glowing.
"Good, now Reaper can't tease. You look adorable, Gothy. And so teeny tiny, too! I could literally take you away in my pocket!"Palette compliments, his tone loving and joyous with a brightly glowing face
"Palette! Seriously? Stop messing with me! Or do I have to call you Reaper with your seemingly recent teasing?"I say, feeling my face warm
"But I am being serious. Besides, I always loved your smile. And I don't mean to tease. Honest."Palette tells me.
"Hmph. Well you're not gonna see the smile for a while now."I say, looking away
"Aww, come on, Gothy!"Palette tells me
"No!"I deny, shaking my head
"Pwease? Just a lil cute smile?"Palette asks
I feel my face get brighter. I shake my head. I notice two of his fingers closing in on me from behind. I look at him, narrowing my eyes. Before I could speak, the fingers wrap around me and begin to tickle me. I break into laughter, therefore smiling. I could feel my face brightening by the second. But I was having enough of the tickling and laughing.
"N-No fair! Stop! Palette! That's it!"I snap, shoving the fingers away
I crawl across his arm and down his hanging scarf to the ground. I stand beside him and cross my arms. I don't look up at him or speak. But then, I hear violent sounds. I turn to see a spear fly over my head and out of my sight. I turn to see Palette get knocked backwards, the spear hit his arm. I frown and run to him, checking to see if he's okay. I hear footsteps. I look to see Renew charging at us. They hurt Palette. They caused this. All of it. They took away my home timeline! My family! It's their fault! These thoughts fill me with rage. I take some steps forward and without thinking, I summon my scythe. Due to my new size, it was HUGE. I step in front of Palette, my scythe hovering beside me.
"Attacking us again? Attacking Palette? Destroying my timeline and family? I don't think so! You better start running! Away! Now!"I yell
Renew gets closer. That is, until my scythe flies at her like a torpedo, it's sharp tip aimed at her. She was knocked away easily, a slash across her shoulder. My scythe returns quickly to me. I turn to check on Palette. Palette was holding his arm, the spear laying beside him. He must've pulled it out. The spear had torn through his sleeve and I could see that it went deep, though he hid the true damages. I climb up to him and hug him, glad in the very least that he's still here. I feel a hand on my back. I look to see it was Palette's. It was the most he could do to return the hug without hurting me. I smile. But then, Geno and Reaper come over to us.
"Guys, you gotta go now. It's not safe for either of you here. And that's coming from me. "Reaper says with genuine worry
"What should we do? What are you gonna do? Because you said two, not four."Palette asks
"We'll hold them off the best we can. You both will go to a safe AU we found. One that we sense friends are in. Go find them and get help. Get everyone to regroup. We'll join you as soon as we can."Geno explains
"Promise you'll be careful. Both of you!"I request
"Promise."Geno says
"Over my dusted body."Reaper says
"Reaper!"Geno growls
"Fine. Promise, no jokes."Reaper says
"Ok."I say
Palette gets up, holding me in the palm of his hand again. Geno opens a portal. We bid our farewells and Palette goes through, holding me protectively. Just before the portal shut behind us, I see Geno and Reaper run towards Renew that are coming towards them. I sigh. They better keep that promise. Palette looks at me and smiles.
"I'm sure they'll be fine. Now, let's go find our friends."He says
I nod. I leap down and run ahead of him, but he stops me. He places my scarf on himself while wrapping a loose thread around me like a scarf. He tries to explain his reason but I already understand. He doesn't want to lose me. And I don't want to lose him. I nod, telling him it's ok. We then run together to explore this world in search of friends.
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