Chapter 43:Palette?
Soon, after what seemed like hours of thinking about everyone else, worrying about them and if they're okay, I put the thoughts to rest. Good timing, too, cause when I did, I was able to hear branches rustling. I look at Ink. He was still beside me. I look up to see Error climbing down. I smile, curious to see how this may go down, whatever this may be. Error presses off of the tree, jumping down and landing in front of Ink. Ink leaps to his feet, waving the twig threateningly to seemingly defend himself to unknown presence. Error grabs the stick easily and lowers it, along with Ink's hand that held it. Error places a hand on Ink's shoulder, the other on Ink's cheek. He softly rubs it, right by the ink patch on his face. Ink reaches up and holds Error's wrist gently. Error's face bloomed into a yellow glow.
"W-Who's there?"Ink asks
"JuSt mE, InKy. NoW I nEed y0u tO aNsWeR s0mE qUesTionS. CaN y0u dO tHat?"Error replies
"Mhm!"Ink says with a nod
"ARe yOu OK?How bAd did hE hUrt yOu? hOw How mUcH d0 y0u reMeMbEr?"Error asks
"I'm okay. He didn't hurt me that bad. It seems beside Renew blinding me, E!Gaster was simply trying to knock me out. What do I remember? Hmm...I remember bits and pieces and they're all scrambled still. I remember our allies or friend group, mostly thanks to Goth telling me. Namely, I recall you, Goth, a bit about Palette, Blue, Dust and some others. The rest are just names and faces unmatched and floating around so far. I remember we were friends and gave nicknames, but that's about it. Why?"Ink explains
Error mutters something quietly, shaking a fist behind his back. I witness this. He places the hand back on his shoulder gently. Ink tilts in confusion at the silence. I look at them, still watching. Error opens his mouth to say something, but hesitantly shut it. He looks at Ink, then away again. He lowers his hands from Ink, digging into his pockets.
"BeCaUsE I cArE aBoUt yoU, InKy. MoRe tHan yOu cAn rEmEmbEr pRoBaBlY."Error says
"Y-You do?"Ink asks, his face becoming a rainbow
"Of coUrsE I d0! We'Re clOsE fRiEnDs aNd haVe bEEn tHroUgh sO mUcH tOgEtHer! HoW cAn I nOt? I cArE fOr yOu InKy aNd lOve yOu."Error says, still digging through his pockets
"You're also my hero...From what I've seen and know."Ink mutters, looking down
"Huh?"Error says, not hearing
"Nothing!"Ink insists, his face brightening
I chuckle. Error looks at me. He narrows his eyes. I stop before he could ask. He looks back to Ink and gets his hands out of his pockets. There he has the scarf in his hands. He smiles and places it on Ink. Ink jolts but then feels it.
"MayBe tHiS wiLl hElp. ThIs iS yOuR sCaRf aFtEr aLl."He says
"O-Ok...This does feel familiar."Ink replies
Then, something amazing happened. Ink's eye-lights changed to a clear, bright white. It was a clear sign of something happening and possibly good. Could he have his sight back?
Ink's eye lights shrink. His face lights up brighter. He hesitantly takes half a step back. He reaches up, gripping the scarf while the other sways behind him. Error grips his scarf and leans in close. Error's face grows yellow. His brow lowers(it isn't reality so bye bye logic). Ink looks up, exactly at Error. Of all the places to look at, the probabillity of him looking there is slim. My guess is that he could see again.
"InKy? ArE yOu oKaY?"Error asks
"G-Glitchy....I...can see you!"Ink cheers, reaching up and feeling Error's cheek
"WhAt? ReAlLy? T-ThAt'S gOoD! MaYbE tHiNgS aRe gEtTiNg bE-"Error exclaims
Ink's eye-lights turned red, tears forming.
"NO! C-Come back! I'll remember! I'll remember!"Ink cries, stepping back and grabbing at thin air
"WhAt aRe y0u tAlKiNg aBoUt? I'm rIgHt hErE! InKy!"Error says
I was perplexed, but quickly catch onto the situation. I stand up and go over to him. I place a hand on his shoulder. He turns to me and hugs me, crying and muttering. I could only hear bits and pieces. I hug him back. I look at Error, who was lost in confusion.
"Palette has told me of this happening. He's panicking. His phobia is kicking in, probably from his blindness giving a sense of loneliness. But...It's never gotten so serious. I think the chemicals are making him hallucinate something...."I say while Ink cries.
"BuT wHaT?"Error asks
"I dunno..Maybe it's repeating a dream or nightmare..Hmmm. He keeps saying that he'll remember and your name....Error, did Ink ever tell you how he got his memories of you back last time?"I reply, listening to Ink's mutters
"He saiD hE kEpT hAviNg a dReAm oF mE."Error tells me
"Did he say anything about what occurred in it?"I ask
"He diD, bUt I wAs tEasInG hIm tOo mUcH tOo hEaR....OoPs."Error replies
"Error! That info could be the key to helping Ink! To snap him out of it even! Listening skills! Man, I'm telling Blue you need more 'friendship lessons' when we regroup with him."I snap
Ink sits down and stares at the ground, silent. Error begins to pace, trying to find some clue in his memory to what Ink told him. I watch over Ink to make sure he doesn't run off in his hallucination and to see if his actions give any clues to what he's seeing. There were rustles in the trees. Then I see Palette come and stand beside us.
"I think I know. Ink's brother shared it with me after a chat with Ink. He says that in Ink's dream, memories would be scattered everywhere and flash in front of him. Then, Error would appear and greet him. Error would then ask Ink if he remembers him. Occasionally that would go to how much or other questions, but it was usually only that one. A lot of times in the dream, Ink wouldn't be able to answer, even if he had a sense that he knew his answer. And from there, a gust of wind would blow and Error would fall apart into hundreds of little pieces, blown away in that gust. From there was usually darkness again or he'd wake up."Palette informs us
"Oh mY sTaRS...I tEaSeD hiM oVeR a tOrTuRiNg nIghTmARe! My StArS....InK...."Error mutters, covering his mouth in shock and his eye-lights shaking
"Thanks, Palette. That info was helpful. Now I think I have an idea of how to help. Error, get behind the tree. Quickly now."I state
"WhAt? WhY?"He asks
"Do you want to help Ink or not? Just trust me and follow my lead, ok?"I retort
Error nods and goes behind the tree. I kneel down to Ink and place my hand on his shoulder again. He looks at me and quickly wipes his tears.
"Which way did he go? Show me. I want to help."I say, summoning my scythe
Palette's eyes widen as I gave him a side glance. I wink at him to show that no harm is coming. He nods. I look at Ink to see a smile on his face. Much better! I help him up and he runs eastward. I quickly follow. He runs ahead and stops, swiftly turning around and blocking something. I catch up and he points to the ground.
"T....The petal-like pieces....are there."Ink tells me.
"Okay!"I say
I use my scythe and quickly pretend to sweep the ground. I look at him to see if in the hallucination I got it all and he gives a nod. I lead him back to the tree. Palette was leaning against it, watching us approach. I swing my scythe to make it look like I sent the "pieces" behind the tree. Ink looks at me in alarm but I give him a smile. I illuminate one of my hands with magic and snap, but really did nothing.
"What did you do?"Ink asks
"Fixed the issue. Now, do you remember who's behind that tree?"I reply
"Of course I do! It's Error! My Glitchy! My closest friend! My....My...."Ink exclaims
"YoUr siLly tAlLiE?"Error suggests, coming out from behind the tree.
Ink's face lit up. A smile comes permamently to his face, a rainbow spreading just below his eyes. His eyes lose their color or average shape, becoming a star and oval, though white. His joy is giving bits of real emotion!
"Glitchy!"Ink exclaims, running and hugging Error
"HeYa, InKy. It'S oK, noW. I'm hErE fOr y0u. I gOt yA."Error assures Ink, closing the hug.
I could see the joy clear on their faces. Both were smiling and had a tight grip on each other. I smile, glad that issue was fixed. Ink, when he finally got released from the hug, begins to play with his scarf. He wraps it around Error as well, which clearly caught him off-guard.
"InKy, wHat aRe yOu dOiNg?"He asks
"Wrapping my scarf around you! If my memory serves me correctly, I remember you tied a string around me to keep a promise. I'm only following the example you gave in that memory, silly."Ink replies
Ink smiles happily. Error was alarmed at first, but he soon calmed himself down. The two went and sit against the tree. They begin chatting and seem very happy again. Palette comes over to me with a smile. He high fives me and stands beside me.
"Heh, good job fixing that. It's nice seeing those two happy."Palette says
"Thanks and agreed. It's good that you knew that info as well. How long do you think it will be until Ink remembers everything?"I tell him
"Hmm, I'd say it depends on who or what is being remembered. And if we regroup, it could take from hours to within days."Palette replies
"Ah, ok."I nod
"Hey, Goth? I...uh..."Palette says, very nervously
I look at him. It's rare for him to sound nervous. He steps closer a bit. I just look at him and unsummon my scythe. He looks at me and grips the rim of his hat. He opens his mouth to speak, but then his phone just so happens to begins to ring. He answers it quickly.
"Hello?"He says
A moment, he was silent.
"Oh hey! Good to hear from you! Huh? Oh, I'm with Goth. No, I don't! I was not! He's my best friend, remember? And..."Palette exclaims
I was perplexed. Who could be on the call? What could they be saying? Palette begins speaking quieter and I couldn't hear. I look to Ink and Error, who smile at me. Ink then grabs Error and begins to climb the tree, saying something I couldn't hear either that made Error's face ignite. I look back at Palette. He rolls his eye lights.
"Of course ya do. Fine, I'm coming."Palette says, hanging up
"Who was that?"I ask
"Sprinkle. He says he's by a forest with E!Pap. They're lost and he wants me to help them. You watch over those two. I'll be back by nightfall."Palette says
"Ok, be careful."I tell him
He nods and heads down a westward trail. I lean against a tree and watch him leave my sight. I then check on Ink and Error. I find them in the tree hole. Ink was resting with Error beside him, protectively hugging the shortie. I sit on a nearby branch. I watch and wait for Palette to return. I watch the sun go down, night falling shortly after. I begin to worry. I wait a few minutes longer before peeking my head in and telling Error that I'm off to find Palette. I run through the forest the way Palette went. I reach the deeper part of the woods and look around. Didn't Palette go this way? But it splits two different ways. There was no sign of Palette or Sprinkle and E!Pap anywhere. I begin to wonder if I made the right choice or to turn back, Palette may be back by now while I'm here looking for him. I could be lost for all I know. Then I hear footsteps. A hand grabs my injured wing. I jump at this sense. I summon my scythe almost immediately. I check over my shoulder around and find...Palette? He looked different. A lot different. He lost his scarf for one thing. He had dark green clothes and hat on. His eyes were no longer a shade of green to yellow, but red, orange and yellow. He didn't have the ink patch on his cheek. But he had a sly grin on his face, one that seemed more menacing than friendly.
"P-Palette?"I say, gazing at him confusedly over my shoulder
I make my scythe disappear. He grabs my wrist with a finger lifting my chin up to meet his gaze. A red flag was raised already since with the appearance, this was unlike him.
"Hey, Gothy.~ What are you doin' in this here forest?"He asks
"Um, you know why. Oh please don't tell me you're getting Ink's memory! What happened to you? Did someone make you go army style? And where are our friends ya were gonna get?"I respond
"Oh right! Sorry, I forgot! Ya, I went to them and brought them back. I uh, came to find ya. Nothing much, besides one of me a new look so I don't get into danger!"He tells me
I narrow my eyes. I could tell by his expression that he wasn't honest. I take a step back and his grip tightens. Second red flag. I decide to see if he would set off a third one to be sure or clues of who they really are.
"Oh ya? What's their name?"I ask
"....Reaper. Ya, Reaper."He says hesitantly
Third red flag is up. No clues about their real identity besides a liar. I knew that was a lie and Reaper wasn't there. Now I had to figure out how to get away, safe and without him following.
"I see....Well, okay. I'm just gonna keep strolling through the forest, like I told you."I say, using his oblivion as an advantage for a excuse
I begin to back away. I keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't do anything. He just stands there, staring at me. His eyes showed a dark plan forming. I had to get out of there as fast as possible. I turn my view away from him and speeds my pace. Quickly, I was stopped. My arm gets yanked back quickly, taking me backward as well. I felt a chest press against my back and head. A knife quickly came to my neck, inches away from it and dangerously close, threatening to do some damage. A head comes close to my face from the side. It was this "Palette". I look at him with a frown.
"Leaving so soon, Gothy?"He says
"Get your hands off me! Don't call me that!"I snap
"Aww, but you don't even know what I'm capable of!"He tells me with a sly tone of voice, nudging the knife closer to my neck
Alarms were going off in my head, but I remained calm. I know he is just trying to scare me into obeying him. It's not gonna work on me, though. I'm not gonna cave.
"Oh, I see what you're doing, but you are underestimating me. You don't know what I'm capable of. And a little tip, don't threaten me!"I say
I quickly summon my scythe in hand and swing it, knocking the knife out of his hand and his hold of me off. I quickly break away from him and turn to face him. His knife had been knocked out of sight and he looked shocked. I huff and breathe. I know that was extremely risky. And I'm not safe yet. I didn't attack. No, I turn from him as my weapon fades and ran. I run as quick as I could. I want to get back to the tree, to the others and possibly to the Palette I know who could be there, waiting or looking for me. Unfortunately for me, it seems I was not quick enough. This dude runs in front of me and grab my wrists. I absolutely panic. He holds my wrists so tight and so that I couldn't move my hands, meaning I couldn't summon and hold or direct my scythe. He leans close.
"You can't escape me silly. Besides, I thought you'd like being around me. Getting attention from a Palette. Sure, I'm a Fell version of one but I'm still a Palette. And I know how most Goths feel for their Palettes."He says with a wink
I know what he's implying. I frown. If he knows he was right wouldn't help me get out of this situation. I shake my head.
"Well, I'm not most Goths, then. And I wouldn't want to be around you anyway! Being near you and endangering my life everytime you don't get your way isn't exactly on my bucket list. Now let me go, you annoying version of him!"I snap at him
"Don't plan on it, hehehe."He says
I could feel myself begin to tremble. The weight and danger of the situation was hitting me hard. I struggle to get free of his grip Attempting to break away again, but his grip is more firm than before.
"Stop resisting. It won't do you any good. Besides, I think the timing of this is perfect for me to, I dunno, show you what happens when you don't listen. It's dark, in a forest, with nobody around. Nobody will even notice you gone or catch onto what I do, I bet."Fell!Palette says
I feel myself tremble the more he speaks. I know he is right. The situation works out perfectly. At least, at that moment. Plus, I didn't exactly enjoy what he was implying by the word show.
"Please, My friends and I are dealing with enough of a problem, don't add to it. No means no."I say firmly, but could hear my voice shake
Fell!Palette laughs. Then, he was proven wrong by one person. One special person and what he said.
"Gothy?"a voice asks from nearby
I look to my right to see Palette approaching. The one I know. He looks confused and worried, though seems clueless to what's happened. Now there's a witness, an actual ally and best friend here. This washes some fear away, but not much. I want to get away even more now. I look back at Fell!Palette.
"Let me go please! My friend is here!"l say, my voice slightly shaking
"Oh? Am I supposed to be scared by that? Oh no! A friend of yours! I'm so scared! I'll do as you ask! Not!"He responds
I yank and pull, trying to free my hands from him, but still fail. He grins and moves his hands lower than my wrists. He pulls me closer and I could see the knife a few feet away on the ground. He could easily get it. I'm so close to freedom. But at the same time, I'm not. A third hand grabs my arm. I was surprised. I could tell Fell!Palette was as well. Then, a fourth hand grabs my arm, right where Fell!Palette's hand was. I look to see Palette beside me, his eyes narrow and no smile on his face. He looks at me and smiles. I feel my arm get freed. Palette removes one of Fell!Palette's hands and shoves it away. He gently pulls my newly free arm to him, causing me to get closer to him. I feel myself get yanked back by my other arm roughly. I look at Fell!Palette to see his displeased expression. I see that and anger. I slip my hand free of his hold and shove his hand away from me. I look to Palette, who was still beaming with a smile. Palette grips my hand tight. He was not planning on letting go.
"Hi, Gothy! How's my best friend doing?"Palette asks cheerfully, though was emphasizing the my
"I'm doing ok, but then this dude showed up."I say
"Well then, let's fix that! Excuse me, but can you please release my buddy Goth here? That would be very much appreciated."Palette requests
"And why the heck would I want to do that?"Fell!Palette asks
"Because I've heard him ask nicely a few times for you to do so and now would be a good time to catch the hint. I don't like seeing him uneasy. And you're making him to feel like that. He's too nice to be getting treated the way you treat him."Palette claims
I feel my face warm up a bit. Palette's smile grows.
"Oh really? Well, I actually like seeing him uneasy. I find it cute. And he is a Goth, so it works. Now, back off! We were in the middle of something."Fell!Palette snaps
"I'm sorry, but who do you think you are? You aren't the boss of me and what you're doing is wrong to him. Who even are you? What do you mean by a Goth?"Palette says, his tone sharp.
"Fell!Palette, that's who I am. A Fell version of you. I think I am the boss of whatever I want to do. If I want to do something, I do it. Get something, I get it. I mean a Goth since there are different versions of him, just like me of you. So what if it's wrong?"F!Palette replies
"If it's wrong, you don't do it. And life doesn't work like that, other me. You don't always get your way and you don't force it to. You're the one who should back off. Why don't you go run off and find some Fell!Goth then? Go on."Paletter says
"Stop talking to me like that! I'm not some toddler!"F!Palette snaps
"You act like one.You're immature and making a mistake messing with my best friend, and I won't allow you to continue."Palette says with a clearly ticked off tone
Palette pulls me close and away from Fell!Palette. He hugs me and smiles, his face glowing. His starry eyes gaze at me and I feel safe. Though my face feels as if it's a newly lit fire. He looks at F!Palette with narrowed eyes.
"Pfft. As if you know your Goth so well as you think you do. You can't stop me, I can find a way. Some best friend."F!Palette says
"Oh and you do?!"Palette snaps
"I've never met you."I tell F!Palette
"You didn't have to meet me to know. I've met plenty of other Goths to know about you, possibly better than any other Palette."F!Palette states
"I doubt that."I mutter
"As do I."Palette agrees
"Okay. Try me. Other Palette, tell me about your Goth and I'll tell you what I know. Warning, I may quiz ya. You first."F!Palette suggests
"I'm not stupid to give you info. You first if you're so informed about him."Palette snaps
"Alright, fine. I know that he is said to be nice. He is protective, alert, sometimes sarcastic and jumpy, his weapon is a scythe. He can get worried easily or can act dumb. Plus, a lot of times, he has feelings for the Palette they know, if ya get what I mean."F!Palette says
I feel my face light brightly. He was hinting way too much. I look at Palette. He still seemed clueless to what the hint was to. He still seems just angry. His expression soon calms. It was his turn and that was making me a bit nervous.
"Okay, I find the fact that you described him as dumb wrong already. He is so nice, smart, relliable, trustworthy, caring and he has a warrior spirit. Sure, he's protective, but that's because he cares about others. He knows how to fight, especially well with his scythe. He's the best friend someone could ask for. And....He has his cute moments."Palette says
I feel my face absolutely ignite like a growing fire. He was so honest and very sweet as he spoke. He looks at me, his face glowing. That's when a thought came to mind. Could that be his blushing? Could he be blushing? But why? I look at him nervously. I tug my hood over my face a bit to hide my face, which I could feel was still burning. He smiles warmly at me, his starry eyes bright and shining.
"Okay, so you have more fancy words to describe him from what you know. But what do you really know? Time for the quiz."F!Palette snaps
"Go on."Palette says calmly
"How long have you known him?"F!Palette asks
"A long time now, I'd say."Palette replies
I nod.
"What does he do in his free time?"F!Palette asks
"When he isn't going around with Reaper or visiting Geno, he's hanging out with me or our friends."Palette replies
I nod.
"Ok, now for the big question. Do you know what he thinks of you? Wether he has told you or not?"F!Palette asks
I feel myself tense. I stiffen up. I know this was coming. F!Palette grabs my wrist and tugs me, but I hardly budged. I'm frozen in place, shock, worry, anxiety, and a bit of curiousity keeps me there. I look at Palette, who has released me by now. He looks away, seemingly nervous. He removes his hat and rubs the back of his skull. He puts it back on and looks at me, and his face glows even more. I know now that he was blushing for sure. He looks at F!Palette. Here it comes. The answer.
"I know that he thinks of me as just best friends. That's what we are, after all & we call each other that...But.."Palette responds.
I feel myself relax as he spoke. I had dodged a bullet for sure and wasn't caught yet. I feel stiff again the second he said the word "But". I may not be clear yet.
"But what?"F!Palette asks
"It's just.....ugh...nevermind. It's wrong. Just forget it."Palette says, lowering the brim of his hat
"What's wrong? You haven't completed your answer, you gotta explain. You said the but and trailed off. You set yourself up."F!Palette says
Palette sighs, nodding.
"I don't feel the same like that for him anymore."Palette says
I feel my face burn bright and stiffen. My mind was racing. What could he mean? C-Could he like me? Or could he just want to be friends rather than best friends? What is Palette talking about? What?
"Why don't you do something to show what ya mean?"F!Palette says with a grin
I look at him curiously within worry and fear. His starry eyes light up. They were amazing in my opinion. His face intensifies within a bright glow. A smile comes to his face. He grabs my hood gently. I feel myself shake a bit. He leans in, placing a hand on my cheek. He closes his eyes and kisses my cheek. My face explodes in warmth. My face has to be blushing by a lot right now. I was shocked and surprised, but...relieved and a bit overjoyed as well. He feels the same and he doesn't even know. Still, I'm panicking.
"P-P-Palette?!?"I exclaim, gazing up at him
"The hell? Get away from him!"F!Palette yells, grabbing my arm and wrist to pull me away
Palette parts from me, but still rests his hand on my face. He smiles at me. I blink a few times and his face was now brighter than ever. He gently rubs his hand on my cheek, looking at me lovingly.
"What were you doing?"F!Palette snaps
"I kissed him duh, what did you expect? For me to hurt him? No! I'd be a hypocrite since I don't want you hurting him! I love him, for star's sake!"Palette replies with a smirk
""I struggle to speak, still processing what's going on
I feel myself shake, feeling weak all of a sudden. My eye-light shrink and shiver. I gaze at him nervously. He winks at me and I feel myself get weaker, my face getting brighter. What is he doing? What's going on? Why do I feel so weak. I feel a weight come off me. I look over my shoulder and check to see my wings were gone. I sigh, relieved. Maybe that's why I feel so oddly weak.
"Sorry, Gothy. But I'm glad to get that off my chest! Heh.."Palette tells me, lifting my hood back on me
"!"I stutter, getting yanked away from him quickly
I quickly find the knife back at my neck. The other arm pressing me to Fell!Palette. I know what was going down. I know what he was doing. I try to summon my scythe, seeing it faintly appear before fizzing out. I try to teleport, but as I attempt to do so, he presses the knife closer to my neck, making me unable to teleport unless I wanted to risk an attack. Fell!Palette looks at Palette with a sly smirk. Palette summons his paint roller, frowning. He steps forward, but Fell!Palette stops him.
"Bup bup bup! I wouldn't get so hostile right now. One more step and he gets to know what a knife feels like. You care, er, love him enough to keep him safe, don't ya?"Fell!Palette threatens
My eye-light shrank again. I tense up and keep trying to summon my scythe or teleport, but fail. Palette lowers his paint roller, but wasn't stupid enough to drop it. Fell!Palette nods and begins to back away, pulling me with him like a shield. I don't dare move, it could endanger me or if he was really crazy, Palette. He may attack Palette. Couldn't let that happen.
"Good Palette. Amazing. We could've had this end so nice and easily with me getting my way. But no, you just had to intervene. And now, I am angry. And never liked me angry. Your precious Goth is now in a bad spot and to add extra damage, you basically just confessed to him! Hah! How pathetic! Now, I'm gonna go and do as I planned with him. But don't dare follow or try anything or you and him will pay the price. You don't want that, do you? No. Cause---Agh!"Fell!Palette hisses as he backs away, but then yells in pain
He was knocked forward roughly, his grip on me rekeasing. He falls to the ground where bone attacks shoot at him. Due to the impact, I stumble and fall forward but Palette grabs me to keep this from happening. He looks at me, his grip on me tightening. He pulls me close into a hug. I was still shaking from how things went,my hands trembling. I somehow managed to get my hands around him to hug him back.
"Gothy!"He cheers
"Hey, Palette...What just happened?"I ask
"Listen, bud. You talk way too much. But you NEVER. EVER! Threaten my friends! Capeesh?"a familiar voice snaps
"We got a lil help it seems."Palette says
I look left to see Sprinkle pinning Fell!Palette to the ground, pointing a knife at his neck now. Fell!Palette was struggling, but Sprinkle managed to keep him down.
"Not so fun being the one threatened now is it? Huh? Being trapped isn't nice, right? So don't ever do it to my friends again!"Sprinkle snaps
Fell!Palette nods. Sprinkle allows him get up. Soon as he does, Sprinkle knocks him away. He comes over, tucking the knife away.
"You both okay?"Sprinkle asks
I nod. So does Palette. Sprinkle smiles and hugs us. Palette was curious, though. He had this questioning look in his eyes.
"How'd ya even know there was a problem?"Palette asks
"Oh! You accidentally called me and I heard the whole thing! From the moment you came to the scene, remember? You said you'll call to ensure we get to the tree alright and that you sensed something bad?"Sprinkle explains
"Oh right! Wait...So you heard all of it?"Palette asks
"Yep! Wait until Error hears about this after all his teasing! It's about time! Heh!"Sprinkle replies
I see Palette's face light up.
"Don't you dare or I will tell Blue."Palette says
"Hah! We'll see! Now come on! Ink was getting worried when he woke up and found ya both gone!"Sprinkle says, then runs down the trail
Palette looks at me. I nervously smile. He releases me and steps back. He rubs the back of his skull nervously. I hold my arm anxiously.
"So...about....that....." I begin
"Uh, we'll talk about that later! Let's just get back before Ink panics!"Palette says
"O....Ok...Wait, Error was teasing you?"I agree.
"Ya, no surprise there. Heh, and now he's gonna tease me even more once he finds out. Ugh, great."Palette says, his tone sarcastic
"You too, huh? Wait, are you being sarcastic? Oh wow! I didn't even know you can be sarcastic!"I tell him
"Learned it from the best. My best bud to be exact."Palette says, winking again
"Dude! Pfft. Okay, maybe I'm influencing ya a bit too much if you learned that!"I say, laughing it off as my face brightens
"What do you mean by you too? Does he tease you as well?"Palette asks
"He doesn't have to. His brother does!"I reply
We were now trailing where Sprinkle had run off. I feel okay again and managed to summon my scythe or teleportation again. I was getting strong again. Now only if my face would cool. I tug my hood lower over my face.
"What? E!Pap? About what?!"Palette exclaims
I feel my face warm even more. I look at him. He had this curious spark in his eye lights, but still had those oblivious signs in his expression. He still doesn't know. I smile at this, relieved. I decide to give him some info to please him. Not all, only some.
"Usually about the nickname, Gothy. Error told him apparently. He would ask about how close we are and if ya have any feelings for me. Then it would go to the classic sitting in a tree tease. So I guess if you go down getting teased, we're going down together. Heh."I explain
"Ah ok. Interesting. But I guess we can refer to them as the Teasing Error brothers! That's a nice way to think of it."Palette says
"We'll see who's getting teased now! I....!"I cheer, but then something I sensed cut me off.
My timeline.. was destroyed. My family...killed....I don't have to think of who caused it. I already know. At first, I was sad, but then angry as well. They were gonna pay! But...I had to get my emotions out first in order to be rational.
"Is everything ok? Gothy?"Palette asks
I look at him. He looks worried now. I sigh, knowing honesty could work. But it could cause issues with Palette's reaction varying. I force a smile.
"Yep! Just lost my train of thought, ya know?"I lie
"Ah ok. Good to hear that everything is ok. Heh, I get that. Though Ink may understand on a greater level. He didn't hurt you, did he Gothy? I just wanna make sure."Palette says, grinning with a wink
This had to be at least his fifth wink.
"I am ok. But please, stop winking!"I tell him, feeling my face brighten
"Huh?"Palette says, not winking
"You've never done it before a-and you're doing it more than usual now!"I say, lowering my hood
Palette nods. He then comes close, hugging me. His face was especially close to mine. He looks at me sweetly. I feel my face get brighter.
"Why are you blushing?"He asks
"I'm not! You are!"I snap, looking away
I tug my hood down. I cannot get caught now! Palette stays in my face, gazing at me still. His eyes were glowing bright and shining. His face was bright, but he would not release me. He says nothing, gazing at me with a smile. I was silent, emotions jumbling in me. He leans closer. I panic, freezing up.
"S0 thErE's tHe sWeEt PaLeTtE tHaT waS bEiNg smOoTh wItH GoTh! HeH!"A glitchy voice says
"Oh no..."Palette mutters, leaning back again.
Palette loosens his grip on me. I look at him. I pull my hood lower. I then look at Error, who was climbing down the tree to us. I see E!Pap leaning against the tree, giving a sly look and grin to us.
"SpRiNkLe t0lD mE tHe eNtiRe cAlL! Hah!"Error says
"I'm gonna go check on Ink and Sprinkle."I state
"O-Ok..."Palette says
"Ah, GoTh! HaS hE-?"Error begins
I teleport up into the tree. I climb into the hole of the tree. Nobody was in it, but I take the chance. I get in it and face away from the entrance. My thoughts were racing. Okay, Goth focus. Asses your situation. It's ok. 1.Timeline, gone. 2.Renew destroyed it. 3.Fell!Palette attacked 4. My safety was put at risk, but Palette as well as Sprinkle have stopped that. 5. Palette kissed me. 6. Sprinkle and E!Pap have arrived, but everyone else is who knows where. 7. My
Tears swell in my eyeholes. I see them drop and hit my sleeves. That's when I realized I was crying. I quickly wipe them from my sleeve and face. I can't cry yet. That won't help things and others will get suspicious or worried. Then they'll waste their time worrying. Can't let that happen. I can cry while all this is over. I hear someone climb the tree.
"Goth?"A voice calls
I don't try to recognize the voice or even think of it. Mistake right there. I don't turn around. Another mistake. I take some breaths to calm down and make sure there were no more tears.
"If you don't mind, I'd rather be alone right now."I say
"Sorry, I can't do that, bro. My buddies want you very soon my dad broseph. Now come along all rad or things will get unrad."The voice says
I turn around quickly and see Fresh hanging upside down, hanging in the hole. His shades read SU-P! I frown. What the heck was he doing here? I shake my head, trying to summon my scythe. Fresh splashed something at me and my scythe fizzed out.
"Don't try that bro. Now, time to go."Fresh says, grabbing me.
"Hey! Let me go!"I yell as he yanks me out
Fresh climbs the tree higher, having me hang by the arm as he did so. I kick and begin to yell, but he slams me into the tree to silence me. I reach up with my spare arm and tear my scarf off. Fresh drags me through a portal, but I tore the end of my scarf on a nearby branch, the piece marking an X. I then drop the scarf after Fresh slams me into the tree again. I went through the portal and hit the ground roughly. Just great.
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