Chapter 42:
Goth's POV
I soar above the forest skies. I chuckle. Man, Renew really messed up. I know for a fact that they tried to kill me and Ink, but they had failed by throwing the wrong chemicals on us and knocking our scarves off, as well as Ink's vial scarf. We had fled the scene before the kid tried anything else. All Renew did to me was make wings grow instead. It was painful, but much better than death and gives an advantage.
But I frown now at thinking of what was done to Ink. He was beaten badly enough as it is, but the chemicals consumed him. I had to carry him from the scene since he was knocked out for a good bit. But when he awoke, it was like someone hit the reset button on him. He was reduced back to his appearance before he really became Ink, a star sans. To when he was just a character of an unfinished creation.I ended up giving him a spare cloak. His memory is wiped, or just knocked to the back of his mind, hidden away or something. But to make things worse, he can no longer see a thing. The chemicals made him blind! I led him away from the scene when he awoke. We stopped soon enough to catch our breath. Ink didn't seem to know me anymore and I gave him a vague explanation of the events in order to not scare him. I reintroduced myself and he seemed to trust me. But we heard footsteps and I saw a Blueberry approaching. I know that we can't mess with timelines, so I led Ink away before this Blue could investigate or encounter us. I found a big tree and got an idea. I flew up and placed Ink in a hole in the tree. I told him I'm gonna look for some friends to help, knowing Palette was still out there and probably worried or looking for us. Or hurt. Or in danger. Or...I rather not think of it. He nodded, but told me to come back ASAP. He clearly had forgotten what he was capable of or his skills and was terrified. Then again, he is at a disadvantage. From there, I took off, into the sky.
I fly above the forest trees, scanning it for any sign of Palette. My wings flap easily and gently. I couldn't find him anywhere though. I land on a tree and peer along the trail. I take out Palette's hat that he gave me. I wonder where he could be. Is he okay? Could he be under attack? Alone? Hurt? Searching? Taken? Or....could he be on Reaper's list....? NO! H-He can't! He's fine! He's a good fighter even if he is under attack! He probably isn't alone with his social skills and smarts for what to do in situations! He's fine! Even if he is hurt, it can be aided! Renew wouldn't dare take him! And he couldn't possibly be....that. Knowing him, he p-probably is wondering the same about me if he sees the scene and is searching..Just like I am with him. He has to be okay! I grip his hat tighter. I sigh. I had to keep those dark thoughts out and deny them. Have hope. Be happy. Positive. Hopeful. Empowering Nightmare instead of Dream in a situation like this won't help a thing. My wings unfold and I take off. I circle the trails of the forest by the scene and where we left Palette a few more times to look for him. Still, no luck. I decided that I should stop and return to Ink. I fly back to the tree and enter the hole in the tree. I come over to him and smile, glad to see he's okay still. I tell him it is me. He smiles but only for a moment. I look at him with a smile, then lean against him. I lower my hood, putting Palette's hat on. I rest my head on his shoulder. His face warms a bit, I remember that he never real got close with anyone in what was supposed to be his AU. So this was supposedly his first time being close with someone else, without his memories that is. And he couldn't see so it probably caught him off guard.
"Did you find your friends?"Ink asks
"No, not yet."I say
"I hope they're okay. Especially your friend owning the hat."Ink says
My face warms.
"How'd you know it was theirs or I even had a hat?"I ask
"I felt it when you put it on. Something tells me that with the material difference it isn't yours. But you wear it, so they must have a special value to you. Am I wrong?"Ink explains
"No, you're not wrong. Heh. You're very observant, though you can't see at the moment. They're a good friend of mine. Their name is Palette."I tell him
"Interesting..They truly must be special....Thank you, Goth. For all the help you've done for me so far."Ink sighs
"Of course! You may not remember, but we are also friends! It's a pleasure to help you."I assure him
"I like that fact."Ink states
"As do I."I agree
Ink then shut his eyes. He tenses quickly. I lift my head from his shoulder. Ink shakes his head a few times. He then opens his eyes, looking away from me. He seems to be in quite a panic but was trying to conceal it.
"Go and search for him again. I have a feeling that something is happening. It is not a good thing. Go, I'll stay here. They'll need you!"Ink says
I look at him to see he was serious. I then nod and climb onto a branch. My wings unfold quickly. I take off and fly above the trails again. I reach above the spot where the Blue sans was coming near us. That's when I hear voices.
"I don't get it...They were just here. I know it."A voice says
"WeLL, dUe tO tHeiR siTUaTioN, iT mAkEs sEnSe tHaT tHEy diDn'T sTicK aRouNd. ThAnkS fOr tHe hElp, dUdE!"Error's voice says
"Mwehehe! No problem! I must go, hope you skeletons stay safe! Bye!"The voice says
I assumed it was the Blue sans from before. I hear footsteps running off. There was silence. I circle this area, holding Palette's hat to my skull. If I could locate Error, someone, anyone I know, I knew it would be good and beneficial. Maybe they could even help locate Palette or the others and help Ink. The Palette part was soon corrected. The silence was broken.
"So, where do we go from here? It seems the forest denses from here."A familiar voice says
Palette! I scan the ground below and spot Palette pacing on the ground. Joy fills me. I circle a bit more to ensure it was him. It indeed was. I dive down, reaching out. I grab Palette and swoop back into the air, this quick motion causing a bit of spinning. I steady myself and place his hat back onto him. I take my scarf back. I hug him close, though it was from behind and high in the air. Palette let out a yell.
"Let me go! Now! Please! I don't have time for troubles! I'm busy! Whoever you are, let me go!"Palette yells
I smile. Palette can be so jumpy. He speaks and acts in the moment. As always. My wings flap. I feel my face warm but I could see he was crying. His face was still bright as always though.
"Palette, you and I both know that releasing you right now from this height would be stupid. Besides, haven't you noticed your hat is back? I can't hurt you silly. I won't. What are you so busy with? You don't have time for me to join you?"I tell him calmly
He was silent. He turns his head and looks at me. His eye-lights shrink.
"G-Gothy? Y-You're okay?"Palette asks
"Hey, silly! Yes I'm ok! Renew messed up with their own chemicals! I'm just glad you're okay! Now, what are you doing?"I reply
"Gothy! Heh, really? I was just....uh....looking for you and Ink with Error. I was worried about you, Gothy. I missed ya."Palette says
I feel my face warm up greatly. I smile.
"Heh, I'm glad I wasn't the only one after all."I say
I feel something grab my foot by my ankle. Then, we were yanked downward. I quickly pull Palette close and my wings shut around us protectively. I feel the ground roughly. Palette looks at me, his grip tight on me. His face became brightly lit. We were close together and he was leaning in closer to me. My face warms the more he did. He looks at me and absolutely froze up. His eye-lights shrank but then grew a bit again.
"A-Are you okay?"Palette asks
"Y-Y-Y-Yes I a-a-am. Are you?"I reply
Palette nods.
"I d0n'T kNoW oR cAn sEe wHaT yOu tWo aRe dOiNg, bUt I'm s0rRy fOr rUiNinG aNy mOmEnT yA wErE hAVing uP tHerE. I dIdn'T rEaLizE iT wAs yOu GoTh."Error says
Both of us froze up. My wings drop, knowing we must be safe now. I release him, but his grip remains on me. He didn't budge.
"OooH! I sEe nOw. NicE PaLetTe, rEaL niCe.~"Error says with a tease in his voice.
Palette's face exploded in a bright glow. He releases me and sat up. He looks to our right, frowning. I look to the right as well. There was Error, standing there with a smirk. A string slithers back to him from us, making it clear that the string had grabbed me. Error smiles with a chuckle. Palette got up and helps me up.
"Shut up! You better bet you're sorry! He could've gotten hurt! And quit teasing! Never again! I may just tell Ink when we find him!"Palette snaps
"Heh, oK tHeN! I'lL lEt yOu bOtH kEeP tHiS liL aCt gOiNg a biT mOrE iF tHaT'S wHaT yA dEciDe. TeLl hiM if yA wIsH, hE wIlL uNdErStAnD mY rEaSoN. I kNoW InK wElL enOuGh and eXPlAiN iT iF I mUst."Error says
I could tell he had such hope to find Ink alright. I could also tell he was worried and of course oblivious to what was done to Ink. I know I have to tell him. I frown and nervously rub the back of my hooded skull.
"Ya, about that....Ink...he...."I say
"He'S nOt dEaD iS hE? He'S oKaY, riGhT?"Error asks, looking at me in worry
"Y-Ya! He's alive! He's as okay as he can be....How much do you know of Ink's origin?"I reply
"A gOoD bIt oF iT, wHy? WhAt dOeS iT hAvE tO dO wItH tHe sItUaTiOn?"Error asks
"Well..."I begin
"Hey, Error! What's that soul doing behind ya? Did you destroy? Kill? What would Ink think with the broken deal now?"Palette exclaims
That caused me to notice a soul hovering behind Error. It was a clear monster soul. It was special, though. It was greyish white, but would flicker different colors. I could hear Palette's worry and understand the reason. There was worry built up from this realization. Error seems clueless to it though. He turns and jumped or unaware of it.
"Oh! I fOrGot aBoUt It! ThIs sOuL hAs bEeN fOlLoWiNg mE for a BiT. I dIdn'T kiLl oR dEsTroY, I pR0mIsE! i doN'T EvEn kNoW wHo'S sOuL oR wHeRe iT cAmE fRoM."Error insists
"Hmm, well, it hasn't broken so it's not someone dying. But for it to follow you is strange, but special. Souls rarely do that from what I know. Maybe you should keep it close until we know who it is or what to do with it."Palette suggests
"Go0d iDeA. I wIlL dO jUsT tHaT! NoT wItH mY sTrInGs oF cOuRsE, dOn't wAnNa huRt iT."Error says
Error reaches out and gently grabs the soul. It quickly went from its greyish-white to a violet followed by blue and back to greyish-white. Error got this puzzled expression on. He got curious, I could tell. He lifts it closer to his face. He rubs a thumb on the soul. He narrows his eyes curiously and examines the soul. It flickers the same pattern, only quicker.
"Be careful with that soul, Error. You of all people should know how fragile they are."Palette says
"I kNoW. ThIs SoUl iS oDd. I'm jUsT sEeInG iF iT's sEnDiNg a mEsSaGe oR sOmEtHiNg wItH tHe cOlOr cHaNgE. I'lL bE cArEfUl wItH iT."Error says
He stops rubbing his thumb against the soul. Yet, I could see that his grip tightened slightly on the soul. The soul only flashed blue or purple now, faster than ever now. Error lowers the soul but his gaze stays on it. His grip didn't seem to soften. Then, there was a yell. One I know. Ink.
"GOTH!"Ink yells
"Ink! I'm coming!"I shout
I could hear the pain and panic in his shout. The timing was too much of a coincidence. I look at Error with the soul. Then it hit me. They reset him that far! Possibly, he has a soul, possibly that one....Meaning....
"Error let go of the soul! Now!"I snap
"What? YoU dOn'T tRuSt mE wiTh a SoUl? I mAy bE a dEsTrOyEr, bUt sTiLl!"Error obliviously says
"Now you bonehead!"I demand, grabbing him by the arm and with a tight grip
Knowing his phobia, he'll have to give in. That's what I believed. And I was right. Error signs filled his vision and he tenses up. His releases the soul and I snatch it from him, gently wrapping it in the end of my scarf to protect it and keep it close.
"What was that about, Gothy?"Palette asks
"Nothing but a theory. Now, follow me. I have to check on Ink now. And if you couldn't tell by the yell, he doesn't seem to be yelling just to have a casual talk or something."I reply, then take off into the sky
I fly as fast as I could. I stay above the trail and the trees so I stay in Palette and Error's sight, allowing them to follow. I reach the tree and land at the entrance to the hole. I look inside. Ink wasn't in it. Panic mode engaged.
"Ink! Ink! Where are you?"I shout
"Down here."Ink's voice calls
I look downward to see Ink on the ground at the bottom of the tree. A little fact about the hole that doesn't help is that the hole was very high up in the tree. I leap down beside him quickly. His arm was bent unnaturally and wounded,most likely from the fall. He was wounded all over, probably from the fall as well. He was crying and his face was a rainbow. I check his stats and find that he had lost a good bit of hp, as well as something odd. There was an outline of a soul. My theory was right. He was reset to the point to when he had a soul. I unravel the soul from the scarf and it quickly flies to Ink, entering the outline. I sigh, worriedly looking at him.
"Ink! Are you okay? What happened?"I ask
Ink opens his eyes and looks around.
"Goth? Where are you?"Ink asks
I place a hand on his shoulder. He looks at me.
"I'm here. Now please answer me."I tell him
"I was staying here and trying to remember more about you or others since you said I was your friend. Then, I felt this pain. I couldn't understand it and it starts out faint. I got worried and went to the entrance of the hole. That's when I felt the worst pain yet. It hurt greatly all over. Than a saw someone...They were a scary man and in my face. They didn't say anything, just stared before disappearing and I lost my vision. The pain grew and I yelled for you, worried that something bigger was happening. I tried to jump down to look for you and, well, you can see how that went..."Ink explains
"It's okay, Ink. It's gonna be okay. But it's interesting to hear of this scary man...Do you know what they looked like?"I say
Ink shakes his head and shut his eyes, as if trying to remember. His soul flickered purple and greyish-white in his stats. Ink reaches out to me and grabs my arm hugging it tight. He then rests his head on my arm. He didn't answer my question, he was too weak to. I could tell he was trying to but I pat him on the head softly while my wing shields him.
"Rest, Ink. You can explain everything later. Just try to rest and regain your strength."I tell him softly
Ink nods and slowly shuts his eyes. He dozes and rests peacefully. I pat his head and shield him with a wing. My other wing extends from behind me, blocking Ink from sight like a wall. I remove my scarf and place it carefully under his head like a pillow. I hear footsteps and my wings stiffen, closing on him more. I look up to the sound of footsteps to see Palette approaching quickly with Error most likely following. I sigh with relief.
"Gothy! Ink!"Palette cheers
I shh him, which he listens to. I lower my wings. Palette comes closer.
"Hey, Palette. Here's Ink. He got hurt a bit and my theory was correct. I think I know exactly how as well. He's resting to regain his strength. You'll see what I mean if you check his stats."I whisper
Palette gives a puzzled look. He checks the stats and his eye-lights shrank. It was clear he saw what I see and understands now. But that doesn't keep him from panicking.
"DEAR GOODNESS! OH MY-!"Palette exclaims
I cover his mouth. I shush him again and I shake my head.
"I know, I know. He was reset to before he really became part of the multiverse, back when he was just some part of an unfinished au. His memory seems to be wiped or at least knocked out temporarily. The chemicals also made him blind, but he apparently saw a 'scary man' right before his fall and going blind again."I explain to him
"Oh....So who's gonna break the news to Error?"Palette asks
"InKY!"Error exclaims, quickly coming over
I get up and back away, as does Palette. Error sits down and quickly examines Ink. He rubs Ink's head. I could see the loving and worried gaze. Palette gives me a worried glance and gestures to Error. I nod.
"If Ink wakes up from Error's actions, he will learn the hard way. If not, I will."I tell him
"Whatever you say, Gothy."Palette says
Error gently feels Ink's head. Error smiles a bit. He looks at Ink, then at his wounded condition. Palette and I watch. Ink remains asleep, but didn't move.
"InKy, pLeAsE bE oKaY...PlEaSe." Error mutters
"Error...Ink needs to rest....He....well...."I tell him
"Ink was reset back to when he was in the unifnished space of his au! His origin! His memories are not around as far as Goth knows and the chemicals made Ink blind as well! Check his stats! You'll see!"Palette blurts out
"W-WhAt?"Error exclaims
"That's what I saw and could tell from everything that went down. He's regaining it bit by bit, but he doesn't know anything that happened or any of us. The only reason he knows me is because I told him who I am and that I won't hurt him."I tell him
Error puts a hand to his face, covering his mouth. He shakes his head a few times. He muttered something along the lines of "I promised him.." Error then feels Ink's face gently. He whispers something to Ink. Then, he checks dear Ink's stats. Ink's soul appears. I could see Error's face turn a bright yellow. He reaches out and, once again, touches the soul. It flashed purple, just like before. Ink's face was covered with a rainbow. Ink's calm and peacefully resting to a scared and discomforted expression.
"ThiS cAn'T bE rEaL..."Error mumbles
"It is and I don't think touching his soul will help anything again. He doesn't seem to be ok with that."I say
Error nods and removes his hand. The soul fades after he completed checking the stats. Ink shakes his head sleepily before dozing again peacefully.
"Look on the bright side, Error! He is ok! And you get a fresh start with Ink! He's forgotten the time you were enemies that means!"Palette points out
Error was silent. Ink shot upward, sitting up. His eyes were open but he of course couldn't see. He had a horrified expression on, though was silent. Error leans forward and hugs Ink quickly.
"InKy! I'm sO glAd yOu'Re oKaY!"Error cheers, his face brightening in yellow
I could see the surprise and confusion on Ink's face.
"I-I'm sorry, w-w-who are you?"Ink asks
"YoU mAy nOt rEmEmBer mE nOw, anD tHat iS oKaY. I'm ErRor aNd I'M yOur fRiEnD. I wOn't hUrT yOu, I pRomiSe."Error says
"Error....That name does sound familiar. You said you were glad I'm okay.....why? What's going on? Am I supposed to not be okay? Where's Goth? Is he ok?"Ink replies
"It'S a LoNg sToRy. ThErE aRe sOmE tHat wAnT yOu tO noT bE oK, bUt I aM jUst gLaD yoU'Re oK. GotH iS oK."Error assures him
"I'm here, Ink."I say
Ink smiles.
"Ink, you looked scared when you woke up. Is everything ok?"I ask
"Now it is....I had a nightmare....In it was the scary man..."Ink says
"Scary man? What scary man?"Palette asks
Error releases Ink and looks around protectively, but backed away. He had this expression on that seemed to be upset. Had he thought of something?
"He seems to now have bits of sight returning for a few moments to show this 'scary man'."I reply
"Goth, who's that? The one who asked that question?"Ink asks
"It's Palette. He's a friend as well and won't cause any harm."I reply
"Is he the one who gave you the hat? The special one?"Ink asks, tossing me my scarf
I feel my face warm. I hide my face within my hood and scarf. I look at Error, who now had this sly smirk on, looking at Palette and I. I look at Palette, who is looking at me with a smile. I look at Ink.
"Yes...He is."I reply
"Ah, okay. Pleasure to meet ya Palette! Or again, at least,since Goth says we've met before."Ink says
"Yep! It's nice nice to see ya again too!"Palette cheers
"HeY, PaLeTte. CaN I tAlK tO yOu f0r a sEc?"Error asks
Palette nods. He then went over to Error, where the two begin to quietly talk.I approach Ink and sit beside him. Ink grips me tightly by the arm again.
"Are there others like them that you know?"Ink asks
"Yep."I say with a nod
"Do you know where they are?"He asks
"No, they're lost as a result of some events that happened."I reply
"Oh! Then I'll go and find them!"Ink cheers
"No! You will not! Not on your own or in your condition! It's too risky!"I snap
Ink nods. It falls quiet.
"What does this scary man look like?"I ask him
"Hmm....Can you give me a stick?"Ink replies
I nod and grab a nearby stick. I hand it to him. He thanks me. He gets a good grip on it. He feels around on the ground gently, soon finding a soft patch of open dirt without grass. He dusts away any pebbles or obstacles that could block whatever he's gonna do. He takes the stick in his other hand and begins to drag it lightly in the dirt. He could not see, but he seemed good at feeling around. His hands were skilled and did the work for his eyes. He works on the dirt for a few moments, then set the stick aside. He smiles proudly. He looks at me.
"That's them."Ink says
"Okay..."I respond
He stood and began to walk about, using the stick to guide him. He soon wanders off. I gaze at the drawing in the dirt. I gasp. It was of E!Gaster. E!Gaster was the scary man. But if Ink saw him for a moment before going blind again, that might mean that E!Gaster is nearby. That's a danger. Very much. I get up quickly. I look at Error and Palette. Error was whispering something to Palette. Palette's face lit up, his eye-lights shrinking. When Error finished, he chuckles while Palette was looking at the ground, his face glowing. He looked uneasy. I quickly charge forward and lift a wing between them.
"Quit it!"I snap
"QuiT wHaT?"Error asks innocently
"I dunno what you said or did, but it makes him uneasy. Now quit it!"I tell him
"I dUnNo wHaT yOu'Re tAlKInG aBoUt."Error says with a shrug
I felt a hand grab my wing. I jolt and stiffen up. I look to see Palette holding my wing and peeking over it. We make eye contact. I see his face brighten and he looks away, releasing my wing. I fold it. I look back at Error, who was now looking around.
"Ink just told me who the scary man is. And by that I mean he drew them. Congrats Error, it isn't you if you were worrying about that due to his scrambled memory. Go take a look."I state
Error's face lit up with joy. He nods and goes over, as does Palette. Error examines it and frowns. Error shoots a bone into the dirt where E!Gaster's head was drawn. Palette kicks at the dirt drawing, smearing it. It made sense. I understood their reasons. I look around, but notice Ink is gone. It hit me the exact reason. I facepalm and sigh.
"Guys, Ink wandered off. I think he's looking for the others. But I think you know the risks."I say, opening my wings
"WhAt? ArE yoU kiDdInG mE?!"Error exclaims
"Well, he was never really the type to just sit around and do nothing when others are lost or something."Palette says
"I'll fly above to try and spot him. He was heading north last I saw him. That's the best way to go."I say
Error and Palette nod. They run along the trail northward. I expand my wings and take to the sky. I quickly fly past them and further along the trail. After a few moments, I spot Ink. But he wasn't alone. I circle the spot, signaling that I found him. I slowly came lower and lower, summoning my scythe. E!Gaster looks up at me. That catches me off guard, but I didn't flee. I point my scythe at him. He grins.
"Bye bYe, GoTh. CanT hAve aNy wiTnEsSes tElLinG lItTlE faCts."E!Gaster says
I swing at him but he dodges and throws a scythe at me. It went right through one of my wings. It knocks me back and pins me to a tree. I was high up and hanging from the wing. It hurt, but not enough to get rid of me. Plus, I still had a view of what he was doing. Ink was now lifted by the neck and getting choked. E!Gaster was laughing, thinking he's won. But Ink surprised him by being positive.
"Ya know.....there's a bright side to this situation."Ink says
"WhAt?"E!Gaster asks
"The chemicals made me blind so you and your stupid face are not the last thing that I see if you kill me. Instead, it's the last thing I remember seeing. Heh."Ink replies weakly, though tears ran from his eyes
"WeLl noBoDy iS kIlLinG aNyOnE!"Error yells, entering the scene
E!Gaster looks at Error and as soon as he did, Error fires a Gaster Blaster at him. E!Gaster was knocked away, dropping Ink in the process. Ink roughly hit the ground head-first and lays there, motionless. Error fires some more attacks at where E!Gaster was knocked to. He then runs to Ink, lightly shaking him. He kneels down and keeps shaking him.
"CoMe oN...ComE oN! InKy! PlEaSe! DoN't lEaVe mE! DoN't dIe oN mE yeT yOu iDioTiC sKiTtlE sHorTie!"Error pleas, yelling and crying
I watch this in amazement. I've never seen an Error Sans get like this. This Error was unique. He actually loved Ink. Cared for him. And he was actually crying. Ink still hasn't moved. I was starting to get worried. Error stops shaking him.
"InKy....mY bElOvEd ShOrTie....wAkE uP! I pRomIsEd tO pRotEcT yOu bY mY siDe, bUt I cAn't iF yoU aRe nOt bY mY sIDE! PlEaSe!"Error cries
It was silent. Error buries his face in his scarf, crying. But I saw Ink's foot twitch, then his fingers. Error wasn't noticing or could notice. I snap a twig from the tree and throw it, hitting his skull. He jolts, his face rising from his scarf. He did not look around, but noticed Ink's slight movements. Ink then sat up, rubbing his skull.
"Glitchy, why do you have to be so loud? I bet the entire forest could hear you." Ink says
"InKy!"Error cheers, hugging him with joy
"Hey, Error...."Ink says
He remembers!
"WaIt! YoU cAlLeD mE GlitchY! DoEs tHat mEaN yOu RemEmBer mE?!"Error asks
"Ya.... I remember that name is linked with yours Error....Plus it's easy to recognize you when you have such a unique outdoor voice. If the animals start giving noise complaints, I'm not defending you."Ink says
"Shut uP InKy! I coUldN't hAvE bEeN tHat lOuD!"Error objects
At that statement, birds, squirrels, chipmunks and other small animals comes out of hiding or trees, making a lot of noise. It seems they were in denial. I chuckle.
"I think I speak for all the animals here when I say that you were indeed very loud."I state
Error jumps at my statement. He looks at me in shock. Ink just looks around confusedly. He probably couldn't see still. The animals went back into hiding. Error frowns. He then facepalms. But he then glares up at me.
"WhAt aRe yOu dOiNg uP tHErE?"Error asks
"Oh, you know! Just hanging around! Stupid E!Gaster caused it if you can't tell by the bone attack."I reply with a shake of my head
Ink laughs. Error's face lit up at hearing it. I was puzzled at this sight. Ink smiles as he laughs of course. He soon calms himself and stops laughing. He looks around and sighs happily.
"He's as funny as a Sans alright."Ink says
"DoN'T enCoUrAgE hIm!"Error snaps
This got me to laugh now.
"Okay, Blue!"Ink teases
"I'm nOt BlUe aNd yOu kNoW iT!"Error snaps
Ink leans close to Error and winks.
"Do I?"Ink asks innocently
Error's face lights up a bright yellow. Error signs fill his vision. Ink smirks and places a hand on Error's shoulder.
"Do I, Error?"He teases
"InKy! Q-QuiT iT!"Error yells
"Aww, Error, I can't see still but I can picture your face. I bet it is adorable!"Ink says
"ShuT uP! ShuDdUp! SHut up, shUt up! SHUT uP! I'm g0nNa cRaSh!"Error snaps
"Ok, fine."Ink sighs
"Ink! Good to see you're okay! Wait, are you okay? And has anyone seen Goth?"Palette cheers, though I couldn't see him
"Heh, you too, Palette. And according to what Error said and where I hear you, all you should have to do is look up."Ink replies
"Huh? Really? Oh!"Palette says
I look down. I gaze and see Palette just below me. He looks up at me sweetly and grins. His eyes shut as he did so. I feel my face lighten up a bit. I smile back at him nervously.
"Hey, Gothy!"Palette greets.
"H-Hey Palette..."I respond
I hear a cracking noise. I look up and see the bone attack was cracking and fading, no longer summoned. Oh shoot! Before I knew it, the bone was gone and I was falling. I close my eyes I feel myself hit something that was not the ground. Or who. I already know who it is. I open my eyes to find myself on Palette. I feel my face warm up. I quickly try to get up and off him but he places a hand on my cheek, making me freeze and face burn more.
"You ok, Gothy? That was quite the fall and I can bandage your wing if it hurts."Palette says with a smile
I say nothing, but nod. I feel my face warming. Palette grins, oblivious to what's going through my head or feeling.
"HeRe cOmEs tHe sHiP, hErE cOmEs tHe sHiP!"Error cheers teasingly to the beat of here comes the bride
I look at him, feeling my face burn.
"Oh shut it! Yours already sailed!"I snap
Error smirks, but his face grows even more yellow. Ink on the other hand, tilted his head confusedly. He looks around and then towards Error again.
"Since when did you get a boat?"Ink asks cluelessly
Error crashes after that. Maybe he was shocked and relieved out of his mind at what's happened, or he just couldn't handle the teasing and events anymore. I dunno. I get off of Palette and press against the tree. Palette gets up and looks around. He looks at me. He narrows his eyes. I feel panic fill me and I tuck my face in my hood and scarf.
"I don't get it. We're on land and in a forest. I saw no oceans nearby. So where'd he see a ship coming?"Palette asks
I sigh greatly from relief. Thank the stars for his sweet, oblivious, innocent mind! Thank the stars. I shrug.
"Dunno, maybe he was seeing things. Maybe we should head back to the tree. Ya know, away from where E!Gaster can get us."I say
He nods. I walk ahead to the tree in the distance. I check over my shoulder to see Ink following, blindly carrying Error on his back with the same stick as before to guide him. Palette was trailing them. I refocus my gaze up ahead. I take some deep breaths, calming down. That was close. Then I feel a hand touch my wing. I jolt. I look over my shoulder, seeing Palette holding it. He smirks and winks. I watch as he bandaged my wing as we walk. I sigh and smile, thanking him.
"HeY, GoTh! He mAy nOt hAvE tOlD yOu, bUt hE wAs wOrRiEd tO tHe pOinT oF cRyInG wHeN wE wErE lOokInG fOr yoU aNd InK!"Error tells
"Ah, you're awake. Good. Now walk beside me."Ink says, then puts Error down
"Oh shut up Error! You were no different! Except you held them back for Ink!"Palette snaps
"You were that worried about me?"Ink and I ask
We look at each other and chuckle. The timing was too good. Palette actually got a nervous expression on for once. He nods. I hear Ink chuckle. Error was silent.
"O-Oh hEy! We'Re baCk aT tHe tReE!"Error cheers, running ahead
I watch him go up the tree and into the hole. I chuckle. I look at Palette. He looks at me. We were silent. His face glows and his nervousness became clear again. I smile. His eye-lights shrink. He runs ahead and climbs the tree as well. I reach the tree and Ink soon does too. He looks up at hearing the sounds. He sits beside me with a shrug. How odd. My mind begins to trail off and wonder about the others now.
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