Chapter 41: Tiny Error and Forests
Error's POV
I slowly open my eyes to see thatI was in a giant forest. At first, I didn't recall what happened whatsoever. I couldn't. But when I stood up, it all came crashing down on me. I look around quickly. Where is everyone? Where am I? Where is Blue? Where is Inky? Is everything okay? What is happening? I look at my hand to see I still had string tied around it, but the end was torn. I shake my head. That blast was powerful. It must've split us up. What did I just say? That he's staying by my side and I'll protect him! Now this happens and I don't know where the heck he is! Man, great protection, Error! I take out my phone and try to call Blue, I need to know that he's okay after what he was used to do. Nobody answered my phone call. Blue did not. That worried me. I call Ink, but got his voicemail. More concern. Then, I hear footsteps.
I put my phone away and run. I run faster than I ever had before. I find a forest trail and go to it, feeling safer on a trail than in random woods. I notice the area didn't look like a Snowdin forest, so that gives me a clue that I may not be in an underground AU. I keep running, then trip and fall. Sh*t! I hear the footsteps grow closer and then a hand grabs me. It lifts me up and I come face to face with what seems to be a human Cross. He looks at me curiously and kept pressing his thumb against my face. His fingers kept a good grip but pokes. I try to pull myself out of his hold, annoyed and my phobia kicking in. I failed though, all I got was getting his hand to shake.
"What a strange creature. I wonder where you came from. Hmmm, now who would care for you?"Cross says
My expression dulls. He makes it sound like I'm a wild creature, which, given the appearances, may seem true. From there, he carries me in his hand. I find that I have shrunk in this AU to a small size. He begins talking and ranting about his friends. Mainly an Ink, Dream and Dust. He seemed very excited when talking about Dream. I roll my eye-lights and look at him. Seems this Cross is just as stupid with his feelings for Dream as mine is.
"What's the look for, lil guy? You don't seem very happy."Cross asks
Great detective work, Captain Obvious. I'm as happy as any creature would be getting taken to who knows where and having to listen to someone ranting. Not very happy that is.
"Wait! I think I know someone who could care for ya! They may even know what you are! Come on!"Cross exclaims, taking into a run
Not like I have a choice. T-T
He runs and I soon see a bridge come into sight. It was over a pond and it honestly looked beautiful, calming even. But another part of me worried. I'm now this small sized "creature" and can easily be tossed into the water. That worries me. We get on the bridge and I see someone coming up ahead.
"Hey, bud! I found another creature in the forest! I've never seen it before! They seem lost! Do you even know what it is?"Cross yells
"Really? Cool! I can't tell from here, silly!"The person responds
They got a bit closer and I could see more about them. I feel my face warm. It was an Ink. Except they were also human and female. Cross clearly noticed. He got a smirk on his face but then got a scared expression on.
"Ew! It's face turned yellow! It might be sick! You take it!"Cross shouts, then throws me into the air
"No! Don't throw him! You'll scare him! It doesn't matter if it's sick or not! You get sick and we don't throw you!"The Ink snaps, reaching up and catching me
My eyes widen and my face I know is now a bright yellow. I shook in their hold and stare at them. I'm such an idiot! Already acting like this around an Ink! Not my Ink! An Ink!
"Poor little guy. Are you okay?"Ink coos
"How do you know it's a guy?"Cross asks
"It seems to just be a skeleton creature of some kind. I've read about them. They're precious. So this lil guy is precious. Plus, I don't see any feminine signs on him. And, like I asked, are you okay, lil' guy?"Ink explains, then looks at me.
I could see by the look in his eyes that his explanation was a lie. This perplexes me. How does he know of me if that's not the case? I then realize yhat he was asking me a question. So, I nod, but do not speak. My thoughts were racing much too fast for me to even figure out what to say if I did.
"Ok, good. Now, we got to go to school but I can't take you home. So, hmm..."Ink says, thinking of what to do
I was silent. Her finger gently rubs my cheek, making my face brighten as she did. I gaze at Ink nervously, unsure of what to make of this situation. Ink places me in a shirt pocket of hers. The scarf hides my head and I liked how soft it was. My face warms again. I lift it up and out of my face. We were entering some building. I guessed it was school.
"Ssh, stay hidden. Can't let anyone know you're here."Ink says
"Hey, iNkfAcE! What arE y0u d0inG?"a voice asks
I recognize the voice. It was mine. I peek, hidden under the scarf. There was a human Error, wrapping an arm around Ink. I assume this was their versions and that there was just normal teasing. Ink's face lit up and looks away.
"I-I'm sorry, who are you? I don't think I know you."Ink says
"The nAmE's ErRoR. I'vE nEvEr sEeN y0u beFoRe. BuT tHaT dOeSn'T aNsWeR mY qUeStIoN.I'm sUrpRisEd yOu hAvEn'T hEaRD oF mE beForE."He says
"I'm just going to class like anyone else. I seriously don't know you."Ink says, but I could hear in the tone that it was a subtle lie.
"Ah, oK. NoT yEt yA dOn'T, bUt sOon yA wIlL!"He responds, leaning in
I know what's gonna happen and it did. This Error kissed Ink. I watch her face light up but it was clear in her eyes that she was shocked and didn't like the surprise.
Ink slaps them away and quickly walks down the hall. Cross follows but soon got lost in the crowded school hallways before anything could be done or said. I hide myself now in the pocket with the scarf roof. I sit there and play with my strings, waiting and listening for something to happen. I couldn't really hear much. Soon, I hear a loud bell ringing and then movement begins again. I assumed that classes had ended and it was time to go. After a bit, I peek out again. Cross was beside Ink, this one at least.
"OOo! Someone's getting feelings! I saw your face when he did it!"Cross teases
"Oh shut it you. Do not. He is not the one. He just...reminds me of someone. And don't start with that, Cross. You and I both know how you feel for Dream."Ink replies sharply
"Oh! But you still have feelings for someone! Interesting. You just say lies."Cross says
"Oh look! Dream's right over there!"Ink shouts
"What? Where?!"Cross exclaims, looking around
Ink chuckles. Cross looks at him and narrows his eyes.
"That's not funny and that is just wrong."Cross growls
I chuckle. Well played. Well played indeed. Ink looks at me and smirks. Cross frowns.
"He sure finds it funny."Ink claims
"He's another being. He probably finds anything funny. It means nothing about you being right."Cross denies
I smirk.
"Whatever you say, Cross."Ink says
"What's going on?"Dream asks, coming over for real
Dream was also a human female, wearing bright yellow clothes. Cross panicks and clung to Ink's side. I shake my head. Ink does as well.
"Ink's falling for someone."Cross says
"Cross!"Ink exclaims
"Really! Interesting! Ink! I hope you haven't forgotten what today is!"Dream cheers
"Oh right! I gotta hang out with you, don't I? Cross, I'll cya around!"Ink says
"I gotta go meet with a friend anyway. Bye!"Cross tells them, then runs off
Dream grabs Ink and leads him off. They enter a house soon enough. Dream drags Ink up some stairs. The two talk casually, but Dream starts getting pushy. She discovers me due to this. Ink explains how they found me and says not to hurt me. Dream takes me out of the pocket, placing me aside.
"Now, let's get those good vibes going. Let's try something to get whoever you're falling for's attention."Dream says, shoving Ink into a room
A muffled argument could be heard. Dream exits and locks Ink in the room. I was confused. What could they be doing. The doorunlocks. Ink walks out. I could feel my face explode in a warm, burning glow. The multiverse is testing me...
"Dream,while I appreciate the assistanceor attempt to help, I ain't feeling this. It isn't my style and I know from hanging with the person that this won't work. It will just put both of us at no ease."Ink says
I crash. Once I reboot, I look around. I find Ink and Dream gazing at me curiously. I also found myself in Ink's hold again, though it was soft and didn't have the fingers close in on me.
"It....rebooted? Since when can creatures do that?"Dream asks
"I've read that the creatures have special abilities. Keep in mind that this one is unique."Ink replies
Sure. From what you "read" of us. Where'd you even be able to research us? I can tell that's a lie but don't know why and what this Ink could know. Gotta be careful. Ink places me down again and leaves the room. Dream gazes at me in fascination. She reaches a finger out and pokes me. I didn't let it bother me at first. It was just at the top of my head, no biggie. But once I started to get poked in the face, I slap the fingers away. My phobia and personal bubble can only take so much. When Ink returns, Ink was wearing a Star-patterned pajama outfit.
"It's getting late and we have school tomorrow. Let's rest."Ink says
"Alright. I'm going to my room then. Night, Ink."Dream says
"Night."Ink calls after Dream left
Ink picks me up and gazed at me, still having that curiosity in their expression. Ink smirks and begins to go upstairs. I was confused. I begin to climb out of the hand but I was stopped.
"What are you doing? I won't hurt you. I'm gonna protect promised. You're sleeping with me."Ink says
I look at her. She smiles and the honesty was clear. That wording.... Ink continues to carry me upstairs and we're soon in a room that I guess was hers. I look at her as she laid down. She smiles, but then fell asleep. I was placed on the nightstand. I look around, checking for trouble. I then doze right under the small lamp. I wake up to a buzzing vibration coming from my pocket. I look at it, then dig into the pocket. I pull out my phone to see it's a call coming in. I read who it's from. Inky•v• I feel joy run through me with excitement. He was calling! He has to be okay and out there! I look to see the other Ink was gone with nothing more than a note saying:School time! Hope you find a home again! Feel free to do whatever!" I accept the call and lift the phone close.
"HeY, InKy! HoW's mY sHoRtiE dOING?"I say
"Error! Oh goodness, thank the stars you answered! This isn't Ink! It's Palette!"a voice exclaims from the other side
Joy was replaced with worry.
"PaLeTte? WhAt'S gOiNg oN? HOw diD yOu gEt InK's pHonE aND wHy cAlL mE?"I ask
"I can explain! I found it in his scarf and sash! I'm not completely sure! I called you because you're said to be there most observant! Plus you're the closest to Ink so I thought he may be with you or you may know what to do!"Palette replies
I could hear the panic and emotions in his voice. Something had to be wrong. Something very, very, bad. I was glad to be seen as observant and closest to Ink. Otherwise, I may not be seen as helpful and still in the dark on the situation.
"Go On."I say
"Okay., so I was wandering around and it seems I'm in some forest. I found Goth and Ink, so we wandered around for a bit. But then they said they heard something and ran ahead. Moments later, I heard yells. I went to investigate and found Renew fleeing the scene, saying some mistakes have been correct. Some blimps on the radar have been removed, even. They saw me and laughed, saying that my friend is gone and Ink has met the fate he originally had. I then found Goth's scarf with Ink's beside it. Wrapped up Ink's scarf was the sash of vials and this phone. He had it on with your contact up. I can't find them anywhere and I'm worried about them. But I don't understand either. What should I do? What could Renew mean about Ink? Where could they be?"Palette explains
I froze. The phone slips from my fingers. I was shocked. I didn't move or say anything. Blue had told me about Ink. His origin. Ink used to be an old sketch, nearly forgotten. But he gave up his soul, broke it, to change that. He could be gone. And so could Goth. They, the nicest people and closest to Palette and I, could be gone. Because of that darn kid! No, they can't be....He can't be....Inky...."Gothy".....erased? No! I gotta get there and investigate! But how? I look around the room. I try and fail to open a portal. I then look at the books on the shelves and the titles. Multiverse Theory, Mythical Creature Guide, Universe Creation, Guide to the Multiverse, How to open a portal, alternate timeline theory, etc. Man! This Ink was ready! And interested! I use my strings to yank the portal one down. I open it and find the page for emergency or quick portals if not able to instinctively do so. I follow the steps and achieved making a portal. I then realize I have not picked up my phone.
"Error? Error? Error! Are you there? Are you okay?"Palette asks
I pick up my phone.
"Y-Ya, I'm hEre aNd oK...jUst tHinKinG. I'm comiNg."I say
"O-Ok."Palette says
I hang up and walk through the portal. I shut it after me. I walk silent and carefully. I spot someone up ahead. I quickly see that it is Palette. He did not have his hat, but wears his scarf under Goth's. I quicken my pace. I could tell he was upset. I was glad to finally see someone I actually knew, though the circumstances are bad. Palette spots me, then runs to me. Tears were in his eyes. He covers his face with his hands, crying. I wrap my arms around him to comfort him. He jolts at this.
"I was his best friend! I was supposed to protect him! I promised him that I will! And I promised Gradient that I'll help keep Ink safe! Some protection I am! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! I'm sorry, Error!"Palette cries
I pat his skull softly, trying to calm him.
"Sssh, sSsh. CaLm dOwN. I'm iN tHe sAmE p0siTiOn aS y0u. I pRoMiSeD t0 pRoTeCt InK aNd lo0K hOw tHaT wEnT. But...wHeRe's yOuR hAt?"I tell him
I think maybe the hat could give some hope.
"I...gave it to Goth. He wanted there to be a way to identify each other, ya know between other versions of us and such."Palette replies
"WeLl, dId yOu sEe RenEw wItH yOuR hAt oR aT tHe sCeNe?"I ask
"N-No..."Palette answers
"YoU kNoW whAt tHaT mEaNs, riGhT?"I say
Palette was silent, but he froze. He stops trembling. His hands lower from his face and turn to fists. He lifts his head and I could now see the tears in his eyeholes. But he no longer looks sad. In fact, he seemed determined now.
"They could still be out there! Gothy...Ink....Let's go find them!"Palette cheers excitedly
I nod. I smile.
"AgReEd."I say
I look around carefully. There was a trail through the forest, but it wasn't clear of where to go. We could go just about anywhere and find them, but get lost at the same time. Palette began head north along the trail, so I follow. He then stops. He bent down and scoops a vial of sashes up. I recognize it. It was Ink's sash. Palette steps to the side to reveal Ink's scarf laying on the ground.
"I thought you'd like to have possession of it until we find them."Palette says
I look at him and nod. I pick it up. I hug it close to myself. I truly am hoping that he's ok. I look at him again, grinning. I sigh and tuck away the scarf.
"So wHeRe ArE wE gOiNg? We gOtTa fiNd tHem. I wAnNa sEe yA rEuNiTe wItH yOuR pReciOuS GoThY!"I say with a bit of tease hinted in my serious tone.
Palette lightly punches me, his face bright but his expression angry.
"Error!"He snaps at me
I laugh.
"CaReFUL, PaLeTtE! YoUr InK siDe iS sHoWiNg!"I tease
"Shut up. Besides, someone's coming."Palette growls, looking away
I go silent. I place my hands behind my back. I summon my strings. I could soon also hear the footsteps. Palette and I look around. Someone soon comes into view. A Blue, except human-looking. They come over and wave.
"Greetings! Welcome to OverSw-"They say
They now had gotten a closer look at us and must've realized silent. Palette grips my arm. I don't summon my strings anymore. I smile to make any hostility disappear.
"-ap. You're not from Humantale. In fact, you're not even human! How many skeletons are gonna come here? Are you all okay?"He asks
"We're okay. Wait, you saw other skeletons like us? What did they look like? Where'd you see them?"Palette replies
"Ya, two other ones to be exact. They seemed panicked. One of them wore a white cloak and was leading the other by the hand. The other skeleton, I couldn't tell much about them. He seemed scared, lost and worried. His eyes were grey and he had a little mark on his face."OS!Blue explains
"MaRk? WhaT kInD oF mArK?"I ask, worried that they got hurt
"Like his, but black and like an ink splatter."He says, pointing to the mark on Palette's cheek
"Oh! PhEw! OkaY!"I sigh with relief
"And where are they?"Palette asks
"Right along this trail! Come on! I'll show you! I'd be glad to help you find your friends!"He replies
He extends his hands to us. I look at Palette. He nods. We can trust them, we suppose. Just like any Blue. I look at him and I nod. OS!Blue jumps happily a few times before turning around and continuing north along the trail. He was indeed fast, so we had to run as well. Inky...Goth...We're coming. This will be fixed soon.
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