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Chapter 40:Trouble, Trouble and more Trouble!

This Nightmare seemed very nervous. He kept stuttering on his sentences and I couldn't understand anything he was saying. He grabs my hand and looks at me.

"I know you've been trying to leave. Please, stay. With us. With them. With me. I love you, Ink. You don't have to leave. You have everything here. We could be happy, really."Nightmare says

I was shocked. He was trying to use love to have me stay. He was using those words so loosely. He releases my hand. I think for a few moments. Something told me not to agree with him. I don't belong here. Besides, I don't see this Nightmare like that. I see someone else like that, I can feel it. Just thinking of the dream and the person made my face warm. I gaze across the field again. Stars and beautiful skies around us above it.

"I'm sorry. I don't see you that way. I don't belong here anyway. I belong out in the multiverse, with others and to explore. Not cooped up here. And I don't have everything here...So I'm sorry, but I will find a way to leave."I say

"You don't have him. You don't have your lil weakness. Your love. Ugh, such a shame that you caught on to the one flaw of this world. Now your fun ends. Besides, I'm sure you've seen that your portals don't work. That's because that's not your brush."Nightmare growls

I look at him, speechless. What was he talking about? How does he know? What is he talking about? Wait, only one person speaks so seriously of weaknesses! I watch my surroundings drain away and Nightmare morphed into E!Gaster. My paintbrush behind me evaporated into nothing, but I know where I am already. Some kind of void. Chains shot up from the ground and grab my arms, holding them behind my back. I look at this and sigh, not again. I pull and surprisingly find it not very hard to move in the chains, just yank me down.

I think and think while E!Gaster rambled on and on. I remember Blue sparring or practice fighting me, then the figure training me when we swapped bodies. I summon a bone attack and slice the chains. I was free! E!Gaster didn't like this. He charges at me quickly. I dodge and use a bone attack to hit him. I raise the bone attacks. I take some steps away. I narrow my eyes.

"I know how to use these. So back off!"I snap

I keep the bone attacks rady and hold them tight. Gaster charges at me, but I keep dodging. I fire the bones but he glitches around them. I get hit by him quite a few times, but still attempt dodging his attacks. Soon, he managed to fire Gaster Blasters, one I dodged but the other hit me. I was knocked into a wall of the void. I hardly got a hit on him. He came closer to me and I could see the sly expression on with sinister intent in his eye lights. I lift a hand up in front of me protectively, trying to summon a bone attack. I keep my gaze on E!Gaster. I was terrified, especially after realizing that I couldn't summon a bone attack and failed to. E!Gaster extends his hands out and laughs.

"YoU kNoW wHaT iS tHe bEsT tHiNg aBoUt aLl 0f tHiS? It'S tHaT yOu hAvE nO cOntAcT wItH thE oUtSiDe wOrLd! AnD nObOdY iS gOnNa CoMe fOr yOu bEcAuSe ThEy fElL fOr a TrAp iN lEaVinG yoU hErE! ThEy bElIEvE yOu aRe sAfE aNd s0uNd FrOm uS! NoBoDy iS gOnNa cHeCk oN yOu! YoU'Re sTuCk wItH mE! HaH!"E!Gaster cackles

I stay silent. I didn't dare move or say anything. I was absolutely trapped. Plus he was right. Everyone was tricked into thinking I was safe when I wasn't. I had no phone to contact them, no brush or way of escape. I stay where I was, knowing both of us knew these facts. I begin to cry, scared down to the bone. Could this be the end? What was he gonna do to me?

He closes in on me. I press against the wall. I tremble within fear, looking at him fearfully. But then, strings went and grab him. The strings yank E!Gaster back and away from me. I didn't move. E!Gaster glitches out of the hold the strings have.

"Ya, I woUlDn'T bE s0 sUrE oF tHaT. noW baCk aWaY fRoM InKy, oR yOu wIlL hAvE a bAd tImE. PeRsOnAlLy giVeN bY mE!"A voice says

E!Gaster turns around and I look to see a figure. I quickly recognize them as the figure from the dream. My friend. Beloved one. My face lit up. I raise a hand to my face. I was puzzled. Was this them? The memories come rushing back and then it hit me. It's Error. It's Glitchy.

I was frozen in place, watching Error and E!Gaster battle. E!Gaster keeps taunting Error about weaknesses and family. Error ignores these the best he could and kept firing attacks. It soon became clear though that E!Gaster was overpowering Glitchy. I slowly and silently get up, watching. I see where Error is being led or herded in battle by E!Gaster. I follow behind E!Gaster silently, carefully summoning a bone attack. E!Gaster was now towering over Error.

"YoU aNd yOuR wEaKnEss sEem tO bE tHe oNlY tWo m0sT oBsErVaNt oNeS, bUt nOt As oBsErVaNt aS mE. But tHaT gEtS iN tHe wAy oF mY pLaNs, mY fReEdOm. So gOodByE, SoN!"E!Gaster cheers, summoning an attack in his hand

"Hey, jerk! Observe this!"I snap, swinging the bone attack and hitting him in the head

I step to the side as he falls backwards, out cold. I look at Glitchy to see he was smiling. He steps toward me hesitantly. I step toward him, sure that I was safe with him. He reaches his hands out to me. I take this chance to slowly and gently intertwine mine with his. I look at him, smiling back. Then he speaks and asks the big question that repeated the past few nights.

"HeYa, InKy. Do y0u rEmEmbEr mE?"He asks

"How can I not? Especially when....w-when..."I reply, feeling my face get brighter

"WhEn wHaT? Did tHeY hUrt y0u?"Error asks, his grip tightening on my hands

"No! You came before they could! Thanks, Glitchy, for proving them wrong! For saving me! Hehe. Wait, did they hurt you?"I tell him

"No pr0bLem. NoBodY mEsSeS wiTh mY InKy. He did. BuT iT's nOtHiNg sErIoUs. NoW, I hAve tWo qUeStIoNs. CaN y0u anSwEr tHem?"He replies

"Of course, Glitchy!"I cheer

"WhAt diD y0u mEaN wHeN y0u sAid tHaT yOu thOuGht tHe oTheR mE wAs rIgHt aBout sOmeThInG?"Glitchy asks

I feel some joy leave me. I feel painful memories and emotions following, as well as a sense of shame for believing it to begin with.

"Before Gradient intervened, the other you kept beating and insulting me. Especially when he put the soul in me. Then he found out about how you act to me. He said.....He said it was a lie. Just some trick for you to get whatever it is you want. That any version of him wouldn't care about me. I'm not supposed to even exist after all...."I explain, bowing my head

"InKy, liStEn tO mE. Lo0k aT mE."Glitchy orders

I comply and hesitantly raise my head to look at him.

"ThAt ErRor iSn'T mE. He doEsn'T kNow wHaT wE kNow, sEe wHaT wE sEe, deAl wIth wHat wE d0. So, hE lIes tO trY aNd uNdo Such a tHinG. BuT hIs liEs aRe wRong. AnD I'm sUre tHeRe's a PaRt oF hIm dEep dOwn tHat wAs jUsT jEaL0us! InKy, I w0ulD nEvEr lIe oR tRiCk, oR dO aNyThInG thAt I dId, t0 y0u aBoUt sUcH a dElIcAtE tHiNg. I hAvE nOtHiNg tO gAin iF I diD. I lOvE yOu InKy. AnD tHat w0n'T eVeR cHaNgE."Error tells me with a smile

I nod, smiling again.

"O-Ok. Thanks for the reassurance, Error. What's your other question?"I say

"WhAt kePt yA frOm forGettiNg Us? ForGeTtiNg mE? SCieNce sAid tHat a siDe eFfeCt wOuLd bE incReAsed mEmOry loSs."Error asks

"First of all, those are two questions for one thing. Eh, whatever. Besides the fact that nearly everyone was replicated here, let's just say I went down Memory Lane every time I slept. It...usually had you in them."I explain

He nods, listening. He then releases my hands and wraps his arms around me, pulling me close.

"Error, what are you doing?"I ask

"NoThInG.~ AnD I fiNd iT sWeEt tHaT yOu dReAm oF mE."Error replies in a teasing tone

"It's not like I had a choice! And they always seemed to have a painful pop quiz at the end!"I snap

"InKy dReAmS oF GliTcHy! InKy dReAmS oF GliTcHy!"Error teases, ignoring what I said

He keeps leaning closer to me.

"LoVe yA, InkY tHe sKiTtlE sHoRtIe."He says

Then, he kisses my cheek. I could feel my face heat up. Yet, I know that he's doing this to tease me, mess with me even. I also know that he was gonna crash from his phobia if he didn't let go. I try to move in his grip and shove.

"Hey! Quit it! Let me go, Glitchy! You're gonna crash!"I say

"InKy, pReCiOuS InKy, I wOn'T cRaSh, s0 I wOn'T lEt yOu gO."Error says

"You know how the song goes, if you love me let me go!"I tell him

"DoN'T y0u dARe uSe tHaT s0nG aGaiNsT me!"Error snaps

"I just did, what are you gonna do about it?"I tease

"Hmm, I tHiNk I kNoW eXaCtLY wHaT!"Error says

I didn't expect that. He takes a hand and rests it on my cheek softly. He turns my face to him, then gets his face closer to mine now. He winks at me and I feel my face get brighter. WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON ANYMORE?!?! What is he doing?  I feel the sense of puking incoming as Error moves closer. But then, Error crashes. Knew it. I look around, seeing the stars around us had returned. It looked as beautiful as it did in the dream. I slip out of his hold and calm myself down. I then take advantage of Error rebooting. I lower his hands that were still positioned the way they were when he crashed. I reposition myself beside him, my arm around him while his arm was reflecting this. I then remember something. I smirk and kiss his cheek in return. He just so happened to finish rebooting at that moment. Our faces lit up.

"WhAt wAs tHat fOr, InKy?"He asks

"What? You can kiss me and I can't kiss you, Glitchy? And I remember something. You wouldn't have happened to have been watching me while I was here, would you?"I reply with a smile

"FaIr pOiNt. ShOot, yOu aCtUaLly kNeW oF tHaT. I diD, yOu cAn nEvEr bE tOo cArEfUl, eSpEciAlLy AftEr tHaT cAt iNcIdEnT. BeSiDeS, yOu'Re cUtE tO wAtCh. HoW'D yOu eVeN kNoW i wAs wAtChInG?"Error says

"ShUt uP! Hmm, I dunno, maybe the fact that posters were blinking with their eyes changed to look like yours was a giveaway! Wait, does that mean I actually surprised you when I said hello once? There was a poster that was blinking and I said hello to it. It's eyes widened and then changed to normal. Was that you?"I explain

"....It wAs. GueSs I dId cHoOsE oBvIoUs sPoTs. You diD, I diDn'T eXpEct y0u tO dO anYtHiNg oThEr tHaN lOok, sO I pAnIcKeD aNd sHuT iT."Error states

"And you tell Blue that you're fearless! Heh! Silly Glitchy. I'm surprised you haven't noticed the difference right now-"I say

"WhAt diFfErEnCe? AnD I aM fEaRlEsS...At cErTaIn tImEs. So aRe yOu!"Error objects, cutting me off

"The tables have turned, Glitchy! You don't exactly have me trapped in your hold anymore."I respond

"YoU mOvEd mE! Not fAiR! YoU sNeaKy lItTlE-"Error exclaims

"Let me guess, skittle shortie? You cut me off, I cut you off. I think you should've known I'd do something while you reboot."I cut him off with a smile

"YoU kNoW mE tOo wEll. I gUeSs yOu'Re rIghT. BeSiDeS, n0w I cAn kEeP yOu lItErAllY bY mY sIde aS I hAd sUgGeStEd aNd pLaNneD oN tO pRoTeCt yOu. I cAn pRoMiSe yOu tWo tHiNgS, InKy. I wIlL gEt rEvEnGe oN yOu aNd, yOu aRe nOt LeAvInG mY sIdE uNtIl I kNoW tHaT mY liL sKiTtlE iS sAfE. I wIlL pRotEcT yOu."He tells me

"Oh really? And how do you plan on doing that?"I ask

"LiKe tHiS."He replies

I feel a something wrap around my waist. I look down to see a string. It was around me from his hand. I feel my face warm up a lot.

"Glitchy! Come on!"I exclaim

"I mAde tHe pRomISe aNd I'm gOnNa kEep iT."Error chuckles

I nervously laugh. He happily joins in laughing. He did not seem nervous. And he did not release me.  I soon relax again and I look at Error. He leads me to a portal, still keeping me close. We walk through it. Everyone looks at Error, with angry or puzzling gazes. Then they look at me with shocked gazes. I feel the string tighten around me.

"Error! What are you doing with Ink? He was safe where he was! Plus the side-effects! Does he even realize the situation?"Science exclaims while Dream quickly comes over

"Oh yA kNoW, jUsT gEtTiNg hiM oUt oF thE tRaP yOu pUt hiM iN! ThErE'S nO sUcH tHiNg As aN AU aWaY fRoM tHe mUlTiVeRsE! It wAs jUsT tHaT GaStEr'S tRaP! He iS sTaYiNg bY mY siDe f0r hiS sAfEtY wEtHer yOu liKe iT oR nOt!"Error snaps

"Sure! Excuses, excuses is my hypothesis."Science retorts

Dream grabs my arm and tries to yank me away. The string around my waist kept me from getting too far. I also grab Error's arm, refusing to leave his side without a word. Error looks at me and pulls me free of Dream's hold. I smile at him then look at Dream, Science, then the others.

"He's not lying. Or making excuses. It was a trap and I was attacked. I know very well of what's going on Science. And it was by that Gaster. I'm not leaving his side, like he said. We have each other's backs."I state

That's when my brother comes and cut Dream off from me. He looks at me, then Error, then at me. He smiles. He then looks to Geno, Science and Dream who seemed suspicious of this still. Everyone else had accepted this and went back to what they were doing.

"If that's what he wants, it's what he wants. If it's the truth, it's the truth. Leave them be, guys. It's called trust, try it sometime. Thanks, glitchface, for saving and protecting my brother. Now, Sprinkle! You ready to train?"He claims, winking with a smile and side glance to us. 

"Yes I am! Let's go!"Sprinkle cheers

The two left the room. The other three back off and let the decision be. I smile, glad that my brother helped us. I then realize what my brother called Error. I look to him curiously and puzzled. Since when did that nickname even start up?

"Glitchface? Since when did he start calling ya that?"I ask

"NoT tOo lOnG aGo. It'S to mOck tHe nIcKnAmE GliTcHY. He SaYs hE iSn'T cLoSe EnOuGh tO jUst cAlL mE Err0r yEt, wHiCh iS fInE bY mE."Glitchy replies

"Ah, ok. Heh, that sounds a bit funny."I say

He nods.

"We kIcKeD EpiC oUt. He wAs jUsT nOt heLpInG. NoW, lEt'S cHeCk oN DusT aNd BlUe."Error says

"Ok."I agree

We wander a bit and I soon hear talking. I bring this to Error's attention and nods. I open the door that the noise was coming from. The talking died down. I chuckle at what I found inside. I look at Error and he smirks. Blue was caught kissing Dust's cheek.

Dust was clearly caught off guard and shock could be seen on his face. His face was bright. Blue's was a slight shade. Error claps, applauding them. This catches their attention. This caused their faces to brighten even more.

"It's aBoUt dAnG tiMe! FinAlLy! YoU g0t tOgeTheR!"Glitchy says

"Can anyone get privacy around here?"Dust asks

I chuckle at this statement. He and Blue of all people are the last people who should be asking that.

"AfTeR eVeRyThInG yOu diD t0 InK's aNd mY pRiVacy, yOu aNd BlUe aRe tHe lAsT tO bE aSkInG oF tHaT!"Error claims

"I guess you're right. Why's Ink tied like that?"Blue ssays

"Oh. E!GaStEr oR wHatEvEr aTtaCkEd hIm, apParEnTlY haViNg sEt ThaT wOrlD uP aS a TraP. DuE tO tHe sItuAtIoN, pLuS tHaT tRiCk anD aTtaCk, hE iS nOt lEaViNg mY sIde. I pRoTeCt tHe shOrtIe."Glitchy replies

"Glitchy, what have I told you about calling me a shortie?"I ask him 

"ThAt I cAn wHeNeVeR aNd wHeReVer. It iS a fACt."Error replies

"Wrong! And shut up!"I say, roughly elbowing him.

"I think one of the other reasons should have also been that you're very protective of your Inky and was worried sick!"Dust comments

Glitchy's face became a bright yellow. I smirk.

"SHuT uP! Am nOt! WaS nOt! We aLl hAvE sEen yOu gEt lIkE tHat aBoUt BlUe!"Error snaps

"Pfft! Since when?"Dust asks cockily

"ThE tiMe wE fOuNd hIs scaRf. The tImE yOu tHoUgHt I tOok BlUe oR waS ReNew. ThE ti-"Error lists

"Okay, okay! I get it! You're right! But be honest with yourself, Error. The truth will set you free."Dust says, his face very bright now

Blue chuckles. Error was silent. There was a blast from outside. Error quickly used this as an excuse to leave. He runs, dragging me along, until we were outside. I notice a mark on the ground. It looked like paint, brushed onto the ground. I knew a roller was one of the few tools that could do this. I look up ahead to see an adorable sight and moment between Palette and Goth going down.

"WhAt tHe hE-?!"Error begins, but I elbow him before he could yell and ruin the moment.

"They're having a moment. Sshh, Glitchy."I whisper

He looks ahead and nods. We soon heard them speak.

"Palette, why'd ya do that?"Goth asks

"What? You think I was just gonna stand there and let it happen? No!"Palette says

"But you didn't have to..."Goth claims

"We're best friends, Gothy. It's my responsibility as a friend to protect those who I care about. You're one of them. I'm never letting Renew take you away again. So yes, I had to."Palette responds

Goth's face lights up. Palette smiles. 

"So thAt'S wHaT hApPeNeD."Error whispers

I nod, then gesture for him to be quiet. I was curious to see where'd this go. The two were silent. Palette just gazes at Goth sweetly.

"You know Sprinkle is so gonna make you clean that up later."Goth says, breaking eye contact

"Eh, whatever. I'll just tell him the situation and he'll understand, Gothy."Palette replies

"Okay then..."Goth says

There was then a yell.  I recognize it. Blue was yelling. I look at Error and he seems panicked. Next I know, we teleport inside and were in front of Blue again. His eyes were glowing and bits of magic were exploding from the ground. I step back, as does Error. Everyone else was running away in a panic. Dust and Swap!Pap were behind Blue, worry in their eyes and expressions.  Blue seemed scared and in pain. Then I remember the experiment attempted on him and Dream.

"Get away! I don't want them to use me to hurt you! Now!"Blue shouts

"Bro, it's gonna be okay. We can help. Just calm down and come here. Relax. It's gonna be o-!"Swap!Pap begins, but cut himself off

A shock of the magic had shot itself right at Swap!Pap, piercing his chest. He drops to his knees and I could see his shock on his face

"B-Brother?"Blue obliviously calls, his back to Swap!Pap

"I-It's gonna be okay, bro......"Swap!Pap says

Blue turns around.

"Papy!"Blue yells, sadness and shock clear in his voice

Swap!Pap disappears. I could tell Blue was shaken and upset, but that only seems to make the power stronger. There was a bright flash and everything was gone. I blink and see the multiverse surrounding me, spinning. What was going on? Then I see the doodlesphere, it's torn and scrambled pieces of paper coming apart and properly coming back together. The multiverse seemed to be getting fixed. Hooray! Then, it all went dark. What is going on?! 

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