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Chapter 39: Away Again

(above is what is happening to Error, who got shoved through a portal with Paperjam, meanwhile Ink is dealing with this, drew it myself)

I watch the portal I was pulled through close, then Gradient was pulled away from me. I feel myself get pulled and then I was dangling upside down, tied up in string. I didn't have my brush, so quick disadvantange from the start. Bone attacks and Gaster Blasters fired, but I couldn't move. I was stuck in the strings. I felt the blasts hit, but just took it. I felt the bone attacks cut me, and I took it. What else could I do?

"YoU tHoUgHt yOu cOuLd tAkE GrAdIeNt ThAt eAsIlY anD jUsT gO? YoU tHoUgHt yOu coUlD hIdE? PrEtEnD tO bE iN sOmE sIlLy AU wItH a DuMb dIsgUiSe tO hIdE fRoM mE? WelL, guEsS wHat, InK! YoU cAn'T! It aIn'T sO eAsY! HaH! YoU'Re a UsElEss IdIoT!"This Error yells, approaching me

"..."I was silent, not saying a word.

"ThIs iS tOo gOod! HaH! WaIt, lEt's gEt yOu mOre iN pLaCe. In cHaRaCtEr EveN."He says, snapping his fingers

I look up to see I was in my normal clothes.  I look at him, knowing what he must be thinking.

"NoW t0 eNd yOu."He says

I look up at him, waiting for him to do it. But at the same time, I wondered. I thought any Error of all people would know that's not possible. He can hurt me, knock me out, but that only sets me back. He can't end me. I'm soulless, therefore I cannot die.

But, he didn't do the final blow. He just stood there, staring. I dangle there, staring right back. It was dead quiet. At last, he spoke.

"ThIs iS to0 eAsY. I gOtTa sAvOr ThiS."He says

The strings release me. I drop down and hit the ground. I look up at him and he paces around me. He examines my injuries and throws a bone attack once or twice. He circles me, then begins to pace back and forth.

"HoW t0 kiLl a SoUlLesS bEiNg...Hmm...Aha!"He says, then has a soul within a string 

I begin to tremble, unable to move or jump back. He took this random soul and drops it onto me. It was absorbed and as soon as it did, he continues his attacks and hurt. I began to cry after all the pain he's made with injuries and insults he yelled at me. He only laughs. Then, he stops my attacks, towering over me. I look up at him, trembling. I was at 0.1 hp.

"WhAt? YoU'rE cRyInG? SeRIousLY? YoU hAvE nO eM0ti0nS! WhY cOuLd yoU pOsSiBlY bE cRyInG?"He says in a taunting tone

"I'm nOt tHe InK yOu tHiNk I aM. In mY tiMeLiNe, w-w-wE l0vEd eAch oThEr."I tell him

"WeLL I gUeSS wE ErRoRs aRe gReAt liArs, cAusE I dOn'T eVer SeE aNy ErrOr oR mE fAlLiNg iN lOvE wItH a wOrThLesS bEiNg lIkE yoU! You'Re nOt EvEn mEaNt t0 eXiSt! We'D oNlY sAy tHat fOr tRiCkEry rEaSoNs! NoW sAy goOdByE!"He laughs, raising a bone attack

"STOP! ERROR, PLEASE STOP!"A voice yells

Error froze. Only seconds before he gets knocked away from me. Gradient runs between us, knocking him back. He drops down to his knees and hugs me, holding me protectively. Error steps forward, but is knocked back by one of Gradient's bone attacks. Error seemed shocked and confused.

"Error, this is all a misunderstanding. This is not your Ink. He is from an alternate timeline and is telling the truth. You can't kill him."Gradient snaps

"AnD wHy nOt?"Error growls, clearly ready to attack one way or another

"Gradient, i-it's okay. D-Don't do this...Don't get in trouble with him for me."I say, no more than a weak whisper

"It's ok. I got this handled. I didn't just blindly come here with no help or plan."Gradient assures me, but I could see his uncertain expression and uncertain tone

"AnSwEr mE!"Error demands

"A few reasons, actually. He saved me from the people that really took me! He's been protecting me! I'm in his debt for all I care or know! Besides, I don't think you want to anger certain people. Like, I dunno, an alternate version of you, Blue, Dust and all your friends or allies? This Ink's brother, and yes he exists I met him! Or, do you really want a brother, a Papyrus, of the alternate you angry with you? Do you want all that?"Gradient yells

"I dOn'T hAvE a BrOtHeR, No ErRoR dOeS. An ErRoR PapYrUs dOeSn'T eXisT. StOp yOuR eMpTy tHrEaTs!"Error snaps

"Oh, I eXiSt, aLtErnAtE bRoThEr."E!Pap says

Error jumps, turning around. E!Pap grabs him and tosses him aside. E!Pap then uses the advantage of being in another anti-void to make a portal to most likely everyone again. A single bone attack was shot my way, grazing my head. I check my stats, it was dropping again. Everything was going dark.

"G-G-Gradient..."I stutter, coughing and trying to stay awake.

"Ink? Ink! E!Pap! We have a problem! Get help! Ink, stay with us!"Gradient yells

I nod, but my eyes were shutting. I refused to die though, not yet. I hear running footsteps and Gradient pleading for me to stay up. Can't die...Won't die....Come on....Not again...

Meanwhile, with Error

I run as fast as I could, having just gotten back from dealing with an alternate Ink that was very protective about Ink. They kept PJ with him, not trusting me for a second. There was a lot of commotion from everyone. I was lost on what was going on, but everyone was panicking. I couldn't find Ink or Gradient anywhere, and that was worrying. Ink!Pap then comes over to me with a grim expression. He looks at me, then tried to keep walking without telling me anything. As if he clearly did not just stop in front of me to say something but then decide not to. I want answers, and I want them now. I grab his arm and yank him back to me, holding him face to face by the scarf.

"YoU knOw sOmEtHinG tHat YoU aIn't TeLlInG. WhErE'S InKy aNd GraDiEnT? WhAt'S gOinG oN?"I snap

"Error, I'm sorry...Gradient and Ink got taken by an alternate you. Gradient is fine....Ink...he...he's struggling just to stay awake. He's gonna need a lot of aid and a soul operation. Highly risky one too."Ink!Pap replies

"WhAt? SoUl? InkY? DiD he sErIoUsLy dO wHaT y0u dId tO hIm? And ThaT mEaNs wHeN yOu wEre pUtTinG hIm aT riSk wHeN yOu dId it!"I growl

"No! That soul I gave him was made for his use and only him! The alternate you did the opposite! They threw a random soul into him and beat him! Very different!"Ink!Pap responds

I release him but step back, taking in the info. I was angry, I was sad, shocked, scared, worried, so many things. I frown, knowing only one thing. I had to see him. I need to see Ink now. Tears came to my eyes at the thought of losing him now, and because of another me.

"W-WheRe iS hE? WhErE iS mY InKy? AnD d0n'T yOu dArE sAy hE's gOnE oR dUsT!"I snap

Ink!Pap gestures to an open portal. I ran to it as quick as my feet could take me, not even thinking of being lazy and teleporting. I find my self in another anti-void, the other me knocked out and tied up in his own strings only feet away from me. My brother stands beside him, making sure he doesn't wake up and try anything. I hear crying from my left. I turn and see Gradient sitting on the ground, crying and pleaing for someone to stay with him. Then, I spot Ink, laying on the ground, his condition terrible. He was covered in wounds and bleeding out from what I could see. I feel the tears threaten to run but I know that I can't assume the worst and let Ink see me assuming such things. He wouldn't like it. So, I hold back from crying, covering my mouth to restrain the noise of such actions from escaping. 

When I had control again, I run over to Ink and Gradient. Gradient took this as a chance to run off and get help, somehow, something, anything. I gaze at him and his eyes were ever so slightly open, looking right back. I get down on my knees and kneel beside him.

"InKy..pLeAsE...I'M hErE...I goT yOu...DoN'T g0..."I plea

"G-Glitchy? Y-You're here.....Heh, for a s-second I t-thought the other y-you was r-right. Guess I am an idiot....G-Glitchy, it's g-g-gonna be ok. I dunno how, but it will. D-Don't worry! But c-can you do me a favor?"Ink weakly whispers to me

He grabs my hand and I hold it, not caring for my phobia.

"Of coUrSe, InKy! AnYtHiNg!"I tell him

"Give Renew and that Gaster or whoever helped them hell for messing with our multiverse.....I love you, Glitchy."Inky says

"I wiLl! I proMiSe!"I promise

I feel him squeeze my hand tight. But then he releases it and his eyes shut, his body going limp and unresponsive. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I cried. I pull him gently up and hug him.

"ThEy'Ll pAy, InKy. I pRoMisE. ThEy wilL paY!"I cry

They eventually tore Ink away from me and went to the house to heal him. They managed to heal him, but they explained that the side-effects would be long-term and serious. He would need time and safety to heal and recover. Clearly something he didn't have here. They decided it was best to send him to another universe, Au, multiverse even. I was quickly reminded of him being sent away as a cat in a box. They were just trying to do something similar, so I quickly objected to it.

"You got any better ideas?"Everyone asked me together

"Yes, I d0. I'Ll pRoTeCt hIm uNtIl hE rEcOvErs."I state

"Ya, as if you did so great at that already."Ink!Pap says with heavy sarcasm

That's when I snapped. This hypocrite! This reason Ink's even in danger to begin with by those kids!

"Or y0u! You'Re hIs bRoThEr fOr cRyInG oUt lOuD! BuT aLl I'Ve sEen iS yOu rEtElLiNg tHe EvEnts, lEtTiNg iT hApPen or CaUsInG iT! ExHiBIt A, tHe vErY sAmE kId cAusInG tHis mUlTiVeRsE iSsue, ReNeW, tHat yOu mAdE! So dOn't yOu dArE tRy tHat wIth mE aGaIn!"I yell

Ink!Pap went silent. 

"Error, it's okay. Geno and your bro found a world hidden away from the multiverse. It's very secure and has everything Ink could ever need to recover. He'll be okay. But we can't keep him here, in this scattered state of the mutliverse, or with those jerks running loose. Trust us."Blue tells me

I think on it and knew he was right. I sigh and nod. Whatever keeps Ink safe and well has to be fine by me. They acted quickly and were successful. I sigh, knowing it will be a while until he recovers. I'm gonna miss him. A lot. I sigh and slam a fist down on the table. Ink's words were still echoing in my head. I made a promise and I'm keeping it.

"Ok, noW. HoW aRe wE gOnNa gIvE tHaT kId aNd wHo kNowS wHo eLsE hElL?"I ask

Everyone look at each other and then at me. Seeing that I was serious, they all cheered and we began to plan. 

Ink's POV

I wake up to find bandages covering me all over. I gaze around, but I wasn't with Error or anyone. Wait, who is Error again? I remember the name, but that's it. I couldn't remember anything when I tried to think of what occurred before I passed out. I check my stats to find I was once again soulless. Still, I was somewhere unknown. So, I jumped out of bed, not finding any vials or my brush anywhere. I run as quick as I could with a slight limp and down the stairs. But then, a pair of gloved hands grab my arm. A figure blocks my way.

"Woah! Slow down there, buddy! Calm down!"They say

"Where am I? Who are you? What's going on?"I ask

"Relax! I'm Blue and I'm aiding you! You're in my home! I just got home from work to find you on the sidewalk in horrible condition so I brought you home to get medical assistance! I'm glad you're awake and okay! Do you remember your name? You're safe with me."The figure explains

"I...Ink. My name is Ink. What's your job? What Au is this?"I say

"I work as a security guard for a building. What's an AU?"Blue replies

This isn't the same Blue. My friend Blue would know what an AU is. Unless...I'm in an AU that the multiverse hasn't made contact with! But how? How am I here?

"N-Nevermind. Can I go outside?"I tell him

"Heavens no! It's dangerous out there! You need to rest! A storm is coming and you're not going anywhere in your condition! Here, come sit on the couch!"He snaps, bringing and sitting me on the couch.

We fall into a comfortable conversation and I learn much of the Au. Yet, I couldn't remember much of what happened. All I could remember were names and nothing else. Just a bunch of names in my head doesn't help me. But, I was remembering more about the Blue I already know just by sitting near the one I just met.

Weeks go by and I grow used to my new surroundings. I slowly healed and got bandages removed. Blue lends me some clothes and I finally got my scarf back. I met plenty of new people, each reminding me of someone or one of the names in my head. Dream, Geno, Dust, Swap!Pap, Cross, Fell, even Nightmare. Except, this Nightmare was nice and not all negative and goopy. They each had jobs in this world, none of them being creators, destroyers or protectors and such. But there was one of few names that had no memories resurfacing and no version here that I've met. There wasn't an Error. I also keep having a feeling that I'm being watched, especially when I'm alone. I've grown used to the feeling though, but feel as weird as anyone would with this feeling. 

Then, one night, I had a dream for once. An actual dream besides darkness and words or names circling me, begging for me to find meaning. This one, had some kind of memories flashing before my eyes. There was this glitchy figure. At first, we fought, but then we seemed to have grown to friends. Then it shows us kissing under some mistletoe, then us hugging and helping each other. This figure saved, protected and showed love and care to me in those memories. But then, the memories ended with some illusion of me laying on the ground, hurt, with the figure hugging me and crying. It fades to dark, then light. I appear in some grassy area, a field even. I look up, the stars surrounding me in the sky. I hear the wind blow. Then, footsteps. I look ahead of me to see the figure approaching me. Once they got a good few feet from me, they stop and extend their hand. My surroundings fade to blank, the ground still grassy, though.

"HeY, InKy. It'S mE. Do yOu rEmEmBeR mE?"They ask

I step back. This person was in my memories. They are special to me. I know that. But why can't I remember them? Their name. Who they are. It seemed the figure already knows this. They began to fall apart to hundreds of pieces, blowing away in a breeze.

"It'S oKaY. YoU'lL rEmEmBer sOmEdAy. LOvE yA InKy."They say

I was then able to move freely. I run forward and try to hug the figure, but they blew away in a breeze before I could. That's when I woke up. I get up and stare in a mirror. My face was rainbow and tears were in my eyeholes. That's when I determine that person must be someone beloved to me. A lover, close friend most likely. 

"Mind, you come up with the craziest of things."I say

That's when I got the feeling that I'm being watched again. I look in the direction of this sense. I see a poster with one of those classic motivations on it. It had a cat hanging from a tree saying: "Hang in There!". I walk closer to it. I notice the eyes of the cat were different. It seems the cat was blinking as well. I observe it closer to see that the eyes were the same as the person in the dream. Are they here? Are they watching me? I rub my eyeholes to try and wake up fully. I look again and the eyes were still there, blinking and all.

"Hello?"I call

The eyes shrink as if in shock and then it went back to the cat eyes. The unblinking, cartoon, cat eyes. Odd. I decide to continue on with my day.  Those next few days, I grow closer to the AU's characters. I keep having that dream, and seeing posters or pictures with those strange eyes watching me. It confuses me. But I began to wonder about how come I couldn't open portals to other worlds if this really was an au. I use my paint and doing it with my brush as I usually do, but fail. Then I'd clean it up when I fail. I begin to wonder if this even was an AU. Then, one day, Nightmare invited me to come to a park, alone. I had grown used to him, he never really likes hanging in groups. He usually hangs one on one so nothing seemed odd about it, so I agreed. We went to the park and that's when I realized something. This park looks like the field from my dream. And by the time we came, it was night so the stars surround us. Way too familiar from my dream. I gaze around, wondering if the person from my dream would happen to be around. They were not. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look to see Nightmare there. 

That night changed everything.

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