Chapter 38: Regroup!
"Gradient, I got help. Let us in."PJ says
"Ok..."Gradient says from the other side
The door slowly opens and Gradient peeks out. PJ nods and enters. I look at Error, who looks at me. Secretive about the issue, huh? Gradient gestures for us to enter. We enter and as soon as we do, Paperjam slams the door shut. I feel Error tighten his grip on me so I hold him closer.
"What's going on?"I ask
"We found something. It's never been here before and it's been giving signals. We thought you two out of them all would be the most willing to come and know the most of it."Gradient explains
"K....WhAt iS iT?"Error asks
Gradient points to a crystal ball on a dusty old table.
"WhAt dO wE lOok lIke? FoRtUnE tElLerS?"Error asks sarcastically
"Hold on, Error. Let's see what they mean first."I tell him, going over to the table
I place a hand on the table, gazing curiously at the ball. It lights up. Error jolts in my hold at the sight of this. The ball at first shined different colors. Red, purple, red, purple, repeat.
"StrAnGe. ArE yOu sUrE SprInKlE dIdn'T juSt gEt sOmE oDd dIscO bAlL frOm DanCeTaLe oR sOmeTHiNg?"Error says
I think silently on what this could mean.
"Hmm, this could be a signal though. I've never seen a disco ball like this or only flash two colors. Or such colors. Red could mean anger, alarm or dangerous trouble. Red alert, supposedly. Purple could then mean fear, meaning something causing it or the sender is scared. Danger and fear...hmm..."I state
The ball glows green, then stops glowing colors. It glows a colorless light but seems to have some message within them. I look up to see a message on the ceiling coming from the ball.
"!pu tilps ton oD !retsaG dna weneR !sraen regnaD !luferac eB !t'nod ,on tiaW !pleH"The message says
I look down to see the same message was in the ball. Error sees it as well and nods. He looks around and uses his strings to get a mirror and hold it over the ball. The reflection read a new message.
"Help! Wait no, don't! Be careful! Danger nears! Renew and Gaster! Do not split up!"Gradient reads
Again, the green light came. It began to shake and glow a grey light, seeming to be doing something. The door was kicked in. I look to see Palette in the door.
"Hey, Palette! They found a message in it!"Paperjam says, then Gradient repeated the message found
"How'd your search for Goth go? Did your string lead you to him as you hoped?"I ask
"It didn't go well. Couldn't find Gothy. The string led me to this doof instead. Is there a way to know who is sending these messages? Could be a trick. Or someone looking to help."Palette explains, gesturing behind him
"Ink! Error! PJ! Gradient! Bruh! Hi! Bruh!"Epic says
"Hi...Epic...."Paperjam says with a unhappy tone
"Hi..."Gradient says, then pulls Palette in and shuts the door on Epic
"We cannot tell who is sending these messages or signals. It's still active so that means the sender is still using it."I say
Error tugs at my scarf. I look at him and he points to the ball. Palette and I look at it. I quickly understood why he did and smile. Palette's expression lights up, but had a puzzled look.
"I tHiNk wE gOt ThE aNsWEr."Error says
"Ya, I think so."I agree
There, in the ball, was Goth. At least Goth was being shown, that is. He was small and wounded within the ball, but hides within his scarf. Goth was looking up at us through the ball.
"Goth?"Palette exclaims
Goth was visibly shaking. I could see his eye-light trembling. He shakily waves. He then looks to his left and steps backward a few times. He was now halfway out of tne view in the ball. A figure enters the view as well. Goth seems to have relaxed at the sight of the figure. The figure comes closer to Goth and hugs him.
"Goth! Are you okay? Who's with you?"Palette asks
Error and I look at each other, unsure of what this could be. What had happened to Goth? Who was with him, like Palette asked? Are they good? Are they bad? What do they want if bad? I look back to the ball. Goth still had this frightened expression on, but did not speak, still hidden beneath his hood and scarf. He remains close to the figure's side, where the figure had an arm around him as if to hug. The figure put a sign in front of themselves, a message on it.
"Hǝ,s sɐɟǝ˙ פoʇ ɥᴉɯ ɐʍɐʎ ɟɹoɯ ʇɥɐʇ פɐsʇǝɹ ɐup ɹǝuǝʍ˙ I,ɯ ɐ ɟɹᴉǝup' uoʇ ɐu ǝuǝɯʎ˙ Mǝ ɐɹǝ ɐʇ pɐuɔǝʇɐlǝ,s Mɐʇǝɹɟɐll' ʍɥǝɹǝʌǝɹ ʇɥɐʇ ɯɐʎ qǝ ᴉu ʇɥᴉs ɔɥɐos˙ pou,ʇ˙ Sdlᴉʇ˙ ∩d¡ Sʇɐʎ˙ Sɐɟǝ¡"It said
Error holds the mirror up again. I look at it.
"He's safe. Got him away from that Gaster and Renew. I'm a friend, not an enemy. We are at Dancetale's Waterfall, wherever that may be in this chaos. Don't. Split. Up! Stay. Safe!"I read
I hear running footsteps. I see Goth facepalm. I hear the door swing open and slam once more. I look to see Gradient and Palette had left.
"Hey! At least they didn't split up!"PJ points out
"Don't worry, Goth! We'll keep an eye on him! You stay safe as well, both of you!"I assure Goth and the figure
"Ya, wE'Ll mAkE sUre wE aLl rEmAiN sAfe! We arE bEtWeEn UnderFeLl sNowDiN aNd a hOtlAnD."Error says
Goth nods with a smile. The figure gives a thumbs up, then the ball went dark. Error looks at me and shrugs. That was new. I walk out of the room while Paperjam continues to poke the ball. I set him down and go to tell Blue and Dust. But I couldn't find them either. I then notice a stairwell leading down to some basement space most likely. I go down them. I then smile, finding an interesting scene. Dust had Blue against the wall of the stairway, just below and to the side of me. Dust was now back to his size again, unlike Error. Blue wasn't resisting, he had his arms gently resting on Dust. Both their faces were blushing. It overrall seemed to be a cute and loving moment between the two. I then remember they were trying to keep their love a secret from everyone, especially Error and I. I had to hold back a chuckle at this fail. I witness them lean in to kiss or something. I lean on the railing and they kissed, clearly unaware of anyone being around, like me. They part and I decide to let my presence get known. I rest my head on my hands.
"There you both are! How secretive the both of you are by sneaking down here! And may I say, that was an adorable moment!"I say teasingly
They both look up at me. Blue's face exploded in blue, so much that you would've thought he was an actual blueberry. His eye lights shrank and I saw him tense. Dust looks up at me, his hood shadowing his face. His eye lights were small and face bright. He seems upset at me finding out while Blue looks shocked.
"You see nothing. You don't tell anyone, especially Error. Or else!"Dust snaps
"Or what? Try me! I dare you!"I ask teasingly
"I'll....I'll....Ugh. Just don't do anything, ok?"Dust growls, unable to think of a threat
I smirk. Nothing he could really do with me being Blue's friend as well as Error's.
"Ok, I won't. Now..."I say, then retell everything that happened
"I dunno about that figure...Could be a trap."Dust says, being alert as always
"Or! Or it could be a friend like they said! it could be good! I'm glad Goth is safe!"Blue says
"Ya...I'm gonna check on everyone upstairs. Make sure there's no trouble."Dust says, going upstairs
"K. I'll go check on Papy!"Blue says
The two follow me upstairs. I curiously go to Ink!Pap and speak with him while Blue went to speak with his bro and Dust checked on how secure things were. During my quickly found conversation with my brother, I felt a tug on my scarf. I look to see Error, still his childish size, gripping it. He still had his ears as well, but his glasses were back on. He clearly wanted my attention and got it.
"HoW coMe hE gOt t0 gWoW?"Error asks
I know he means Dust and I can understand why he's upset. I shrug and look to my brother. He was chuckling at how childish Error sounded as well, or something probably. He quickly stops at my gaze
"It's either the fact that it wore off quicker or the person who turned you doesn't want you to turn back yet. Talk about holding grudges for laughing."Pap says
"Oh cOmE oN! GuEss I'll wAiT uNtiL tHen, NeVa iS lOnG wHen It cOmEs tO DusT, tHoUgH. He cAn fOrGet tHiNgS quIcKlY."Error replies
There was a knock at the door.
"I'll gEt iT!'Error cheers, releasing my scarf.
I watch him run and trip over his scarf, falling a few times and muttering. He quickly gets back up and got to the door after tripping four times. He uses a string to open the door, which was out of his reach. I had to silence my brother from laughing at him as he witnessed this as well.
"Hello, lil guy. Is this your home? Can you get your parent or guardian? I need to talk to them. Could've sworn I saw a friend of mine in one of these windows."A voice says with tease in their voice
"QuIt iT, WeapA! JuSt GeT iNsIdE aNd bE qUiEt bEfOrE I tAkE yOu dOwN!"Error snaps
"Aww, how adorable! Thanks for the invitation to enter! Pfft! I'd like to see ya try!"The voice says
Error hisses something under his breath. He steps to the side and then was heard slamming the door. He grabs me by the wrist with a string and zips over like he used a grappling hook. He clearly did not want to trip again. He stands beside me, fumbling with his scarf and glasses. In comes Reaper and Science. Reaper begins chuckling and teasing Error. Error steps closer to me, trying very hard not to attack or crash with all the anger that built up in him. He grips my scarf tight. Reaper doesn't stop though. I put a hand in front of Error, blocking him from Reaper.
"If you make him crash, you will pay. Besides, I don't think you'd want his brother angry either, Reaper."I warn, glaring at him
Reaper looks at me, then at my bro and at Error, then back at me. I don't budge. Reaper nods and backs up. He went to chat with Dream and Cross instead.
"How'd ya find us?"Paps asks Science
"I wanted to make sure you didn't try anything troublesome, so I did a little trick. Check your scarf."Science says
Paps pats and searches his scarf, finding a tracking device in it.
"Sneaky. Good job!"Paps says
Science nods and goes to analyze the place. I look at Error again. He looks up at me and smiles. Blue comes over and doesn't say anything. He just picks Error up and walks out of sight, still not saying anything. I look at Pap and he too gives a confused look. There was a louder knock at the door, but doesn't sound like a peaceful knock. I head to the door but my bro holds me back.
"Brother, don't worry. I got this. If there's danger, I'll handle it."I tell him
The knock repeats, though quicker and louder. Tap, tappity tap tap!
"Fine.."Paps says, releasing me.
I go up to the door and open it. There stood E!Pap, alone. He looks at me and I look right back at him. How'd he get here? Did he really take the risk and come alone as well?
"Hi, E!Pap. How'd you get here of all places?"I say
"GrEeTiNgS, InK! Err0r tolD mE, WeLl uS. GoTh aNd I sEnt tHat siGnaL. PluS, tHeRe aRen'T mAnY UnDeRfElL loCaTiOns aRouNd hEre."E!Pap replies
He was the figure! Makes sense.
"Ah, alright. Wait, then where's Goth? I thought you were against splitting up!"I wonder
"3...2...1..."E!Pap counts
"Ink! We got Goth!"a cheery voice exclaims
Next thing I see is Palette running up beside E!Pap while holding Goth's hand. Gradient soon followed. Each of them smile.
"Ah, that answers the question. Come on in!"I say, gesturing for them to come. Gradient runs off to find PJ. Palette and Goth went to explore the house and talk. E!Pap walks in beside me. I watched him scan the room, searching for someone in his gaze. I already can guess who. He looks down to me again.
"WhErE'S ErRor? I cAn'T sPoT hIm aNyWhErE. Als0, wHy wAs hE sO sMalL dUrInG tHe tRaNsMiSsIoN?"E!Pap asks
"Blue took him somewhere around here. Well, my bro was nervous and threw some paint at Dust out of paronoia. That paint shrunk him, he's no longer that size. Dust touched Error, spreading the paint's power, though. And least to say, he still is that size unlike Dust."I explain
"AnD tHe cAt EaRs aRe bEcaUsE?"He asks
"PJ pranked him, I dunno."I say
Dust was against a wall nearby. E!Pap quickly spots him.
"HeY DusT! I heArD oF wHaT yA dId! WhErE'S BlUe wItH mY bRo?"E!Pap says
Dust looks at him, panic entering his gaze. Dust quickly calmed. He points down a hall casually. He smirks and chuckles. E!Pap frowns and walks where Dust gestured, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me along. He shoves Dust to the floor as he passed him. Down the hall we went, E!Pap moving quick and silent. He stops and I was confused. I step beside him, his grip on me still. There stood Blue, alone, it seemed.
"WhErE'S mY bRo?"E!Pap asks, seriousness greatly dripping from his tone of voice.
"He's in a room, hiding. I tried to fix his current scarf problem due to his size currently."Blue says, pointing to a door
E!Pap facepalms, but thanks Blue for trying to help. E!Pap didn't let go of me though. He tries to open the door, but it's locked. He crouches and works on the knob, his hold still on me with one hand. He then opens the door and drags me in as he enters it. It seemed to be a small bedroom, only having a bed, a chair and a few tables in it. E!Pap once again scans the room from the doorway, but couldn't see Error. I notice a closet space, the door slightly open. I point this out to E!Pap and he goes over to peek in and investigate. I hear something drop down behind us.
"SiNcE wHeN dId yOu lEaRn t0 lOckPiCk bRo? AnD hOw cOmE yOu'Re lOokIng iN a cLosEt?"Error's voice asks
I turn around to see Error standing there, still his small size. I look to see there was a string hammock on the ceiling. E!Pap turns around and sees Error. He and I then notice how Blue tried to help. Error's scarf was tied around him with a bow in the back to keep it together. His ears were still there.
"AwW! BrO! YoU lOok aDorAbLe!"E!Pap cheers
Error's face went a bright yellow.He puts his glasses on and crosses his arms, looking away. His ears lower.
"T-ThanKs bRo...BuT I'M exCiTeD fOr aT leAst wHen tHesE eArS g0 aWaY. StuPiD tRiCk oF PJ's."Error says
From there, the two begin to chat. Though, the whole time, I never get released from E!Pap's grip. I just stand there, confused on why he dragged me there or is holding me by the arm so much. I was soon drifting into my thoughts, thinking away. But then, I feel E!Pap release me and something get shoved into my arms. I snap out of my thoughts. Correction, someone get shoved into my arms. Yep, I snap out of my thoughts to find Error in my arms. I look at him and he buries his face in my chest, no longer able to hide in his scarf. I could hear him faintly purring, much to his dislike as his face grew more and more yellow.
"AwW! This iS sWeEt! ThIs iS gOiNg iN tHe aLbUm!"E!Pap says
There was a flash of light and I was blinded for a few seconds. I blink and feel my face warm. Error tightens his grip on me. Error nuzzles his face deeper into me and into hiding. E!Pap smiles. Error soon takes his face out of hiding. His bright, glowing, yellow face.
"Br0...whY...?"Error asks
"G0tTa kEeP sOmE g0oD mEmOrIeS iN tHiS sItUaTiOn! Heh!"E!Pap says
E!Pap then left the room quickly. I look at Error. He looks at me.
"So should I set you down or...?"I wonder
His grip tightens at this question. He shakes his head no. He holds his grip on me firmly. At that moment, his ears finally went away. He smiles when I point this out. He tucks his glasses away once more. I carry him out of the room. And boy did we walk into something!
Goth was curiously looking at the structure of the place, exploring. Palette was following him. They were talking casually. It seemed sweet and friendly. Then Palette said something that must've caught Goth's attention cause he stopped in his tracks.
"Why'd you even come? I told you not to split up! Plus, I hear before the message was sent that you went to hunt me down by yourself! Palette, you gotta explain yourself!"Goth says
"I guess the search the alone was kinda silly. Heh. But I didn't split up completely! I dragged, er, brought Gradient along when we did find you! And the reason is that, well..."Palette responds
Palette hugs Goth from behind.
"I don't let anyone dare hurt ya and gets away with it, Gothy! Especially at a time like this!"Palette cheers
I could see Goth's face light up. His eye-light shrank and shook. I could see Cross watching. He had a very displeased expression on as he watched. Error noticed this as well and smirks.
"P-Palette?"Goth stutters
"Ya, Gothy?"Palette says
"What do you mean by that and Gothy?"Goth asks
"It's a nickname! Don't all best friends have nicknames?"Palette replies smoothly with innocence
"Oh enough with this charade! It's obvious you like each other! Just tell each other and get together! Dear Asgore, I feel like Error when he watches UnderNovela!"Cross exclaims
"RiGhT hErE, CroSs. AnD tHat'S vErY iRoNiC cOmInG fRoM yoU."Error points out
Cross glares at Error. But then, Palette caught him off-guard.
"I'll listen to numbskulls like you when you take your own advice and get with Dream already!"Palette says
"Like you said, it's obvious you like Dream. So just tell him and get together. Take your own advice before you give it."Goth adds
Cross' face lit up and he was dead silent. I smirk. Error breaks into laughter. He probably would've fallen if he wasn't still in my hold. Cross turns around and leaves the room. Palette and Goth then also begin to laugh. Dream enters the room, oblivious to what happened only moments later.
"Cross is hiding in a corner and seems to have a fever, his face is very bright. Anyone here know what happened?"Dream asks
"It's nothing. Nothing at all."Palette says
"I dunno."Goth says
"Uh-Uh. NOpE. Kn0w nOtHiNG."Error says
They each had stopped laughing milliseconds before giving these answers. I simply shrug. Dream looks at each of us, then nods. Dream turns around just to see Reaper chase Geno, who must've arrived recently, down a hall. Dream turns around, a puzzled expression on.
"Are they always like that?"Dream asks
"Yep. But it becomes less frequent."Goth says
Dream nods and then exits the room, after looking both ways as if crossing a street. Error chuckles at this as does Palette and Goth. Palette let Goth out of the hug, eventually. They walk out of the room. I look at Error and he smiles. I smirk. But then PJ came and took Error out of my hold. Error struggles in his hold, not wanting to be taken by him of all people. Error fails to escape PJ's grip and PJ went downstairs. I listen in and hear people wondering where Change could be and if they were betraying us. Gradient came over and began a conversation with me. But then I see a portal open behind him and his eye lights shrink. We can't open portals, who can?
I hear a yell. It was glitching and terrified. I knew quickly that it was Error. I frown. I could guess what could be happening to him.
"PJ! LeT mE g0! I aM nOt gOiNg In tHaT pOrTaL! NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPETY NOPE!"Error yells
Yells continued and I listen, while watching to make sure nothing bad comes from behind Gradient. Gradient shoves me to the side, right before a Gaster Blaster's blast shot at where I stood and where he was. He had saved us both. I look at him and he smile, grateful. But then some strings get each of us and yank us through a portal. I tense up, now knowing who this must be. The alternate Error.
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