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Chapter 35: Pirates and Theft

I had dozed after that to be honest. I woke up after who knows how long. I gaze at the puppet and smile. I nuzzle my head against it and purr. This was all gonna be over soon. Best part, I haven't heard from those stupid kids or Gaster since what I heard with the portal and regain my strength. I peek through a hole to see a Gaster Blaster soar right above the lid. I watch some more and see that it was circling the area, with someone on it. I try to see who it is but they grow too far away for me to see. I take a risk and slide the lid off slightly to see my surroundings better.

Dark clouds were coming, soon overhead. The waves were no longer so gentle. I gaze around and see the person on the Gaster Blaster in the distance, but couldn't make anything out of them. I watch as they make their search closer again. Soon, they came close enough for me to see them. It was Dust. Then I hear him speak.

"Hey, Error. Just updating ya on my progress. I've searched the AU land parts to see if the cat washed up there, but there was no sign. Now I'm searching the ocean and found a ton of boxes. Heh, seems only one in a hundred chance of finding him here. I'll tell you if I see anything."Dust says

"OkAy.  ThAnKs, DuSt. I'Ll cOmE t0 heLp aS sOon aS I fiNiSh sEaRcHiNg tHiS oNe."Error says

I guess they were on a call. And Dust was right, there were a bunch of boxes on the surface of the ocean. I heard thunder crack, quickly scaring me. I pull the lid shut and curl around the puppet tightly. More thunder boomed and I saw lighting crack. The waves were getting worse. Suddenly, the box flips over, the lid flying off and I fall into the water. I grip the puppet tight and held my breath. Wave after wave hit me and I was knocked underwater. I shut my eyes and hold my grip on the puppet while containing my breath. It doesn't help being a cat in this situation. I feel something grab one of my legs and I yelp in fear. I only manage to release all my breath underwater. I begin to panic as I'm dragged deeper underwater. I kept my eyes shut and hold on the puppet.

Soon, I felt a hand on my head.

"Another Ink? But you're not supposed to be a cat Ink. Something must've happened. Let me help."a voice says

I open my eyes to see another Ink. Except they were a merperson, merskeleton even. They held me gently and brings me through the stormy water. I shut my eyes.  I felt sand under my paws soon. I open my eyes again to see that I'm on land. I cough up any water that got in me. He seems to be having a rough time. How about we help? A voice said. It was Change's. What was that supposed to mean? I look around and see a soul come through a portal. The soul comes at me and I try to run, hissing and shrieking in fear. Not this again! I'm not taking that cursed soul!

"Oh no! A cursed soul! Here, I'll take care of that one!"The other Ink says, knowing most Ink Sanses don't have souls and for one to get chased by a soul is bad.

They grab a drifting stick and throw it at the soul, causing it to break. I stop running and let out a sigh of relief. I look at this AUs Ink and smile, giving a nod of thanks. I come towards them again and they pat my head. I blink for a simple moment and then I was back to a skeleton. This Ink hands me a shirt and pants. They were ragged, but they'll work. I put them on.

"So, what did happen?"they ask

I try to speak but only meows come out. You're kidding me! I begin to write an explanation in the sand instead. It would be best for them to know of those kids and the threat they pose in case they come here. Once I finished writing, they read it and nods.

"I've seen some other Inks coming here to escape those kids. They usually were also escaping cursed souls sent after them. Thank you for finally being one that gave me info about them besides 'kids who are bad' and 'what were we talking about?' If you need help especially with this storm, there's some folks on this land that can help you. Like a nice pirate named...hmm...oh, right! Error! Best not to speak. If you need anything, come here."The Ink says

I nod. I write a thank-you for them and hug them. I then wave goodbye and walk along the island. It seems quite empty, so I assumed the folks live closer to the center of the land, which seemed to be some island. I keep walking. I hold my puppet close to my chest nervously. I keep looking around to make sure I'm not being followed or those bad kids aren't coming at me with E!Gaster. I look out at the ocean and could see a small Gaster Blaster in the distance. I believed that was where Dust was searching. He probably didn't even realize what happened, he was searching an area where the storm wasn't so severe. I keep walking still. Best to find shelter or help, the severe part of the storm was heading this way.

"Aye! WhO gOeS tHeRe?"I hear a voice yell

I froze. I couldn't answer. I look to see a figure standing on a ship's railing. They looked like Error, except he was more pirate-looking than a destroyer. This must be the AU's Error version. Interesting to know there are different versions of us. They seemed to recognize me in a way and were shocked.

"InK? Is iT yOu? HoW'D yOu mAnAge t0 tUrN iNto tHat?"He asks

Shoot! They think I'm their Ink! Gotta fix this, which will be hard without being able to speak or use my brush somehow! I shake my head quickly. This AUs Error hops down and towers over me.

"Then whO aRe yOu anD hOw dO yOu LoOk lIkE hIm? CoMe oN! TaLk!"He says

I step back from him. I pause and think for a few moments, trying to figure out how to explain it. I take a stick and write in the sand beside where we stood. I wrote what I could with thoughts racing and worrying of someone attacking at any moment.

"Can't speak. Sorry. I'm lost. From different world. Your Ink sent me to find help here. I'm guessing you're the nice pirate named Error?"

"He cAlLed mE nIcE? CoOl! I meAn....It'S oKay. HeRe, I cAn hElP yOu. At lEasT wItH sHelTeRInG yOu fRoM tHe sToRm. MaYbE I sHoUlD wArN tHoSe fLoaTiNg sKelEtOns wItH tHeIr rIdEs oF tHe sToRM."He says

I nod. He grabs my hand and grins. He leads me onto the ship and takes me to one of the private quarters of the ship. He shows me where everything is and takes out some "proper clothes". He lays them on the bed.

"PuT tHat oN. If otHeRs sEe yOu iN wHat yOu'Re wEarInG nOw, ThEy wIlL tRy to cAuSe trOuBle. YoU nEed t0 bLeNd In uNtiL yOu cAn gEt bAck tO yOuR wOrlD. I hAvE to wArn oThErS oF tHe sToRm. Cya."He says

I nod and he leaves the room. I listen to him walk away. I lock the door as soon as I could tell he was gone. I change into the clothes laid out. I then sit on the bed. What was I gonna do? No brush, no vials, no way of getting with my friends. I can't speak. What if the storm drives others away? What if those kids come? What if trouble occurs? What if..? I cut my thoughts off. I shake my head. I can't focus on what if's or worry about those. I have to work with what I've got. And what I've got is shelter from a storm, freedom from a box or cat form, help, the sound of a cat, and friends searching for me. As well as a storm. Plus, I have my puppet. Surely, things will be okay. I tuck it away in a pocket. I decide to head out of the room, try to help with things on the ship. I took a notepad and put in the coat just in case of having to communicate. I was soon assigned to close the sails so the wind doesn't break it or tear the boat apart with it. I then got the crew down from the crow's nest. Once done, I gazed out along the horizon.

(used a reference)

The Gaster Blaster was just floating there, not moving. I could see Dust's shadowy silhouette there on it still.  The storm was now over us all, cracking lightning and booming thunder powerfully. It made me uneasy. I saw a small rowboat go out to the Gaster Blaster. On it was this AU's Error, rowing quickly. He then paused and seemed to be talking to Dust. Dust and the Gaster Blaster disappeared. I was confused, but knew he was probably caught-off guard at being spotted. I went back to helping the crew prepare the ship for the storm. I notice some of the crew were friendly and appreciated the help. Crew members included Cross, Killer and first mate Nightmare. Others were just monsters hired along the way of past trips. Soon, Error, who I learned to be Captain Error, returned. He gave some orders around and thanked me for what I've done, saying it wasn't neccesary for me to help but still nice.  I wrote on the pad that it was no problem.

"Oh yA, wHen I rEaChEd lAnD aGaIn, I wAnDeReD aNd fOuNd a vOlUnTeEr. CoMe aBoArRd."Captain Error says, gesturing for someone to come behind him

There were footsteps, followed by some chuckles.

"Hiya, people. I'm Dust."A familiar voice says

I look to see a Dust Sans there. They seemed to be this AU's version, but didn't wear much of a pirate outfit like Error or the crew. Still, he acted like Dust. Messing around with Cross already with jokes and such.

I didn't think much of it. Captain Error looked along the horizon like I had before.

"I hOpe tHaT DuDe oUt ThEre iS oKaY. BuT yoU, gO tO yOuR rOom bEfOre tHiNgS gEt sErIoUs. YoU sHoUlD reSt, toO."He says

I nod. I begin to go down the stairs that led to the private quarters, the rooms. I was stopped by a tap on the shoulder. I turn around and it's Dust. He seemed very happy to see me for some reason.

"Ink! Good to see ya! How are ya? Are ya okay? Did anything go wrong? Wait, are you part of this AU?" Dust asks

I write my response and show it to him.

"I'm ok. Yes. No. I am from another AU. Why do you ask? How do you know me? "

"Oh! Well, with a storm like this it's easy to get worried of others, ya know? It's easy for me to recognize Ink Sanses. Plus, I've heard of Ink Sanses going missing. Some dudes are on the hunt for one,even. Either that or a cat. Why don't you talk?"Dust says, narrowing his eyes at me with the final question

"I see....Ok. I get it. Why do you talk? I don't for my own reasons, mister nosy."I write, trying to cover up and avoid talking completely.

I could see Captain Error watching from the stairs, not looking very happy.

"Good point."Dust shakes his head at saying this

"Seems Error wants you. Go help him out."I write

"Which one?"Dust asks

"Huh?! Which Error? Uh, Captain Error, duh! He's the only one here!"

"Oh, right. That one, heh."Dust says with a chuckle

I look at him confusedly. He extends the laugh, as if stalling. I begin to feel awkward and nervous, standing there and forcing a smile. Captain Error was at the stairs, watching with this angry expression.

(drew it myself)

"AheM! DuSt, yOu nEed tO gEt uP hEre. NoW."Captain Error says

"Yes, sir!"Dust says, ending his laughing

He walks away, quickly dragged up by Captain Error. I sigh and continue to go to my room. I sit in it and soon lay in bed. My puppet was still in my coat, out of sight. I dozed soon enough. I was having quite a pleasent dream. It seems to be relaxing and it took my worries away. But then, it began to show Change, Renew or E!Gaster attacking and doing wrongs to my friends. Renew in the dream began to approach me and I felt a hand rest on my shoulder right as they grabbed my shoulder. I panicked and swung my fist, getting Renew in the face. I woke up in the process. Renew's face melted away after doing so to show Captain Error. I jump, freezing up. I did it again...

His eye glowed in the dark and I could already see a mark coming from the punch. He didn't seem happy. Then again, what was he doing here in the first place? I thought he was up with his crew! I notice he was sitting beside me in the bed. He came close, thus making the hit possible and more powerful. I shift away from him a bit. He sure is unlike other Errors who try to keep as far away as possible.

"WhAt tHe fRicK waS tHat fOr?"He exclaims

I get my pad out and wrote on it.

"Nightmare and Paronoia. What are you even doing here? Or so close?"

"I cAmE t0 aSk a qUeStIoN. I fOuNd yOu rEsTiNg sO I sTaYeD UnTiL yOu wOkE uP."Captain Error says

I was a bit weirded out.

"Okay....What is your question?"

Captain Error just stares at me. He shifts closer to me until he is towering over me, both of us still sitting in bed. I grip the pad as tight as I could. This was odd. I felt uncomfortable. He places a hand on my shoulder again. I tensed.

(drawn myself)

"HoW cLoSe aRe yOu aNd I iN yOuR wOrLd?"He finally asks

I feel my face warm. I pause to think of it. I nervously write a response. I show it to him, the pad shaking a bit in my hands.

"I'd say we're very close. We're friends and well...we admitted our I guess we are very close to say the least if you get what I'm saying?"

"So....We hAvE a cHaNce...I hAvE a cHaNcE....IntErEstInG. ThAnKs, InK."He replies

I look at him to see he was blushing and looking away. He's into the Ink of this AU! Aww, how adorable! How sweet! All the tension just went away and I smiles. Until I was pulled closer to him until my head was resting on his chest. I had no clue what he was doing. I felt tense again. He knew how I felt for my Error, and his words were cryptic. I could feel my face lighting up slightly. What was he doing?  I hear the door open and Dust pops his head in. I look at him and I could see his expression dull.

"Captain, are you trying to make him uncomfortabLe? What are you even doing?"Dust says harshly

"HuH? Oh! WHoOps! SorRy, InK...DusT, WhaT haVe yOu cOmE foR?"Captain Error says, releasing and clinbing away from me

"Two crew members got tied up and is asking for your help."Dust says

"UgH, K."He sighs, then leaves

Dust approaches me.

"Hey, you okay?"Dust asks

I nod.

"Good. Continue to rest."Dust says

I nod and he smiles. Dust goes to the door and shuts it after he leaves. But I didn't rest, I was curious. I heard Dust take out a phone and dial for a call. I'm pretty sure pirates don't have phones in the AU. I decided to listen in, the bed inches from the door.

"Hey, Error. I've made it into the crew. I've found an Ink. He doesn't belong to the AU, so chances are high that it's him. But I don't see the cat anywhere. Why are you after the cat anyway?"Dust mutters

I know exactly who's he calling. Wait, that means that this Dust is my friend! Not just a random Dust. Then they're all okay! I feel excitement fill me, yet I didn't even use a vial. Out of joy, I muttered a yay, yet forgot about my voice for a sec so I instead muttered a meow. I cover my mouth and look around, making sure nobody was around to hear.

"Nevermind about the cat question. I think I just answered it without even thinking."I hear Dust say

Shoot! He may know! This is worse than people finding out of times I purred!

"OkAy? ThaT'S gOoD. WhAt eXacTlY dId yOu cAll mE aBoUt?"Error asks

"Well, this AU seems to be oblivious to the multiverse. They hardly know of other worlds from what I've seen and I just caught this AU's version of you making some moves to the Ink I mentioned. I stopped him but I don't think this will be the only attempt. This Ink seems familiar with an Error Sans, but is not close with this Error."Dust explains

"I'm oN mY wAy."Error snaps

"Ok, I'll work on a way to get this Ink away from them. Warning, best to make a portal to the land, there's a storm occuring."Dust says

"Ok. CyA DusT."Error adds

"Bye."Dust says, then hangs up.

I lay down and turn my back to the door. I hear it open and I see a shadow mix with the light from the doorway as it shined across the room, appearing on the wall. I pretend to sleep, but soon actually slept after the shadow disappeared and the door shut.

Now, when I woke up, I awoke to a surprise. I opened my eyes and there was Captain Error, beside me in bed again, staring at me. I jump back in shock. I look to see he held my puppet of Error. He took it out of my coat while I was asleep! I took the puppet back from him and held it tight and close to myself to keep him from taking it.

"Oh! GoOd mOrNiNg! Is tHat yOuR ErRoR's aPpeArAnCe? CooL! WhAt lAnD iS hE fRoM?"Captain Error asks

I nod, tucking it back in my coat. I get my pad out and write, calming down from the surprise.

"Yes. But world, not land. Universe even. I'm not from here, remember? I'm not your Ink. "I write

"Oh...RigHt. wOrLd, UniVeRsE, lAnD....WhaT's tHe dIfFereNce? HeHeHeh....heeeh."Captain Error says

I was done with this. But, I thought for a moment. Maybe he just misses his Ink and they don't get to see each other often. I then get an idea.

"I can get your Ink if you want. I can take you to them." I write

"Y-YoU cAn? And iT's sAfe?"Captain Error asks

I nod.

"LeT's gO tHeN! NoBoDy iS aWaKe aNd ThE stOrM haS pAsSeD!"Captain Error cheers, grabbing my hand and running out

I was dragged off the ship. I look at this captain and smile. He seems very happy. And hyper. All over a simple visit to his Ink. It made me smile to see another Error happy. I lead him to the spot where this world's Ink was and told me to come if anything is needed. Sure enough, they were there, up to their waist above water, watching the sun rise. They didn't seem to notice us, but Captain Error got cold feet and hid behind me. I chuckle. He seemed to have his nervous times just like any other one. That's when the other Ink noticed me.

"Ink! You're okay! Thank goodness! What do ya need?"They ask

I write in the sand with my foot.

"I don't need anything. Someone just wanted to see you."

I then step to the side to reveal Captain Error.

"Error?!"They exclaim

"H-HeY, InK."Captain Error says, stepping forward

The two happily fell into conversation so I left to let them be. Give them joyous privacy. I return to the pirate ship. Dust was there, waiting. When he saw me, he seemed very relieved. He questioned me a bit to make sure I was ok, then he grabs my hand and gets me off the ship. I stopped him once getting off the docks and wrote my question.

"Where are we going?"I ask

"Oh! We're going to the marketplace to get stuff for the ship since it took some damage from the storm!"Dust says

I nod and follow him. I was curious to see what this marketplace looked like. And it looks interesting when I did. Little stands and people were everywhere. It was bustling with customers or work and was very busy. Dust was soon lost in the crowd and I wandered around, looking at the shacks or stands. Then, I made a mistake. I thought I saw Dust go down an alleyway. I peek into it and saw shacks and streets on the other side. It was a short cut, it seemed. So, I went down it. It all seemed safe and good, until I reached halfway through it. I got tripped and fell forward, quickly getting caught. I felt a hand land on my back while my hand was grabbed. I look up to see a skeleton I couldn't recognize towering over me and holding me.

(Drew it myself with base)

"Such a cute and innocent shortie. I wonder how much you're worth to some idiots."The skeleton chuckles

I tried to tear away, but their grip was good. I couldn't speak or call for help, it'd just sound like a cat. People will think it's just an alley cat and this dude may do who knows what. I still tried to tear away from them. I stomp on their feet, but their grip didn't loosen.

"Aw, you're being stupid and trying to escape! How cute! Now, let's go shortie. We have business now."The stranger says, then tries to drag me away

In the process, they removed their hand from my back. I luckily managed to stand where I was and not budge. The dude starts to get angry with me. His grip tightens. I felt fear build up in me since if he managed to get me to move, who knows what they'll do or take me.

"Ink? Ink! Ink, where are you? Where'd you go? Ink!"I hear Dust yell

"If yOu lOst InK, iF tHey eNd uP bEinG oUr InK, thaT iS. AnD iF hE gEts hUrt bEcaUse yoU lOst hIm, I'lL tElL BlUe oN yOu, DuSt!"A second voice growls, one I recognized quickly

Error. And telling by what he said, my Error, not some other world's.

"Oh, relax! Error, I'm sure he's fine! We'll find him!"Dust exclaims

"He doEsn'T hAVe hIs bRuSh oR viAlS. He'S iN a WoRlD wE dOn't eVen kNoW abOuT aNd tHerE's sOmE cRaZy kIds aRe aFTEr hiM! KiNda hArD fOr mE tO reLaX!"Error snaps

I feel all my fear get to the highest point now. The dude yanks my arm and I lose my ground. I reached my breaking point and the next moment, ink covered the ground and the dude's shirt.

"The heck? You idiot! That was my only good criminal shirt! Hmm, I'm sure my clients wouldn't mind that you have a few bruises and cracks on you."the dude snaps, shoving me against a wall of the alley.

I swing my fists and kick, but it hardly seemed to affect him. He drags me from the wall and further down the alley. He lifts me up into the air by the neck and I couldn't move. I couldn't see anything besides the criminal's face and the light from the other end of the alley.

"Stop resisting. My clients want someone like you and with the trouble you're causing I might just double the price. We're getting out of here, no matter how much you struggle. Say goodbye to your freedom or whatever, shortie freak."The criminal orders

I feel my strength leave me. My body went numb and limp quickly and I was struggling just to stay awake. Next moment, a bone attack hit the dude and caused me to hit the ground. I catch myself, placing my hand down to keep my head from hitting the ground. I weakly and slowly get back up. I feel myself shake as I tried to stay standing. I saw the criminal charge at me but get knocked back by two bone attacks now.

"Stay down!"I hear Dust snap

I feel stings wrap around my arms and legs, then yank me backwards. I then felt someone wrap their arms around me protectively, holding me in a hug from behind, my head on their chest. I tense up.

"InKy!~❤️"A voice cheers from behind

I feel my face warm up. I could hear the emotion and love in his voice. I look up, slightly turning my head. There was Error, smiling and hugging me. He rests his head on mine, his face glowing. Love filled me but I knew I couldn't say anything.

I reach up and hold his arm around me. I smile and weakly nuzzle his arm. His grip remains tight on me. I hardly move. Error nuzzles my head on mine.

"See, I told you that he will be okay."Dust says

"YoU're lUcKy, DuSt."Error says

Error pulls me so that his back is to the criminal. He gazes at me carefully. He smiles, but then frowns with uncertainty. I look at him confusedly.

"ArE yOu mY InKy? Or dId hE jUst lEaD mE tO a rAnDoM InK SaNs?"Error asks

I nod. I then get the puppet out to prove it before he even asks.

"I wAs wOnDerInG wHeRe It wAs! HoW'D yOu geT iT?"Error exclaims

I point to the sky. I toss it and catch it to represent that it fell for me to get.

"Guess somebody left their own portal and dropped it."Dust says teasingly

Error shot him a quick glare. He then looks at me again.

"ArE yOu ok?"Error asks

I open my mouth to speak but quickly catch myself and shut it. I felt my strength coming back, now the back of skull just ached a bit and that was all. So, I nod. Then quickly duck to avoid a bone attack the criminal returns to Dust like a frisbee. I feel Error pull me closer. 

(drawn by me)

"NoW wItH yOu. DoN'T yOu eVer tOuCh mY InKy eVeR aGaIn. Or yOu wIlL reGrET it."Error snaps, glaring at the criminal

"Y-Yes, sir!"They say, then runs off. 

I look at Error and he holds me close. He looks at me and his face brightens. He then looks at Dust.

"TeLl tHe oThErs tHat wE fOuNd InK."He says

"What about the cat?"Dust asks

"I'Ll tElL yA lAtEr."Error says

Dust nods and runs off. He looks at me.

"Not!"Error adds

I chuckle. He takes me by the hand gently. I smile and he smiles back. He leads me out of the alley. A portal opens shortly afterwards. E!Pap quickly reveals himself to prove that he opened it. Error smiles and brings me through the portal. I look around and we're at the anti-void. It's been a while since I've been here. Error and E!Pap seemed relaxed to be back here. Everyone was coming back from who knows where and were very happy to see me. My brother runs over, hugging me and shoving Error away in the process. I hesitantly hug him back. Of course, Dream never showed up since he sides against Error from what I overheard. My brother eventually released me and thanked Error and Dust for finding me. Everyone was talking or exploring the big, empty, anti-void that was filled with Error's strings curiously. I smile, glad to see everyone was okay. I haven't had those hallucinations or voices lately either so that's good. Still, I couldn't help but have this feeling that something may go wrong. Error turns to me and had this curious look in his eyes.

"Why aRe yOu sO qUiEt? UsUaLlY I'd sEe yOu wItH eVeryOne oR taLkInG iN tHe verY lEaSt."Error asks

I took out the notepad and write an answer.

"Can't speak. Still don't have voice....Plus, I can't help but feel that something is gonna go wrong."I wrote

Error reads this and nods.

"Ah, oKaY. I sEe."Error says

I then got a sash to the face. I catch it in a hand and find a fresh sash of vials. I put it on and look to see my brother had thrown it. He innocently looks away and pretends to be oblivious to what he did. Error chuckles.

"He'S bEeN tRyiNg tO bE nIce. AnD I caN sEe hOw yOu bOtH aRe rElaTed tHe mOrE hE dOes."Error says

I smile and nod. Then I felt the pain in my head again.

"If Ink won't help, maybe we'll try someone else."I hear Change state

"Change! Stop speaking into the mind mic! Ink can hear you!"Renew snaps

"SHOOT!"Change exclaims

Then there was nothing again. Error looks at me worriedly as I rub my skull.

"YoU oKaY InKy?"Error asks

I begin to write.

"No. I heard Renew and Change. They gave up on me and are targeting someone else. We need to-"I write

"E!Pap! No! Hold on!"I hear Blue yell, ineruppting my writing

Error and I look around. Everyone was scattered so we couldn't see Blue or E!Pap. 

"And...There! Freed E!Pap! Wait, no! Hey, let me go!"Blue shouts, his cheer turning to panic

Error began to run. I followed. We followed the noises and voices, finding E!Pap in front of a portal that just shut. E!Pap didn't even look at us.

"ThEy gOt BlUe....When tHeY wErE aFtEr mE. I'm sO dEaD wHeN SwAp Pap fInDs oUt....JuSt lIkE tHoSe kIdS aRe wHen I....I....wE fInD tHeM aNd mAkE tHem pAy."E!Pap mutters

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