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Chapter 32: Tricks and Fakes

Dream pulls me down an empty hallway. He whispers and looks at me with a smug look. My face lit up once he finished. There was no way I was doing that. Especially by Error. He must be out of his mind!

"No! Dream, you're crazy! I'd rather be with those kids than do that! The hell are you thinking? That's embarrassing!"I snap

"Code's a code. Would you rather plan B?"Dream states

"What's Plan B?"I ask

"You break up with him but as soon as the hours are up, you can do whatever."Dream replies

"What the frick Dream? NO! I won't ever do that to him!"I snap

"Then you know what to do. Don't worry, I made sure Error's alone right now."Dream says, gesturing down the hall

"You're so dead, Dream."I say, then go down the way he pointed

I lift my scarf up over my face. I felt my face burn yet I hated this. I was gonna kill Dream when these 24 hours end! I make my way down the hall and soon see Error down the hall. I'm hating this at every second that passed by now. I notice he was with Dust. Dream you liar! I dive behind a corner that led to a different hall as fast as I could.

"Dude, I noticed something about those two. One has your error signs, both of them look like you, too. Except, they're different. Plus, that Paperjam dude looks like a mix of you and Ink. He has your looks mixed with Ink's eye light-the star specifically. He also has the scarf and ink on the face. Honestly, that little blob abover his face looks like a mix between your glitch and Ink'"Dust says

"Eh, wHatEvEr. YoU'Re jUst meSsInG wItH mE. WiTh a mUlTiVeRsE aS bIg aS iT iS, sHoUlDn'T cAuSe sUcH sURprIse tHat tHeRe aRe sKeLeToNs wItH sImIlAr qUaLiTiEs tO uS."Error brushes it off as

"Ok, I'm gonna go check on them."Dust says with a shrug

"K."Error says as Dust walks away

I step out of sight into the alternate hall. I made sure I was in the shadows. Dust passes right by me without a single glance. I wait a few moments, then peek out to see Dust was gone and nobody was around. I look the other way to see Error was still where he was. It was a dead end hall so I didn't have to worry of anyone sneaking up. I hesitantly approach Error. I make sure my scarf was up.

"HeY, InKy. YoU oK? YoU rArEly rAiSe yOuR sCaRf."Error says

"Y-Ya...I'm o-ok. Glitchy, I'm sorry 'bout this.....ugh."I reply

He looks at me confusedly. I felt my tail sweep the ground. I hug him gently, which already made his face tint yellow a bit.

"Nya...."I say, looking away

I felt my face burn. I could hear laughing. Was he laughing? I glance at him to see he was not. He had a bright yellow, blushing, shocked face. I look behind me to see Dream was peeking around a wall to watch and was the one laughing. I feel so furious and embarrassed. I glare at him the best I could without lowering my scarf or making it obvious to Error that anyone was spying.

"InKy! W-WhaT wAs tHaT? WHaT thE hElL wAs tHaT a-a-aBoUt? WhAt'S gOtTeN iNtO y-y-y-y0u? D-DiD thE kIdS dO iT wItH t-tHe cHemIcAlS w-wHen tHey mAdE tHoSe aPpEaR oN yOU?"Error stutters

I dig my face deeper into my scarf.

"I....I'm sorry! I didn't want to! I didn't mean to! Dream's abusing the code to his advantage! Now, if you excuse me, I'm gonna kick that code out and take a certain stupid glowstick down!"I explain, turning away from him.

I glare Dream down from a distance. He stops laughing and looks at me in fearful shock. I feel a hand grab mine. I glance over to see Error, still with a bright yellow blushing face. But his shock did not show anymore. It was replaced by a smug look and a sweet smile that made my face brighten.

"Aww, pAwsOmE! Go gEt hiM, InKY!"Error says with a wink.

"Don't make yourself target number two, Glitchy. Those puns are not at the right time."I growl

"Ooo! SoMeoNe's gEttInG cAtTy anD anGrY."Error teases

"Glitchy!"I snap

"FinE, fInE. Go tAkE tHat gLoWsTiCk doWn."Error says

I turn away from him again. I stare down the hall. Dream began making a run for it, fleeing. He glances back at me, frightened.

"Hey, Dream! I got to tell ya something! Come here! That code can burn in hell!"I yell, chasing him

A few moments later, I had Dream cornered and knocked down. I frown down at him. I had one of his arms behind his back, but didn't put any force on it that would crack it.

"Say it. Say it, Dream. Now."I demand

"Ack! Okay, okay! That code is no more! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! Now release me, please!"Dream yells

"Okay, good."I say with a smirk, dropping him

I then walk away, leaving Dream to recover and think of what he did wrong. I go to check on Gradient and Paperjam. I see Paperjam was absolutely loving the spaghetti, his eye lights bright as he had it. Gradient already had finished it and smiles. E!Pap seems overjoyed at their enjoyment of his pasta work. I enter the room to see Cross and Dust were chatting. Cross was having chocolate of course while Dust was having ketchup. I smile and was glad to see their joy. I lean against a wall by Dust. Everything seemed friendly and nice. But then Paperjam said one thing that shocks everyone, including me and made things a little awkward.

"Thanks Uncle Papy!"Paperjam says

I slowly look with Dust and Cross at Paperjam. Paperjam quickly realizes his mistake. Gradient just shakes his head.

"Stop giving stuff away about your timeline! We agreed on it!"Gradient says

"UncLe PaPy? Hmm, inTeReStInG...."E!Pap says, glitching up from shock

There was a loud screech followed by dial-up noises.

"Error!Papyrus has crashed. Rebooting soon..."A voice states, but didn't have an owner

"Now look what ya did! You made him crash!"Gradient says

"Sorry, E!Pap! I won't do it again! Sorry, Gradient! I forgot!"Paperjam says

Cross straight up left, freaked out by this too much. Dust just watches with me. I think of what I heard Dust telling Error. Now this was too much of a coincedence. I approach them soon enough and sit beside Paperjam. Gradient went over to Dust to talk with him.

"What was that about?"I ask

"It's nothing. Just don't tell Error I called his bro that. I don't want to get in trouble. If you do, I'll tell everyone of your little secret. Starting with Error himself."Paperjam whispers threateningly.

He knew I didn't want Error to know. Or anyone.

"Ok, but isn't E!Pap gonna tell what you said to Error anyway when he reboots?"I tell him

"Eh, we'll cross that bridge when it comes. Now...who to blame....."Paperjam says with a shrug

I was still a bit annoyed with Dream. And I knew Error was as well. Anyone does. But, I kept quiet. I didn't even have to suggest it.

"Ah! That Dream guy may work."Paperjam says

"WHO MADE MY BROTHER REBOOT?!"Error yells, soon charging into the room

"Dream did it! Then he ran out of here!"Paperjam tells him

"Oh hE iS gOnNa pAy!"Error yells

"Hey, uh, Error? I just learned something from Dream. Apparently, he had a backup plan in case Ink didn't do his original plan. That backup plan was to have Ink breakup with you!"Blue exclaims from the hallway

I lower my head, hiding my face in my scarf completely now. I hated that code but was glad it was taken down. But Dream needs to back off, like seriously. Paperjam pats my back, as if knowing I didn't feel so great.

"WhAt?!? OkAy, nOw hE iS g0nNa paY tWiCe aS muCh!"Error yells, then ran off with shaking fists

Blue comes and sits on my other side. He taps my shoulder. I look at him and lower my scarf slightly. He looks at me with his usual grin. But it was a more comforting one and his eyelights showed worry in them.

"You didn't do it, did you?"Blue asks

"Heck no! I went with his plan A, not his breakup backup. I would never hurt him like that, no matter how long it'd be until I could be honest with him to fix it. I don't want to become enemies with him again. Plus I didn't have my brush so I couldn't just leave. So, Plan A it was."I reply, clenching my scarf tightly as I speak

"Which was?"Blue asks

I look at Paperjam, who curiously looks at us with a smug grin. I don't want him getting more info to use against me or tease me about. But I know exactly how to get a point across to Blue. I lean towards him and away from PJ.

"How much anime have you seen with your Undyne?"I ask

"Plenty. Why?"Blue replies

"Dream had me hug him, which caused his haphephobia to kick in. Then he had me 💀🔯✌* like one of those people in one of the animes."I explain, feeling my face light up again


"Oh wow! Dream certainly deserves what he's getting right now. We all know how his phobia is. How'd he react?"Blue says

"At first shock. He asked me questions. But once those were answers were given, puns. Nothing but jokes and puns. I like his humor, but sometimes his timing makes me uneasy. Then again, his puns may have been the only thing keeping him from crashing."I tell him

"Ah, I see. That does make sense."Blue says

"If you don't mind, I'm gonna find my room and just wait until the chemicals wear off."I sigh

"Oh, sure! We'll be making plans in the morning."Blue notifies me

I nod and walk down the hallway. Knowing Dream, he labels everything. As well as Blue. Finding my room shouldn't be so hard. I pass and turn down halls, curiously exploring and looking for it. I witness Dream get dragged down a hall by Error. He gets tossed into a room. Error slams and locks the door.

"I wEnT eAsY oN y0u sInCe yOu'Re CroSs' bUd, yoU're hElPiNg uS, pLus tHe cOde iS gOne anD mY bRo wIlL bE oK."Error mutters through the door

"Glitchy? What are you doing?"I ask

"Oh, h-hEy, InKy! I pUt hIm wItH yOuR bRo aFtEr rOuGhInG hIm uP a BiT, sEemS yOu aLrEaDy dId tHat wHen I fOuNd hIm. WhAt aRe yOu dOiNg?"Error replies

"Okay. He was last at 60% rebooting before I left the room. I'm just trying to find my room."I say

"Oh, I sAw yOur dOor lAbEl dOwN tHat wAy, aT leAst tHe tHiRd dOor tO tHe rIgHt. I'm gOnNa cHeCk oN mY bRo nOw."Error says, then heads down the hall

I sweep down the hall as we pass each other and we smirk at each other. I felt him touch my tail gently and jolt. I heard him chuckle. I look over my shoulder at him.

"Quit it! I do not recall doing this to you when you were turned into this or a full-fledged cat! I never made fun of you so quit it!"I snap

"OkaY, fInE. GoOd pOiNt, hEhE."Error says, then continues down the hall

I sigh and continue down the hall. I soon find my room and enter it. I find my brush in it with a note from Blue saying:Fixed it! :) I smile and am glad to have Blue. At least he's helping me, being nice. He's so good and such. I climb into bed and try to rest. Surely the chemicals will wear off soon. I soon dozed off, but never locked my door.

I regret that.

I was woken up when I felt a hand on my head. It wasn't just that. It was rubbing between my ears, causing me to wake up. But before I could cover-up my mouth or hold it back, I let out a purr. I hate this. I open my eyes to see Error was on my bed, towering over me as he pet my head. He gazed at me curiously, as if he was solving something or learning. His face was a slight yellow and I could already feel mine burning.

"G-Glitchy! What are you doing h-h-h-here? W-What are you doing?"I ask

"YoU puRreD.....aGaIn. Interesting."He says

"Glitchy! What do you mean again? And that doesn't answer my questions!"I snap

I start trying to get out of bed but he slams a hand down, grabbing my arm while blocking me off from getting out. This was unlike him. He would never break my personal bubble like this. He of all people favors it. He leans down, his face inches from mine.

"You should really lock your door. You seem very, what's the word, loving to me, haven't you?"He says, not a single glitch or stutter in his voice

He continues to pet my head by my ears.

"W-What has gotten into you, G-Glitchy? Let go of me!"I yell, trying very hard not to purr

"Wh0 dArEs dIstUrB mY InKy?"A voice shouts

"Shoot."the "Glitchy" above me mutters but still continues to hold me in place.

Their grip was tight and firm like Error's, but they had stopped petting me. That was a relief.

"Get off me you fraud!"I snap

The fake ignores me, probably thinking. A figure soon appears in the doorway. They looked like Error, making 2 Errors now be in the room. I didn't have to wonder who was the real one.

"GeT aWaY fRoM mY InKy!"Error snaps

"This went bad..."The fake mutters

I felt their grip loosen. I took the chance to tear my arm free and punch them away from me. I quickly grab my brush and go to the corner of my room, ready to fend off any fakes. But the fake fled, running out of the room after shoving Error aside. They ran away and out of sight. Error does not budge. He then looks at me and comess over. I raise my brush. Error stops. He sits in front of me. He reaches a hand out, I can see it hesitantly shaking. I lower my brush, knowing it was him and that I was safe. He places his hand on my cheek. I look at him and neither of us move.

"ArE yOu okAy? Did tHeY hUrT yOu? WhAt hApPeNeD?"Error asks

I tell him what happened and what the fake said or did. He nods and gently hugs me.

"I guEsS iT's a gOoD tHinG mY rOoM iS tWo dOorS dOwN fRoM yA."Error says

"Really? I thought with all of Dream's rules he would've made you have the farthest room from me!"I tell him

"NoT iF BluE hAs anYthiNg tO say aBoUt It. ThEy cAme To a coMproMise, mAking BlUe aNd SciEnCe's rOoms bEtWeEn uS, tHoUgh ScIeNcE haRDlY viSiTs."Error says

"Heh. I'm glad that compromise happened since it seems you were the only one who heard. Or others did and they were just too tired to take action. I really thought it was you for a bit. Thanks for coming, Glitchy."I thank him

"GoOd pOiNt. No pRobLeM, InKy. I wIlL fInD wHo tHaT fAke wAs aNd mAkE tHeM pAy fOr dIsTuRbInG yOu."Error assures me

I then remember what the fake said. "You purred....again! Interesting." Only one person knows about me purring...Paperjam! He was probably making sure I don't snitch on him and remind me of what he can snitch on me with! Shoot. Well, at least that means Error doesn't know, right? I look at Error and he's innocently smiling at me. He showed no sign of knowing about my purring, I left those facts out. I felt secure now. But I don't go back to the bed. I don't want to be trapped there again. I don't move and slowly relax, making me realize how tensed up I was.

"I tHiNk I wIll sTaY hEre tO mAkE sUrE tHAt fAkE dOeSn't cOmE bAcK aNd bOtHer yA aGaIn."Error says, sitting beside me.

"Heh, okay. Thanks, Error."I say

He leans against me and I smile. I then soon doze off again. When I wake up, I was still where I dozed, Error leaning against me, except he was awake. He didn't seem to know I was up. I had my face buried in my scarf, slightly peeking out. I could see E!Pap in the doorway. I was glad to see he rebooted alright but saw the worried expression.

"BrO....I neEd tO tALk tO yOu aBoUt sOmEtHInG."E!Pap says

I suspect that he's gonna tell him what Paperjam did to make him crash and all, not Dream. I didn't move, I made sure to make it seem I was asleep.

"OkAy. WhAt iS iT?"Error asks

E!Pap enters the room.

"DrEaM dId nOt mAkE mE cRasH. PApErjAm dId."E!Pap replies

"WhaT? WhY diDn'T yOu tElL mE whEn yOu fInIsHed rEbOotInG?"Error says, clearly trying not to shout

"I wAs peRplExEd bY wHat hE sAid tO mAkE mE cRaSh. PlUs, tO hElP InK."E!Pap explains

He knows?

"WhAt dO yOu mEaN? WhAt dId hE sAy aND whAt dOeS InK hAve tO dO witH iT?"Error questions

"ThErE's a lOt yOu cAn hEaR wHiLe rEbOotInG iF yA tRy hArD eNouGh. PJ calLed mE UnClE PaPy, tHen qUicKlY aPolOgIzeD aND sAid sOmETHInG abOuT hIs tImElIne. He tOlD InK iF yOu fOunD oUt iN anY wAy, hE wIlL tElL sOmE sEcRet InK hAs tO eVerYoNe, sTarTiNg wItH yOu. He WAs bAsiCaLly bLacKmAilInG InK aNd I diDn't wAnt InK tO gEt iN tRoUbLe wItH tHe sEcReT, wHATEVer it Is, sO I dId nOt sAy anYtHiNg."E!Pap explains

I felt Error tense. I then felt him get up.

"ThAnkS fOr tElLinG mE bRo. AlSo tHanKs fOr lOokIng oUt fOr InKy. I'm gOnNa gO hAve a tAlK wiTh GradIeNt, sEe iF I cAn leArn aBoUT PaPerJam's tImElInE. MaYbE i'lL hAVe a cHat wItH PJ aboUt sEcREtS bEiNG kEpt."Error says

"BrO! WaIt! WhAt iF hE teLls yA InK's SECReT? InK sEeMed sEt oN lEtTinG noBody fIND oUt, nOt EvEn yOu!"E!Pap exclaims

"ThEn hE doEs. I jUst wOn't liSten aNd mAy nOt uSe iT oN InKy. BuT I cAn't jUst lEt thIs stRaNgEr bOtHer mY InKy lIke thAt! I'm oFf tO dO iT! BrO, hOw aBoUt yA chEck oN DreAm!"Error says, his voice growing distant with footsteps

"O-oK."E!Pap says

I hear a door shut and open my eyes. I was alone in my room again. But the info I had learned. Error really values our trust. I smile. He and his bro are the best. Maybe PJ's blackmail trick will be foiled. Maybe he won't even have a chance to tell Error my secret.

Then....I forgot the events of last night and my suspicions. One of the times I hate my memory.

I get up. I walk out of my room, shutting the door behind me. I look to my left to see Blue sleepily leaving his room as well. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back.

"Your tail's gone, but those ears must be determined to stay. Did you sleep well, Ink?"Blue says.

"Just knowing that much is good. Thanks Blue. I slept alright...I think I woke up but dunno why. Is anyone else up?"I say

"That's good. I know Dust, Error and his bro are. Cross, Dream, your bro and those two other ones I dunno. Geno and Reaper are around here somewhere. We will probably be planning something soon. Now to make some tacos!"Blue says

"I'll come with! Also thanks for fixing my brush!"I tell him

"No problem! There's nothing, I, The Magnificent Sans cannot fix for a friend! Mwehehehe!"Blue cheers.

We head down the hall to the kitchen. I sit with my brush on my back as usual. Blue begins making tacos and slowly, one by one or two by two, everyone comes. My bro didn't still. Now the only ones missing were Error and Paperjam once Gradient entered.

"Hey, Gradient? Where's your buddy, PJ?"Dust asks

"Probably up to no good. Again."Gradient replies, then sits down beside E!Pap

The door is kicked open. I feel my arm get gripped tightly in an instant after hearing it. I look to see PJ beside me, gripping it tight and had this mischievous grin on. Error runs into the room after him.

"Hi, I'm Error the AU destroyer! I destroy AUs and yet I fell in love with my former enemy here, the protector themself!"Paperjam declares in a mimicking or teasing tone

"StOp mOcKinG mE! ShUt uP!"Error snaps, his face lighting up bright yellow

Almost everyone chuckles. I did not, nor did Blue, E!Pap, Gradient and Geno. Error was clearly embarrassed and had fists clenched. I try to tear away but PJ held firmly. Blue glares at PJ while making tacos. PJ ignores it and Error's yells, he just continues.

"He's my Inky! Nobody can hurt him despite the fact I hurt him in the past! Here, let me show my love!"Paperjam mocks, then leans in and kisses my cheek

"That sounds so much like you, Error! Like last night, we heard you yelling! Who dares disturb my Inky! Hah! This is too hilarious! Hah!"Cross chuckles

Still, the same people laughed and the same people did not.

"NoBoDy aSkeD yOu, DreAm loVer! ShUt uP!"Error yells

Cross' face lit up and he looks away, silent now.

"Let me go!"I hiss to Paperjam quietly, tearing away from him the best I could

"Aww, let me have my fun, Ink! Besides, I think you and I both know that this would be the perfect way for a secret to come out. Everyone being here and all. So let me have my fun if ya don't want that to happen."Paperjam whispers

I froze. That blackmail again. I knew that Error and E!Pap knew of the blackmail, but none of them knew what the secret was. And I didn't want everyone to find out. I look at him, stopping my attempts to break away. I then look away grumpily, feeling my face burn. I remained silent.

"Heh!"Paperjam laughs proudly

I hear eRrOrLoVaNia begin to play. I knew Error must be very angry now.

"Why yOu lItTle-!"Error begins

"Tacos are ready! Error, no battles in the new base! We have enough conflict with the kids as it is! Here, Paperjam! Have this taco!"Blue cuts him off and hands Paperjam a taco

"Thanks Blue."Paperjam says

Paperjam took a bite with a grin and his smile quickly disappears. I stomp on his foot and get sweet freedom. He covers his mouth and ran out of the room, his eye lights small. I look at Blue, who had a sweet and innocent smile but a devious look in his eyes.

"Blue? Did you put another chemical or something in the tacos? I thought Dream banned you from that."I ask

"He did. But he said nothing about normal ingredients. I put hot sauce in it."Blue replies

I smile.

"Good trick, Blue. And ya know, I think I wouldn't have minded ya breaking that ban rule once on him. Eh, whatever. Can I have a safe one?"I say

Blue hands me a taco. Error runs off after Paperjam. Gradient beats E!Pap in rock, paper, scissors, so E!Pap went after his brother while everyone else settled in. Those who had laughed at Error being mocked ended up getting knocked out due to certain ingredients Blue put in the tacos, knock-out powder for example. I as well as Gradient and Geno were spared. Blue was the culprit and E!Pap had not eaten yet, though he was most likely safe as well. Once I finished eating, I went to see my brother, maybe gain some info.

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