Chapter 26:Forget or Not Forget
I check the clock Ink had made to see hours had flown by, but I didn't really care. I hold the puppet of Ink in my hand, still lost in wonder about him. I begin to think that I should put the past behind me. Forget Ink. Our truce. Or friendship. Our good times and fun. Our love. Everything. That's clearly what the kid wanted by splashing that stuff on Ink. Besides, maybe Ink and I will get back to this in some other timeline. I'm sure Ink would enjoy the fights, just like I used to. And surely the gang would like destruction again. I was starting to believe this and plan on going to the gang's place to rejoin my old ways when a portal opened. My hopes went through the roof, if there was one. I look to see Blue coming through a portal, but didn't see me. He began pacing back and forth, the portal shutting. He didn't seem impatient or waiting for someone. He seemed worried and in thought. Wouldn't he be with the Star Sanses and Ink right now?
I stand up and approach him. He jumps when I taps him on a shoulder. He looks at me and sighs.
"Oh phew, it's only you."Blue says
"WhAt dO yOu mEaN? WeRe yA sCaReD iT wAs sOmEoNe ElSe?"I ask
"Well, kinda. Something weird is going on with Ink. He's been freaking me out too."Blue says
"ExPlAiN."I say, looking at him confusedly, then notice the injuries on him
"Ink hasn't shown up to any meetings at the new base, he hasn't contacted anyone or come to help protect any AUs, and I've witnessed some odd things. I went to his place recently to check on him. I found the door wide open and enter. I found the place completely blank, you and I know how he feels about blank spaces. Not only that, but I went upstairs hearing some banging noises to witness him destroying his sash of vials. Then he opens some strange portal. I got the heck outta there! Few days later, I Dream sent me to check on some AU that's been acting up, so I went to investigate. I witnessed Ink destroying an AU! Something is seriously up!"Blue explains
"Is tHat wHeRe yOu cAmE fRoM?"I ask
He nods.
I pause to think. I wrap his injuries with my strings to bandage them. I then remember something. The notepad.
"BlUe, dId you find hIs nOtEpAd or sKeTcHbOokS deStrOyeD?"I cautiously ask
"I found 2 of them, but not broken. And I didn't find the puppet of you anywhere. Here, I took them to see if there'd be any clues. Why do you need them anyway?"Blue asks, handing me the sketchbooks and notepads
"JuSt cUrIoUs. Go cHeCk oN eVerYoNe. DrEam, Dust, CrosS, my brO, yOuR bRo, Ink!Pap. MaKe sUre TheY'rE oK anD nOt iN dAnGer Or cAusInG tRoUble. Get hElP fRoM DusT wItH yOuR iNjUrIes aNd tElL hIm wHat yA tOlD me, He mAy KnOw sOmEtHinG."I say, opening a portal to Dust
"Okay, but what are you gonna do?"Blue asks
"ExaMiNe tHeSe. A tRiP dOwn Ink'S mEmORy LaNe cAn'T hUrT."I tell him
Blue nods and goes through. I shut it. I sit down, having a new feeling inside me. Something was up. And it was more than Ink's memory. I now got this feeling of not wanting to forget the times and go back to my old ways. Surely Ink had some memory and was just being manipulated. I flip through the books and found one page in one of them. It was recent. It was in the pad that Ink was using at the time of being in Science's isolation things. I read it carefully.
"Dear Future Ink or whoever may read this,
Hello. Hope this works. If you are reading this, it could mean two things. One, my nightmare has come true again. Or, I just forgot about this and found it, either that or someone else. Sometimes I hate my memory, especially now. No matter, time to focus! The past few nights, I've had the same nightmare repeatedly that it's now predictable, like a movie watched too many times. It has a glitchy kid laughing and throwing something at me. From there, I see myself at first acting forgetful, but then destroying my vials, abandoning my allies, which would grow to destroying AUs and erasing my place. I seem to answer to the glitchy kid. They hide away in some cave in what seems to be an unfinished AU and is meant to be Mt Ebott. They refer to it as A!Tale. Unlike the kid my bro created that wants to be a destroyer and set things back to the past of me protecting AUs and fighting Error the destroyer, this kid wants these roles to swap for their fun. In order to do that, they'll create AUs from the ones I destroy from them, and plan on getting my allies on their side. Except the members of Nightmare's gang or Error and Dust, they have different plans which I think is clear due to role-swap idea already. I've seen my puppet of Error and Error's of me on some note later in this nightmare. Someone holds it and it seems I gain control again. Maybe this is that note. Future Ink or reader, if this is the situation and you're reading this, remember the good times. Remember the fun. Do not hurt the blue scarfed, the golden crowned, the hooded, the X-clothed, glitchy Papyrus or the skeleton with error signs. I'm sorry for any destruction I've caused. Remember the laughs, the good times, the creativity, the friends and allies, the love, everything. Don't listen to the glitchy kid. I, and possibly you, are Ink. A Star Sans. Protector of AUs. Silly. Creative. A friend. A secret shortie. Inky. A skittle shortie.
Ink Sans of Timeline 22C-6"The note read
I feel something underneath this paper. I lift it and find the puppet of me. I take it and tuck it in a pocket. I understand what Ink's saying now. The kid wants to make me a creator or protector, as well as the destroyers. They expect to work with us. They want to create. They want to make the Star Sanses destroyers and cause chaos and who knows what else. Not on my watch. I will fufill the job put ahead. My Inky needs me. I open a portal to A!Tale and look around. It indeed looks unfinished.Most of the place was blank. I came in on the surface to make it easier. Quickly someone found me. Inky himself.
"What are you doing here? My boss nor I like visitors. And you're certainly not another recruit."Ink snaps
(drew myself, inspired by fell!ink)
"I'm hEre tO sEe yA. I wAnT tO tAlk.WheRe'D yA GeT tHosE fRom?"I ask, pointing to the cuts on him
He grips his brush. I don't summon my strings. I grip the puppets and pad in hand.
"I just came back from destroying UnderFresh and UnderFell. Not easy. Stupid AUs. Well, I don't want to talk to you. Boss doesn't like me talking to others. I don't like visitors and neither do they. They want that, so I obey. Now get out, I have to go get my next task."Ink warns, turning away
He begins to walk away, but then I spoke.
"ArE yOu bEinG hOneSt? Is tHat whAt yOu wAnT?"I ask
Ink froze. He turns his head.
"What?"he asks
"YoU sAy yOu dOn'T liKe vIsiTors. Is dEstRoYinG AUs wHat yA wAnT? Is hUrTiNg yOuR fRiEnDs whAt yOu wAnT?"I question
"What do you mean friends? And....destroying AUs is what boss"Ink replies, but I could hear the hesitance in his voice
"YoU hUrt a sKelEtOn eArLiEr nAmEd BlUe. He WeArs A bLUe sCaRf. YoU wErE hIs fRiEnd. Do yOu eNjOy hUrtIng pEopLe tHat caReD fOr yOu lIke hIm? I 'm nOt aSkIng whAt yOuR bOsS wAnTs, I'm aSkInG aBoUt yOuR wAntS. Don'T foRgEt tHeM. YoU cOuLdn'T hAvE fOrGetTen aLl thAt fuN wiTh thEm, InKy."I tell him
Ink looks at me. I could see a flicker in his eye-light, like something clicked. He blinks and looks away, silent.
"....I said get out."Ink growls
"B-"I begin
"GET OUT!"Ink yells, turning and charging at me with his brush
I then use my strings to lift myself up and to dodge some of his attacks. He got me a few times but they were minor injuries. I never retaliated, just kept dodging and deflecting his attacks. I kept a hand behind my back. It still held the puppets and pad. This seemed to annoy Ink a lot.
"Why aren't you fighting back?"Ink shouts
"ReAsOnS."I say teasingly, dodging his attack
I knew Ink hates being teased or being challenged, but he usually remembers things within his angry times. So, it's only a matter of time until something clicks again. Maybe if he sees I'm not fighting back as well like he taught would help as well.
"What are you hiding behind your back and why?"Ink snaps
"CuriOus arEn'T wE nOw? I'Ll gIve yOu a HinT, iT's soMetHinG!"I say
"Ah, I see. Ya know, you're kinda cute."Ink says, pausing his attacks
I felt my face light up.
"W-Wha?"I stutter, glitching up
"Ya, now if only ya kept your guard up!"Ink says, knocking me down with a swift kick
He punches and kicks more quickly now, knocking me down where he stomps on me. I could nearly see my hp dropping fast. He slashed his brush across me, making chains lock me up. He stares me down with narrowed eyes. I'm an idiot to fall for that. I notice he looks around as if to check for someone, most likely his boss, the glitchy kid. I knew in my state I must've failed and was at his mercy. I even had a crack in my skull. I could be destroyed at any moment.He then looks at me and laughs. He laughed! It was still sounding just as cute, sweet and innocent as before. He then goes behind me, tearing the pad and puppets from my hand. He comes back in front of me.
"I should be taking you to boss and report you, but now you got me curious. What could be so important to an idiot like you?"Ink states
I look at him in shock. This is going better than I've planned! This could work! I then put on my best acting face to look scared, which wasn't hard when part of me was really scared.
"Oh no! PleAsE dOn'T!"I plea
He ignores me and examines the puppets. He looks at the one of him, then at his of me. He didn't look at me. I saw his eyes flicker white and red again. A smile flashed on his face before going neutral. He tucks the puppets away. He then looks at the pad that I had open to the note from himself. I watched him read it. Once done, he kept looking at me, then at the note again. This repeated until he tucks the pad away as well.
"Error signs....skeleton....named scarfed...Blue....hmmm.......Disobey glitchy kid? Boss? Hmmm....Remember...."Ink mutters
I just sat there in the chains while he kept muttering and shaking his head. I shut my eyes, hoping it works. I then felt a tug on my scarf, lifting me to me feet. I open my eyes again and see him pulling me toward him. My arms sway back and I my eye-lights shrink. Ink shut his eyes. I froze by the weight of the chains, his grip and shock.
He was kissing me! I didn't know what to think or do. I feel my face light up and could see his rainbow blush return. I feel the chains melt away. He parts from me and I look at him. He rubs his shut eyes as if he was waking up. He releases my scarf. I drop down to my knees, feeling weak and shocked. I cover my face that's bright with my scarf. Please tell me that worked.
I look up at Ink to see him gazing at his hands, then at his changed clothes confusedly and curiously. His eye-lights were drained of red and now white again. He looks at me and I gaze at him. I got up slightly.
"InKy?"I nervously say
"Glitchy? What's going on? What happened?"Inky asks
"It's yOu! YoU'rE bAcK! YoU'Re rEaLlY, ReAlLy bAcK!"I cheer, getting quickly up and leaping at him
I wrap my arms around him, hugging him. I didn't care if I crashed or glitched out, requiring rebooting. He was back! My Inky was back! I may be injured and my clothes ragged all over. I may have a bleeding skull. But I didn't care. I felt Ink tense, his hand reaching and feeling my back. I felt myself jump, he had kicked me there. But I relaxed. I couldn't think of anything to say and could feel myself tremble and cry.
(Drew with a reference, credit to them)
"You'Re baCk....You'rE baCk.....YoU'Re rEaLlY bAcK!"I cry
"What do you mean by back? Wait, did the kid-? Did I-? D-Destroy? H-H-Hurt you? H-Hurt Blue? H-H-H-Hurt others? I...I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Glitchy! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I-!"Ink stutters and cries
"Ssshh, Sssh, thEre, thErE, InKy. It'S oKay, InKy. ThEy dId. YoU weRe unDer hIs conTrol. YoU dId deStrOy, bUt nOt aS mAnY aS yOu cOuLd'Ve. TruSt mE, I'd kNow. YoU hUrt mE, buT iT's pArTly oN mE. YoU'Re vEry sNeAky aNd sLy wItH yOuR wOrDiNg. I uH, feLl fOr yOu cAlLiNg mE cUtE iN bAtTlE. BlUe goT hUrt, bUt hE's oK. I sEnT hIm tO DusTt0 gEt aiDeD. As fAr aS I knOw, BluE and I aRe thE onlY oNes hUrt, aNd dEsTrOyEd AUs lIkE UndErFreSh aNd UndErFell. I'm jUst gLaD yOu'Re oKay, InKy."I explain, hugging him and trying to calm him
"I...I...I..."Ink stutters
I rub Ink's back to try and calm him. I look at Ink and wipe his tears. Inky soon calms down. He looks at me, smiles and parts from me, only to hug again and try to support me. He takes the note and puppets out. His eyes light up, as if he remembers something or noticed something. He looks at me.
"I left this note and puppet of you at what remained of my place. I'm guessing you got them somehow as well as kept you puppet of me. So that means you came and got it shown to me, and it's all a blurr but bits still are coming together. I clearly hurt you, but then ya managed free me...Glitchy...I..."Inky utters
"InKy, iT's oKaY. It'S oKaY. BluE gaVe iT tO mE aFtEr vIsItInG yOuR pLaCe. No nEeD tO wOrRy."I tell him
"T-T-Thank you, Glitchy."he tells me, his voice shaking
"No pRobLem, InKy. BeSiDeS, nOw I kNow yOu aDmIt tHat yOu'Re a sHorTiE. And I'm hApPy tO sEe you sEe yOuRseLf aS a sKiTtlE sHoRtiE aS welL."I tease
"Shuddup."Ink says, his face becoming a rainbow and looking away
"Heh, tHaT'S mY InKy aLrIgHt. NoW leT's geT yOu bAck tO...yOuR bAsE oR tO BlUe."I chuckle
Ink nods, but then he released his grip on me, a panicked look in his eye lights.
"WhAt'S wRoNg?"I ask
"Dream and Nightmare! The kid...They made me get them into there! I...I need to get them!"Ink exclaims, turning and running
That's when I use my strings to grab him. I pull him back to me and stare him dead in the eyes.
"WaIt. YoU hAve kEy sIgns THaT yOu aRe yOurSeLf aGaIN. PlUs, tHey'rE daNgEroUs. WHat iF tHey cAtcH yA? I cAn't lOse yoU aGaIn, InKy."I say
"You're in no shape to go. You're hurt. I'm not. I'll be okay. Don't worry, I'll be careful. Besides, I've had this nightmare enough times to know what to do. You really don't think I destroyed all my vials, do you? I prepare for this. You contact Dust and Blue or anyone at all to make sure everything is okay with them. I'll be back before you can list all the times we've stargazed in OuterTale!"Ink assures me, taking out a vial in his hand.
I was silent.
"But, if it makes you feel better, here. Take these to lower suspicions. Also if I lose control."Ink sighs, handing me the note, puppets and a small yellow vial.
"WHat'S thiS?"I ask
"It's an emotion vial for calmness and joy. Now do what I said, I'll be back soon."Ink says, darting into the cave
I stood there, silent. He was depending on me. I had to stay and do as told. For my Inky. I contacted Dust and told him of the situation. He was glad I called, Blue had been worried and theorized the worst of events until he dozed. I understand and told him I may come soon. He told me that'd be great if possible. He hung up. I called Cross and told him of the situation. Cross was tempted to come but I aNd Cross!Chara apparently convinced him it was too risky. He made me promise to call me when we were safe with Dream, Ink, and Nightmare. I agree and he hangs up. I don't call my bro, fearing his worried reaction. Luckily, I don't have Ink!Pap's number so I didn't have to go through that issue. I thought the gang could handle themselves so I didn't call. I texted Geno and Reaper to check on them, just in case. They answered momentarily, but both messages were by Reaper. Apparently they were dealing with their own situation and Geno was down. He claimed to be handling it and told me that we'll talk later.
I heard yells. I prepared a portal. I look over my shoulder to see a crazy sight. Ink was dashing over, carrying Nightmare while he held Dream in a tentacle. A yell echoes through the cave, probably the kid's. Ink came over to me and I could see the panic in his eyes. He eyes me carefully. His gaze lost its fear and was replaced with a hyper, determined gaze.
"Ok, phew, no new injuries on ya. No time to talk. Let's get outta here before the kid learns what knives can do."Ink says, shrugging a shoulder that he had Nightmare over
That seemed to be a signal. Nightmare nods and I was picked up by his tentacle. Ink carries us through the portal. I shut it behind them. Ink sets us down on a couch and went to look for some first-aid kits or assistance. I knew we were at Dust's place, but didn't see him anywhere. He was probably upstairs with Blue. My attention was soon caught by the two brothers on either side of me. They truly were acting off. Nightmare was rapidly switching between his goopy and non-goopy forms while sitting to my left. Dream was looking at his hands as if he's never seen them before, but soon looks at Nightmare and groans. I duck down to avoid a tentacle hitting me. It hit Dream instead. He didn't seem to like it.
"Don't hit me with my own tentacle, Dream!"Dream yells
Wait, what? I look at Nightmare and he turns to his non-goopy form.
"Oops, sorry brother."Nightmare says
I was really confused.
"Ok, wHat'S gOiNg On wItH yOu tWo?"I ask
"Dunno."Nightmare says
"Plan went wrong and instead of making me act like a Star Sans or Dream act like a destroyer, we swapped bodies! And it seems Someone is taking mine for granted!"Dream growls
"WaiT, sO yOu'rE NightMare? AnD hE's DrEam?"I ask, pointing to Dream's body then to Nightmare's form
Dream, er, Nightmare nods. I look at the two of them. I was silent.
"WeLl, tHaT's sOmEtHinG. BuT hEy, nOw yoU bOth fInAlLy gEt tO knOw whAt iT's lIke fOr thE oTher. MaYbE yOu'lL fInAlLY tAlk nOrmAlLy. YoU'vE doNe iT bEfOrE." I say, hinting to when they talked and hugged
Nightmare sighs and nods.
"I guess I can talk with him to show him how to deal with my forms correctly. Ya know, so I don't get slapped by my own tentacles."Nightmare says
I look to Dream in Nightmare's body. He was bouncing in his seat and I could see the excitement in his eyes. He rapidly claps.
"Oh joy! Time with my brother! Almost like that time I spent with the DreamSwap Nightmare! How exciting! In return, I'll show you how to deal with my friends NICELY. Ya know, so you don't hurt them as me! Let's go!"Dream squeals, grabbing Nightmare and running outside.
Nightmare nervously laughs at the mention of his cover-up name from that time. I watch them go out and slam the door behind them. I chuckle. Then I heard the stairs creak. I look to see Ink dragging Dust and Blue down them. He plops them on the couch in the same spots Dream and Nightmare used to be.
"Where'd the other two go?"He asks
"ThEy wEnT oUtSiDe tO tRaIn oR sOmEtHinG."I reply
Ink nods.
"Makes sense."Ink states, then goes to check again for medical stuff
"Did I seriously hear Nightmare of all people squeal?"Dust asks
"SoMe kId dId sOmEtHinG tO hIm aNd DrEaM. So, tHey wOn't bE aCtInG nOrMaL."I say, once again covering up for Nightmare
"Ah, okay."Dust nods
"What's up with Ink then?"Blue asks
"He wEnt tO gEt tHem fRoM tHe kId rIgHT aFtEr hE bRoKe frOM tHeIr cOnTrOl. To kEep sUsPiCiOns lOw, hE tOok a rEd vIaL. It mAy bE cAuSinG hIm to aCt lIke whAtEver he'S dOiNg."I reply
"Ah, okay. Wait he was under control?"Blue exclaims
"It's a eXplAnaTion tHat I dOn't wAnt tO sPeAK oF wiTHOut InK. EvEryThinG You sAw InK dO wAs wHen hE dIdN'T hAve CoNtRol. He'S SoRRy fOr eVerY aCtIoN hE dID aNd hUrtInG yA."I tell him.
Ink came down with a single medical kit. Blue was already bandaged by Dust. Ink came over and put a hand on my shoulder firmly, as if to hold me in place. He winks at me and begins to bandage me using the kit. I felt my face light up. I felt myself glitching up a bit, my phobia kicking in. I could see Dust smirking at this sight and Blue seeming very excited at this though. I was frozen in my spot, trying not to crash. I look at Ink as he bandaged me and then places his hand on my head, the other still on my shoulder. He leans close and gazed at me carefully. I could feel my face grow warmer and warmer the longer he stared. He narrows his eyes then nods. He removes his grip on me.
"Ok, it healed. Now you don't look like stupid Horror or one of his escaped victims of head-dog attempts."Ink says, then heads the front door.
"Where are you going?"Blue asks
"Outside. Gotta make sure those idiots don't tear each other apart, duh. I'll explain things later."Ink says, then goes outside
"I've never seen Ink so serious."Blue says
"I'm not sure what to say when he's calling those two idiots or Horror stupid. But it is interesting and new of him. Are we sure the kid didn't try to make him a Fell?"Dust states
"Ya cAlL tHat sEriOus? ShOuLd'Ve sEEn hiM wHEn I eNcoUnteReD hIm! YoU woUld'vE thOuGht hE wAs sOmEonE eLse! BUt I caN sEE whAt yA mEaN wItH tHe FeLl thInG. He dIdn'T seEm tO hAve hIs OWn iDeAs. BoSs thIs, BoSs tHat! BuT He wAs sTiLl cLeVer aND snEaKy, unLiKe FeLl!"I explain
"There doesn't happen to be a way to make him his own self? It seems that vial is using the situation to control or decide his actions for him. That's why he usually keeps all his vials, to keep balance and control."Blue says
I reach into my pocket, checking to make sure I still have my stuff. I had the note. I had the puppets. I had the vial. I nod.
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