Chapter 22: Ending Chaos
I explained what just went down and what Inky told me. Dust didn't seem to believe me. He thought I was just having my hopes up too high. Blue on the other hand, believed me completely and was overjoyed.
"So you're saying this puppet is Ink?"Blue asks, kneeling in front of Ink as he rested
"Yes, he was somehow turned into it within some container with chemicals that the brat used. The only reason he's not awake is because I uh....kissed him from the joy."I explain
"My shIp is finally sailing! I mean...It's good to have Ink back in any case!"Blue cheers
"I dUnNo. SeEmS tO bE JUSt aN oLd pUpPeT. ERrOr, aRe yOu sUrE aBoUt iT?"Dust asks, looking at the puppet suspiciously
"Yes. Dust, they acted and sounded too much like him to be fake. They even offered to let me hurt them to prove it. Would a punk really put so much work and planning all just for us to destroy part of it?" I reason
"No. But,WeLl, unTil hE wAkEs uP aNd I geT tO sEe fOr mYseLf, I 50% tRuSt tHat."Dust sighs
Blue had gotten his scarf back by now and was laying it on Ink like a blanket. I smile. Blue always was trusting and quick to help in any situation.
Ink slowly woke up and looks around. He quickly saw Blue watching him cheerfully and he leaps at Blue. Blue was caught in surprise but all Ink did was hug Blue from the top of his head, just like he had done to me. Blue hesitantly tied his scarf back on as Ink did so.
"Blue! It's so good to see you! I'm so glad you're okay! You are okay, right? Are you hurt? Did the enemy do anything to you? How do you feel? Do you need healing? Are you-"Ink questions worriedly
"I'd recognize that questioning voice of Ink anywhere. It's him, guys. Ink, I'm ok. I'm not hurt. They did not, besides put me in a blank space as well. I feel alright. I don't need healing. It's okay."Blue assures us and him.
Ink giggles and then spots Dust. I saw how Dust's narrowed eyes and annoyed or suspicious expression scared Ink. Keep in mind Dust looks different than usual. Ink slid down to Blue's shoulder, hugging his head and trying to hide from Dust's gaze. Dust also had set himself the farthest away from the three of us.
"W-Who's that? I haven't seen them before and they don't seem happy. They look like a mix of Dust and Error, only scarier and grumpier. They aren't some kind of guard for the enemy, are they? And they aren't going to hurt us, are they?" Ink asks Blue.
"WHaT?! I aM nOt sOmE viLlAin's gUArD! I Am nOt gRumPy!"Dust snaps, stomping close.
Ink let out a squeak of fear and drops down, hiding behind Blue. Blue stood and Ink grips him, peeking out from behind his boots. I roughly elbow Dust.
"Wow, that really helps your case of who you are. Sounding grumpy when you say you're not grumpy. Yelling, dude. Quit it. He doesn't recognize you just like you didn't recognize me. Chill. You're scaring him. Stop scaring him. Now."I hiss at him quietly so Blue and Ink don't hear, having my scarf up so they couldn't tell I spoke either
Dust looks at me and his gaze was more relaxed and showed he got the point.
"Ink, this is Dust. He got changed by some liquid or chemical. I see what you mean with the Error and Dust mix. He may look scary, but he's still him. He won't hurt us. Though, he might have gotten some more hostility from the chemicals as well. But he's gonna apologize for his outburst right now, aren't you, Dusty?"Blue says with a strongly hinting tone for Dust to apologize
Ink creeps out from behind Blue. I nudge Dust again to signal him further to do it.
"I gUeSs iT reAlLy iS InK. I'm sOrRy fOr mY oUtBuRst. AnD scAriNg yOu."Dust apologizes
Ink simply nods. He then ran over to me. I lift him up and he climbs onto my shoulder, sitting there. He then whispers to me quietly. I look at him once he was done and he nods.
"Ink says he forgives ya. Also, he finds it cute that Blue has finally called Dust the nickname he has for him to his face. H-"I explain
"WaIt, fiRsT tIme tO mY fAcE? HAvE yOu bEen cAlLinG mE tHat BEHinD mY bAcK? For hOw loNg? AnD wHy?"Dust interrupts, his face covered in blush now
"Another time! I'll explain that another time! Error! Please continue!"Blue snaps, his face bright and quickly hidden under a scarf
They can see the love Ink and I had for each other so clearly, yet they can't accept to see their own. What's up with that?
"Also, apparently there were chemicals stolen from Science almost everywhere laying around. We may want to go see him, Inky got some samples of it in his sash. Maybe we can find some info out and be prepared to stop that brat." I say
"St0p tHem?"Dust echoes
"Yes. Do you want to let them get away with this? Just a little bit earlier you were tearing me apart thinking I was them and saying you're done with their tricks!"I state
"No, I wAs jUst mAkInG sUre I heARd yoU cOrReCtLy. LeT's dO thIs!"Dust says, pumping a fist to the air.
"Lastly, Inky wants to stay on my shoulder apparently until further notice."I say
"Is hE sUrE aBOUt tHat?"Dust asks
I look at Ink. He tied the end of my scarf around him, almost like a seatbelt. I smirk. He was sure.
"Does that answer your question mister Jeopardy? Man you've been asking a lot lately."I reply
"SoRry, jUsT mAkInG sUrE."Dust claims
I manage to open a portal to Science Sans' place. Blue went through first with Dust and I following. I quickly shut it behind me. Science was surprised and frightened to find Dust and I there, though he didn't know it was us. He called us scary skeletons, Dust especially. He seemed to be already panicking about his chemicals and sciencey stuff going missing. Blue calms him and explains the situation. Ink then leapt over to prove that Blue wasn't lying.
"Okay, I can figure out what chemicals they have and how risky they are from Ink's samples. But maybe I can also get Ink back to normal. Blue, you come in and help me. The other two can wait out here, it's gonna be okay. It's safe inside."Science says,scooping Ink up.
"Okay, if ya say so."Blue says, going in. Science slammed the door shut once Blue did. We were left in the hallway, Dust sitting in a chair while I lean against the wall. We both said nothing. Then, Dust sprang up in his chair as if he came back to life.
"WaIt a SeC! He tOok tHe gOod sKelEtons in bUt nOt uS thInkiNg wE're bAd! He aSsumEd anD dIsCriMInAted!"Dust snaps
"Thank you, Captain Obvious. Now, calm down and let's wait."I state with a roll of my eye lights.
I was willing to wait. Science was trying to help after all. But I wasn't sure if this was as safe as he claimed. If someone could come in and steal from him without him catching them, how secure could it be? I sigh and try to keep my mind off it.
But that's especially hard when there's an explosion from inside. I open an eye to see Dust jolt up. Both our gazes went to the door. Then we heard Blue screaming and Ink yelling to be released now. Both of us knew what this meant. Trouble. I kick and try to get the door open.
"Oh, iT's ok! He sAid! ThIs pLacE is SAfE! He saiD! Safe mY buTT!"Dust growls in frustration
I nod. I finally get the door open just to see Blue get dragged through a portal as it shut. Two puppets were tossed out. I approach them and they turn out to be puppets of me and my bro. A note was on each of them with one word on each note. The notes together said: You're next! I quickly call my bro and order him to stay with Swap!Pap until further notice.
"Brother, it's me. A situation has come up and it's getting very dangerous. It seems you have become a target of the threat. Please, stay with Swap!Pap until I call you again. Look out for him and be careful. If it really is me who calls, I'll say Code 34E. If I don't, then it isn't me, got it? I love you, bro."I state when he asks for an explanation
"K. LoVe yOu tOo brO, bE cAreFul."My bro says
I then hang up. I look to see Dust lifting Sci by the collar and pressing him against the wall.
"WhAt hApPenEd?!"Dust snaps
"Dude chill. He seems as lost as us."I say
Dust sighs and puts him down.
"I had just figured out what chemicals they have and managed to turn Ink back. But then someone in a mask shot a bone attack at the machine, causing the explosion. From there, they simply had to take Blue and Ink out and through the portal. But they made a mistake in their attack, they dropped a piece of paper that gives away their location."Sci explains, holding up a paper
"WhAt chEmiCals do thEy have?"Dust asks
"If mixed together, some can cause trouble or change the appearance of the victim. Most just imitate attacks like Gaster Blasters, bone attacks, spears, common stuff. They don't have any serious ones that can kill, luckily."Sci states
"Okay, that's good. Now, can you get us to the location?"I request
Sci nods and pulls a lever. A portal opens. He puts the slip of paper in a box by the lever and the portal changed. I thank him and go through with Dust cautiously following. I found myself in a dimly lit hall. The portal shut behind us. Torches were spaced out along the walls and there was cold, hard stones making up the hallway. I carefully walk down the hall, cautious not to make a sound. I was trying to figure out where the brat could be or where Ink and Blue could be hidden. Soon, the walls opened up to reveal cell-like rooms with bars between us and the inside. Most were empty. But then, one had an occupant. Ink!Pap.
Ink!Pap lunged at the bars, peering out at us with the most terrified look on. He was in rags and looked wounded already. I step closer as he mumbled nonesense, but nothing more than that. Dust was right behind me.
"I've made a huge mistake! I accidentally made a human to make things right again, but now they're set on making it their own multiverse! Great, now my bro's paying the price, too. Both of you, be careful."Ink!Pap cries, clearly unaware of who's he talking to.
"Okay, thanks for the info. But what do you mean your bro is paying the price? He wouldn't happen to be Ink Sans would he?"I say, pretending to not know him
"Yes, he is. That's him. The human wants to use his vials for some reason, I dunno why, but it has to be bad. The human has a plan for everyone, some not the best. Right before you came, I heard him yelling out in pain. Just go and save yourselves or whoever you came for."Ink!Pap explains
Part of me wanted to do just that, leave him here to face consequences and seal the fate written on the note Blue found. But another part of me wanted to give him a chance. We all make mistakes and would I leave my brother to this if he did this? No. I wouldn't. He's still a Papyrus.
"Actually, Ink's exactly who I came here for. But I'm not gonna leave others at the mercy of the human. Come on."I state, kicking open the cell door and reaching a hand out to him
"Why do you help me?"Ink!Pap asks
"Well, we all make mistakes. And you are a Papyrus. And surely anyone can be a good person if they just try."I say
He smiles and takes my hand.
"Heh, you're nice. I think my bro would like you."Ink!Pap says
I smirk, how little did he know who he was saying that to. Dust even muffled a laugh at this irony. I help him up and hand him my scarf. I open a portal.
"Go to E!Pap and Swap!Pap. They'll protect you. If they get suspicious of you or don't help you, show them this scarf and say the owner of it sent ya to them."I tell him
He nods, thanking me. He walks through and I shut the portal. As soon as I did, there was a yell. But this was a yell of pain that I hated to hear. This was followed by a blasting noise, most likely a Gaster Blaster's.
"BlUe!"Dust yells, then charged down the hall toward the noises
"Dust! Wait!"I snap, chasing after him.
I found the ruins of the hall. The blast had made it fall apart, slopes and rubble everywhere. Little bits of ground floated everywhere or were floating away. Dust was at the edge of the hall, looking down at the canyon in the floor below now. I went up beside him and searched the mess for any sign of life or anybody. The fallen torches lit up a fire. Then I heard another yell. It was filled with even more pain and fear, sounding properly like Blue's voice. Dust and I search the scene with our gaze and then I saw him.
"There! Dust! Use the strings like I showed you! Quick!"I exclaim, pointing to one of the floating lands
Hanging off of it was Blue. I could see wounds all over him and his battle body outfit was torn apart. I could see the side of his face and his expression showed he was weak, in pain, and struggling to hold on. It didn't help that the fire was growing below him.
"RiGhT!"Dust says, summoning some strings and firing them at Blue as I taught him
The strings wrapped around Blue perfectly, but it certainly caught him off guard. Blue let out a yelp and his grip on the floating rubble was released. He slipped right off and began to fall, but with one clean tug Dust did brought Blue into Dust's arms. Blue looks at Dust, the strong, confident, enthusiastic glow in his eyes gone. It was replaced by a weak, scared, uncertain glow. He could hardly stand and gripped Dust tightly. Dust picks him up and held him protectively.
Then I realized the ground beneath them was crumbing away. I jump back and search my pockets for the string and got it out just as they fell. I lasso them with the string and caught them securely, holding my solid grip on solid stone ground. I look down at them dangle above the fire. I could see the terror in Blue's eyes and the relief in Dust's.
"I got you!"I assure them, pulling on the string with all that I could and as fast as I could before the fire could get enough power to toast them
"O-Okay...thanks Error."I hear Blue say, his gaze still at the fire below them
Dust had one arm around Blue as he grabs the string to secure them, as if my loop around them wasn't secure enough. His gaze was on Blue.
"HeH, ThAnKs dUde."He tells me
I pull them onto secure ground. Dust smiles yet still held Blue tightly as I untied the string from them. Blue looks at me with this worried gaze like he wanted to say something. I finish untying them and look at him.
"Want me to use some of this to cover up and heal your wounds, Blue? You seem badly wounded and scared."I ask
"It's not that. I'm worried about Ink and Dream. The kid went to where they're being kept, saying it's time to deal with them. And the list...."Blue explains
I froze. I remembered what the list said. I gaze across the disasterous scene and sure enough, the hall continued on the other end. I feel panic fill me. I knew one thing and one thing only. I'm stopping that brat before they hurt Ink. Dream....He can handle himself, can't he? Unless he's all talk and no bite that is.
"Error?"Blue calls as I think
"HeY, bUd, yOu oKaY tHeRe?"Dust asks
I nod, then shut my eyes. I focus and try teleporting. I open my eyes and turn around. I was on the other side of the disasterous scene. Blue and Dust, now a few dozens of feet away from me, quickly spotted me. Blue seemed panicked and I saw him talking to Dust, who summons his strings. Oh great, knowing Blue he wants to come after me. And knowing, Dust, he's gonna try to be daring and Tarzan swing over here! Blue's in no condition to fight! I gotta go before they catch up!
I take off into a run until I couldn't hear the crackling of the flames or their shouts. I look around, trying to hear anything. I wasn't stupid to call for Ink, that could alert the punk that I'm here and their plans may change. There were no more cells or cages along this hall, or any rooms. There was a single door at the very end. I get an idea. I summon a Gaster Blaster, but made sure it was small enough to hide in my hand and give off a lot of power. I close my hand around it and lower my hand to my side.
I open the door and find the kid sitting in a chair behind a desk. I quickly notice empty bottles of Sci's chemicals laying across the floor. Any that were still full filled a single shelf on the wall. The kid had their back to me, giggling and muttering. I decided to make my presence known. I lasso all the filled chemical bottles with my string and yank them over to me, dropping them through a portal to Sci. I shut the portal and the kid quickly notices the container's disappearance.
"Hello, brat."I say
"What do you want? You're supposed to be dead!"The kid snaps
"Oh, you can't get rid of me that easy, you little punk. But I'm not here to fight, oh no no no. You're planning to give the thing I've wanted to do for years. Destroy the multiverse for a proper one to start."I say smoothly, stepping in and shutting the door.
"Then why are you here?"The human asks
"I want to help you. You can't depend on chemicals forever and it takes more than that to destroy and remake a multiverse."I say, stepping closer.
The kid turns around in their chair. Their mask was off, revealing their face, bright red eyes, multi-color hair and sinister smirk. I then notice their clothing. They were wearing Dream's crown on their head, Ink's scarf around their neck, and had Blue's shoulder pads. Under it they wore a light yellowish-green shirt.
"I'm listening."The kid says, resting their head on their hands as they rest their elbows on a table.
(I drew this)
"First, what are you wearing?"I ask
"I just destroyed the heroes of the multiverse! The freaking Star Sanses! Shouldn't I take some kind of trophy to reward myself for such an accomplishment?"The kid says with a sinister laugh
"Nah, it honestly just makes you look like one of them or some idiotic fan."I state
The kid pouts with a dull look at me and cross their arms. They took off the Dream Sans gear.
"You're no fun."The kid whines
"Good."I say with a smirk
"Just show me what you have and go."The kid says with a bored tone and shooing-away hand gesture
I engage my genocide eye as I place my hand on the table.
"I call it: Get dunked on you dirty brat!"I say, opening my hand to reveal the tiny Blaster
It blasted immediately, knocking the kid out of the chair and into the wall. I quickly tie them up and take Ink's soft brown scarf while I was at it. I yank them forward and stare the kid down. The kid jolts and I could see the fear in their eyes, their cockiness long gone.
"Leave the destroying to me or the gang of Nightmare's. Ya know, actual destroyers. Not brats like you. Now, where are Ink and Dream?"I demand
"O-Okay, f-f-fine. They're right this way. But be prepared, I got bored so I changed them up a bit. Good luck with what ya see.~"The kid says, pressing a button on the desk to reveal a hidden hall.
I toss them aside. I open the door and see that Dust was walking this way with Blue. I smirk and then leave the kid to be dealt with by the two, as well as Dream's crown and Blue's shoulder pads. I carried Ink's scarf in my pocket.
I stroll down the secret passageway and heard it shut behind me. I disengage my genocide eye and see much better. It was so dark in the passageway so I pause. I knock on the wall twice and torches sprang to life, their flames dancing about as they light the passage up. Much better. Yet, the kid's words echoed in my mind. "I got bored so I changed them up a bit. Good luck with what ya see." What the hell is that supposed to mean?!
Suddenly, I heard banging. Like a hand knocking on glass. I look around, but couldn't see anything. I keep walking. The noise gets louder. Than I hear a familiar voice. Dream's.
"Hey you! Dude with the cracked eye! Over here!"Dream's voice yells
I approach his voice and had to choke back a laugh. The brat had played dress up with Dream, leaving Dream in a literal dress. I could see wounds all over him. His eye lights were small and shaking. His face lit up when I approached and he had his hand on some glass barrier that trapped him inside.
( drew it myself, got idea from youtube comic vid)
"Yes?"I ask, smirking.
"O-oh! I didn't think you'd actually come! Are you a helper of that kid or ally?"Dream replies
"Helper or ally of that brat? Hah! No! I'm a friend of Blue's. I'm helping him get his friends outta here."I tell him
"Oh! Good. I got worried for a second. Can you go check on his friend Ink? He was crying and yelling in pain earlier, but has gone silent. It's worrying me."Dream suggests
"Sure, sure. But I'll get someone to get you out of here. You don't seem to be doing too good yourself."I say, then step out of his sight or hearing range
I pull out my phone with an exact idea of who to call. I wonder what the looks on their faces will be when seeing each other. Or his reaction to seeing Dream. I chuckle to myself at these thoughts. I call Cross.
"Hey, Cross! It's Error. Can you come to where I am for a sec? I'll make you a portal and everything."I say
"What is it this time, Error? I'm kinda busy right now looking for Dream."Cross tells me
"I found Dream. Some punk has been causing chaos and took the Star Sanses. I found him, but he's wounded. I was wondering if you'd be willing to get him to sa-!"I explain
"What?! I'm coming! I'll get Dream to safety."Cross cuts me off, then hangs up
I make the portal and use a bone attack to break the glass holding Dream inside. I then duck into the shadows, hidden from sight. I watch Dream cautiously ease himself out and over the shards of glass. Cross entered the scene. Both their faces light up brightly, Dream really did look a glowstick right now. His face glowed enough.
"D-D-Dream! H-Hey!"Cross greets, eyeing Dream in shock and awe
"Cross? H-Hello! Wait, what are you doing?"Dream exclaims as Cross came closer to him
"You're hurt! I've been worried about ya! I've been looking for you everywhere! Now, let's get you outta here!"Cross says
"O-Oh! Wait! What are you doing? Gah! Put me down now!"Dream shouts
I chuckle as I watch Cross pick Dream up and carry him back through the portal with a grin. Dream was pounding his back weakly.
(drawn by me)
I creep out of hiding after it shut with a smile. That was adorable and I took video of it. Just wait until the others see this! I keep walking down the way, the glassy rooms now going away as well now. I began to hear the sound of some chains. I keep walking towards the noise from curiosity and hope for it being Ink. I then heard a grunt, followed by a sigh. The chain noises stop. I stop walking.
A few minutes passed and the chains started up again. I listen carefully now. It seemed to be echoing louder and louder. I now continued to walk. I heard the rattling increase greatly at a point. I heard a voice speak.
"Ugh, stupid chains. Come on, gotta get out of here....Just one more tug....come on...AGH! Ow...that hurt. Let's try again....I can do this.....Gotta hurry, someone's coming.....can't take another beating....come on..."The voice mutters
I then realize that I've been silent this whole time even though there's no threat. But I didn't want to alert anyone that I'm here if I don't have to or don't need to. I walk deeper into the passageway, but then the chain noise got at its loudest point ever. I got worried cause now I truly haven't heard Ink clearly at all so far.
"I-Inky? You around here somewhere? Please answer me if you can! "I shout
There was silence. The rattling noise eased up.
"G-G-Glitchy?"Inky's voice calls
I practically ran at the sound of his voice, trying to find him. He was okay enough to still be awake and speak! Had to see his condition.
"I'm here, Inky! I'm coming, Inky! Don't worry Ink-!"I shout, but cut myself off
I had looked to my left, peeking from behind a wall and saw the source of the chain rattling. I froze in my tracks, skidding to a stop. The source of the noise was from none other Inky himself. He had chains around his wrists and his waist connecting to the wall, plus on one ankle that attatched to a ball. Man, that punk really wanted to keep him in place so he wouldn't escape. That still doesn't seem to be stopping Ink from trying, he kept tugging his wrists as far as they could go apart, trying to get the chain to snap. I saw his wrists were bleeding and he also had many cuts on his body. His cracked eye got worse condition as well.
But he seemed to have also been made to play dress-up with the punk. He wore a dress as well. The skirt was rainbow-colored, long and reached his feet, which still had his sneakers. Yet it peeked from under the chain belt at the waist and was the kind of skirt that showed the legs and flowed in the back. The top was shades of blue with a V-shape with a bright shade of green. He had a collar-style necklace around his neck colored green.
(I drew this outfit)
I felt my face warm the longer my gaze was on him. He didn't seem to have spotted me yet but he wouldn't stop tugging at his chains. Now he was even struggling to walk but kept trying to pull away from the wall. The chain caused him to bounce back into the wall, where he tried to muffle a yell of pain, and the chained ball swung and smacked his kneecap. He covered his mouth, taking some breaths and then began trying at his arms again. I have seen enough and step out of hiding. There was no bar-like wall or glass or doors to block me off from him. He quickly spots me. His eye light shrank and was shaking. His face goes rainbow.
"G-G-Glitchy?"He cries
"It's me, Inky. Don't you worry, I'm here and I got you. You're safe now. I'll make sure of iT."I say, slowly approaching him.
"Look out!"Ink snaps
I jump to him instead of back and heard something crash. I hold onto him as tight as I could.
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