Chapter 21: Together
"What was that for Blue? It's me, Error!"I shout, rubbing where he slapped me
"You don't sound or look like Error! How do I know you're not that bad person who attacked us?"Blue asks
"What are you talking about? My voice may have changed because of that attack but you know I was turned human so I dunno what you're saying! Wait, will this prove it to you?"I ask, taking out my puppet of Ink that I've always kept with me
"Wait, it is you! Error, you're not human anymore! You're a skeleton again but not the one people recognize anymore! Like your voice, you're not glitchy anymore! I'm so sorry for hurting you! I was just so scared because of a clue I found!"Blue exclaims, covering his mouth in sorrow as tears ran down his face
(Made by me)
"Huh? I still don't understand. Show me the clue."I state
He hands me a paper. I take my glasses out of a pocket and put them on. It was a list. It seemed like a planned list.
"AUs-destroy to start new AU era. Destroyers-Get destroyed. Creators-Manipulate Star Sanses: Dream-undetermined. Frisk-undetermined. Blue-kill, he knows too much. Ink-Manipulate or send to his brother, one way or another. Core!Frisk-leave alone. Epic-undetermined. Cross-undetermined. Fresh-destroy. Fell and other aus- destroy. Dust-corrupt before destroying. Error- Fix and KILL. Ink!Pap-destroy him and Ink once new era starts. E!Pap-Manipulate or kill. Swap!Pap-destroy."The list said
I tuck the list away. I was taking the info in still and piecing what I knew together. That's why Dust sounded different. As did I. That's why Blue's crying...But Ink... Blue lifts a silver tray from his pocket and showed me what it meant. I really wasn't human or glitching anymore. I looked like any other Sans, despite the crack over my eye that Dust had mentioned. The only things that really showed it was me was my usual black coat and red shirt under, my scarf, and my eye lights that looked like my glitchy eyes, as well as me claiming it was me. There was also a red spot forming from the slap, so that didn't help or matter. My hands flew to my face and gripped the scarf.
(drawn by me)
"Okay, I see what you mean, Blue. I don't blame you. This is crazy and getting outta hand!"I say
"Wait, can you still summon your strings even though your tear marks are gone?"Blue asks
I shrug. Then attempt it. Nothing. I couldn't summon strings. My number one weapon, gone. Just like that. Maybe I shouldn't have depended on using strings so much. I shake my head and Blue decides to train me.
"Ya know, so ya don't die!"Blue states, then fires a Gaster Blaster and bone attacks at me.
I dodged by teleporting or leaping the best I could out of the way. I then managed to summon bones and use them to deflect some of the attacks. Soon, I got the dodges, deflects, common defense and attack stuff down again. But I never actually fired attacks at Blue, I purpusosefully made them go around him. Once we were done, I felt a surging pain from one of my eyes. I dropped down and held it.
"AAAGH!"I yell, covering my eye with my hand
I felt Blue place a hand on my back.
"Error! What's wrong? Are you okay?"Blue asks
I lose my vision in my cracked eye, but my other eye's vision improved. This confused me. I look at him.
"Something weird is going on, Blue."I say
(drew it by me)
Blue smiles and his eye lights lit up. He began hopping and clapping.
"Oh, this is great! Error, I'm so proud of you!"Blue cheers
"What did I do?"I ask
"You got your genocide eye light! That is a sign you're really ready to fight and have power! Paps usually calls these the Bad Time eye!"Blue explains
He then grabs the tray to show me. I gaze and felt the nervousness lift off me slightly. The light was 3 colors, red yellow and blue, just like my glitched eye.
(drawn by me)
"Oh, that's all? Phew. Thanks, Blue."I say as he lowers the tray.
"Try taking some deep breaths to deactivate it."Blue informs me
I nod and take some deep breaths, soon seeing through both eyes again. I grip the scarf. I sigh, hoping Ink was okay and not going through something as bad as I think he is. Or Dust. I look around.
"What are you looking for?"Blue asks
"I got here through a door, so I'm looking for other doors that could lead us possibly to the others."I explain
"Oh, I'll help!"Blue cheers
Blue began searching around, seeming motivated. I look down as I hold Ink's scarf. My mind keeps going back to him.
"Y0u wOn't fInD aNy, dUde. I alReAdY uSED oNe aNd iT dIsaPpeaReD aS sO0n aS I gOt hErE."A voice says
"EEP!"Blue yelps
I look up, feeling my genocide eye engage. Blue ran and hid behind me. He grips me tightly by the arm. I lift my arm to block him protectively. I heard footsteps.
"BlUe? WhY aRe yOu rUnNinG?"The voice asks
I scan the blank area for someone. Then I see them. It looked like Dust...but.....He was glitched up! But I couldn't let my hopes lead me to conclusions, I had to be sure. They saw Blue with me and quickly seemed upset. They took a step closer into view, but no more than that.
"WhY d0 y0u tAuNt Me LiKE tHiS? FiRst yOu aTTack uS MaNy mOrE tHaN oNce, chAnGe Us, aNd n0w....NOw yOu dAre tAkE ErRoR's ScARf anD BluE! I'M doNe wiTh tHe triCkS!"They shout, summoning bone attacks.
I realize it was Dust and even see Blue's scarf tied around his arm. I know he's protective of Blue, clearly. Wait he thinks I'm the enemy taunting him! Shoot! I won't fight! Don't fight!
Next thing I knew, I was dodging the bones or getting knocked around by the bones. I didn't let my genocide eye engage or summon any attacks. I wasn't gonna fight my friend. This is all a misunderstanding. I pressed against the wall as he approached closer, hundreds of bone attacks summoned and aimed at me.
"GeT dUnKed oN yOu lItTle pUnK!"Dust snaps, then all the bones surged forward
"No!"Blue yells, running and blocking me off from Dust's attacks
Blue knew I wouldn't attack Dust or any of my friends. I was grateful for his timing. But luckily, I also knew Dust wouldn't hurt Blue. Sure enough, all the bones froze and backed away as soon as they got close to Blue
The bones part and Dust approached Blue, towering over him. Blue stared right back up at him with a displeased expression, without a hint of fear.
"I don't know who you are or how you know me, but I'm very displeased with what you're doing! You do not just come in here, scare me and attack my good friend Error! Stop right now!"Blue orders
"WhAt aRe y0u tAlKiNg aBoUt, BlUe? It'S mE! DuSt! AnD tHaT dOeS nOt lOok lIkE ErRoR!"Dust snaps
"Ya, sure! You look and sound as much as Dust as he appears to be Error! But the difference is that he is Error! How'd ya even get my scarf? Don't care! Now put the bones down and away! Now!"Blue growls
Dust growled something under his breath but did as told. I sand up again and get beside Blue.
"Blue, remember. Dust had your scarf. Plus he knows stuff only Dust would know. He must be telling the truth."I tell him
"WAit, 0nly ErRor woUld kn0w tHaT! ErRoR, Is iT y0u?"Dust exclaims
"No kidding, I just told you it was him. Wait, Dust?"Blue says with sarcasm turned surprise
"HeY, BlUe. SorRy fOr aTtAcKiNg yA, ErRoR. Why iS yoUr sKuLL rEd?"Dust says
I cross my arms and look at Blue. I look back at Dust.
(drawn by me)
"It's ok. Let's just say you're precious Blue slapped me when I found him. So you're not the first to attack me and I don't blame ya, I was shocked at my change. You haven't have happened to have seen Ink, have ya? Blue found some worrying info in this space."I reply with a shrug
"Heh, oK. NaH, I hAveN't sEen Ink. WhaT hAve yOu fOuNd?"Dust asks
Blue hands him the newly found note after taking it from my pocket. He hugs Dust, brought to tears of joy. Dust read it over Blue's shoulder pad and crashed, dropping the note. He actually crashed! Man, I do not miss that! He soon rebooted and I searched through my pockets for the Ink puppet. I could've sworn I just had it! No, I couldn't find it in my pockets. It's gone! I grip my scarf tightly.
"AwW, dId ErRoR lOsE hIs sEcUrItY pUpPeT?"Dust teases
"Shut up, Dust! Now's not the time! It would be like you losing Blue or his scarf in the very least!"I snap back at him
Dust went silent. Blue looks around carefully, then points in a direction that none of has gone or come.
"Hey! I think I see it over there!"Blue claims
I look in the direction he gestured and I could see a little puppet laying on the ground. It looked like Ink. I run over and look at it. Yes, it looked like an Ink puppet. But the stitching caught my eye. It was different, certainly not mine. I was not pleased. I was being taunted. I kneel down to examine it closer. I lay my hand down beside it and turn it to its side, then sit it up. It quickly fell backward again. They got the details down nicely for Ink, but was not an exact stitching match. Plus, there were loose threads sticking out. Clearly an amaeteur's work.
(I drew my own with google base)
"This one ain't mine. Like Dust said when he encountered us, we're being taunted. The stitching is different, I have buttons for his eyes and this doesn't, plus, I wouldn't leave such loose threads."I state
"Hm, well that's just mean. I'm sure you will find it or make another. Now, let's try to find the real Ink."Blue says
"WaIt, I caN uSe StrIngS nOw! HeRe, uSe tHeSe!"Dust says, getting some strings from his new glitchy self
He quickly got tied up in them. I tore them with a simple tug and he came free. I thank him and tuck the string in a pocket to train him.
"Those strings are very powerful....when used correctly. Let me show you."I say
Dust nods and seemed to be excited at that. I did my best to train and teach him, but it wasn't easy. I've never taught anyone on how to use them before, since I was the only one with them. I didn't have strings so I couldn't demonstrate anything, just hope Dust understand what I say. Plus, Dust didn't have the best focusing skills and kept looking at Blue while I was trying to teach him. I facepalm after a while of this and then told him that he should listen and focus already.
"We may need the power the strings have later or if we face the enemy. What if something happens and Blue is in danger? Do you really want to be the one who knows you could do something to help him but can't just because you never learned properly?"I tell him lowly so Blue couldn't hear
Dust shook his head.
"Good. Then stop giving Blue the goo goo eye-lights and focus on learning! You can do that later all ya want, lover-skeleton!"I state
He nods. From there, training and teaching him was easy and he had it down quickly. I high-five him and compliment his work. Dust then practically runs to Blue to talk and "figure out a plan". I chuckle, knowing his real intentions. I turn back to the puppet, it was sitting up now. Odd. I didn't see Blue or Dust touch it. I surely didn't and I didn't see anyone touch it. I shrug it off, I must be being paronoid or overthinking. I gaze at the puppet. I could surely fix it. No puppet deserves to be in such bad condition, taunt or no taunt.
I kneel down and reach out to the puppet. I wrap my hand around it softly and scoop it up. I could've sworn I felt it jolt in my grip. I take a closer gaze at it and begin to stitch the loose threads in properly. A tiny hand I felt flew across my face, as if to slap me. I blink in shock and look at the puppet in my hand. It blinked back and frowns. It was allive!
"Gah!"I yell in shock, dropping it quickly.
I place my hands on the ground behind me to keep me from falling back, my gaze not leaving the puppet. It simply got up and inspected my work to fix the threads, which was completed. It then walks toward me, eyes narrowed at me. I back up, completely freaked out. I soon felt myself press against a wall. Dang it. I look over to Blue and Dust to see I could get help from them or if they're seeing this, but the two were two busy talking to notice.
I look back at the puppet to see it had made its way onto my knee. It stared me down with an inspecting gaze, inquisitive. Like Ink usually was. It took a few paces back to my ankle, then did a full run and leap from me knee, latching onto my scarf. Daring, like Inky.
The puppet pulled on the scarf to lift themself up to my gaze. They did it so smoothly as if it was an athlete doing a chin up or a kid on the monkey bars. It stared me straight in the eyes. It then reaches over and softly feels where Blue slapped me. Its eyes glowed for a sec and the pain was gone. I rub the spot and the slap wound was gone. It was healed.The puppet smiles. Then it went back to curiously staring me in the eyes. Kind. Caring. Helpful. Dang and this puppet looks as cute as Ink too.
The staring continued. The puppet's smile was gone now. I wasn't sure of what to do or if I should say anything. Blue and Dust were busy chatting away still. The puppet then seemed to have gotten an idea. Its smile returned as they wink at me and had Ink's adorable rainbow blush appear. They look as cute as him in this moment! I feel my face warm as I witnessed this, being reminded of Inky.
The puppet seems very happy to get this reaction. Their smile grew and they hug me by gripping my scarf. I feel their grip slipping and they begin to fall but I caught them in my hand. Clumsy like him as well. They gaze up at me with a smile and quickly climb up my arm and I felt them climb on top of my skull, then drops down again and hugs it.
"What are you doing? How are you even animate? You're supposed to be an inanimate object! And you keep acting as if you're Inky but you're just a puppet of him!"I ask quietly to it
As soon as I asked, the puppet's head drops down in front of my face, its tiny scarf dangling. It then shocks me even more by speaking.
"Glitchy? It's you! It really is you! I'm so glad to find you and not some allies of the enemy! I can explain! I-!"The puppet says
They sound just like him too! No, this can't be right, this can't be him! This is just a taunt! I must be losing my mind!
"Don't 'Glitchy' me! Don't you dare pretend to be Inky! You're not! Y-You can't! You're just a puppet! A puppet placed here to taunt me! I must be just imagining you being alive in hopes it's you! But you're not! You can't! This is just some trick...A prank...A joke. Y-You c-can't be him...."I snap, covering my face with my hands
I din't want to please the enemy by letting them see me cry. But behind my hands, I did. I was crying. This was too much. What kind of sick joke is this? What could Ink be going through right now without us to help him? Or, if this puppet really was Ink somehow, what cruelty did the brat put him through to make him this?
I feel a small hand touch mine, gripping it tight but soon released. I then felt a small hand patting my back to comfort me. Only Ink knows that way of calming me down. I lower my hands from my face and the puppet leapt right into them, gazing up at me with that gentle smile.
"Error, it's me. I promise. Look me in the eyes and let me explain. If you don't believe me when I finish can tear my arm. It has a loose thread and rip in it anyway. Whatever pleases you, Glitchy. Okay?"The puppet states
I nod slowly.
"Like you, I also woke up in a blank space. I found myself to be a skeleton again but without my brush or vials, just an empty sash. I was also heavily injured. But I wasn't able to roam freely. I was in some kind of glass container with chemicals and liquids filled in it. I saw the masked person enter the blank space. They did some monologuing and self-complimenting. They then press a button and I was knocked out. There were some flashes of light and then they pressed the button again. The container drained and they took me out of it. That's when I realized I became a puppet. They ruined some threads, which hurt, and said that this'll be to give a visiting message to 'our' friends. Then I was dropped here and you found me. I was terrified, thinking it was some friends of the jerk. But now, I know it's you! I feel safe now!"The puppet says
I was silent. They sounded so truthful. The puppet lifts their ripped arm out, looking at me with a calm gaze.
"Well, that's my explanation. A deal's a deal, Error. Go ahead. Do as you please."The puppet states
I reach out and hold the arm softly, still in thought. I saw the puppet flinch and turn their head away, eyes shut. I felt them tremble as if frightened of what I would do or the possible pain. This is too realistic. If this was a trick, they wouldn't be so scared to let Ink get hurt. But they are. Plus, the story sounds too real to be fake. This has to be him. But I will do as I please.~
I cover the eyes of the puppet with one finger, using the other fingers to fix the tear and loose threads of the arm. I finish, but still cover Ink's eyes. I lift him up with my hand under him and lean in, kissing the top of his head.
"Done. Now that wasn't so bad, now was it Inky?"I ask teasingly as I uncover his eyes
I wondered how long it would take for him to realize I believe him. He gazed at his arm. He got this confused expression.
"But....You didn't tear it. You fixed it, even. Wait did you kiss me and just call me Inky?!"He exclaims, looking up at me again with his face a rainbow.
"Well, I am your Glitchy aren't I? Wait how'd you even know it was me?"I say with a wink
"M-My? I could tell in your eyes and well, you've been blushing this whole time. I also recognize your stitching style and Inky is a strong hint."Ink says
"Ah, I see. Yes, yours. I love you and you said you loved me. So as long as that fact stands, I'm your Glitchy as well as you're my Inky."I state
Ink's rainbow intensified until he suddenly fell back. He fainted and landed in my hand! It was very adorable. I set him down and wrap him in the strings from my pockets. Then I call Dust and Blue over.
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