Chapter 2: A Clue!
Error POV
Blue and I have been searching for a while now for Ink. We've met and talked about the places he could be. The doodlesphere was so vast and diverse, it almost seemed endless. So many AUs, too many to search alone. Blue recently tricked Dream into helping, which I'm proud of, but he doesn't know I'm involved or has searched much due to his constant fights with his brother. I already searched Nightmare's castle while having a scheme-fest, a time to scheme together to take the Glitch Protectors down. It's actually pretty fun, but he's done more scheming lately. Not sure if he can be taken off the suspect list even though I didn't find any sign of Ink...
This time, Blue made a list of 1/3 of the AUs and of the AUs we searched, which was only like 0.5 of the multiverse. We agreed to search independently. Blue searched pacifist timelines and good, positive AUS while I searched the genocide or evil AUs and timelines. We'd search the neutural timelines and AUs together. The more we searched, the more I began to wonder. If Ink could've been taken down without anyone noticing so easily...what did that mean for me? Where did this culprit stand between destroyers and creators? I knew one thing. I wanted my enemy back. And soon. Those battles are more entertaining than wasting time playing a paronoid hide and seek. Feeling of being watched 24/7 is no fun.
I was now in a genocide run of UnderFell. I was searching through Snowdin when I noticed something out of place on the ground. I scoop it up and gaze at it. It was a blank white box with a big red bow on top. There was a note attatched. I look around and dives behind a tree before the human spots me. I put my glasses on and attempt to read the note.
"I see you're havig some trouble finding the creator. Maybe this'll help ya out. Look inside. =)"
This creeped me out greatly. Not only was someone watching me, but they knew what I was doing and was gonna go to.
I use my strings to make a barrier around me in all directions, so nobody could see me without me seeing them. I carefully opened the box and was shocked.
"No again...No colors!" a voice cries
In the box, which was also blank on the inside, was Ink. Except he was smaller. And there was a slash mark across his back. He was in a ball, rocking back and forth, his eyes nothing but small dots.
"InK? WhAt ThE HeLL hApPEneD tO YoU?" I say
Ink looks up at me. Then I realize he was having an issue with his monophobia, so I put a hand in to block the blank wall from him. He must focus when talking in a situation like this.
"Normal Error! You're here...the plan worked...shoot.."Ink says
"wHat Do YoU mEaN NoRmaL ErRor? WaIt, aRe yOu a BiTty InK?"I ask
The tiny Ink nods.
"I was created to hint where your Ink may be. Get me outta here!" they say
Bit!Ink was part of the BittyBones AU, where all characters in the multiverse, most of them at least, are tiny. And by tiny, it means fit in a hand tiny. The fact that the culprit took this Ink and and put them here like this was some real taunt. Bit!Error, if he exists, must be waiting for a battle with his Ink. I didn't like battles being held up. And I didn't like being taunted.
I don't know what came over me but I gently lifted this tiny Ink out of the box and wraps a string around their wound, then broke it, making some kind of bandage.
"ThErE yOu gO. NoW, go tO yoUr woRlD." I order, opening a small portal
"OK! Thank you!" the tiny Ink says, then hops through.
"Where'd you go, shortie?" I heard tiny me say
"It's a long story. Now give me broomie back!" Bity!Ink says
Then the portal shut and I was alone again, the box in my hand. Surrounded by strings in UnderFell, with someone possibly watching. I wondered. Where were there blank spaces? Besides the destroyed AUs, which erase themselves, the only real blank space void. My home.
"ArE yoU KiDdINg Me? He CoUlD HaVe BeEn THeRe thE EnTIrE TiME! BuT ThAt MeAns ThE CulPRiT iS ToO! I cAnNoT WaIt To KiCk ThEiR BuTt!"I mutter angrily.
I then open a portal and leap through, to my void.
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