Chapter 19: Hearts and Heartbreak
Soon, E!Pap, my brother, entered my void. I couldn't even hold eye contact with him. I felt nervous about what I was gonna admit to him or ask. I've never done this before and I've denied it for a while. I welcome him and we start up a friendly chat, seeing how's each other's been, what's been happening, casual stuff. He also wished me a happy birthday and we shared the pie-taco gift. But, as always, he got curious on what I had called him about.
"WhAt iS iT, bRoThEr?"My brother asks me
"I nEed t0 gEt s0mEtHiNg oFf mY chEst..."I say
"Go aHeAd."He encourages me
"WhEn I sAid I lOvEd hIm A lOt, I mEaNt aS a FrIeNd. BuT nOw....I tHiNk I reAlLy aM fAlLiNg iN l0vE wItH hIm. I'm sCaReD, wHaT iF iT gOeS wRoNg?"I confess
E!Pap claps and squeals happily. I feel my face brighten at this reaction.
"Oh, j0Y! I'm s0 HaPpY fOr yA! TrUsT mE, It wOn't g0 wRoNg! I tOlD hIm iF hE EvEr bRoKe yOuR hEaRt, I'd dEsTrOy hIm iN a HuG lIke tHe oNe yA fOuNd mE gIviNg hiM! BuT wOrSe!"My brother tells me
"YoU WHAT?!? BRo! ThaT's wRoNg! Y0u wIlL aPoLoGiZE toDaY! BuT wHaT d0 yoU thInK I sHoUlD dO?"I snap
"oKay, sOrRy. I thInK yA sHoUlD tElL hIm oF cOuRsE! BlUe aNd I hAve beeN pLaNnInG fOr ThIs!"E!Pap says, then makes a call.
"Oka-WHAT?!"I yell, feeling my face burn more
"HeY, Blue, wE fInaLLy haVe a CoDe 5IE!"E!Pap says, ignoring me
My bro went silent and kept nodding, making mhm sounds, he then hung up.
"LeT's tRy tOmoRrOw. InK's bUsY kIcKiNg sOmEonE's bUtT."E!Pap says
"WhAT?"I say in alarm
"Ya, s0me duDe nAmEd EpiC kEpT mAkInG hIm unCoMfOrTaBlE, ThEn hAd thE stUpIdItY tO pUlL a wEaPon on hIm AftEr bEiNg sLaPpEd oUt oF tHe kIsS zOne. ThE iDiot aCtUaLLy tRiEd tO kiSs hIm."E!Pap explains, facepalming
I was silent, but then grin, glad Ink seems ok. Epic's getting what he deserves. E!Pap told me he had to finish details for the plan with Blue, so he left. I sat down and smile. Everything was gonna be okay. I doze after checking the clock to find it was midnight. I smile, this was a good birthday.
I woke up the next morning to get texts from Blue, telling me of their plan. I smile, grateful for what they've done. I get dressed into the clothes Ink made me and wrap the scarf around myself again. I make sure everything was set and my puppet of him neatly hidden in my pocket. I practiced what I was gonna say, growing more confidence each time. I get a text from Blue which was the signal for me to go. I nod and head out to OuterTale. I stood, feeling my anxious fear kick in. I tense up, scared. I take some deep breaths. I was calm again. I could do this. I hear a portal open nearby.
"Hey, Blue! What are you doing? Ack! Let me go!"Ink was heard yelling
Blue didn't tell me this part. They said nothing of making Ink come.
"Just go, Ink! I'm gonna clean your room and ya can't stop me! See ya!"Blue says
The portal shut and I felt someone bump into me. I turn to see Ink standing there, blindly reaching his arms out to guide himself. His scarf was wrapped around his head more than usual, tied in a knot behind his head, causing him to be unable to see. I gently hold his hand. He tensed and steps back, but was without his broomie/brush.
"Wh-Who's there? Dang it, I don't have my brush and can't see. Just my luck."Ink exclaims in a panic
"JuSt mE, InKy."I say
He jolts at the sound of my voice.
"E-Error? Where am I and what's going on?"He asks
"We'Re iN OuterTale. It sEeMs BlUe iS uP tO hIS oLd tRiCKS aGaIn. HaS mY bRO aPoLogIzEd tO yA YeT?"I reply
"You found out about his threat? Yes, he did."Ink says
"He tOlD mE. I'm sOrRy hE dId tHat, InKy. I-"I begin
"It's fine."Ink cuts me off.
"Ok....InKy, I feEl tHaT I nEeD tO bE hOnEst wITh yA aBoUt sOmEtHInG...."I tell him, my grip on his hand nervously tightening
"What is it?"Ink asks
I could feel my face slightly warm.
"I-InKy, I...I tHinK I lOvE yOu..."I confess.
Ink tensed up.
"Your brother said ya did when he was threatening me....But we're friends,right? A-And that's what friends build upon, love, right? I...uh...."Ink says
I begin to worry. What if he just meant friends when he says he loved me? But why would he blush then?
"We aRe fRiEnDs b-bUt I th-ThInK I fEel mOrE tH-tHan tHat....."I explain, trying to untie his scarf from around him.
"W-What do you mean?" Ink asks
I lower his scarf as it's untied and softly place my hand on his cheek. His face quickly turns rainbow. I lean in and kiss him. I felt him grip my hand tightly, then loosen. I shut my eyes. him! I part from him and open my eyes. Ink was covered in rainbow blush with his one eye light having an exclamation point. It was small too. He looks away from me, saying nothing. Worry kicks in. I release his hand.
"I-I-I'm sOrRy...I m-mEsSeD uP. I-I'lL gO nOw."I say, turning and walking away
I open a portal, then begin stepping through. I tuck my face in my scarf. I messed up, I just know it. I was gonna shut the portal but then I hear a yell. I turn my head back to the portal.
"Wait, no! Error! Look out!"Ink yells
"Huh? InKy? LoOk oUt fOr wHa-?"I begin, but got my answer.
I was kicked aside from the portal and then hundreds of bone attacks hit me. I shut the portal to keep whoever was doing this from hurting Ink.
"Dang it, that was supposed to kill ya. Eh, plan B it is."I hear someone say
I was knocked around a bit more and I felt my scarf come off. The attacks were so frequent that I couldn't retaliate. Then I felt some kind of liquid hit me and a portal open. I could just hardly see that it was behind me. I was kicked backwards into the portal and then it shut. I fell backwards and landed on the ground roughly. Then I crashed.
Once done rebooting, I tried to move. It hurt but I tried to get through it. I look around to see I was in UnderFell. Definitely getting out of here! All I could do right now was worry.What the heck just happened? Gotta make sure Inky is okay. I weakly sit up and open a portal to Ink's place and walk through while using a large stick nearby to support myself. I look around to find the place pretty empty for once. I search around and then go upstairs. I look around for any sign of the Star Sanses, especially Ink or Blue. I was suddenly knocked to the ground and a sneaker pinned me down. I look to see Ink there. He seemed to have been crying, but looked down at me with a serious glare.
"Who are you and how'd you find your way here?"Ink snaps
"InKy iT's mE! ErRoR! WhY aRe yOu AsKiNG? YoU kNoW mE! YoU bRoUgHt mE hErE!"I say
"Liar!"Ink yells, shoving me against the wall
I felt all my injuries scream out in pain.
"W-WhAt?"I stutter
"You're not him. You're not my Error, my Glitchy! He's dead!"Ink cries
"WhAt? No I'm nOt! WhAt ArE yOu tAlKinG AbOUt?"I ask
Ink then slapped me. I felt tears form in my eyes.
"Stop pretending to be him! I saw him get attacked and when I finally entered his anti-void, all I found was his scarf beside some dust! You're probably behind it! Blue! Get out here! There's a murderous human intruding the base!"Ink yells
That must've been Plan B. Wait, murderous human? Where? Gotta stop them!
Blue came out and soon was beside Ink, though he was giving me a more merciful gaze.
"HuMaN? WheRe?"I ask, summoning my strings
But then I saw my hands. They were human. Since when was I human? Wait, the liquid! That must be why he doesn't recognize me! I jumped at the sight and my strings dissapeared.
"Ink...Have you ever seen a human jump at the sight of their own hands and say what he just said?"Blue asks
"No.."Ink says
"Neither have I and I deal with humans all the time. Meaning, this human probably isn't a true human. Plus, they seem pretty beaten up already, I don't think a murderous human would come in this state only to get attacked and not fight back. Now step back, maybe I can get some info from them."Blue states
Ink nods and backs away from me. He looks at me in tears and ran downstairs. I press against the wall, scared and unsure of what they were gonna do. Blue sat in front of me.
"Hello. I'm sorry for what Ink has done. You must've been through a lot already, telling by your condition. Can you do me a favor?"Blue says
"S-SuRe, BlUe. WhAt iS iT?"I ask
"I recognize your voice...So it could be you....Please take something out to prove who you are. Like something special to you."Blue says
I nod and reach into my pocket. I take my Ink puppet out, only to find it torn.
"AwW! TheY tOre iT iN tHe aTtAcK!"I mutter, quickly using my strings to fix the puppet
I see Blue smiling at me. Once I finished fixing the puppet, I set it down beside me. Blue then launched himself at me, hugging me gently.
"It's you! You're allive! I'm so glad! Ink will be so happy! Wait...but the dust....the are you here?!?"Blue exclaims
"I nEvEr dIeD, BlUe. SoMeOne aTtAcKeD mE iN mY aNtI-VoId. ThEy sEeMeD iMpAtIeNt sO ThEy tOoK mY sCaRf, PuT sOmE lIqUiD oN mE aNd kIcKeD mE tO UndErFeLl. I dUnNo wHo iT iS bUt I gOt wOrRieD fOr yA gUys. ThE dUsT tHiNg wAs pRoBaBlY FakEd. ArE yA anD InK oK?"I explain
"I see. Ink saw you get attacked but couldn't get in since you shut the portal, it was as if something was banning entry. At least, until the culprit left I guess because when he came, he found the dust and scarf. He panicked and fell apart, kinda like you did when ya 'killed' him. He'll be overjoyed to know it's you! I'll go tell him and use this as evidence. But first, let's get ya aided!"Blue says, taking my Ink puppet
Blue reaches his hand out. His gloved, skeletal hand. I hesitantly take it with my newly found human one and he helps me up, leading me to his room. He sat me on the bed and began to bandage my injuries. He had to put my left arm in a sling which was ok by me. He soon left, shutting the door behind him. I noticed a mirror on the back of the door. I was shaken by the reflection. I truly was turned human. I lift my hand and summon my strings, whoever did this to cause Ink heartbreak will pay.
(credit to owner)
I sit on the bed and wonder. Would Ink believe Blue? What will he do? What's gonna happen? Is Ink gonna be okay? Who's the culprit? Why'd they do this? What do they want? Are they gonna strike again? Will I be stuck like this?
Suddenly, Blue's door flew open. I look to the doorway but nobody was there. I was puzzled, what could've caused it to fly open if nobody was there? I turn my gaze away from it and jump when I found Ink in front of me. He raised his hand and I flinched, raising my hand defensively in front of myself. Surely he was angry, thinking I was a fraud. Surely he was gonna finish me. I shut my eyes, prepared. But it didn't come. Instead, I heard crying.
"G-G-Glitchy?"Ink says, his voice shaking
I lower my hand slowly and open my eyes again. I look at him as he shakily puts a hand on my cheek. I feel my face burn. He gazed at me curiously, his other arm wrapping around me in a hugging style.
"H-HeY, InKy."I say
His face lit up in a rainbow. Tears flooded from his eyes. He then caught me off guard and leaned in, kissing my cheek. I could feel my face burn bright. He parted from me, wiping his tears and chuckling.
"Even as a human your blush is yellow!"Ink points out.
"S-ShUt uP! Is ThaT sErIoUsLy aLl yA haVe To sAY?"I snap, looking away
"Course not. Error, I'm sorry for attacking you when you came. I didn't know what to think with the scene in the anti-void. I-"Ink explains, his hand still around me with the other on my cheek.
"It'S oK. I wOuLd'Ve bEeN jUst aS cOnFuSed. BuT, eXpLain oNe tHiNg f0r mE."I cut him off
"What?"Ink asks
"WhAt wAs tHaT kIsS fOr?"I ask
"Dust told me the other day that at the sleepover you pretended to be asleep and kissed me. I thought you were asleep so that's what you get! Plus....I love you, too." Ink replies, his face growing very rainbow.
Dust you little rat!
I feel a smile grow on my face at hearing him say he loves me. I place a hand on his cheek now. I gaze into his eyes. He was being honest. I lean forward with a smile. I wanted to see how'd he react after confessing that. He looks up at me curiously. I lean in closer. His eye-lights shrunk and his face was all rainbow. I wink at him and smirk. He squeaks and shuts his eyes. I smirk.
"WhAt'S wRoNg, InKy?"I ask teasingly
"I'm not used to seeing you like this! Or felt like this for anyone before! Can you blame me?"Ink snaps, hiding his face behind his scarf
"AwW, InKy....I cAn'T. But...Nor hAvE I, sO we'Re iN tHe sAmE bOaT."I assure him, rubbing his cheek with my hand softly.
"That makes me feel better...Heh. I-Gah!"Ink says, yelping as he's yanked into a portal
"HeY! GiVE My InK baCk tHiS iNstAnT!"I yell, seeing a small figure stare in through the portal, a mask on.
"Oh, I will...If you can find him."the figure says
The portal shut quickly. I frown. I won't risk losing Ink. Not again. I quickly go to check and ensure Blue was still here. He was not. Oh no! Not him too! I call Swap!Pap and my bro to see if he's with them, he was not. I check with Epic, reluctantly, but he wasn't there either. I check with Cross, nope. Dream wouldn't pick up. Dust to make sure he's at least okay and see if Blue's with him.
"Hey, dude. Glad to hear you're ok. Bl-"Dust begins when he answered
"Ya, yA, I knOw, ThaNkS. HeY, iS BlUe wItH yOu? He'S noT at hIs hOme OR tHe baSe. I've cheCkeD wiTh eVerYoNE bUt tHerE's nO tRaCe oF hIm. I fEar tHe aTtAcKeR tOok hIm, aS wElL aS Ink."I cut him off, too worried to hear his babbling
"Oh, I haven't seen him at all today, actually. I've just gotten calls from him. In fact, just before you called, I got a voice mail wishing me luck to find my beloved sky-colored fruit. I thought it was just a prank call or weird joke, but now I'm thinking of it and starting to get worried."Dust replies
"ShoOt. ThAt bRaT dId tAkE InK aNd BlUe! DuSt, cOmE mEet oUtSiDe InK's pLaCe. We nEed tO fIgUre oUt wHaT tO dO."I say, then hang up before he could object
I then realize that if I were to approach him as a human, he may not believe it's me, mock me, or be suspicious of me. I don't want a repeat of what happened already. I check the closets, knowing I saw some extra clothes. Sure enough, in one I found my scarf upon a nice cloak. I put the cloak on and shut it with a click, hiding my body and lifting the hood to hide the top of my head. I put the scarf on to hide any revealing facial parts. I then walk outside and open a portal. Dust soon came through and was surprised to find me wearing what I am wearing, so hidden. He questions my reason.
"ThE cUlPrIT seEmS t0 wAnT mE dEAD, s0 iT's bEsT tO HiDe uNtIl wE cAn kIcK tHEiR bUtT."I state
"Good idea. Now, where do we search, do you suppose?"Dust asks
"WeLl, I wAs sEnT t0 UnderFell, sO tHat'S a GoOd sTaRt. But aT tHe sAme tImE, iT cOuld Be tHeIr leAsT fAVe AU, siNcE UndErFeLl's mInE. PlUs, tHey seEm sKiLlEd wItH maGiC oR cHeMisTrY, So tHey cOuLd bE hIdDeN iN pLaCeS ThEy wOuLdn'T OrIgInAlLy fIt iNtO."I explain
"How do you know that?"Dust asks
I look around quickly and make a dome of strings around us, to keep us hidden of course. Our chat had to be kept secret.
"TheY'Ve aLreAdY uSed SoMe oF ThEiR sKiLls oN mE. AnD leT's jUst sAy I dOn'T fIt iN."I say
"Dude, none of us fit in to anything. We're all different. But what you're saying is worrying. What happened?"Dust tells me, gripping my hood.
"HeY, I dOn'T tRy t0 tEar y0uR hOod oFf!"I snap
"I'm just gonna check to make sure it isn't worsening. I do-Oh."Dust claims, lowering my hood and brushing some hair away
(drawn by me. Put Error spots laters)
I glare at him. He's wasting time. I waited for him to react, but he was silent and staring. The fact that Ink and Blue could be in trouble, right now, depending on us and he's here staring did not put me at ease.
"ConGrAts, DuSt, Y0u fOuNd oUt wHat tHe cUlPrIt dId, tHoUgh I cOuLd'Ve jUst tOlD yOu. I'M fiNe. NoW, LeT's sToP wAsTiNg TiMe aNd sTarT sEarChiNg fOr BlUe anD InKy. ThEy coUld bE iN tRoUbLe, nOt mE!"I growl
"But you're not okay. Your eye, it has a cut. If you were a skeleton, it would be a crack. But, strangely, it avoided your actual eye. And that's just what's hidden beneath the hood, so I worry for what's under the scarf or cloak. Let me at least patch that up for ya."He says, taking some bandages out and wrapping them around one of my eyes
I nod and thank him. I didn't even realize it but didn't exactly care either.
"But that also gives me an idea of where they could be put. I've heard of these AUs called Humantale, Humanverse or OverTale. OverTale is basically where frisk is the monster and other characters are humans. Humantale or Humanverse is where the undertale characters are humans, hence the name. They even include us from time to time. That could also be some good places to look. "Dust explains
"GoOd pOiNt. I'll seArCh UndErFelL aNd InK's lEaSt fAvE AUS, y0u sEaRcH BlUe's lEaSt fAvE. If wE fAiL wItH tHose, lEt's seArCh thoSe."I say
"Okay...wait...Ugh! Get me a portal to Freshtale, I hate it as much as he does and probably you."Dust says
"Oof, gO0d lUcK duDe."I say, opening a portal to FreshTale
"Where are ya going? I'm surprised Ink even has a disliked AU or AUs."Dust asks
"Eh, hOnEsTlY dOn'T bLaME hIm. It's UnderLust, so wIsH mE lUcK."I say, opening a portal to the stupid AU
"Oh, that's real tough. Good luck."Dust tells
We both enter the portals seperately but at the same time. I shut the portals and I lift my hood up.
I lift the scarf as I walk through the shadows and darkness of this stupid AU. I make sure not to make a sound with my voice or steps. Luckily, the AU was bustling and was too busy to notice me in the shadows. But there was no sign of Ink in any shape or form anywhere. I got out of there as fast as I made 4 laps around the AU, just to be sure. Then, I destroyed it. Nobody will notice it gone, there are plenty of copies of it, I believe. I go to Underfell next. I walk quickly, not in the shadows anymore. This AU isn't as much of a disturbance or threat to me. Tough, but not much danger. I decide to check up on Dust's progress. I dial his number and call him.
"HeY, DuSt. No lUcK iN tHeRe. I'm sEaRcHiNg UnDerFeLl n0w. HaVe y0u fOuNd BlUe?"I say
"No luck either in FreshTale. I'm checking OverTale currently. If this fails, I search Humanverse, you search Humantale, K?"Dust suggests
"OkAy, g0od IdEa!"I say
"Gotta go, dude. Bye. I will find Blue!"Dust says, then hangs up
I smile, he seemed very determined about finding Blue. I was curious to see how'd they do when reunited. But right now, I have to focus on finding Ink. I walk through UnderFell and find no sign of Ink here either. I open a portal to HumanTale. I step through and just as I shut it, I found a clue.
Blue's scarf.
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