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Chapter 17: Tiny!

Error's POV

It's been two hours since Ink went upstairs to his room. He hasn't come back. I was starting to get worried. The cracks were minor, but I wondered if something else had happened due to the situation. Usually Ink would be back out here being joyous and upbeat. But he hasn't even left the room. I seemed to be the only one who noticed this with a care.

Dust came over and sat beside me. He had just convinced Blue to calm down and make tacos or something. He looks at me and must've seen my worry.

"What's wrong, dude?"Dust asks

"InK wEnT intO hiS R0om aNd hAsN'T lEfT iT. It's bEeN 2 h0uRS, wHat iF s0MetHiNG hApPeNeD?"I reply

Dust got this guilty and panicked expression.

"H-He went into h-h-his room?"Dust echoes nervously in a questioning way

"YeS. Is tHeRe aN iSsUe wI-WhaT dId y0u do?"I ask, realizing he must've done something.

"Well, I uh, was hoping you'd go into it like Blue says you have in the past. I left a pie in there that had a potion in it. It may be the reason he hasn't come out. But hey, Ink draws you good!"Dust explains, lifting 3 of Ink's sketchbooks in his hand.

"WhAT? DuSt! It'S hIs ro0M! YoU sHoulD'Ve knOwN hE'd G0 in iT! thAt'S iT! I'M goInG t0 sEe hIm!"I exclaim, getting up

I run up the stairs towards Ink's room. I find it and I knock on the door, just in case he's awake and I'm overreacting.

"InKy? YoU iN tHeRe? YoU oK?"I ask, calling through the door

There was no answer.

"InK?"I repeat

No answer.

That's it. I'm going in to check!

I open the door and scan the room. No sign of Ink. The pie sat on the desk, slightly eaten. Sketchbooks littered the floor as usual. His brush laying on the floor. I check any possible space he could be like under the bed or in the closet or behind the door, but Ink was nowhere. Dust enters the doorway.

"DuDe, iF yOur pOtIon sEnt hIm SomEwHeRe oR hUrt hIm, y0u wilL pAy."I growl

"What do you mean? He's right there, Error."Dust says, gesturing to a spot on the floor.

I look to the spot to find a very tiny Ink sitting up and rubbing their skull. They looked like Ink, but very tiny. Like Bitty Ink. He looks around confusedly and then ran off, hiding in some small space. I look at Dust. He has got to be kidding me.

"ThAt'S aN InK fRoM tHe BiTTy AUs, Y0u iDiOt!"I snap

"Nah, that's him. Otherwise, why wouldn't he have his brush? And why would he have your strings around recent cracks on him? Seems a bit too coincedential, don't you think?"Dust defends himself

I pause, then realize he was right. He pointed out two true facts of the small Ink's appearance. Too much of a coincedence. I kneel down and gaze at the small space Ink ran to.

"InKy?"I call

Ink peeks his head out. I gesture for him to come over, which he hesitantly does.

"Where am I? What's going on? What AU is this and why is everything so big?"Ink asks, looking up at me.

"You're iN yOur rO0m. We'Re tRyiNg to fIgUrE tHat oUt. I tHiNk sOmEonE maDe yOu sHrinK. InKy, iS iT yOu? DiD y0u eAt ThAt pIe bY aNy ChanCe?"I explain, shooting a look to Dust

Ink was silent. His face was a rainbow as soon as I said Inky. He seemed confused and was trembling. I lift him up gently with my strings. This caught him off guard and he began to yell, yet I couldn't understand what he was saying. They were just squeaks. I gaze at him and didn't do anything else.

(not my image, credit to owner)

"Don't scare him Error. I think he's been through a lot in the past few minutes already."Dust tells me

"I thInK tHis iS beTteR tHen ReAcHinG aT hiM wItH a HaNd. ComParEd t0 hIm, it'S huGe, whicH mIghT'Ve sCaReD hiM MorE. BeSiDeS, y0u cAuSeD hIm t0 bE iN tHiS sCenE bY pUtTiNg tHaT pIe tHerE."I respond

"Wait, Dust? You put the pie in my room? Why? And you didn't happen to steal my sketchbooks did you?"Ink finally said

Dust quickly tucks a sketchbook behind his back.

"Noo~."He lies

"He dId. He tOld mE hE PuT a PiE iN heRe, foR soMe rEaSon ThINkInG I'd ComE iN hEre to eAt It. He aLso StOle yOuR bOoks. WaIt, s0, iT rEaLlY iS y0u, InKy?"I say, shamelessly calling Dust out

Ink glares at Dust. Dust nervously smiles. Ink then looks at me and nods. I release him from my strings and catch him in the palm of my hands. I smile, feeling my face glow a bit.

"TrY aNd sAy y0u'rE nOt a ShortIe n0w, InKy. I dArE y0u!"I tease with a chuckle

"Hey! Shut up! I'm only this size because of Dust's stupid pie! Once this wears off, you'll regret teasing me!"Ink threatens me.

"0h ya? WhAt aRe yA gOnNa do? Code 11sOmEthInG?"I chuckle

"You'll see."Ink states

"InKy, I'm s0 glAd yOu'Re oKay! I gOt wOrRieD tHaT DuSt hAd DoNe SoMeThInG wOrSe! I-WaIt a SeC! DuSt! YoU wErE tRyInG tO sHrInK mE?"I exclaim, looking over at Dust

"Well, I was trying to make something else like an honesty pie, but I guess I put too many berries in. But now that I think about it, I think my goal still would've been achieved if you were tiny. It would've been hilarious! Also, it doesn't wear off. I have to bake a cure!"Dust says while breaking into laughter.

"SinCe WheN dId yOu eVeN mAkE pIeS?"I ask

"S-Since....Since I learned that Blue liked them."Dust replies

I smirk. I'm so telling Blue that and Dust knows that. I open my mouth to speak but instead got a piece of pie stuffed in it. I instinctively swallow. Error signs filled my vision.

"Told ya that you'll regret teasing me!"I heard Ink cheer

"Oh my stars! This is amazing!"Dust chuckles

When my vision finally clears again, I saw the room was a lot bigger than me. I see Ink leaping down from the desk, proudly showing himself as the culprit of throwing the pie slice at me. I stood up to find that I was a lot smaller. I had shrunk as well. Dust had fallen down he was laughing so hard. Ink came over to me and I realized something quickly. I was shrunk shorter than him. He quickly realized this as well and chuckled.

"Who's the shortie now, Glitchy?"Ink teases

"Sh-ShuT uP!" I snap, feeling my face glow

(drawn by myself)

"This is what you get! This is what you get! Ah, revenge is so nice. This is for all the times you teased me for my height."Ink cheers

"I sAiD sHuT uP!"I say, hiding my face in my scarf

"Aww, the tiny lovers are fighting! How adorable! Hmm, now how much would a toy wedding setup would cost on the UnderNet...."Dust teases

"L-Lovers?"Ink stutters, his face lighting up

"0h wOulD y0u qUiT iT, DuSt! PleAse sT0p!"I shout, throwing the pie at him with the strings

It hit right on target and next thing we know, Dust was tiny as well. Ink smiles, as did I.

"Why'd you do that? Now I can't bake the cure!"Dust snaps

"Or go on the UnderNet."Ink points out

"ThAt'S whAt yOu Get fOr tEaSinG! NoW, I'M gonna gO sEe BlUe."I say

I walk out of the room, then realize how big the world was now. The stairs were twice my size. I climbed onto the railing and slid down it to make things easier. I flew off the edge and land on Blue's shoulder. I tap his skull and he looks at me and I explain what happened. He nods understanding but was amazed to hear that Dust tried to make pies because of his enjoyment.

"Where are they now?"Blue asks

I shrug. Then I felt a yank of my scarf. I look and Ink was dangling there, clutching onto it.

"How'd you make sliding off the railing look so easy?"Ink asks

"I dUnNo, lUcK I gUeSs."I say, pulling him up.

"Ok, there's Ink, where's Dust?"Blue wonders

"He was climbing up the railing when I was sliding."Ink says

There was a yell, followed by a splatting noise. I watched as Dust went flying into one of Blue's freshly made tacos. Ink chuckles at the sight while Blue hadn't noticed. Dust pops head out of a taco. Blue notices and carefully lifts him out by the hood. He places Dust in the palm of one hand while dusting the ingredients off of him.

"Wowie, Dust! You're so small and adorable like this!"Blue compliments

"R-Really?"Dust asks, his face lighting up in blushing.

Blue carefully lifts Dust's hood back up, knowing he likes it like that probably. Dust quickly tugs it lower in an attempt to hide his face.

"Yep! Kinda like these two over here. Is it just me or has Error become the shortie?"Blue states

"I'M riGHT hErE!"I snap

Ink broke into laughter. I feel my face light up. His face and laugh was always adorable.

(not my image)

Dust looks at me and mouths a thank you. I smirk.

"Ah, I see. I agree, they are cute like this, too. Yes, the pie made him shorter than Ink, which I didn't even know was possible since Ink was so short."Dust says

Ink stops laughing. It was my turn to, so I did.

"HEY!"Ink snaps

"Let's figure this out in my room. Don't want Dream or Cross to try and see or use this to an advantage. They've been constantly joking around lately."Blue says, going back upstairs.

He enters his room and sits down. He had us sit on the desk. He opens his laptop and begins to open a browser to the UnderNet. He then got a call from his brother so he had to grab his phone. Ink began hopping on the keys on the keyboard.

"What are you doing?"Dust asks

"I'm curious to see what craetors or others in different Aus are up to."Ink replies

Ink hops on the enter button and the search loads. We all watch as the search loads. My jaw drops. Ink smirks and jumps happily. Dust tugs at his hood.

"WHAT THE FRICK?"Dust yells

On the screen were hundreds of drawings or images of Blue and Dust. Some were even pictures of them being at real places. Or there were paragraphs or titles of Dustberry or shipping Blue and Dust together is good. I broke into laughter.(insert dustberry search results or comics)

"It seems that others and creators agree that you and Blue should be together!"Ink states

I fall back laughing at Dust's expression. It was hilarious. Blue entered and sat back down. He hangs up but just stares at his hands.

"It appears the multiverse and creators have been busy."Ink points out.

Blue looks at the screen. He doesn't say anything. He just smiles.

"Cool."He says without any emotion.

Dust started scrolling by running in place on the touchpad. I kept an eye on Blue. He seemed down or off. I saw him smile. Ink froze, then came over and grips my arm tight. He had his head down and I could see it was a rainbow again. Since he was taller, he blocked my sight of the screen. Dust began to laugh.

"Please don't look."Ink says

Ink not wanting creations was abnormal. It was unusual so it confused and surprised me. Dust then grabs my other arm and yanks it, tugging me away from Ink.

"Nah, he should see this. It seems that the multiverse and its makers agree with Blue and that you two should be together."Dust says

Ink sat down, his back to the screen. I gaze at the screen and felt my face light up. So many images, drawings, animations, etc were shown. All of it showed Ink and I doing all kinds of things. Fights, friends, and as lovers. It amazed me. But also scared me and shocked me. I lift my scarf to hide my face. But strangely, Blue wasn't being talkative or cheery. That was a big red flag. I turn to Blue and gaze up at him. His face looked grim.

"BlUe, I can teLl yOu'rE uPsEt. WhAt'S wRoNg?"I ask

Blue didn't say anything. He then seemed to fall apart and cry. I leap up with my strings and hug the side of his head.

"Th...That call was from my Undyne using Pap's phone....The human has started a genocide run and has already taken many out, including my brother and Alphys. Undyne told me that my brother bans me from returning until it is figured out. She said to let it just wash over, they'll reset and it'll be ok. But..."Blue explains, but was cut off by crying.

I hug him. Now that I have a Paps, I understand the pain he must have at losing his. I couldn't imagine what I'd do now if I lost my Pap.

"What? Your human's being a punk? Oh, wait until I get back to my normal size! Forget that! They are going to pay!"Dust yells

"Dust no.."Blue cries as I wipe his tears with my strings

"Dust yes! Nobody hurts any Paps and gets away with it! Nobody upsets my friend Blue and gets away with it! Ink, you start searching for the cure recipe. Blue, you stay here. Error get a portal ready and feel free to join as soon as you can. I'm going to show that dirty brother killer what happens when you mess with my friend's happiness. I'll make sure they reset to a pacifist run and think twice of changing that."Dust declares, the most serious expression on and anger filling his eyes mixed with vengeance.

I knew Dust well, so I know when he gets like this, he means whatever he says. And he won't stop until he achieves it. He's also a good fighter, so there was definetely no worry really for him to battle.

"But you're hardly a foot tall! They could step on you and kill you! Or stomp! Or..."Blue worries, but Ink rubs his skull to calm him.

"Heh, no wonder Dream never let you fight me back in the day. Blue, you clearly don't know what I'm capable of. Don't worry Blue, I've dealt with genocidal kids like them. I can dodge, attack and handle myself. You just stay safe, okay?"Dust assures him

Blue sighs and nods, then digs into his pocket. He takes out what appeared to be a snack bar. He hands it to Dust and he holds it, being 1/2 its size.

"That can regain full hp if you need. Be careful, okay?"Blue says

Dust nods and I assist him free his hands by giving him some of my strings to tie it to his back. I open a portal and he walks through. I shut it and Ink gets to work on searching for the recipe. I assure Blue that it will be alright and I even made a viewing gap of his AUs judgement hall so he could watch it as he requested. Sure enough, Dust's point was proven and Blue was amazed at Dust's fighting skills. I watch with Blue, worry slowly filling me as I notice signs of Dust getting low on hp after a few attacks and resetted runs. Soon, he was at half his hp after 16 resets and retries. I help Ink make the cure.

22 resets. The kid has lowered him to 60% of his hp before dying.

33 resets. 70% of his hp gone.

57 resets. 85% gone.

70 resets. Man this kid is determined. 90% gone.

82 resets. 95% gone. Blue's getting worried. Dust seems unsure of what to do. Did he forget that he has a full hp regainer literally on his back? I could see that Blue was upset and gonna cry. The cure was in the oven, baking. I leap out of Blue's hearing range and call Dust. He picks up.

"Hey. I'm kinda busy, ya know. Can you wait a minute?"Dust says

"Ya, I cAn sEe tHat. BlUe wAnTeD t0 wAtCh tO eNsUrE Y0u'Re oKay, sO I leT hIm. I cAn sEe yOu'Re lOw oN hP. NoW uNlEsS yA wAnT t0 bE sTuPiD aNd mAkE BlUe cRy, usE thE fReAkiNG gIfT hE gAvE yOu f0r cRyInG OuT lOuD!"I snap

"Who the heck is he calling at a time like this? He's gotta be careful!"Blue mutters behind me

"Oh right, whoops. Get so concentrated on the fight I forget other things."Dust admits

"I caN tElL. CurE's nEarLy rEaDy, sO I'lL bE oN mY WaY."I say

"Thanks, Error. What would I do without ya?"Dust sighs

"YoU'd pRoBaBlY bE dEaD bY nOw. Or sTiLl stUtTeRiNg In a ChaT wIth BluE wiThOuT hIs pHonE nUmbEr. No prOb. Als0, cauTiOn on YoUr lEft."I state, seeing the human charge at Dust from his left.

He dodged.

"Haha, yeah right. Gotta go, bye."Dust says before hanging up.

I leap back up to Blue's shoulder. I didn't even look at the fight when I heard Blue cheer.

"He ate the item! He's at full hp! He's gonna make it!"Blue cheers

"It's about time he did!"Ink says, carrying in the cure

I simply smile.

Ink and I eat the cure and I hop through a portal. I appear in the hall to find Dust getting cornered by the human, deflecting any attacks he shot. I remember what Blue said in his worried panic. The human lifts their foot and I quickly realize that was their exact intention. Oh no you don't! I fire my strings and catch the human right as they were about to slam their foot down on Dust.

"SorRy tO cRaSh tHe pArTy, bUt I dO rEmEmbEr tHis wOrld HavIng a No GenOcIdE rUle. SuCh a ShAmE yOu bRoKe it."I say, pulling the human close, their soul entangled in my strings

Dust got back to his feet and teleported to my shoulder. I grin as the human struggled in my strings. They didn't look at me, just at their knife that laid on the ground down the hall. After I threw them about the hall, slamming them into the walls a few times, I felt like that was enough. As did Dust. That was for hurting Blue's friends and family, destroying Blue's happiness, and for just being a dirty killer in general. They got a bad time. They were now at 1hp.

"YoU muSt bE rEal pRouD of YoUrSelF. KiLLinG tHeM aLl afTer iN pAst rUns tHey wEre yOuR fRienDs. YoU muSt'Ve lOved deStroYinG tHeIr Joy aNd bEtRaYinG theM, yOu dIrTy BrOtHer KiLleR. BuT y0u mAde OnE wRonG mOve tHaT gOt yOu hEre. YoU leT ThE ThOuGhT oF dOiNG iT cOmE t0 minD. S0, hOw dO y0U fEeL?"I growl at the human

"Messing with the rules and happiness is a real bad. I hope you feel your sins crawling."Dust hissed

The human began to cry and apologize for everything. They begged for forgiveness and a second chance. I knew that without the human, the timeline wouldn't go back to normal anyway. I think on it and look at the human.

"WeLl, sInCe yOu aSkeD sO pOliTely anD hoNestLy, plUs I'M in a Go0d moOd, I'Ll cUt yOu a DeaL. I'Ll lEt yOu rEsEt. BuT I'Ll bE wAtChing. AnD If yOu dAre tRy aNyThInG bUt PacIfIst aNd GiVe tHis wOrLd The HaPpy EnDinG iT deSeRvEs, wElL, I thInK yOu caN gUesS."I state

The human instantly agreed. I release my strings and they took off running, picking up the knife as they left the hall. I give Dust the cure once he leapt off of me.

"Go AfTeR ThEm. MaKe SURe TheY rEsEt anD dOn'T tRy AnYtHiNg!"I say

Dust nods, almost in shock at me for some reason and runs off.

I hear some noise from nearby and I turn. Hidden behind a pillar was Underswap Papyrus! I was shocked that he hadn't turn to dust as Blue had assumed. I ran over to him and knelt beside him, checking his stats. His hp was at 0.000000000001! Jeez, that's a close call!

"Why'd you do that? I thought you believed worlds like ours deserved to be destroyed. Being so-called dirty glitches and all that. You are the destroyer of AUs, after all."Swap!Pap says weakly

"I kn0w. I diD it BeCaUse tHiNgS chAnGe. I soRta bElIevE tHat, bUt foR otHeR woRldS. I'Ll dEsTrOy tHoSe. It'S kiNda hArD to dEstRoY a wOrLd wHeN iT's fUlL oF sUch gReAt pEoPle. Or mY fRiEndS, LiKe DusT oR yOuR brO BluE. SpeAkInG of wHoM, LeT's Get Y0u oUtTa HeRe."I state, helping him up.

I hear the sound of a human soul breaking, taking it as my cue for us to leave. I send my strings to find Dust and drag him back when he's found.

"Heh. I always knew you were a true Sans deep down."Swap!Pap says

I smile, that means a lot coming from him. I open a portal back to Blue's room. I support Swap!Pap and drag Dust through. Ink got right to healing the two of them. Soon as Swap!Pap was healed, Blue ran and hugs him. They had an awesome brotherly moment as Blue was being calmed down by his brother. I smirk again at the sight.

Dust just sat and watched. That is, before Blue hugs him as well, thanking him for doing what he did. Dust seemed shocked, but slowly closed the hug. Few minutes later I got a hug from Blue as well, a gentle one since he knew of my phobia issue. He thanked me for saving his world, saving Dust, ending the fight and helping his brother. I grin happily.

"HeY, tHat jUSt mEaNs yOur lEsSons aRe pAyinG ofF. YoU taUgHt mE tHat fRIenDs hElp FrIenDs. So, I hElPeD a FrIeNd."I say modestly

Blue looks up at me and smiles.

"That's true! Now if only a certain lazybones could learn like you and listen to me! Maybe now you'll train with me more often, brother!"Blue says, glaring at his brother

"Aw, come on bro, throw me a bone. At least I tried. It was bone tiring. I make no promises."Swap!Pap says with a chuckle and wink.

Dust and I chuckle. Ink enters the room.

"Agh! The puns! Don't encourage him! That's it! Time for what I call 3P!"Blue snaps, charging at his brother and tackling him, quickly tickling him

We all watched as this went on for a full ten minutes. Blue then drags his brother through the portal to the newly reset world. I shut the portal with a smile.

Dust decided to go downstairs before anything happened. As did Ink. I sat,lost in thought. I take out the puppet of Ink and gaze at it.

"ShoUlD I tElL yOu thE tRuTh?" I ask it

The well expected silence was the reply. I sigh and tuck it away. Those thoughts were for another time, I believe.

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