Chapter 16:Error!
Ink's POV
I felt myself get yanked from the anti-void and encounter Ink!Pap. I was angry. I saw the pain and panic Error had. And Ink!Pap helped cause it.
"Take your stupid soul back. You knew, didn't you? With destroyers fighting AU protectors, the last thing the protector wants is to suddenly have something the destroyers can use! Did Nightmare tell you that he'll break Error enough to destroy a soul? Is that why you gave it?"I snap
"What? No! We hardly discussed Error when it came to planning! That was all Nightmare! Wait, he broke the deal! I'll go make him pay! I'm sorry! I was just trying to help. Give me the soul."Ink!Pap says
I toss him the broken shards of the soul. He caught them and teleports away. I open a portal with my brush and go to OuterTale.
Ah, the sweet relief of something going back to normal. I was soulless again, I was used to it. As much as I would've enjoyed having a soul, the risks are too high with destroyers on the loose. Besides, it's normal for me and has the benefits of not being able to die so easy or be manipulated by a soul if I don't have one. I sigh and realize my scarf is gone. I realize that Error must think he killed me and I feel tears fill my sockets. I cried again but stop. That won't get me anywhere. I was still filled with emotion so I draw on the ground to get my emotions steady again. I look at the sky and remember star gazing with Error. I sigh, hoping he's ok.
I then get a call from Blue. I pick it up and answer.
"Hello? Ink? Is that you?"Blue asks
"It's me, Blue. What's up?"I reply
"Oh thank the stars it's you! Error came to my place and explained that he accidentally killed you! Wait, are you alive? Or am I speaking to a spirit?'Blue says
"I'm alive, Blue. You're not talking to a spirit. Is Error okay? It seems the gang hurt him bad."I tell him
"He's on the couch right now. My bro is out currently. Dream hasn't come to help at all, no surprise. He's hurt but I don't know how bad, Dust is aiding him but won't tell me anything about his condition. I've already called in his brother to calm him but it's not working. He keeps crying or crashing or glitching. He talks of you, the truce, some promise or deal, as well as a bad dream becoming reality. Plus, he keeps saying sorry over and over. You've got some explaining to do!"Blue explains
I freeze. He cared that much about my "death"? The deal, the truce, the promise? Oh, why did I tell him about my bad dream?
"Blue...The morning after the sleepover, I woke up after having a bad dream. It basically had this all happening, but I never got up to this point in it. He, well, promised that he won't let it become a reality. And we both see how that went. Please, help him."I explain.
"Well how about you get over here and help! You're probably worth a lot of help you bonehead!"Blue shouts
"Blue, WhO aRe y0u tALKiNg tO?"I hear Error ask in the distance
The emotion in his voice felt like it would've sliced a hole in my soul if I still had one.
"Just Cross and Dream! They're asking if I would like to hang out but I told Dream of the issue so I'm denying it! Don't worry, Error!"Blue lies
"Well, tell them they have the worst timing. Plus, tell Cross to back off!"Dust could be heard saying
Jealous much?
"Already did! But not that to Cross, that's rude!"Blue says
I was unsure of what to do. I hear a portal open.
"Blue, I'll have to call you back. I think I have company. I'll try to come as soon as I can. Im currently at OuterTale."I tell him
"Okay, be careful!"Blue says
"Blue, when haven't I been careful?"I ask sarcastically
"Well-"Blue begins
I hang up. He needs to learn sarcasm. I pick up my brush and look around. It was quiet but I heard a portal shut. I ease myself closer to the noise and soon see Killer there. I watched but didn't dare show myself.
"Stupid Nightmare. Making me search for Ink...and Error. Eh, that means I can get revenge on that glitch for tossing me out. Maybe I'll kill him and Ink for real this time! Oh, the look on his face! So satisfying!"I hear Killer say
That got me. I sprang out from behind some rock and whacked Killer with my brush, snapping and he was quickly chained.
"I don't think so."I tell him
I open a portal and kick him through it. As soon as I closed it, I hear another open. You've got to be kidding me. I then got a call from Dust. I pick up and answer.
"Hello?"I say
"Ink! Be careful! Error overheard the end of your call and panicked! He has left the building! Okay? We don't know where he went!"Dust shouts
"What? Oh dear. Ok. I'll keep an eye socket out for him. Check the anti-void. Approach him calmly, if he sees any of you panicking, he will just panic more."I tell him
"Got it. Cya, Ink."Dust says
"Is tHat Ink? TeLl hIm tHat I hOpe hE's oK! ERror explaInEd eVerYtHiNg!"E!Pap says in the background
"Ya heard him."Dust says
"It's ok. I just hope Error is. I gotta go, ok? Bye!"I state
"K. Bye!"Dust says, hanging up.
I look around and hear a portal shut. I ease myself around, worried that it's another member of the gang. I hear footsteps from behind me and freeze. I quicken my pace and then dip behind a boulder.
I peek out but I don't see anyone. I was confused. But then I feel something grab me by my wrists and yank me through the air. I shut my eyes and tighten my grip on the brush, prepared to fight if I must. I feel my feet softly touch the ground again. I keep my grip on the brush with one hand, while I felt for what's around my wrists with the other. I felt strings around my wrists. Could that mean?
"InKy?" A glitchy voice asks
I open my eyes to see Error standing there, bandaged but still showing some injuries like a crack in his skull. His eyes were wide with his eye lights small, yellow spread across his face, tears in his eyes. He was shaking and had a shocked expression on his face. He held one hand out to hold the strings while the other was tightly gripped on my scarf that he had put over his. I felt my face warm at the sight of him. I felt joy fill me. He was okay! I take some breathes, trying not to puke, and soon calmed down.
"It's me, Glitchy."I say
He yanks me close and I look up at him. He was crying. He wraps his arms around me and jumps when he was successful, as if not expecting to be able to feel me.
"B-But hOw? I...I bRoKe yOur sOuL! I-I'm SOrRy! I-I sAw yOu dIsaPPeAr! I...I....I'm haPpy to Be wIth yOu agaIN, buT I just DoN't uNdersTAnD hOw I aM."Error cries
"Heh, it's okay, Error! My bro forced me to have that soul. I didn't want it and I'm not used to having a soul. Right when the soul was gonna break, he pulled me out of there and I forced him to take it back. It worked. I'm used to being soulless and that's how I was made, so I didn't dust. I'm sorry I scared you like that! I'm so glad you're okay!"I explain, hugging him and wiping his tears after he unsummoned his strings.
"Ah, I sEe. ThAt mAkes tHInGS maKe SeNse nOw. It'S ok, I'm jusT gLaD yoU'Re oK! WaIt, wHy dO yOu sOuNd wOrRied aBoUt mE?"Error asks
"Blue told me how he's seen you in AUs under attack. He's heard you mutter and has seen Nightmare attack you. Then on a call earlier he explains how upset you were, plus I still see your injuries. Also, I heard Killer talk about how Nightmare is sending the gang after us. He seems to want us dead."I tell him.
"YoU hEArD KiLler?"Error asks
"Ya, I saw him enter OuterTale looking for ya, but I knocked him back to Nightmare's place."I state
"Ah, oKaY. I'm surprISed wE hAvEn't bEEn aTTAcKED yEt."Error says
"Ya...."I agree.
We look up at the sky and smile. I hear him sigh with relief. I shift my gaze up at him, seeing the tears were gone. The yellow was spread across his face and had such a bright glow. I remember that's his blush. Then I realize something.
"Wait...Does that mean you were genuinely worried about me? Since when do you do that? I've only seen you do that with Blue!"I say
He looks down at me, his face getting more like a yellow star by the second.
"WhAt? I...uH...em..I uH..WaSn't wOrRied! I DoN'T kNow WhAt yoU'rE sAyInG! I....I...."Error stubbornly denies through stutters
"I saw your face when you caught me in the void, Blue would say otherwise, and I literally just saw your worried face. May I add that you're blushing?"I reason
"So aRe yOu, sKiTtLe sHoRtie!"Error snaps
I couldn't hold back a laugh at that nickname. I felt all the worry and tension leave me in that moment. And I liked it.
"S-S-Skittle shortie? Hehehe! Really?"I squeak through laughs.
"WeLl, yOu aRe a ShOrTie. PlUs, ThAt's whAt yA lOok lIke wHeN yA bLuSh. LIkE a BuNCh oF rAiNBOw sKiTtLeS squAsHed onTo yOur fAcE. ThOuGh I duNno ThE rEASOn. THeRefOre, yOu aRe a rAiNBOW shOrTIe, InKy."Error explains in a matter-of-a-fact tone
I feel my face burn more as he explains, then winks at me when finished.
"Oh shut up! You know my reason! What's yours? You seemed awfully shocked and worried!"I snap
"Oh, reAlLy? WhAt's yOur reAsOn tHen? I foRgEt."Error lies, playing dumb in a teasing tone
"Don't play dumb! I love you and you know it! That's why I'm blushing! How about you? Answer my question, Glitchy!"I tell him, looking down and away from him
"W-WhAt?"Error says, sounding alarmed
"You heard me and you knew it! Now, what's your reason? And the evidence still points to you being worried!"I say
"I...I....I guEsS I wAs a LiTtLe wOrRieD! Em...I uh.....My ReASon? Erm....Take tHiS!"Error stutters, shoving my scarf onto me
I wrap it around myself properly. I grin.
"Good, you admit it. Now, about that reason."I tease
"I...I just...uH...HeAr sOmEThinG!"Error says, avoiding the question and pulling me behind him.
I peek out from behind him and gaze around. Then I hear footsteps. He puts an arm in front of me protectively. I grip my brush. Horror came into sight. He spots us and begins to approach us. Error summons his strings. Horror began to charge quickly. Error was about to fire his strings when Blue suddenly tackles Horror to the ground. The two rolled around in a wrestling ball. Error looks at me, in confused shock and a questioning gaze. He hasn't ever seen that before obviously. I shrug to show him that I haven't either. Then I heard Blue yelping. I run to find Horror pinning Blue down with his axe raised. Error holds the axe with his strings, getting Horror's attention.
"Aw, he would've made a great head dog."Horror says
Bone attacks fired and knocked Horror away from Blue. I instinctively act and leap forward, splashing horror with paint that turned to chains. I look back towards Blue to see Dust lifting him up. Blue was out cold by now. Dust had a sinister grin on, his eyes bright and glowing.
(not mine)
"Nobody makes a head-dog outta my Blue."Dust said
Error kicks Horror off the edge of land.
"I'm not going down alone!"Horror yells
I feel something tug at my scarf, harder each time. I then felt my feet slip off the edge. I look down to find Horror grinning, his axe in my scarf and yanking it. I try and paint a way up like a rope but it just flew away. I try to simply take my scarf off but I was in a choke-hold. I look up, terrified.
"No! Not InK! Not aGaIn!"Error yells
I then hear a ripping noise and see Error teleport in front of me. He scoops me up and then fires strings upward. I look at him, feeling my face warm. He looks at me and innocently winks with a grin. He wraps the scarf around me more. I see it was torn to free me. He smirks and we're lifted back onto the land. He held me gently and protectively.
(not my image)
I stare at him in awe. He just saved me! He hugs me close to him.
"T-Thanks."I say
"No pr0blEm! I wOn't lOsE y0u agAin, tHat's mY edIt to thE pRomiSe."Error states with a smile
"O-Ok."I say, my face warming up as I feel stupid for stuttering
"Dude, just tell Ink already! He's told you already!You can't keep leading him on and friend-zoning yourselves! That's right, that includes ya, Error! If you don't I will!"Dust exclaims
I look at Dust confusedly. Dust looks at me and gives me a comforting smile, but glared at Error. Error tightens his grip on me. I look at Blue, who was out cold still. I look up at Error, but I then look at Dust again.
"Tell me what?"I ask, looking at Error suspiciously
His face lit up in yellow.
"He-"Dust begins
"WoAh, hEy! I jusT gOt a TeXt fR0m Cr0sS! He aNd DreAm wAnt uS aT InK's plAcE oR thE StaR SaNs baSe! Let's g0!"Error cuts him off
"Oh! Alrighty then!"I say cheerily
Dust narrows his eyes at Error but sighs. Error puts me down and I open a portal home with my brush. I skip through happily. Sure enough, Dream and Cross were inside chilling on the couch. Error spoke to Cross quickly and he nods, but I couldn't hear what they said. I check on Blue as he woke up with Dust laying him down. I try to bandage his injuries, man Horror didn't hold back.
I then watch Dust drag Error upstairs. I hear a door slam followed by muffled arguing. I shrug it off, but it clearly got Blue's attention. I decided to joke around to lighten the mood.
"What code do you think he's getting from Dust?"I ask
"Based in experience and knowing Dust, I'd say it's 16E."Blue says like a professional or something
I chuckle at how abnormally serious he sounded.
"Okay, Geno, what code is that?"I ask jokingly.
"I do believe it is Dust basically telling Error to pull himself together and just be honest already!"Blue says, sounding goofy again.
I guessed Blue wouldn't know what Error has to be honest about, but I chuckle at the emotion, anger and enthusiasm he had as he spoke. He seemed very hyped about the topic.
"Ya know, after Horror knocked ya out, he was planning to make ya a head dog or something. But Dust knocked him away, picking you up, and told him that quote 'nobody makes a head dog out of my Blue!' End quote. He called you his, Blue. Are you sure you're just great friends?"I explain to him
Blue's face lit up.
"R-Really? Wowie! I....I'm amazed. But who wouldn't want I, The Magnificent Sans, as their friend! Guess that makes us extraordinary friends! How dare you doubt my judgement, Ink!"Blue says
So innocent.
"Well, based on how ya have mistaken my vials for taco ingredients, you make it kinda hard not to."I state
"Fair point..."Blue says
The door suddenly flew open and I was lifted into the air. I look and there was E!Pap, hugging me. It was so tight. But felt comforting.
"InK! I'm sO soRRy aboUT wHat hAppENed! YOu coULd've diEd! AlL becAUse oF mY brOthEr! ThaNk thE stArs yOu're oKay! YOu didN't gEt hUrt dId yOu? Oh, I doN't knoW whAt ErRoR woULd dO witHOut yOu."E!Pap cries
"Actually, he did me a favor, so don't be sorry. And don't blame him. My brother caused this by teaming with Nightmare. While Nightmare drove Error mad and hurt him, my bro gave me a soul. That's what caused that issue to happen. I never wanted a soul, so he helped me. Plus, he saved me from Horror in OuterTale. I'm ok, E!Pap. But what do you mean when you say that last thing?"I explain, curiously looking up at him
"WhEN hE camE oVEr, I'vE neVEr seEN hIM sO broKEn aNd uPSet. He explAIned tHe sitUAtion whILe I hELd hiM. He waS shaKIng, crYing endlESSly. He kePt crAShing aNd rebOOting. He heLd oNTo yoUr sCArf liKe hiS liFe depeNDed On it. I'vE nevEr seEn hIm likE thAt. He seEMed sO loSt & unHapPy withOUt yOu. AnD...He lOvEs yOu InK."E!Pap says
I froze. I feel my face heat up.
"We're friends, aren't we? And that's what friendship is built upon, love. Thanks for telling me something I already know, E!Pap."I excuse it as, but unable to break eye contact with E!Pap
"ThAt's NOt whAt I meAnT aNd yoU kNOw iT. NoW, leT's gET sOmeThInG clEaR."E!Pap growls
His hug tightens the more he spoke. It began to hurt. I frown, feeling the color leave my face.
"If yOu eVer cAuSe hIm tO bE liKe tHat aGain oR yOu dAre bReAk hIs hEaRt, bOy yOu bETTer sLeEp wiTh oNe eYe sOckEt OpEn. CAusE I wiLl fInd yOu iF yA dO aNd a hUg lIke tHis wiLl bE thE lAst ThInG yoU eVer eXpErieNce."He whispers to me in a harsh tone
"Agh! Ok, got it! Please, let me go!"I mutter, unable to even yell or speak at a normal volume as I feel his grip crack my bones and hurt me.
"WhAt waS tHat? I cOuLd nOt hEaR yOu, sPeAk uP!"E!Pap growls
"BrO! StOp!"I hear a voice yell
Blue stood and tried to pry E!Pap away.
"You heard him!"Blue snaps, an angry look in his eyes so bad that Dust took him away from E!Pap
E!Pap eased up on me. He soon drops me and I plop onto the floor. I look over to see Error running down the stairs.
"OoPs, sORRy. GuEsS I dOn'T knOw mY oWn stRenGTh. I wAs oNly hUgGiNg hIm."E!Pap says innocently but shooting me a look that made me tremble.
Error ran over to me and checks my cracks, quickly bandaging them with his strings. He hugs me gently before looking at his brother.
"GEt tO kNoW it. It's rIsKy iF ya dOn't." Error says
E!Pap nods and casually goes to Cross and Dream as if nothing happened.
Error looks at me and holds me close to him protectively. I look up at him and smile. He apologized for what his brother did and I assured him it was ok. I could feel E!Pap watching. Then I remembered something. My sketchbooks. I want to sketch.
"I need to go check on something in my room."I say
"O-Ok."Error says, releasing me
I go upstairs and into my room to find the sketchbooks on my desk were gone. I'll have to ask the others if they've seen them. But what was weird was that there was a pie where the sketchbooks once were. I carefully approach the desk. The pie smelled nice so I decided to take a taste. I cut a small slice and take a bite. It was yummy so I took another. I began to feel dizzy so I put the slice back down with the pie. Then it all went black.
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