Chapter 14: The Deals!
I sat there as the game began. It started out nice and peaceful, everyone getting turns. The truths were harmless like asking E!Pap or me stuff like what's our favorite activity and such. The dares were innocent like name 10 AUs and such. But then things started getting silly and crazy. Like any usual truth or dare game. It all starts when Reaper gave Geno a truth to tell his true feelings. Then everything went downhill from there.
Soon, my bro was dared to make me try some clothes he made, which I didn't mind. He's my bro and I was okay with any of his cool ideas, whatever makes him happy. How bad could it be? That's what I thought. Dream gave the dare. E!Pap picks me up and brought me to a spare room. He hands me some neatly folded clothes and locked me in the room to change. Once I was done, he unlocked it and drags me out. E!Pap pulled some kind of hood over me as well.
Swap!Pap, Dust, Dream and Cross began to laugh, pointing. Ink's face went rainbow. Reaper and Geno give thumbs ups. Blue seemed amazed and started try to silence those who were laughing. I was confused. What could be causing this reaction.
"Do n0t lAuGh At mY woRk! Let'S sEe iF y0u'd lIkE fIndInG yOuRsElF in A mAsTeRpIeCe bUt lAuGhEd At!"E!Pap snaps, insulted by this reaction
"I'm so glad I'm not the only one that makes outfits! Papy, Dust, Dream and Cross! Quit it or else! I may just make you wear other outfits like he has!"Blue objects, helping my bro
They all shut up and I sit down beside Ink. E!Pap sat beside Swap!Pap and elbowed him roughly, shooting a glare. I was still oblivious to what was going on. Ink was looking at me with wonder and amazement in his expression, his eyes the usual oval and star with his rainbow blush. I look at him, confused and feeling my face brighten. Everyone continued the game.
"WhY aRe yOu sTarInG?"I ask
"Your outfit is...well, new. How about I show you through a sketch?"Ink replies
I nod.
Ink quickly began to sketch, nobody paying attention to us, not even the curious Geno beside him or excited Blue with my bro on my side. Ink soon finished. He lifted it to show me and I froze, feeling my face brighten. I tried not to crash.
(made it myself, inspired by neko error sans and ask glitch and squid comics on youtube)
I nod and he tucks his sketchbook away again. Now I knew why they were laughing. The destroyer of AUs, at a party, wearing this? I felt uneasy and now embarrassed once putting the pieces together. I pull the hood lower over my face, which was probably as shown in the sketch, a very bright yellow. And that's another thing! For Ink to see me like this and his reaction makes me feel even more awkward! Especially with my feelings and the kiss.....WHY AM I HERE?
"Hey, Error, if it makes you feel better, you look cool in that. Honest. But at the same time...."Ink says, then leans close
"...I find it cute. And sweet of what you're doing for your bro."Ink whispers, then leans back and looks away.
He finds me cool, cute and sweet? Oh my stars! Maybe this ain't so bad!
I feel a smile spread across my face.
By now, it was Ink's turn to be questioned. It was Blue's turn to give the question. I noticed that everyone who had laughed at me were now in outfits similar to mine, even Swap!Pap. I look to my brother questionably, who shook his head and gestures to the very giddy Blue. I smile, grateful to have a friend like him. He showed them his point.
"Truth or dare Ink!"Blue cheers
"I know what you'll ask if I choose truth, so dare."Ink says
I quickly understood what Ink meant.
"Aww, you know me too well. I was really hoping for it. I dare you to join the pajama pack! Come on! I made one for you as well!"Blue exclaims, grabbing Ink by the arm.
I then watch as Blue dragged Ink upstairs and into his room. Everyone was dead silent. Everyone just looks at each other while I wonder what Blue is trying to set up this time.
"Well, that's my bro for ya. He's the greatest, even when he's hyper and making me wear this."Swap!Pap states, lifting the hood of his outfit up.
That seemed to start up a conversation. Everyone began to compliment Blue even though he wasn't in the room, his work and designs, outfits, etc. Then they began to theorize what Ink's may look like. Then to avoid arguments, began to place bets on each other's reactions.
"Hey, Error! You've grown close to Ink I see! How will you react to Ink's new look? Are you gonna like it?"Dust asks teasingly.
"W-WhaT? I d-D-d-duNn0! I cAn'T tElL ThE fUtUrE! IdI0t! HoW aM I sUpPoSeD t0 kNoW?"I reply
"Well, we all saw that kiss and-"Dust begins
"DoN'T uSe a tRaDiTiOn aGaInSt mE. I'm nOt uSiNg iT aGaInSt YoU. We AlL aLsO sAw yoUr kiSs wItH BluE! S-S0 sHuT iT!"I cut him off
Dust went silent, his face bright that he was trying to hide with his hood. He hesitantly nods to show he got the point. Some chuckled at how quick I won the argument. Everyone began to chat again, but I shut my eyes. I tuned them out when I heard Ink and Blue upstairs.
"Blue, no! Don't! Gah!"Ink yelps
"Mwehehehe! Come on, Ink! It's gonna be fine! But...."Blue states
I felt something land in my lap roughly. Something big yet short, not as big or tall as me. I heard everyone go silent and chuckles were muffled into coughs. I restrained from crashing or saying the instinctive 'Oof'.
"Get dunked on, Ink!"Blue yells from upstairs
"Definetly a Sans."Geno said with a chuckle
I struggled not to crash but still didn't open my eyes due to this. When I managed to not crash, I hesitantly opened them. I froze and tensed. Ink was in my lap. I look up to see Blue proudly laughing. Everyone was giving us sly glances, chuckling, taking pics, complimenting the outfit or silently smiling.
(drawn myself)
The outfit was the shade of his scarf. It had colors of almost every paint or vial he had covered it. The sleeves had the triangles of the usual outfit and a star on the hood. The hood also had lil ears.
Ink was clearly thrown down by Blue. The conversation made sense now but still, I could tell Ink didn't like it. His face had the rainbow blush but he didn't look at me, his eyes were tightly shut. Next thing I knew, the brush and his vial sash was thrown down beside me.
"Blue!"Ink shouts
Blue innocently came downstairs, sitting down with a grin.
"A dare's a dare."Blue says
"But what you did was not neccesary! I'm keeping this in mind for when it's your turn!"Ink snaps, shaking a fist
"Sure you will."Blue says with a roll of his eye lights
Ink then looks at me, his eye lights a oval and exclamation mark, his face a bright rainbow. I could feel my face brighten just looking at him.
"Error! I'm so sorry! I-"Ink begins
"I-I-It'S okAY, InKy. BlUe tEnDs t0 bE sIlLy aT TiMEs."I assure him, wrapping an arm around him hesitant and gently
His eye lights shrank and he jumped when I did this. I smile and chuckle. I pull him beside me. Everyone continued the game and after my turn was done, which was a simple truth about OuterTale. I look at Ink, who was nervously looking at his brush. I lean toward him sideways and whisper to him.
"LasT tIme I cHeCkEd, I haVe Haphephobia, aNd tHaT's nOt cOnTaGiOus. WhAt CaUsEs y0u t0 AcT lIke yA hAve iT s0 sUdDenLy?"I whisper to him teasingly.
Ink looks at me. He nods his head at everyone and mimics a laugh silently. I nod, understanding.
"DoN'T lEt tHeM bOthEr YoU. B-BesIdEs, sh0rtIe, I aLSo fiNd yOu cUte lIke tHis..."I admit
I watched his eye lights become stars and his face become a deep rainbow. He looks away, elbowing me for calling him a shortie again. I smirk and hold him close.
"Error, it's your turn to ask or dare Blue!"Cross tells me
"HMm, 0k. Truth or Dare, BlUe?"I ask
"Dare! Mwehehehe!"Blue replies
"InK, you cAn dAre hIm. I d0n't hAve aNy iDeas."I say
Ink's face lit up with joy. Blue's face lost color and had fear. Nobody questioned it and chuckled.
"I dare you to get karma!"Ink says excitedly taking Blue away as well as his brush.
A few minutes passed and soon, Ink threw Blue into Dust's lap. Blue were a bright blue pajama onesie. It was funny to see how their faces lit up. Everyone chuckled and Dust held Blue protectively and with joy. Ink leapt down and sat beside me with a beaming smile.
"I...I think we should rest now. Things are getting too crazy."Blue suggests
"Alright."Everyone says
Everyone began to set up sleeping bags, except Swap!Pap who had fallen asleep on the couch. Reaper tried and failed to get his bag beside Geno, who placed himself between Dream and I. I hadn't brought anything, nor did my bro. Blue gave my bro a blanket and pillow after being denied from giving him a spare sleeping bag. My bro gave that bag to me and forced me to use it. So I did, thinking that he would rest beside me. I easily fell asleep.
I woke up and I look around. Nearly everyone was gone, but E!Pap, Blue, Swap!Pap, Dust, Dream and Cross stayed. My bro was asleep where Geno once laid. Dust and Cross were up. Dust was watching over the resting Blue while talking with Cross. Dream was dreaming I guess, still asleep. Swap!Pap was laying on the couch, his hood over his face. I seemed to be the only one up. But Ink was nowhere in my sight.
I feel something grab me and with a tight grip too. I lift my head to see Ink was gripping my arm in his sleep, the hood and blanket still on. He looked so scared and his face was a rainbow. His eyes were shut so I guessed he was still asleep. I tried to move my arm but he held it tighter.
"No...Don't go."Ink sleepily pleas
That alarmed me. I check his arms but there were no new injuries. He grips me tight and pressed his head closer to me. I froze and didn't move. He just kept crying and muttering in fear. I decide to pretend that I'm asleep, curious to see how he'll act when he wakes up. I pull the hood over my eyes so he couldn't tell.
Soon enough, Ink woke up and shot up from me. I watched him look around quickly and sigh with relief. He wipes his tears from his face. He then gazed down at me, I heard him gasp and release my arm. I could see his face become the skittle masterpiece again.
"He's not awake....Phew. But he's still here, phew. It was just a dream.."Ink mutters
He had a nightmare! I get an idea. I reach up and gently holds Ink's arm. He curious gazes at me and leans down to me. I lift my head and kiss his cheek, then lower my head again. I had to use so much will-power not to laugh at his expression of shock.
"Well I guess that's karma for what I did in my sleep once. At least he's ok...I love him..."Ink sighs
I decided that I could "wake up" now. I sit up and stretch, then lower my hood. I look at Ink and smile. He nervously smiles back.
"MoRnIng, InKY."I say
"H-Hey...."Ink replies
"EvErYtHiNG oK?"I ask
"I...I had a bad dream. So much happened and it seemed so real, I....I'm just glad it wasn't real and you're still here."Ink explains
"Me? WhaT cOulD bE s0 bAd in a SilLy dReAm?"I ask
"In the dream, you got taken left in a way. When I found you again, you were horribly hurt and strangely, you didn't believe I was me. You kept calling me Nightmare and attacking, then, you left me. It all went dark and then I woke up."Ink tells me
I pull him close, seeing him shaking and looking sad.
"InKy, iT wAs jUst a SilLy DrEaM. I'Ll nEvEr lEaVe yOu, leT aLonE aTTaCk y0u. You'Re mY fRiEnd. I w0n'T EvER lEAvE y0u lIke ThAt dReAm PoRtRaYeD."I tell him
"Is that a promise?"Ink asks, looking up at me.
"It'S a PrOmIsE anD DeAl. I wOn't aS lOng As yOu d0n'T."I promise
Ink smiles and hugs me.
"Deal!"He cheers
Meanwhile, Nobody's POV, at Nightmare's place
"Are you Nightmare?"Ink!Pap asks
"Yes, I am, who wants to know?"Nightmare coldly replies
"I want to cut ya a deal. It's about Error."Ink!Pap states
Nightmare turns around, curiously eyeing the Papyrus.
"I'm listening."Nightmare says
"I'll help you get Error away from my brother Ink, as long as he stays away from Ink. That's all I want and I don't care what happens to Error. Deal?"Ink!Pap offers
Nightmare thought about it, a scheme cooking up in his mind. He will extend from this deal to something more sinister, this Papyrus clearly didn't know who he was dealing with.
"Deal!"He says, using a tentacle to shake his hand.
"Now, let's get to planning. And action!"Nightmare orders, letting Ink!Pap inside.
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