Chapter 12: Jealousy
"Hey, Dream, mind explaining?"Blue says crossing his arms
"Ya, Dream. Explain why you can treat Dust and Error unfairly, attack them and say that befriending those who are in Nightmare's gang is wrong. Then you can go and be found kissing Cross, a member of the gang!"Ink snaps
"CroSs, yOu dId tHe SaMe wItH sTaR sAnsEs t0 tHe gAng, s0 yOu eXplAin To0."I say
"Hypocrite."Dust scoffs
Dream steps away from Cross quickly. His face was a bright yellow. Cross seemed shocked to find us here, and I shot him a glare, still wounded from his attack.
"I...I didn't...I don't like the members! I stand by my beliefs! But I-"Dream tries to explain
"He didn't. I did. I broke in here and did it. I was just telling you guys that since I knew how Nightmare would react....Plus, I was in the same boat and didn't want to raise suspicion. Don't tell Nightmare...I was hoping to go back and say I broke into the base as a cover-up."Cross cuts Dream off to explain
"I'm n0t pArT oF tHe GaNg, s0 it'D bE p0inTlEsS to0. DrEam, y0u'rE pOsItIvE, cHeCk y0uR oPinIoNs."I state as Dream runs away to his room
"Fine!"Dream snaps, then slams the door
"It'll cost ya."Dust says mischieviously
"How much?"Cross asks
"Hmm, oh, I know!"Dust says, summoning bone attacks
He fired them at Cross, leaving cut marks. Cross took them and Blue steps in front to stop Dust from going too far. The bones froze before hitting Blue and disappear.
"That's for attacking Error. Besides, this makes it more believable. Now leave."Dust states
Cross nods but stood there. I saw his gaze was at Blue.
"Hey, Blue. Thanks for stopping Dust. You protected me. Maybe the Star Sanses aren't so bad as Nightmare says. Wanna hang out sometime?"Cross tells Blue
"Oh! No problem! That's what Star Sanses do! Protect! Do good! And since I, the Magnificent Sans, am a Star Sans, it's kinda my job as well as if I want to be part of my AU's royal guard! Mwehehehehe! Sure, we could hang out! I love making friends! Here's my number! Let's figure it out!"Blue says, happily laughing and giving Cross his number on a slip of paper.
"Right, of course. Thanks, Blue. I'll be sure to-"Cross begins
I chuckle. What a sight. Dust stood behind Blue, shooting Cross a dirty and angry look, his genocide eye glowing. A gaster blaster hovered beside him, ready to fire. You could practically see that Dust wanted Cross to leave. The look in his eyes was so angry and full of jealousy and I knew why. Cross was getting close to Blue and he was being protective. Still, it was hilarious to watch when he gets like this while Blue is just there, obliviously smiling, laughing and saying goodbye to Cross, who ran out fast.
Ink noticed and laughs a bit too, but when Dust and Blue look, he disguised it in a cough.
Ink sat with Blue and talked, while Dust came over to me and we sat against a wall.
"WeLl tHaT wAs cErTaInlY sOMEthInG. LitTlE jEAloUs ArEn't Ya?"I tease
"Hey, he attacked you! Ink saw him leave the scene! He just kissed Dream and got Blue's number! I have a right to be angry! I'm not jealous!"Dust denies
"It'S jUSt a pHonE nUmbEr. It's nOt lIke Y0u dOn't hAve iT."I say
Dust was silent.
"WaIt, aRe y0u sEriOUS? Y0u Don'T? DudE, eVEn I wAs aBlE t0 gEt iT WIth mY bAD sOciAL sKiLLs! CoME On dUDE!"I say, chuckling
"Shut up. At least I know how to visit. I'll get it, just you wait. Besides, Blue is our friend. My friend. I have a right to be protective of him! You do the same."Dust says stubbornly
"Ya, bUt nOt aT tHe sImPlEst oF tHinGS lIke yOu diD. WaIt! YoU tOLD InK aBoUT thE pUpPeT thIng! So, YOu dOn't hAve DiRt oN mE aNYmoRe! MeANiNG I cAn tElL BluE yOu-knOw-wHAt!"I tell him.
"Error, don't you dare."Dust growls
"Ink! Don't!"Blue yelled.
Ink ran over and sat beside us. He looks at me and winks. I got an idea of his plans. I smile but felt my face light up.
"Hey, Dust. Di-"Ink begins
"Ink, no!"Blue snaps, running over
"What? I can't fix their injuries? Sorry."Ink says with a sly smirk, coming closer and carefully bandaging my arms
"Oh, I thought you were going to do something else. You take care of Error, I'll help Dust."Blue says, going to Dust and healing his wounds.
Ink kept trying to bandage me up while I used my scarf to hide the torn spot of my clothes, as well as part of my face.
"Go0D EXuse."I say
"Thanks. I was thinking since Blue and Dust set us up as well as shared your secrets, there should be some payback."Ink whispers
"WhAt dId BlUe teLl yOu?"I ask in a light panic.
I knew Dust shared a secret but what did Blue say?
"Blue finally told me what that yellow glow on your face that you keep trying to hide is!"Ink replies
"I...I duNno wHat y0u'rE tAlkInG aBoUT.....WhAt dId He CaLL it?"I say, looking away as I feel my face light up
Blue's so dead!
"It's your sign of blushing, like my rainbow. You're doing it right now, Glitchy!"Ink cheers with a teasing grin
"ShuDDUp, rAINbOw SH0rtIe."I say stubbornly
I then felt a kiss on the cheek. I crashed almost immediately and soon rebooted. Once done, I look at Ink.
"WuT wAs THAt aBoUt, InKy?"I ask
His face was a rainbow.
"I read the post-it on the puppet silly!"Ink says, lifting the puppet with the note
I could see Blue and Dust giving sly looks. I remember and feel my face get warmer.
"I diDn'T pUt aNy nOtE on ThAt pUpPeT. I dOn't eVeN hAve pOsT-iTs."I lie
"So...someone pranked me and made me think it was from you, signing it and everything. Definitely not Cross, it's not his writing style.....But that means I was led to believe....And I....Oh my stars! I'm sorry Error!"Ink exclaims, his face a rainbow.
"I-It'S fIne..."I say
Ink finished bandaging the last injury, which was on my arm, then ran to his room. I look at Blue and Dust, to see them shocked. I shake my head. It's as if they wanted me to be like Dream or someone more confident and extroverted and confess everything to him. Blue then sighs and spoke.
"Error, we both know that's a lie. What changed? What don't you like in Ink?"Blue asks
"I'd lIkE t0 hAve PrIvACy. Y0u dOn't knOw hOw I fEeL. I dUnNo, WhY dOn'T y0u mInD yOuR oWn bIz aNd kIsS DuST aLrEAdY?"I state
I guess my lie fooled more than just Ink. I open a portal as Dust went to grab me, full of anger and shock. I dodge his advance and go into the portal.
"CyA!"I say, then shut it on them
I was back in the anti-void. What was I gonna do? I lied and telling the truth now will be tough. So, what do I do? For now, I just crochet up a new set of clothes.
It felt like some time passed. I put on the new outfit on. I am filled with joy and feel proud of myself. It was a mix of my original and the second one. But then I hesitantly put the scarf on, reminding me of Ink. I sigh. Maybe I should go talk to Ink. I shake my head
(made it myself....I'll add error signs later)
I shake my head, thinking he needs space. I've stayed too long at his place. I can last some time without being with him. I sit and put my hands out to summon strings or a portal to watch UnderNovela. For a split second, I saw Ink's head between my hands. His adorable face with his rainbow blush...How'd he get here? I blink and he's gone. What was that? Was he here? Am I seeing things? Huh? Why? Gotta make sure that was just my imagination.
I open a portal to Ink's place and an arm reaches in, but I dodge it. In came Blue. He had a worried expression on.
"HeY, BlUe, wHat'S Up?"I ask
"It's been three weeks, Error. I haven't seen or heard from Ink. His door to his room is locked. I'm getting worried. Have you heard from him? Can you help? Dream's tried and has gotten nowhere. Dust can't even get the door open."Blue explains
Shoot! My lie could've caused so much trouble! Oh why am I so bad at socializing? Why did I care that Blue and Dust were there? Why'd I lie? Dang it!
I run through the portal and knock on the door to Ink's room. There was no answer. I knock again. Nothing. I kick the door. It doesn't budge. I try to teleport or get in but fail. Then, I come up with an idea. I tie a string to the knob and yank. The door flew open. I was really grossed out by the sight.
Fresh had Ink tied up, holding him close and kissing his cheek. His sunglasses were saying OH YA. Ink's brush and vials were in the corner of the room. Ink looked very displeased and uncomfortable, but also tired. Tape was over his mouth to keep him from calling for help. My crush was trapped with this glitch! Anger fumed within me, but I could hear Blue coming.
"Error! What did you do? What's going on?"Blue says, running over with Dream
"WhAt I HaD to. I'lL hAnDle iT."I say, retrieving the door with my strings
I walk inside, put the door on its hinges and slams it shut behind me. I look to Fresh and Ink. Ink's eyelights turned to stars and he began to try and pull out of Fresh's grip. Fresh's sunglasses went to OH NO but he didn't release Ink.
"Heya bro! I'm just hanging with Ink bruh! He's ma bud! We're having a nice time until to yo showed up."Fresh says
Ink shakes his head and struggles with the rope around him.
"It sEeMs YoUr 'bUd' tHiNkS oTHeRwiSE. Now reLEaSe hIm aNd LeAve bEfOre thInGs GeT uGlY. You fUNKinG piEcE of SHIp!"I growl, getting censored as usual by Fresh.
"Don't plan on it, unrad Error brah. Stop being jealous, very unrad."Fresh says
Fresh moved his hand and tightened his grip on Ink's arm. Ink's eyelights shrunk and he let out a muffled scream.
"I'm n0t JEaL0us! AnD yOu gET aWAy fR0m HiM!"I yell
I teleport close and kick Fresh away from Ink. I open a portal to FreshTale behind Fresh as he fell back. He disappears after I shut the portal. I smirk, glad he's gone. I hold Ink close and break him free of the rope. He tears the tape off his mouth and I find his arm had a big wound from Fresh because of the action he did. I frown and quickly bandage it. He hugs me, crying but having a shaky smile. He gripped me tight like he was scared of letting go. I wrap my arm around him protectively, glaring around him in case Fresh tries to return or someone else does.
(not my image)
"T-T-T-T-Thanks...E-Error...I.....I owe you, G-G-Glitchy."Ink cries
I smile and calm down. I look down at Ink and softly place my other hand on the back of his head, rubbing it gently to calm him.
"Y0u doN't 0we mE. ThAt'S whAt fRiEnDs ArE f0r, wE hElP EaCh oThEr!"I assure him
He looks at me, his eye lights a star and heart, big and shining. He then smiles and nuzzles his skull on my chest. I use blue magic to bring my scarf which had fallen off, Ink's brush and vials over. I wrap my scarf on myself again and make his vials rest on him. His brush was placed beside us. He just looked so sweet and cute as the rainbow blush spread across his face. I sigh with a smile, feeling my face grow warm.
"HeY, InK, cAn I tElL y0u a sEcReT?"I ask
"S-Sure..."Ink replies, looking up at me
"I-!"I begin, being interupted by a knock at the door
"Hey! Ink! Error! You both okay in there?"Dream's voice shouts
"...I'lL teLl y0u lAteR."I whisper
"Ok...Yes, Dream! I'm fine!"Ink says
"What about Error? I heard him get censored!"Dream says
"You care for him? Last time I checked, you wanted him gone!"Ink says, giving me a look that said he didn't believe Dream
"Ya. He's your friend and I'm now convinced I can trust him. Besides, that means one less problem."Dream says
"It's 'bout time you stop being so stubborn!"Dust could be heard saying
"Dust on the other hand..."Dream says, followed by running footsteps.
"I'm fInE."I say
"Good, now I'll be on my way. Dust, don't burn Blue's tacos!"Dream says and could be heard leaving
I open the door and walk out, Ink hesitantly following. Blue smiles and hugs Ink. Everyone began to talk and I just stood there. I think and wonder. What should I even do?
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