"Thank you... for filling the emptiness in my soul." - Error x Poor!Fresh
Requested By: TrashedReality
Fresh sighed as he finished packing the last of his things, looking at all of the bags that he had, which wasn't much. He had about two bags. One bag was full of his clothes and the other was filled with some other items, like a toothbrush, toothpaste and what not.
His family was very poor and his parents were never able to get great jobs so they didn't have much. They lived in a small, old trailer that they could barley afford along with some other things. Fresh, of course, got a job of his own and helped with pay for things but they still didn't make a lot of money. Even though he helped with money, he felt like he was being a burden to them. His parents would have more money if he wasn't there so he would move out.
On normal circumstances, Fresh wouldn't be able to move out. He didn't have nearly enough money to live in an apartment or anything but this wasn't a normal circumstance. He had been talking to someone online for about two years. He didn't have internet on his phone so he always connected to some nearby free WiFi network. It was a sketchy network, but he would take the risk of using it if it meant he could keep talking to his online friend.
His online friend's name was Error. Fresh didn't have any friends and even though he had his parents he was often lonely so one day he decided to download a random chat app so he could meet people and talk to them. It was really a gay dating app, but he didn't care if he could get a friend out of it. Plus, he was gay so one friendship might lead to something else given time.
Out of all of the people Fresh talked to, Error was the one that really stuck with him. He was suspicious at first because he knew it was possibly to get cat fished by someone random or some creepy old man so he was careful with what he said to Error.
Once they had gotten to talking around for a year, Error had asked if Fresh could send a picture of himself, right now. Fresh didn't necessarily say no but he made Error send him a couple of pictures first to make sure Error was actually the person in his profile picture. Fresh searched up all of the pictures that Error had sent him on google and they seemed legit so he sent Error a few pictures of himself in return.
A few weeks later, the app got an update and a video call feature was added. The two had texted back and forth about video calling the first day the feature was added but they were both hesitant even though they had sent pictures back and forth multiple times. There was always that small chance that the person in the picture was the Error's brother or something and he was letting him use his pictures. After talking about it for a couple of days, they finally got on a call together. They were both relieved to see the person they expected and not someone else.
As they continued to chat, they opened up to each other more now that they were positive they were actually talking to who they thought they were. Error had leaned about Fresh's situation quickly and told him he could come and live with him if he wanted to.
Fresh was hesitant to accept. He would be happy to live with Error and be with him all the time. He couldn't say that he didn't develop feelings for Error during the two years they had been talking, but he didn't want to be a burden. He declined Error's offer for that reason, telling him why so he wouldn't ask why after.
Error came up with a solution and told Fresh that he could help him pay the mortgage each month and do some work around the house in exchange for staying with him. That way Fresh could be helping him out and not feel like he was being a burden. Fresh thought over his decision and then accepted after considering what Error had told him.
So here he was, grabbing his bags and shuffling into a very old car that somehow still worked to make a twelve hour drive to where Error lived. Fresh had started to save up money for gas during the trip since he knew he would need it. He felt bad because he knew his parents could use the money, but he kept saving anyway. He would be using it for something good.
Fresh had already said goodbye to his parents alone he bags were completely packed. He buckled up and took one last look at the old trailer that he had spent the majority for his life growing up in before he started up the car and began the tedious, twelve hour drive to meet his online friend.
Fresh had finally finished his twelve hour drive. He had left at five pm yesterday so now it was eight in the morning. He decided not to take any stops or breaks on the way unless he needed to use the bathroom so he would be able to meet Error in person. What could he say, he was excited. He stopped the car and grabbed his two bags, sliding out of the car and locking it after he shut the door.
Fresh looked at Error's nice, two story house for a good moment. He felt bad that he would be living here and his partners would still be stuck in the trailer....
He shook the thoughts from his head and slapped himself twice. He would call his parents and check on his them every day.
After that, he walked up to the door and pulled out his phone to text Error what he was here, pausing when he saw he had no network connection. He didn't have any WiFi to connect to. He sighed and slipped his phone back in his pocket. He knocked on the doorbell and rang it once. He hoped Error was awake. He would feel bad if he was sleeping and he was woken up by his knocks and the doorbell being run.
Fresh waited for the door to open and stood there anxiously, looking down at his hands and fiddling with the straps of his bags to distract himself for the time being.
About a minute passed, before Fresh heard the door unlocking and it swung open a moment later. "FReSh?"
Fresh snapped his gaze up to the figure in the doorway when he heard his name. He smiled shyly at Error and gave a tiny wave to him. "Y-Yeah that's me... Hi Error..." He murmured.
Error grinned and pulled Fresh into a tight hug. "YoU'Re hErE! hoW waS yOuR TrIP?" He asked, squeezing the smaller.
Fresh squeaked when he pulled into the hug, his cheeks flushing a dark purple/magenta color in surprise and embarrassment. He slowly hugged Error back, wrapping his arms back around the taller. He rested his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes. He was really tired and needed some sleep and Error was so warm. It made him even more tired. "My trip was fine. There wasn't much traffic or anything... I'm tried, though..." He murmured out softly, trailing off at the end as he started to fall asleep, his bags slipping from his hands.
The taller nodded in response and grabbed Fresh's bags when he saw them about to leave his hands and hit the floor. "LeT's GeT yoU sOme SleeP theN."
Fresh just gave a small nod in response, snuggling into the crook of Error's neck.
Error chuckled to himself and scooped Fresh up bridal style, bringing him inside completely. He set Fresh's bags down in the living room then carried the smaller upstairs to his room, setting him down in his bed gently. He would let Fresh sleep in his room for now since he didn't have the other bed for Fresh to sleep in moved into his room yet.
He went to go move the bed into his room when he felt his shirt being tugged on as he tired to leave. He glanced down at Fresh who had a tight grip on his shirt.
The smaller whined sleepily and tugged at Error's shirt a couple more times, not completely aware of his actions. He was normally like this when he didn't get enough sleep even if he had only made a twelve hour drive and lost a few hours of sleep
Error chuckled and laid down in the bed with Fresh. "OkAy, oKaY, I'll stay," He murmured to the other and pulled him into a hug, stroking his skull gently, a gentle blush on his cheekbones. He thought Fresh looked adorable.
Fresh nuzzled into Error's chest and buried his face in the crook of his neck, hugging him loosely. He pressed into the touch slightly as his skull was stroked and drifted off into a peaceful sleep a couple of moments later.
Fresh finally started to wake up around two in the after noon. He let out a small yawn and blinked his eyes open slowly.
Error looked down at Fresh. He had decided to stay with him the whole time he was asleep and even took a little nap himself. "hoW diD yOu sLeep?"
The smaller snapped his his gaze up to Error, and jolted, a dark blush spreading across his cheekbones. "I-I, u-uh, why am I in your bed..? I-I was right outside of your h-house last time I r-remember," He stuttered our, flustered. Of course, he knew he didn't do anything with Error, but the thought made his soul beat rapidly.
Error laughed and sat himself up. "yoU hAd jUst AboUt fALlEn AsLEeP oN mE aT tHe DooRwAy sO I bRoughT yOu tO my Room. I diDn'T hAve yOur bEd SeT uP iN mY rOom yEt. I wAs GoiNg tO leAve yOu tO reSt, bUt yOu Just wOuldn'T leT gO oF mE."
Fresh looked down at his hands and fiddled with his fingers, nodding slightly. "O-Oh.. I-I'm sorry.. I-I didn't mean to cause trouble for you.. and be a burden.." He murmured out softly.
Error sighed softly and shook his head. He tipped Fresh's face up by his chin, making the smaller look at him. He knew that Fresh had a couple of problems and always felt like he was causing trouble and being a burden to other people. "iT wAs nO pRoblEm aT All. wE cAn gO ahEad anD mOVE yOur BEd In hERe tOgEtHer. ThAt way You Can pAy mE bacK. SoUnd fAir?" He asked.
Fresh smiled slightly and nodded. "Y-Yeah. Sounds good." He pulled away from Error and slipped off of the bed, standing up and walking to the door.
Error followed after Fresh and led him to another room which had his bed in it. Fresh helped Error lift his bed and move it to his room. He didn't know why Error didn't just let him sleep in the guest room since his bed was already there, but he wasn't going to question it. He had no complaints about sleeping in the same room as Error whatsoever.
Error nodded once the bed was done being moved. "iT lOokS nIce. THanKs foR heLping."
Fresh smiled and gave a small nod in reply. "What do we do now?" He asked, glancing at the other.
The taller went downstairs and came back up with Fresh's bags. He opened them and dumped the items out on Fresh's bed. "I Was goIng tO lET yOu pUt yOur thIngS uP bUt yOu dOn't haVe muCh sTuFf. I wAnT tO gEt yOu sOme NicE clOthes, gEt yOu inTerNet fOr yOur PhoNe sO yOu dOn'T hAvE tO usE wiFI aLl Of the TimE, and gEt yOu sOme mOre itEms thaT yOu nEeD in gEneRal."
Fresh shook his head immediately and put his hands up. "W-What? No, no, no, I can't let you do that. I'm fine with what I have. I'll save up the money eventually and get what I need," He told Error, smiling slightly. "You don't need to spend your money on me. Spend it on something more important!"
"yoU ArE iMportAnt, FreSh." He pulled Fresh up off of the bed and looked down at him. "I kNoW yOu hAvE pRobLeMs wiTh ThiS bUT lET Me dO tHis fOr yoU. wE cAn FiNd a WaY fOr tO pAy mE bAck sO yOu dOn't FeeL bad laTer, OkaY?"
Fresh looked down at the ground and chewed on the inside of his cheek, fiddling with his fingers. "I.. uh.." He trailed off for a moment as he though, extremely hesitant. He didn't want Error to spend so much money on him, but it would be okay if he found a good way to pay him back for his kindness. "Okay... Let's go."
Error grinned and took Fresh's hand, after they had both gotten their shoes on. He grabbed his keys and took the smaller into the garage where he had own his car, which was much better than the old car that Fresh had. He unlocked the door and slipped into the driver's seat. "LEt's gO."
Error and Fresh had been out shopping for a good three hours before Error finally decided that they had gotten enough things for the day. He drove them home and Fresh helped him carry the bags inside. Fresh put all of the clothes they had gotten in the washing machine and turned it on while Error our everything else up.
Error sat down in a seat once they were done with putting items up, throwing away all of the bags that were left behind. "It'S paSt fIve ThiRty. I'Ll stArt mAking DinNer."
Fresh shook his head and quickly sat Error back down when he saw the other starting to get up. "No, no, no! I'll make dinner! It's the least I can do! You go rest until then, okay?"
Error gave a small nod in response. "AlRight. ThAnk You." He replied, flashing a small smile before he went upstairs to his room.
Fresh waved Error off and then quickly got to cooking. He wasn't a master chef or anything but he wasn't horrible at cooking. He was decent. He shuffled though the cabinets and fridge to see what items Error had before he decided on making some curry. He figured Error would enjoy that.
Fresh had finally finished cooking the curry. He made sure it was spicy since Error likes spicy things. He found that out form when they had been talking online. He set the two bowls of curry down on the table and then ran upstairs to get Error.
Luckily, Error wasn't sleeping or really doing much at all. If Error was sleeping or doing something important he would feel bad about bothering him even if it was to tell him the food was done. "Error! I finished cooking!" He chirped.
Error glanced over at Fresh and slid off of the bed, sticking up and shoving his hands in his pockets. "WhAt dId yOu mAKe?" He questioned, raising a non-existent brow.
"You'll see when we get downstairs!" The smaller responded, taking Error's hand and leading him downstairs to the table.
"cuRrY. SWeeT." Error grinned sitting down at the table as he started to dig into the bowl of curry. "sPicY. juSt hOw I lIkE iT."
Fresh smiled and sat down across from Error, eating his own bowl of non-spicy curry. He had made two separate batches. One spicy for Error and one non-spicy for himself.
Once the two finished up their food, Fresh took their plates and rinsed them quickly before he put them in the dishwasher.
Fresh yawned and rubbed at his eyes. He looked out of the window for a moment before he glanced at Error. "It's getting late. We should head to bed."
Error nodded in response and then went upstairs, Fresh following right after him once he turned the light in the kitchen and dining room off.
Error flopped onto his bed and Fresh did the same, laying on his own bed. He shifted under his covers. He glanced over at Error. "Good night, Error," He murmured out to the other softly.
"GOodNighT, FrEsh," Error replied.
A smile crept its way into Fresh's face at hearing the reply and he shut his eyes, quickly drifting off to sleep.
Fresh had been living with Error for about three weeks now. He was currently curled up on his bed, under his covers, crying into his pillow.
Everything had been just fine for the first week he was living with Error. They hung out a lot and had fun but when the second week rolled around Error got super busy with work. He barely had time to spend time with Error because of how busy he was. He normally slept on the weekends and didn't do much because he was overworked.
Fresh wasn't mad at Error or anything for not spending as much time with him as before. He knew that life wasn't all fun and games. That wasn't why he was crying. He was crying because he felt bad. Even though he cleaned, cooked, and was helping with buying things he couldn't do as much as he would have liked to. Error had a full time job and Fresh still had only been able to get a part-time job. He was mad at himself for not being able to get a full-time job as well so he could help out more.
He was also really homesick. It was most likely because he had never been away from home before. He had been able to call his parents every day but that wasn't enough. He missed his parents in general but he couldn't make that twelve hour drive back home just yet to go visit.
Not to say that he didn't like living with Error. He did like living with Error, he did. He really did but he just missed home.
Even though Fresh had been living with Error for a while, he did feel lonely. He knew it was partly because he didn't get to see Error as much, but it was also because he just wanted someone to love. He had always felt just a bit empty inside and that emptiness needed to be filled with love. Of course, he wanted to tell Error that he loved him, but he wouldn't dare bother him with his feelings when he was busy with work.
Overall, Fresh felt like he was being a giant burden to Error, he was incredibly home sick and lonely. He knew it was a stupid thing to cry about, but then again, he had always been a crybaby.
Error unlocked the door to his house and tried inside with a sigh. He wasn't supposed to get off of work for a few hours, but he got someone to finish his work for him which meant he could come home earlier than normal. It was also Friday and on Monday things would calm down at work again so he wouldn't be so busy. Then he could spend a lot more time with Fresh, like he wanted to.
He rubbed to himself and set his bags down back to the door, walking up the stairs to go and tell Error the good news. He paused when he heard crying from outside of the door.
Error pushed open the door silently and walked over to Fresh's bed, pulling the covers off of the smaller and glancing down at him.
Fresh jumped when he felt the covers pulled off of him and looked up at Error, quickly wiping his tears away. "A-Ah, E-Error! You.. Y-You weren't supposed to be home for another couple of hours! D-Did you forget something...?" He asked, smiling at wiping at the last of his tears. He knew he had turned his phone off while it was charging. Error might have tried to call or text him for something.
Error sighed and sat down on the bed beside Fresh, pulling the smaller into a hug. He knew Fresh had a tendency to bottle things up and keep things to himself. "WhAt's wrOnG?" He asked softly, rubbing Fresh's back.
Fresh buried his face in the crook of Error's neck and stayed silent for a good moment before he started to cry again. "I-I just feel like I'm b-being a burden to you... I-I'm homesick... a-and I feel e-empty, you know..?" He asked, sniffling.
Error cupped Fresh's cheeks and thumbed his tears away, even though new ones replaced the ones he wiped away. "fReSH yoU'Re nOt a BurdeN. yoU neVER weRE anD neVer wIll Be."
He cut Fresh off.. "nO bUtS. YoU're NoT a buRden. I'Ll TelL yoU tHat EvEryDaY iF yOu nEeD mE Too. aBoUt yOur HoMesiCknEss, wE cAn TaKe A TrIP dOwn TheRe NeXt wEekEnd."
"But won't you be tired from work..?" Fresh asked softly, his tears finally stopping.
Error placed a finger on Fresh's teeth. "sHh, wE cAn tAlk aBouT tHat In a SecoNd..." He trailed off there for a moment and pulled Fresh into a kiss. It was a quick kiss and it didn't last long, Fresh didn't even really have time to react.
He stared up at Error, his cheeks flushed a deep pink/magenta color. "Wh- Y-You-" He stuttered, not really getting out any words.
Error grinned. "WoRk is finalLY cAlmIng dOwn sO wE cAN mAkE The DriVe. PlUs, yOu'Re gOInG tO hAvE tO inTrodUCe yOur nEw bOyFrieNd tO yOu pArEntS."
Fresh didn't say anything yet, too flustered to make proper words, let alone sentence. He looked up at Error and kissed him again, since he felt like the last kiss wasn't nearly as long as it should have been. He shut his eyes and wrapped his arms around Error's neck.
Error wrapped his arms around Fresh's waist in return, pulling the smaller so close they could feel each other's souls thumping in their chests. He ran his tongue across Fresh's teeth, pushing his tongue inside of the other's mouth once it opened.
He intertwined his tongue with Fresh's tongue, their tongues playing with each other in a way. Fresh pulled away from Error after a few minutes, needing air.
Fresh panted heavily and laid back on the bed, pulling Error down with him. He nuzzled into Error. He felt like his soul was swelling in his chest and that it was going to burst from happiness.
Error kissed Fresh on the cheek and smiled at him. He rested his head on his skull, shutting his eyes. He needed a nap. "I lOvE yOu, frEsH," He murmured out as he started to drift off to sleep.
Fresh smiled back at Error. "I love you too, Error and... Thank you... for filling the emptiness in my soul." He murmured back as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep with Error.
Words - 3870
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