"I wuV yOu!" - Kinder!Error x Kinder!Fresh
Requested by: LogiBoi
-Drop Off/Play Time-
CQ hummed and walked into PaperJam's Daycare with Error. He said a 'Hello' to PaperJam and then kissed Error on the head. "Now you be a good boy, alright?"
Error nodded. "oKaY!" He waved at CQ as she left the daycare. He kept waving at her until she was completely out of sight before he turned and looked around the daycare for Fresh. He smiled when he saw Fresh and ran up to him. "frEsHy!"
Fresh, who had been playing with blocks when Error cake up to him, snapped his gaze up to Error. "Ruru!" He pushed the blocks aside and stood up, hugging the slightly smaller skeleton.
Error hugged Fresh back. "I kNow WhAt wE cAn PlAy toDay! iS InkY HerE?" He asked, looking at Fresh.
"Yes! He's over there!" Fresh pointed over at Ink who was playing with Blue and Dream at the moment.
Error nodded. He took Fresh's hand and ran over to Ink. "InKY! mE AnD FrEshY are gOinG tu PlaY a GAme! dO yoI wAnnA pWaY wIth Us?"
Ink nodded. "Sure! I just finished playing with Dream and Blue! What game are we gunna pway anyway?"
Error put his hands up in the air. "sAvE dA PrinCeSs! I CaLl tHe PriNCeSs!"
"I wanna be da monster!" Ink shouted, bouncing.
Fresh nodded. "I'll be tha knight then!"
Error took both Ink and Fresh to the blocks. "We have to build da castle and everything!"
Ink and Fresh nodded. They grabbed a handful of blocks and started to build. Ink started to build the castle and Fresh started to build to cage that Error would be kept in.
Error went over and tugged on PaperJam's sleeve. PaperJam looked down at Error. "What is it, Error?"
"cAn yOu HeLp Us BuIld OuR CasTlE?" Error asked, pointing over to Ink and Fresh.
PaperJam nodded. "Of course." He walked over and grabbed a few blocks, helping Ink and Error build the castle. Fresh also helped once he finished building the cage.
After a little bit of time, they finally finished building. Error stood up. "noW We CAn PwaY! pLAcES EvErYoNe!" Error shouted like he was the director of a play.
Fresh grabbed a foam play sword and then went and sat behind a little stack of blocks. Ink stood inside of the castle in front of Error's castle. Error grabbed a wig and stuck it on his head before he went inside of his cage and sat down.
He waited a good moment before he went ahead and started to game. He cleared his voice and then shouted, "HeLP! sOmEONe hELp mE! i'vE bEeN cApTuReD!" in a girly voice.
Fresh looked around. "What was dat?" He peaked his head around the little pile of blocks and looked at the castle. "It came from in there!" He came from behind the blocks and then ran inside of the castle.
Ink out his hands up in the air and bent them slightly, pretending like they were monster claws. "Stop! You can't take da princess! She is mine!" Ink shouted before he pounced at Fresh. He started to bat at his face as a way of fighting.
Fresh bonked Ink on the head with his foam sword and he fell to the ground dramatically. Ink laid on the floor limp and stuck his tongue out of his mouth. "Bleh, I'm dead."
Fresh set his sword down on the ground and then went over to Error's block cage and knocked all of the blocks over. "I've come to rescue princess!"
Error giggled and kicked the blocks aside. He nuzzled Fresh's cheek and latched onto his arm. "mY HerO!"
-Lunch Time-
Error sat down on a little stool beside Fresh and placed his chocolate themed lunch box on the table. He looked at Fresh. "wHaT dO yOu hAvE fOr LunCh?"
Fresh opened his rainbow-colored lunch box down and looked inside. "I have a ham sandwich, orange juice, and apple slices!"
Error looked inside of his lunch box. "I HavE a pEAnUt bUttEr AnD jELly SaNdwich, aPpLe JuiCe, aNd TwO oRaNgEs!" Error leaned on Fresh. "cAn wE tRaDe SaNdwICheS?"
Fresh nodded. "Sure! I like peanut better and jelly more anyway!" Fresh handed Error his sandwich and Error gave Fresh his sandwich in return. The two of them ate lunch together, throwing away their trash when they were done.
Once everyone was done eating, PaperJam brought out a cooler and set it down. "Since everyone was well behaved next week and no one had to get sent to the corner I've brought you all ice cream!" PaperJam said, opening the cooler. "There's only enough for everyone to get one so don't try to take more than one."
All of the kids let out a 'Yay!' and then rushed up to the cooler, grabbing an ice cream cone. Error grabbed a chocolate ice cream cone and Fresh grabbed an ice cream cone that had both chocolate and vanilla.
They sat back down on their little stools once they got their ice cream. Error was struggling to get the wrapper from around his ice cream. He huffed and kept tugging at it.
Fresh, who had already gotten his ice cream out of the wrapper, looked at Error. "Do you need help, Ruru?"
Error shook his head. "nU! I CaN dO iT MySeLf!" Error tugged at the wrapper as hard as he could and the wrapped burst open down the side. Error's ice cream slid out from the side and then fell onto the floor. Error stared down at his ice cream. He sniffled and started to tear up.
Fresh slipped his ice cream back into his wrapper then set it down on the table. He cupped Error's cheeks and wiped at his the small tears in the corner of his eyes. "No, no, don't cry! It's okay! We can share my ice cream, Ruru!" Fresh picked up his ice cream. "You like chocolate more than vanilla so you can have the chocolate side!" Fresh turned his ice cream so the chocolate side was facing Error. Error sniffled and took a lick or the ice cream.
Fresh smiled. "See? It's okay! Now you have ice cream again!"
Error nodded. "thAnk yOu, FreSHy!" He leaned on Fresh and smiled as they shared the ice cream together.
-Nap Time-
All of the kids gathered around in the main area of the daycare. They all had their blankets and pillows with them for nap time.
Error sat down next to Fresh and hugged him, nuzzling into his side.
PaperJam sat down in a chair in front of all of them. He grabbed the book 'Sleepy Skeletons' and started to read the book to all of the kids. He picked that book since it got the kids to fall asleep the easiest. "Three little skeletons loved to play they had fun in the sun all day." He put his fingers in the little skeleton puppets and moved them around then continued to the next page.
Error yawned and his eyes closed but he snapped them back open a moment later. He never managed to stay awake to hear the end of any of the stories PaperJam read to them so this time he was determined to stay awake.
Fresh looked down at Error and laughed. "If you're tired why don't you just sleep?"
Error shook his head. "NuUu... I WAnnA StAy AWAke UntIl-" Error cut himself off with a yawn before he continued to talk. "-tHe EnD oF tHe StoRy! I CaN dO iT tHis TiMe...!" Error told him.
Fresh wrapped his arms around Error and rubbed his back as PaperJam continued to read the story. "If you say so."
Error yawned again and his eyes started to droop closed again. "mMm... WaRm..." He muttered, nuzzling into Fresh more. He only managed to stay awake for one more page before his eyes closed one more time and he fell asleep.
Fresh rubbed Error's skull and stayed awake until the end of the book. He yawned and laid down on his back after that. He pulled the covers over Error and himself. He nuzzled Error and held him close before he went to sleep with him.
-Play Time (Again)-
Ink ran up to Fresh and Error who were tossing a ball back and forth to each other. "Error! Fresh! I'm about to play tag with Dream and Blue! Do you guys wanna play with us?"
Error nodded. "yeS! LEt'S PlAy! fResHy, lETs PlaY!"
Fresh nodded. "Okay!"
Error took Fresh's hand and ran over to Blue and Dream. Ink followed them and then looked at everyone. "Okay whoever says 'Not it' last has to be the first tagger. "One... Two... Three... Not it!" Ink shouted.
Fresh, Error, Dream, and then Blue shouted 'Not it'. Ink pointed at Blue. "You're it! You're if!"
"Awh... Fine! You have a thirty second head start!" Blue huffed, starting to count. After the thirty seconds he ran around and ended up tagging Dream. "No tag backs!"
Dream giggled and then ran after Error. Error ran away from Dream. "nuUuUuUu!" He ended up getting tagged a moment later since Dream was faster than him. he tried to tag Dream back but Dream quickly ran away.
Error puffed out his cheeks and then started to run after Fresh. "frEsHYyY! lET mE tAg yOuUu!"
Fresh shook his head as he ran. "No way!" He laughed and kept running.
Error giggled as he started to catch up to Fresh. "i'M gOnnA GeT yOuUU! I'm GonnA-" Error cut himself off with a Geno as he tripped over a book and fell flat on his face.
Fresh turned on his heels and ran over to Error. "Ruru, are you okay?"
Error sat himself up and sniffled before he burst out crying. He had a small bruise forming on his left cheek from landing on his face and he was bleeding just a little bit.
Fresh wiped the blood off of Error's face with the back of his hand. He pulled a Hello Kitty bandaids out of his pocket and then stuck it on the bruise on Error's left cheek. After that he kissed all around Error's face and wiped his tears. "It's okay, Ruru! There's no need to cry!" He said, kissing at Error's face again to cheer him up.
Error slowly stopped crying and giggled at the kisses. He touched the bandaid and hugged Fresh, nuzzling him happily.
Fresh hugged Error back and nuzzled him in return. "Are you okay now?"
Error nodded and then stood up. He kicked the block he tripped over aside and then pulled Fresh up. "yES! leT'S kEeP PlAyIng!" Error poked Fresh on the cheek. "taG! yoU'rE iT!" He giggled and then ran off.
Fresh ran after Error. "No fair! That's cheating!"
-Pick Up-
Error whined as he saw his mom come into the daycare. CQ looked at Error. "Are you ready to go, sweetie?"
Error shook his head and hugged Fresh. "nuUuU! I Dun WAnnA gOo!"
CQ laughed and walked over to Error and Fresh, bending down beside the two. "You're coming back tomorrow so you can see him then. On the weekends you two can even have a play date. How does that sound?"
Error puffed out his cheeks and stayed silent for a moment before he spoke. "MMmm... fIne!" Error turned to Fresh, nuzzling him. "i'Ve gOttA gO hOme nOw..."
Fresh nodded and rubbed Error's back. "I know but at least I'll see you tomorrow! Oh, before I forget!" Fresh pulled a handmade bead bracelet out of his pocket and put it on Error's wrist. The beads spelled out 'Error + Fresh 4ever'
Error looked at the bracelet and smile, giggling. "I LoVe It! thAnK yOu!"
Fresh nuzzled Error. "You're welcome! See you tomorrow!"
Error nodded and kissed Error on the cheek. "Bye-ByE! I wuV yOu!" He told him, aging as he started to walk off with his mom.
"I wuv you too!" Fresh shouted back to Error, waving at him until he was all the way out of sight. He missed Error already but he knew he would see him tomorrow and that meant he had a whole other day to spend with the one he loved.
Words - 2032
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