Sub! Assassin! Error x Dom! Mischief! Ink (ANGST)
Thank SpokenValiry for requesting and sorry this took so long. I was having issues in the mid-part and got busy doing other things.
Btw Thank you for the scenario. It's defined enough that I have a general idea of what to do, but it's also a wide enough scenario that I could have any number of fun plotlines.
I hope you enjoy this story.
Error studies the assignment, mostly ignoring his client.
Name: Ink Myebi Comyet
Age: 26 years
Gender: Male
Species: Skeleton
Bounty: $2,000,000,000
Error hums softly, finally looking at his client.
"Why hir3 4n 455455in? Wh4t did thi5 Ink ch4r4ct3r d0 t0 y0u?" (Why hire an assassin? What did this Ink character do to you?)
"If I tell you, you might not take the contract." Error whistles in appreciation, grinning.
"W311, n0w I'm int3r35t3d. But I w0n't t4k3 th3 c0ntr4ct un1355 I kn0w why 4nd wh4t I'm up 4g4in5t." (Well, now I'm interested. But I won't take the contract unless I know why and what I'm up against.)
"What? Don't assassins' have a code to not ask questions?"
"50m3. N0t m3. Y0u w4nt th3 b35t, th3 b35t d3m4nd5 inf0rm4ti0n 45 much 45 m0n3t4ry p4ym3nt." (Some. Not me. You want the best, the best demands information as much as monetary payment.) The client sighs softly.
"Fine. This man is responsible for several war crimes."
"Hmmm, intriguing but n0t quit3 p3r50n41 3n0ugh t0 w4rr4nt hiring 4n 455455in." (Hmmm, intriguing but not quite personal enough to warrant hiring an assassin.)
"You're right...and very intelligent."
"Y34p. N0w 5pi11." (Yeap. Now spill.)
Error leans against a chimney, looking toward his target's location, flipping a dagger, in the same way, a friend of his does, the gears turning slowly in his head.
"Hmmm...If h3'5 r3411y 45 f34r50m3 45 y0u 54y, I n33d t0 b3 c4r3fu1..." (Hmmm...if he's really as fearsome as you say, I need to be careful...) Error chuckles.
"4nd I'11 0n1y g3t 0n3 5h0t." (And I'll only get one shot.)
"Get one shot at what?" Error jolts, surprised.
When did someone sneak up on me?!
Error turns his whole body to face the voice, crouching into a battle position, the dagger instantly in his right hand. There Error comes face to face with the $2,000,000,000 bounty, Ink Myebi Comyet.
Ink releases a mischievous chuckle, smirking at Error.
"My name's Ink. What's yours?"
"3rr0r." (Error.)
"Error. It's a thrill to meet you. You're not from around here, so what are you doing here?"
"5ight533ing. Y0u?" (Sightseeing. You?)
I need to gain his trust. Otherwise, he'll attack and in a one-on-one, he could possibly overpower me. If I gain his trust, I can get a better shot.
"I live here."
"Mind 5h0wing m3 4r0und t0wn?" (Mind showing me around town?)
"Sure. Maybe you'll fall in love too."
"With the town." Error nods, watching Ink leap off the roof and do a triple spin before landing safely. Error rolls his eyes.
"5h0w0ff." (Showoff.) Error opts to grab a railing nearby and sliding all the way down, landing a few feet away from Ink.
"Come on! My house has the best view!" Ink grabs Error's wrist, dragging him along. Error flinches slightly, ignoring the pain to keep up. Eventually Ink stops and releases Error. Error rubs his wrist before looking at the building in front of him, his jaw dropping at the majesty of the place.
"W04h..." (Woah...) The house is a mansion, practically glowing with magic and love and care.
"Welcome to my humble abode!" Ink cheerfully states.
Over the course of a few months, Error got comfortable with Ink.
"Hey, Ruru. Wanna cuddle?" Error looks at Ink, cutting his phone off.
"5ur3." (Sure.) Error stands up, only a few inches shorter than the other.
"But I'm big 5p00n." (But I'm big spoon.) Ink only giggles in response.
"Sure, sure." The two enter the room with the biggest couch, getting the TV set up with some spanish show, Undernovella, Ink already laying on the couch ahead of time. Error walks over, getting into position, focusing on the TV. He only focuses on the world around him when he feels someone behind him and looks up to see Ink grinning.
"I figured we'd try something different." Ink hugs Error close, trapping him as the small spoon.
"H0w 4b0ut w3 d0n't?!" (How about we don't?!) Ink chuckles, leaning his mouth near Error's clavicle.
"Aw, don't tell me you're scared of being the small spoon, Ruru." Error flushes, trying to get out of Ink's hold, the slightly taller one just tucking a blanket around, keeping Error trapped with ease.
"Don't tell me you don't like this, Ruru, you clearly do." Error growls, but Ink just hums, resting his chin on Error's shoulder and focusing on the TV.
"Relax. We're just cuddling. And besides, it's not like anyone will know that you were a little spoon once." Error slowly calms down after Ink quieted down, watching the show to distract from Ink's body behind Error. It only half works. He's still very aware of Ink's presence behind him.
Error is humming softly as he cooks, remembering how he used to cook for his older and younger brother when he lived with them.
He's so focused on humming he doesn't notice someone until they walk up behind him and hug him close, jumpscaring him.
"Ruru! You hum? And Cook?! So cool!" Error just focuses on catching his breath before glaring at Ink.
"Y0u c0u1dn't h4v3 4nn0unc3d y0ur pr353nc3 B3F0R3 Y0U 5C4R3D M3?!" (You couldn't have announced your presence BEFORE YOU SCARED ME?!) Ink laughs, smirking slightly.
"But then I wouldn't have scared you. And the look on your face was honestly worth it~" Error glares, shoving Ink away and finishing up with little flare compared to before.
"Th3n y0u c4n c00k y0ur 0wn f00d." (Then you can cook your own food.)
"Ruru...don't be upset. Please. It's just fun to mess with you." Error huffs, turning away from Ink and taking his meal in.
"I'll just eat your meal and make you cook seconds for yourself." Error sends one final glare at Ink before teleporting onto the roof.
Error is laying in his bed, unable to sleep for the fifth time this week.
I have to kill Ink...
Error lifts his hands above his face, looking up at them.
But I don't want to...
Error groans, covering his face with his hands.
Why does this have to be so complicated?!
Error sighs softly, freezing as he hears his door opening.
Soft footsteps sound, and Error can see Ink sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at Error lovingly. Error makes sure to look asleep.
"Ruru..." Ink mumbles softly, caressing Error's face, before sighing softly, a smile on his face.
"Oh ruru." Ink's tone is slightly malicious sounding as he stands up.
"Oh my Ruru." He chuckles softly, heading back to the door, slowly closing it behind him, leaving one final message.
"Sweet dreams~"
Error pants softly as he runs through the smoke of the HQ, searching for his brothers.
"Error..." Error halts, finding Geno laying under rubble.
"G3n0! Wh3r3'5 Fr35h?!" (Geno! Where's Fresh?!)
"He's...back need to run..." Geno coughs, unable to catch his breath.
"Wh4t? N0, I n33d t0 h31p y0u." (What? No, I need to help you.)
"Ruru." Error freezes, chills going down his back.
Be anyone but him...
Error turns, looking into the colorful eyelights of Ink.
"Why...d0 thi5?" ( this?)
"Don't you see? It's fun. It's fun to listen to them scream. It was fun to play with your emotions too." Error's soul freezes.
He loves me...
"Quit thi5 5tupid 4ct, h31p m3 g3t my br0th3r 0ut!" (Quit this stupid act, help me get my brother out!)
"So this is your brother?" Error nods, Ink's footsteps sounding.
"" Error shakes his head.
"I w0n't 4b4nd0n y0u, G3ng3n." (I won't abandon you, Gengen.)
"You love each other a lot, don't you?" Error nods.
"Y34h, n0w h31p m-" (Yeah, now help m-) Error is cut off as Ink slowly stabs a bone through Geno's skull, watching the monster dust. Error's jaw falls open as Ink kneels beside Error, smirking.
"You really loved me, huh? I must thank you, you made this all so very easy." Error feels blue tears well up in his sockets, Ink wiping them away.
"It was fun making you love me and then shattering that love." Error's heart stiffens and twists and a black bone stabs Ink, Error standing up and stepping away.
"I 5h0u1d h4v3 4tt4ck3d y0u wh3n I h4d th3 ch4nc3!" (I should have attacked you when I had the chance!)
"You really should have." Ink tilts his head, smiling.
"Pity you loved me. You could have saved your brothers."
"Fr35h i5 4t h0m3! F4r 4w4y...fr0m...h3r3..." (Fresh is at home! Far Error trails off as one of Ink's lackeys' drag Fresh into the open area.
"B-bro..." Fresh mumbles, coughing softly. Ink smirks.
"Oh yes he is. Believe that." Error pales as Ink gets off the bone with no issue, summoning his own and dragging it along Fresh's cheek.
"Error, you choose. Should I torture your brother in front of you or kill him fast? Be quick with your choice, because I'll pick which I prefer anyways if you don't answer fast enough."
"F-fin3! Ki11 him f45t! P13453!" (F-fine! Kill him fast! Please!) Ink chuckles softly, pressing the tip and causing blood to run down Fresh's cheek.
"Hmmm..." Ink summons bones beneath Fresh, pinning them within the gaps between his bones.
"Torture it is then."
Error sits on top of Ink's slowly dusting body, crying as he remembers, remembers too much.
"Hey, found a survivor!" Error doesn't register people helping him up or leading him away. All he remembers is Fresh calling for him. Fresh begging for mercy. Ink's horrible laughter.
" okay? What happened?" Error looks at the person speaking, looking away after a moment.
"My br0th3r5 4r3 d34d. 3v3ry0n3 i5 d34d. I ki113d th3 0n3 r35p0n5ib13." (My brothers are dead. Everyone is dead. I killed the one responsible.) He states, numb to the world, barely hearing the reactions of the people.
"I 5h0u1d b3 d34d." (I should be dead.) Error mutters, not caring anymore. He failed his family. He trusted Ink.
What a horrible decision.
Error narrows his gaze at the crowd.
Nobody is trustworthy.
Error stands, summoning a sharp bone.
Kill them all.
Error doesn't remember what happened after that.
(1623 words)
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