ErrorMare (ANGST + FLOOF)
MiaCliona1 I hope I did justice to this as you wanted.
With that.
I'm just gonna make it FGOD because one, I love FGOD, and two, that makes it the easiest point to jump into the trauma = )
Enjoy the chapter.
Error stands in the destruction of the AU, quietly opening the coding for the AU, halting as he feels a portal open.
"Error! Why do you destroy?" Error looks, despite knowing who is talking already, and sees Ink. Error shrugs, mumbling again.
"Please, I want to know." Error looks at Ink, sighing, and closing the coding panel.
"I'v3 tri3d t0 t3ll y0u b3f0r3. Y0u didn't b3li3v3 m3 th3n. Why sh0uld I think y0u'll b3li3v3 m3 n0w?" Ink sighs.
"Because, what you say now will determine what I choose to do. So tell me again why you destroy."
"Simpl3 answ3r, th3 D3ity Fat3 f0rc3fully t00k m3 fr0m my AU and f0rc3d m3 t0 d3str0y s0 y0u'd n3v3r hav3 t0 w0rry ab0ut y0ur gam3." Ink winces, but Error doesn't notice, staring at a pile of dust with anger radiating off him.
"C0mplicat3d answ3r, th3 multiv3rs3 is lik3 an art b00k, and 3ach pag3 is an AU. Th3r3 is a limit3d am0unt 0f spac3 within th3 b00k, and 0nc3 y0u r3ach th3 3nd 0f th3 b00k, y0u hav3 t0 draw 0v3r y0ur 0th3r cr3ati0ns, which ruins b0th id3as. But f0r th3 multiv3rs3, y0u can't just add pag3s t0 th3 max, y0u can't just mak3 m0r3 r00m with0ut r3m0ving s0m3thing. And th3 AUs brutally crash int0 3ach 0th3r lik3 d0min03s. Highly d3structiv3 d0min03s." Error stands up.
"S0 I 3xist, a glitch in th3 c0d3, t0 r3m0v3 th3 unn3c3ssary AUs and c0pi3s, s0 y0u hav3 spac3 t0 play." Error coldly looks at Ink, who has steadily backed away from the tall destroyer.
"If th3 multiv3rs3 di3d, it'd b3 my fault f0r n0t k33ping up with y0u." Ink barfs ink, making Error cringe and hold his hand over his mouth as he turns green and holds back a barf.
"It wouldn't be your fault! It'd be mine for overcreating!" Error shakes his head.
"In Fat3's 3y3s, y0u can d0 n0 wr0ng, Inky. S0 it r3ally w0uld b3 my fault f0r n0t k33ping up with y0u." Error opens the code menu again.
"I'd r3c0mm3nd y0u dip 0ut 0f this AU." He switches one code letter, before closing the menu and opening a portal to an empty white expanse. Ink runs through Error's portal, accidentally body-slamming Error, the two tumbling to the ground as the portal closes behind them.
Ink pants softly, blinking when he hears a loud beep, and turns to see Error out cold and a bar above his head.
"Rebooting Error.EXE 1% complete?" Ink reads, before grinning.
"No way. Error is rebooting!" Ink laughs, grabbing the limp form of Error and opening a portal to the one place Error can't leave from. The Doodlesphere. Ink drags Error through, closing the portal to the white space, getting Error into a room, and laying the destroyer on a bed. Ink sits in a chair away from the bed, smiling at Error.
"I can't believe it took this long to get you to let your guard down. I always knew about the balance, but I want something only you can give me Error." Ink smiles.
"You don't know any of this of course."
Ink has been drawing Error for a while now, blinking when he hears a "DING" noise before hearing Error groan. Ink sets down the pad, watching as Error slowly sits up, looking around in confusion, before settling on Ink.
"I followed you through and must've accidentally triggered your reboot. I figured it was safest I bring you here so I could make sure you didn't die or anything."
"Fat3 w0uldn't l3t m3 di3, b3li3v3 m3, I kn0w." Ink frowns.
"What d0 y0u want?" Error is glaring at Ink, distrust shining in his eyelights.
"I want..." Ink releases a soft breath, looking at Error.
"A truce. I won't create, but you have to give me what I want."
"...What d0 y0u want?"
"You." Error jolts back, slamming into the headboard, Ink moving close to Error, pinning the destroyer to the headboard.
"You heard me, Error. I want you to be my boyfriend, and in exchange, I won't create, and hell, you can even remove the copies so I can focus on more original AUs or fixing up the AUs I already have." Error shakes, and Ink backs off, smiling as he heads for the exit of the room.
"Think on it. What do you really have to lose by doing this?" Ink leaves the room, and leaves Error alone with his thoughts.
Error isn't stupid, far from it. The way Ink was so calm and confident means that there is only one location Error could be at. The only location Error can not leave on his own means. The last time Error got stuck here by Ink, Nightmare was able to reach him, but Error doesn't doubt that Ink found a way to hide Error from Nightmare, and the other Bad Sanses don't have the power to portal. Error is most likely stuck here.
"Damn it. Stupid Squid. Why'd y0u hav3 t0 g0 and d0 this t0 m3? I was h0lding mys3lf t0g3th3r b3f0r3 y0u g0t inv0lv3d in my lif3." Error sighs, pacing around the room, feeling really energetic with no way to burn off the energy.
"Squid! I'v3 mad3 up my mind!" On cue, Ink walks into the room, smiling at Error.
"What's your choice?"
"I ch00s3..."
Nightmare growls for the fifth time today.
Error hasn't been active in the last week, and it's nearly impossible to find him. The only good thing is the copies all died and the stupid stain hasn't created more so Error has had a chance to rest.
But Error's unusual silence toward the gang has worried Nightmare, no matter what he says to the gang. It's obvious to anyone that Nightmare has always held a soft spot Error and that soft spot has turned into a deeper and more powerful feeling the longer Nightmare has known Error.
Nightmare growls, opening a portal to an AU, and blasting out a load of negativity, Dream and Ink arriving.
"Stain, the one I wanted to see. Where's Error?!"
"Why would I know?" Ink sends an innocent smile to the twins.
"Because!" Nightmare opens his phone, reading out the text from Error.
"Error would never send me this message. "Hi! Just wanted to let you know I hate your guts and never want to see you or the gang again! I have a wonderful boyfriend who has reminded me that I don't ever have to destroy again! Thanks and fuck you." So Stain, tell me what the fuck you've done with Error." Dream looks at Ink, clearly surprised. Ink tilts his head, the same innocent smile present as he suddenly lunges forward, splashing red paint and hitting the phone.
"There. Now you can just forget about Error. He won't be yours ever. He really hates you guys, since you all hurt him so much." Nightmare glares at Ink, who leaves for the DoodleSphere, leaving the twins alone.
(This flower is called Dicentra AKA Bleeding Heart. I found it appropriate given HanaHaki Disease)
"Bro-" Suddenly without warning, Nightmare begins coughing and hacking, interrupting Dream as he vomits up flowers and blood/bone marrow.. (Image above, of Dicentra AKA Bleeding Heart) Dream runs over to Nightmare, helping the goopy sibling to his feet.
"Nightmare!" Nightmare gets to his feet, glaring daggers at Dream and pushing the twin away.
"Leave me the fuck alone!"
" have Hanahaki disease..." Dream mumbles softly, Nightmare turning to look at Dream.
"What is that?" Dream sighs.
"Hanahaki disease is when one believes they have unrequited love, so they begin to cough up flower petals and eventually whole flowers. It can last from a month to a few years, but eventually it'll get fatal. The only ways to cure it are surgery or the person whom the hanahaki disease is because of." Nightmare freezes.
"Surgery...what does that do?"
"It removes the flowers, and also the love. Sometimes it can even remove the person's ability to ever love again." Nightmare begins pacing back and forth, his thinking face in full-force.
"Lose-Lose-Win. If I do surgery, I'll stop loving him and that's worse than death. But if I don't get surgery and don't get his love, I'll die anyways. And if I do manage to get his love, then that's the only win situation. But that's impossible. So it's a lose-lose situation."
"Who do you love? I might be able to help."
"You will stay out of my love life." Dream frowns, grabbing Nightmare's wrist.
"Night, if you die, I die, remember?"
"I'll remove that weird shit, okay?"
"...Night...I don't want to live in a world you aren't in." Nightmare pulls his wrist away from Dream.
"Too fucking bad. You didn't mind living in that kind of world before I became this." Dream winces, but looks to the ground, knowing Nightmare is right.
"I'll solve this on my own."
Killer and Cross look at each other then at Dust and Horror who are playing "Eat the Doll" as in, they made dolls of mashed potatoes and stuff and play hot potato until they are tired and eat the doll.
"Kills, Night hasn't left his room in a week."
"No duh, Cross. I have hate in my eyes, I'm not blind." Cross sighs softly.
"I's just...what can we do to help him? He won't answer us and won't leave."
"We need to get Error. Remember." Cross sighs.
"We haven't been able to find him though, and we can't exactly leave this place."
Nightmare sighs as he finishes the final touches, smiling.
"There, now Dream won't die." Nightmare looks at the stack of letters he has.
Blue, Killer, Cross, Dust, Horror, Ink, Dream and Error.
"Damn it. Don't chicken out this time." Nightmare stands up, teleporting to OuterTale.
"This is it. The Void. The place where a life will be torn apart for eternity." Nightmare steps closer to the edge, releasing his breath.
"If Error won't love me, and this hanahaki disease will take my life, I'll beat it to the punch. Besides. I should've expected this. Nobody wants to love a demon like me. I've always been hated by everyone, and the gang are like toddlers." Nightmare steels himself, going closer again.
"This is right. Don't be afraid."
"Walk with me. Walk without the stars." Nightmare steps off the edge, blinking when he stops falling, looking to see Dream gripping tightly onto one of Nightmare's tentacles as Blue uses blue magic to slowly lift Nightmare up from the fall. Once all are on stable ground, Dream and Blue relax for a moment, jumping as Nightmare begins coughing and hacking, folding in half as a large amount of blood and Dicentra comes up and onto the ground. Nightmare trembles, shaking and hugging himself as his goop begins to vanish off his bones.
"OH, OH NO! CALM DOWN NIGHTMARE!" Dream looks between then as Blue instantly offers comfort to Nightmare, who is slowly shifting back to the person he used to be. Dream begins to tear up as he is greeted with Night, the only thing missing is Night's crown.
"Oh...brot-" Dream catches Blue's gaze, the other Star giving only a slight shake to indicate he shouldn't continue.
" crown...?" Blue opens his inventory, pulling out the crown in question and placing it on Night's head.
"Right...I'm going to die know that...Hanahaki...Error doesn't love it's either surgery or death..." Blue hums, suddenly quieter than before.
"Actually, come with me. Both of you." Dream stands, and Blue pulls Night up to his feet, dragging the twins through a portal, landing in the Doodlesphere. Night looks at Blue confused as Blue kicks down the front door, surprising Ink and Error. Ink was forcefully gripping Error's cheeks, forcing him to kiss back.
"BITCH ASS INK SHIT STAIN!" Ink yelps, backing away, keeping Error in between Blue and himself. Error looks worse for the wear, massive bags under his eyes, and multiple scars that look new covering the bones the group can see.
"Try to attack me, and you'll hit your dear friend Error." Night slowly steps forward, summoning his staff and breaking it in half, two daggers forming in his grip.
"You will LET ERROR GO!!!" Night lunges forward, his eyelights shining dark purple and cyan respectively as he suddenly teleports behind Ink, stabbing at Ink. Ink teleports away, releasing Error. Night is able to stop his momentum and sighs softly. Error crumples to the floor, Blue grabbing Error and Dream hesitantly grabbing Night, Blue opening a portal and leading the group through, finding it to be Nightmare's mansion.
"S0 y0u hav3 hanahaki dis3as3 and y0ur s0luti0n, inst3ad 0f c0nf3ssing t0 y0ur l0v3 0r d0ing th3 surg3ry, y0u d3cid3d t0 kill y0urs3lf t0 b3at th3 illn3ss t0 y0ur d3mis3?!" Night winces as Error shouts, never seeing this side of Error. Night shrugs.
"To be fair...I didn't really think my love would love me back, and I didn't want to lose my feelings...and besides...all my life everyone hated me and wanted me to die. I figured it was the easiest win solution for most people." Error growls softly, relaxing as he hugs Night close.
"N3v3r try t0 kill y0urs3lf again, 0r I'll kill y0u mys3lf." Dream blinks, but Blue shrugs, taking away the doll Dust and Horror were playing with, giving them both a plate of tacos.
"Okay...." Error kisses Night's head.
"F0r n0w just calm d0wn, 0kay?"
"But-" Error hugs Night closer, so close Night can hear the soul beat of his darling friend, of the person he accidentally fell in love with.
"That h3art 0nly b3ats f0r y0u, Night, 0kay? I 0nly dat3d Inky f0r a truc3." Error whispers, Night easily able to hear Error's words as he blushes a bright lavender, but relaxes against Error.
"O-okay..." Error purrs softly, standing up and holding Night close, moving to the throne, sitting on it and placing the small guardian on his lap. Night slowly falls asleep against Error's chest, Error's eyelights sending a simple message.
Be dead silent or you'll be dead.
Night woke up in the bed, feeling significantly heavier than he did before. He yawns, opening his eyes to notice a few things. One, Error is sleeping on his chest, and two, Night is back in his Nightmarish form, lol.
"THE FUCKING KING IS BACK!" Error jolts awake, blowing a hole in the ceiling from surprise, several other blasters sounding off. Nightmare chuckles.
"Looks like the crew has much to clean up."
"D0n't fucking scar3 th3m th3n!"
"Error." Nightmare's voice goes serious. Error pauses, looking at Nightmare, finding the goop monster standing above him-not hard to do considering all the things-his cyan eyelight glowing something between danger and curiosity.
"You were serious when you told me that your heart only beats for me, right?"
"Y-y3ah. I d0n't li3 ab0ut stuff lik3 that." Nightmare grabs Error's skull and pulls him close to the goop-covered chest. Error is pressed right next to Nightmare's chest, his ear closest to the skeleton.
"Uh...Nightmar3...what ar3-" Error gasps as he hears the soft soul beat within the gooped chest.
"This heart only beats for you." Error smiles.
"I sur3 h0p3 this h3art will liv3 a l0ng tim3 with m3." Nightmare chuckles, picking Error up and carrying him bridal style out of the room, to see the gang chilling, with Blue taking a photo and Dream looking torn.
"You better start cleaning up the holes in the roof." The four skeletons jolt and run, leaving Blue, Dream, Nightmare, and Error alone. Nightmare walks past Blue and Dream, carrying Error to the throne and holding Error close as he sits down.
"My queen, until eternity...would you take this bastard king's heart for your own forevermore?" Error smiles, purring softly.
"L0ng as y0u pr0mis3 t0 k33p y0ur Qu33n's h3art saf3 f0r3v3rm0r3."
"A1w4y5 aNd FoReVeR." (They are saying this together.)
Have a good day.
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