A Dusted Glitch 2 (Dust x Error)
Timeskip 30 minutes.
Errors POV:
"Did I do it right?" Dusty asked. I didn't notice but Cross had snapped out of it.
"AlMoSt DuStY. tRy To MaKe ThE sTiChEs A bIt TiGhTeR." I replied.
"Okay Ruru!" Dusty Said while trying to remake the scarf. He looks so cute... wait why am I thinking these things?! Am I...? No... I couldn't.... but he is adorable.... and kind.... oh my asgore... I love him, don't I?
"There! Is this better Ruru?" Dusty asked.
"YeAh. GoOd JoB dUsTy." I say, causing him to smile. His smile is so cute..... I can't deny it, can I? I'm in love. I'm in love with my best friend...
"What's going on?" Cross asked causing me and Dust to jump from our places on the couch.
"Ruru has been teaching me how to sew! Hehe though he will always be the best." Dust replied. I felt my cheeks get more flushed.
"I'm NoT tHaT gOoD..." I insist.
"Are you kidding me? Your the best! Your puppets looks so realistic!" Dust exclaims.
"Y-yOuRs Is BeTtEr..." I compliment, making my cheeks turn even more yellow. Dusts cheeks become a bit flushed.
"What... Happened?" Nightmare asks.
"Well, Turns our you all froze when Ruru said that his body couldn't handle normal healing magic. So while waiting for you all to snap out of it, Ruru continued teaching me how to sew!" Dust replies happily.
"Sewing? Kinda pathetic if you ask me..." Nightmare said. Dust glared at him while I almost got lost in my self doubts.... again...
"H-hEy DuStY, iM gOiNg To HeAd HoMe." I say quietly.
"Error, how many times must I say this? The. Anti. Void. Isn't. A. Home." Dust says to me sternly.
"iTs WhErE I LiVe. IsNt ThE pLaCe YoU lIvE (Live. for me the lowercase L and capital i are the same.) yOuR hOmE?" I questioned.
"Well, yes... But how can you call it home when it's litterly just white! The only color there that's not alive are your strings and puppets!" Dusty exclaims.
"What's this Anti Void?" Nightmare demands.
Sighing, I open up a portal to it. "ItS eNdLeSs WhIte. ThE oNlY sOuNdS aRe ThE vOiCeS. bUt ItS rArE tO hEaR a NiCe VoIcE. i JuSt LeArNeD tOdAy ThAt ItS iNbEtWeEn ThE uNiVeRsEs." I explained while nightmare and cross stared in it.
"It looks like it could turn somebody insane..." Cross mummers.
"It did... It turned Ruru insane a long time ago... But he no longer is and is a wonderful friend!" Dust exclaims while hugging me.
"DuSt!" I yelled while being tackled. We accidentally fall onto the floor causing me spine to crack...
"Error?! I'm so so so sorry!" Dust kept apologizing as he helped me up.
"DuStY iTs FiNe! ItS BeEn WoRsE." I say trying to settle Dust down. I use to have cracks in the same pattern before I got tackled, but with one more. But sense the tackle had happened, it might of been a lie. I can't tell sense I haven't seen the damage.
"I'm going to get bandages!" Dusty said jumping up.
"DuStY i-" I tried to explain.
"I'm not taking 'no' as a answer Ruru' Dusty yells as he runs out of the room.
"Whelp, He is determined." Cross says.
"He AlWaYs Is." I replied fondly.
"Wonder if somebody will break it one day...." Nightmare mummers.
"If It HaPpEnS i WiLl AtTaCk ThE pErSoN wHo DiD iT. EvEn If ItS sOmEbOdY i KnOw." I say. Cross just looks at me with happy eyes.
"Your in love with him, aren't you?" Cross asks.
Dusts POV:
I was walking back into the living room when I overhear them. I get stuff quickly.
"Whelp, He is determined." Cross says.
"He AlWaYs Is." Ruru replied fondly.
"Wonder if somebody will break it one day...." Nightmare mummers.
"If It HaPpEnS i WiLl AtTaCk ThE pErSoN wHo DiD iT. EvEn If ItS sOmEbOdY i KnOw." Ruru said. Cross just looks at him with happy eyes.
"Your in love with him, aren't you?" Cross asks. I see Rurus cheeks turn even more yellow. I feel my cheeks flush a lot.
"I-i DoNt KnOw.... IvE nEvEr BeEn InLoVe...." Ruru mummers.
"I ship it!" Cross shouts.
"Hey, who all wants to play truth or dare?" Nightmare suggested as I walked back in the room.
"I want to!."
"I do!"
"Only if Horror wants to."
"Well I do so that's me And Killer."
"WhY nOt."
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