For: your_local_error
Ink pov
It was a cold, rainy day. "It's so cold...." I whimper as my bones grow colder... I teleport to error to see if I could borrow his cozy jacket. I see that error is asleep... I take his jacket and put it on. 'But....... Error looks Sooooooooooooo waaaaaarrrmmmmm' my brain complained. I then climb on top of him and snuggle into his chest. "F*CK he is warm.." I whisper before drifting off.
*Time skip brought to you by: our gay Skittle*
Errors pov
I wake up just to see that cute Skittle on top of me. "HeH.... sO CuTe....." I say laying back. I put my arms on his hips pulling him closer to me.... Ink wakes up and let's out a tiny squeak... "moRnIng.... deCIdEd To SlEeP On Me?" I glitch as he sits up.. "it was cold..." I said as he rubs his eye sockets... "WhAtevEr I ForgivE You...." I say cuddling him again.
Sorry if it's bad
..... I'm not good at fluffs
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