57. Baby
Baby, baby, you're having my baby
You and my baby means so much to me
All my life, I dreamed of this day
The woman I love, giving me my son
Together we will raise a family
My baby, baby this I guarantee
I will be here for you and lil man
Until my dying day
Kitty woke up and smiled at the latest song from Icee. It was beautiful. He did love her. She loved him so much and she missed him. They needed to talk this out. She was ready to go back home.
"Aaaa!" she screamed out when she felt a sharp pain. Felt like a cramp, a bit worse. "Oh no!"
She started to take deep breaths. Maybe Braxton-Hicks again, though they were never that painful. She still had over four weeks left. She knew she could deliver early, but this was too darn early.
She sat up in bed and rubbed her belly.
"Come on IceeJay, behave."
She stood up and took a couple of steps. She felt find. It was nothing. Nothing else was happening. She went to brush her teeth and wash her face, then she doubled over in pain, she felt another one.
"You can't be coming now. It's too soon." She was so scared. She went back to the bed and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. She called Icee.
"Baby!" he immediately answered after one ring. "Tell me you're ready to come home."
"Icee, I don't feel so well. I think the baby is coming."
"What? Baby, I'm coming to get you. Hang on, let me get dressed."
"No Ice, just...meet me at the hospital, I'll have Rena or Vic take me."
"Okay babe, great. Baby, I love you. I love you so much."
"I love you too Icee."
She calmed herself as she felt another contraction. Then she went to her sister's room and knocked on the door. It was very early in the morning and she knew the girls would be getting up for school soon.
Victor came to open the door.
"I think the baby is coming."
"Like now? Okay, sis. Hey babe, come help your sister get ready to go to the hospital. I'll stay with the girls till my parents can come then I'll meet you at the hospital."
"Damn Kitty, lil IceeJay wanta get here super early," Sarena said, helping her back to her room. She needed to get dressed. She did not have much stuff here, maybe Icee would bring her some things for her hospital stay. She was too scared to think. Maybe this was another false alarm.
"I'm scared Rena. It's too early, right?"
"If he ready, he ready. He 'bout to be a knucklehead, I can already tell."
Kitty got dressed and headed out to the garaged. Both the girls came running over to her and hugged her. They were super excited.
"Auntie, we love you! We can't wait to see the baby!" Brandy said.
She got in the backseat of Sarena's minivan, and she helped her with the seatbelt before she got in and drove off.
"Are you timing the contractions? How far apart are they?"
"I don't know. I didn't time them."
"Okay, let me know when the next one comes, I'll time them."
"I'm scared."
"Of what? Don't be. Women have babies all the time. Most natural thing. Some just stand, squat, and shoot them right out, no medication or anything. You got this."
"I want everything. Every drug they can give me."
"An epidural. Yeah, they say those are nice. Of course, my ass is a beast, and fuck that shit. It's for wimps."
"Rena! You're calling me a wimp?"
"Naw...well, yeah. You can take an ass beating, you can take childbirth."
"When have I taken an ass beating? Ain't nobody ever got the best of me! I fight to win, ask yo man," she said.
"You call your husband and let him know?"
"Yes, he's going to meet us there."
"Cool. Y'all work that shit out?"
"No, but it doesn't matter right now if the baby is about to c-" She stopped as she felt another contraction. This one wasn't as painful, so maybe she was going to be okay.
"Okay, I clocked that one, we'll just wait for the next one."
Sarena kept her calm as they made it to Cox Medical Center. She did not even think to call her doctor, but hopefully, nothing was happening and they wouldn't keep her long. Sarena clocked the contractions at ten minutes apart, and they weren't as bad. She felt calmer, believing it was false labor again, but wanting them to still check her out.
They went to ER, told them what was going on and they got her a wheelchair and Sarena wheeled her to the prenatal department. Icee was already there talking to staff. She smiled when she saw him.
He rushed to her and hugged her.
"You good? How are you feeling?"
"Okay, I guess. It's not so bad anymore and Big Sis calmed me down."
"I called your doc, he's aware of everything. I talked to the nurses here, they are going to prep us a room."
"Ice, could you be more low-key though?" Sarena asked because Icee never left the house workout being iced out. "Motherfuckers staring at you knowing who you are, so they know who Kitty is, so they gonna try and get in y'alls private business."
"We have a whole wing to ourselves," Icee said. "Let's just get Kitty there, and then no one will be around."
Icee wheeled her down to a part of the floor that had two guards standing near. How did Icee have that set up already? She didn't even care, she just wanted to know if she was giving birth to the baby or was this false labor again.
"I texted the sisters, I told them this may or may not be the real deal. Once we know if it is, they gonna come on down."
"Icee, what if...I mean, he's not ready yet. It's too soon."
Icee stopped and came to kneel in front of her. "Babe, look at me. You're ready okay. You're going to be okay, and our lil man is going to be okay."
"Our man. So you know it's yours now?"
Icee sighed and looked down, so ashamed of ever thinking that thought. "Babe, I swear I will spend the rest of my life making that shit up to you. I need you to believe in me again."
"I need you to believe in me."
"A hundred percent without a doubt," he said, kissing her. "Baby, I missed these lips. I missed kissing you. I missed holding you. Don't leave me like that again Kitty. Promise?"
"I promise."
"Hey, this is all fine and dandy till that baby shoots out right here in this hallway," Sarena said. "Let's get her to her room so they can check her out."
The contractions slowed down a bit so she felt like the doctors were just going to send her back home. Nurses came in, asked her a bunch of questions, and Icee held her hand the whole time. The contractions weren't even bad anymore and she feared it was stress causing her to have Braxton-Hicks again.
"My water didn't break or anything, so that means I'm not in labor, right?"
"It's not necessary to have that happen. Some women don't. We're going to put you on a monitor and see what's happening. I'll check your dilation also."
She nodded. Still a bit nervous. Being pregnant was one thing, she felt she did okay with that. Having a baby pop out of her vagina was a whole other thing. She watched some videos, went to a couple of classes, but this was the real thing.
Sarena was in a corner of the room on the phone. She went through this twice. Her mother six times. She wished her mother was here with her now helping her.
"Babe, stop worrying, okay," Icee said kissing her forehead. "You got this."
After more tests, being examined, and waiting a long amount of time, another nurse came in. Why hadn't her doctor shown up?
"Where's my doctor?"
"Well Mrs. Kelly, your doctor will only be called if you're dilated enough. You're not right now," the nurse said.
"So he's not coming right now?"
"Well, those were real contractions, so you may be in early labor. There are some things we can do to get things moving."
"Like what?" Icee asked.
"Taking a walk, doing some of the breathing exercises, taking a bath or shower. Or some light exercises."
"Exercise?" Sarena said, jumping into the conversation. "What about sex?"
Kitty held her head down, embarrassed that her sister was worse than Icee.
"Yeah, I can be down with that," Icee said with a chuckle.
"I don't suggest that, but feel free to try whatever you need. You guys have a private room, private area," the nurse said, and then left them.
Kitty pushed Icee away from her.
"I am not having sex with you. I feel like I'm about to pop and that's all you can think about?"
"I missed you, baby," he said, kissing her.
"Move Icee, for real."
"Do you know what today is?"
She smiled at him. "Yes."
"So if you have my lil man today, we're twins for real."
"I don't think having your son on your birthday makes you twins."
"It'll just be special."
"Damn. Three damn Virgos. The universe trying to tell y'all something," Sarena said. "Come on Kitty, get up, let's get you moving around so that baby can drop some more."
"I got you, baby," Icee said, helping her up, then rubbing her belly. "Hey lil man, I missed you."
"I don't feel like walking, I'm so tired!"
"Girl, stop whining like a brat," Sarena said.
"Big Sis, let me walk with her, I got her. You hang back here, okay."
"Man, whatever. I'm going to find something to eat," Sarena said, leaving them.
As much as she stayed active throughout the pregnancy a simple walk felt like too much to her right now. Icee held her hand and talked to her as they walked up and down the hall of their private wing.
"You know I love you, right?"
"Yes, Icee."
"And I should have just believed in you, not...jump to conclusions. The way you always had my back, never doubted me, when there were lots of reasons to. My past. All the women. My behavior. You were never like that, before me, with me. What was I thinking?"
"I heard the song. And don't get mad at T-Zack about letting me hear it. I understand how you felt. I should have told you what happened...that night. I hate myself for that."
He rubbed her back. "I would have dealt with it. But don't blame yourself for this. I should have seen that shit. I grew up with him! Treated him like a little brother. This shit so fucked up."
Kitty stopped walking, rubbing her stomach as a contraction hit her.
"You good?"
She nodded and started walking again. "Talk about something happy."
"Sarena said the house was ready. I'm ready for us to start our life there."
She smiled. "Me too. I haven't seen it yet, not fully furnished and decorated. I hope you like it."
"I gave you a hundred percent control because I trust you, babe. We gotta have a big party though once we settled."
She walked for close to an hour, taking lots of breaks, and then her water broke.
A/N: IceeJay is almost here! Things are good with Kitty and Icee. Happily ever after, right?
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