Can you handle me?
Want a taste of me? Naw, let me taste you
Come in, close the door, let me handle you
Take your clothes off, lemme see that sexy body
Lay you back on my bed, spread your legs
Show me how you like it. A lil freaky?
I'll freak you and lick you
I'll stick my tongue in you
Have you speaking in tongue
Legs shaking and vibrating, till you...ah!
Now I get a little taste of you
She was scheduled to tell her sisters Friday night as they were having a get together at her place. It would be the first time they were all there. Then THAT BITCH made her announcement on Instagram that she was having a boy.
She posted pictures holding her stomach with "coming soon, baby boy." She had a whole spread. And Kitty couldn't even lie, THAT BITCH looked good.
Kitty was in a mood all day and was not in a hosting mood. Deanna was helping her with refreshments, but she wanted to sulk about THAT BITCH all day. Sure, they were telling the family she was pregnant, but they had yet to make a big public announcement. It just seemed that now when they did, it would be overshadowed by THAT BITCH.
She wished she could drink, because she wanted one, and she had not had alcohol in years. Deanna was making mixed cocktails for her sisters and they looked good. She groaned and poured herself some juice as her sisters arrived.
She tried to dress where she was hiding her belly so that they would only know when she told them. That was going to be hard, her whole face was getting fatter.
"Damn! This place super dope!" Tennille said. "I know y'all got a spare room for me up in here, for real though."
"Why would newlyweds want your ass all up under them," Ashley said, walking into the kitchen. "Ooo, drinks! Dee, I hope you made these shits strong."
"I'll pour you an extra shot," Deanna said.
"That's my girl! Imma be like NiNi then, where my room?"
"I drove so I can't drink," Sarena said, then laughed. "Okay, let me stop, yes I can. I know how to hold my liquor, and if I happen to get fucked up, call my husband."
The girls helped themselves to drinks and snacks from the charcuterie board. Kitty made a plate of pretzels, cheese, and pickles. They all made their way into the living room.
"I ain't seen a bitch since she been back from tour," Tennille said, and at least she was toned down in sweats, t-shirt and her natural shoulder-length hair pulled back in a bun and make-up free face.
"I have not seen her since she got back from her honeymoon," Nola said, who was home for the summer but taking classes at Missouri State U.
"She been ghosting all of us, quite honestly," Sarena said. "She thinks she's too good for us now."
"Why would you even say that Rena? It's not like I sit home and do nothing, I still have work, then I had the tour, and then-"
"Yeah Kitty, and then..." Krystle said, with a big smile, eating crackers.
"That bitch Bonnie Walker have you in hiding?" Sarena said. "Let me at her ass!"
"Naw, let me," Ashley said. "I'll chop her ass down like a tree."
"Get in line, Imma smack her down to my size, think I'm playing," Tennille said. "Stupid hoe."
"Guys, none of you are fighting that woman. She's pregnant."
"Lying ass. You know you can fake a pregnancy," Tennille said. "Talking about Grammy night. You and Icee left together and fucked all night, I know, y'all left me to party with Da Facts. Her ass was there."
"Sooo, yes, what NiNi said, Icee and I spent all night together...doing things...and on that night...we kinda..."
"Spit it out!" Krystle said.
"I'm pregnant!"
No one said anything. They all just looked at her.
"Say what, say what?" Ashley said.
"Oh wow!" Nola said.
"Soooo...yo ass been pregnant for how long?" Sarena stood up.
She knew they were going to be upset.
"Umm, since Grammy night...but I didn't know till right before the wedding and...we wanted to wait and tell everyone, you know, get out of the first trimester."
Sarena walked to her, opened the jacket she wore, could see her stomach.
"Look like you about to be in the third again, why you ain't tell me?"
Kitty started to cry. "I'm sorry Rena. I know I should have told you soon as I found out, but the wedding, the honeymoon, and then Bonnie-"
Sarena hugged her. "Girl, stop, I'm not mad just...hurt. You're my little sister. Having your first baby is a big deal. I remember running to tell mommy after I peed on the stick. Course, I lived next door."
"And mommy's not here, so you're like my mom, and I should have told you. I'm sorry." Kitty emotions, she always was a cry baby, but the hormones had her on ten. She grabbed some tissues to wipe at her eyes.
"Rena, cut her some slack," Krystle said. "This is a different situation. Kitty's a celebrity now."
"Yo ass knew, bitch, don't say shit, I'll get you later," Sarena said. "Really Kitty, I'm happy. I'm super excited. More cousins for my girls to play with."
"And the first boy," she said with a smile.
"Shut up!" Nola said. "A boy! We don't have any of those."
Ashley came over to rub her belly. "My twinkie dink having a baby! Aaw!"
All her sisters gathered around to hug her.
"Okay, okay, everyone back up," Sarena said, back into over-protective big sister mode. "Lil mommy needs to chill and relax. Having Icee's big head baby, she better do some stretching."
Kitty laughed. "Yo, why his head so big? I gotta show you all the baby pictures. He's sucking his thumb and everything. So cute!"
"You guys have a name yet?" Ashley asked.
"Isaac Craig Curtis, Jr. I'm calling him IceeJay,"
"I bet Icee bought that boy diamonds already," Krystle said with a chuckle.
"You laugh, but so true," Kitty said.
They talked baby for awhile. She was so happy, it felt like a weight lifted from her shoulders now that they knew.
"So sissy, what we gone do about Ms. Walker?" Krystle asked.
"What can I do? She's going to keep doing whatever the hell-"
"You have Vic on the case?" Sarena asked.
"You know I do. And he has proof and possibilities of who the father could be, but I don't want to sink that low. The best course of action is DNA testing."
"And she claims to be having a boy as well. This some bullshit," Ashley said, downing her drink. "Hey, Deanna!"
Deanna came over and refreshed her drink for her. Ashley was acting like the maid was her personal servant, poor Deanna.
"Here's what you do," Sarena said. "Y'all make the announcement a big ta-da! Let that bitch know Kellys ain't to be fucked with, it's time the world knows. Fuck being pretty bitches, we dem real bitches."
Sarena was not to be crossed when it came to handling situations. Once before she married Victor, she found out he was messing around on her, the chick needed facial reconstructive surgery and had never been right since.
"Making the announcement won't silence her. If the real father steps up and-"
"Oh, do you know? Spill the beans," Tennille said.
"No, of course, I don't know for sure. I know who she was with that night she claims it was Icee. He's a friend, I'm not going to throw him under the bus like that. He doesn't deserve for his life to be fucked up by her."
"Oooh, sooo, it's someone we know too?" Krystle said.
"Force her to shut the fuck up," Sarena said. "Bitch, do a full-out maternity announcement, you and that big belly, with Icee, fans gonna eat that shit up. Break the internet like Beyonce and shit."
She smiled. Not a bad idea. She was not planning on making a big hoopla about being pregnant, but sometimes she forgot she was married to a megastar. Had to do things mega big. Icee could even write and sing a song about it.
The next day, to surprise Icee, she took their private jet to New Jersey where they were performing. She did not let him know she would be there, but she went straight to his hotel and waited for him there. She texted him to call her when he got to his room but did not let on that she was there. She freshened up and changed into nothing but a lacy bra and panties with a robe on while she waited for him, eating chocolate-covered strawberries. She was trying to save him some, but they were so good.
Icee called. "Babe, I'm about to be in my room. What you doing, missing me?"
"Yes. In bed, lying here, thinking about you and all the sexy things I want to do to you."
"Like what? Tell me, baby?"
"Just. One. Blow," she said seductively.
"Word! Babe, don't be saying shit like that, and I can't feel them sexy lips wrapped around me."
She heard him entering the suite. She took off her robe so she could lay in bed waiting for him.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Tired as fuck, 'bout to lay my head down," he said, taking off his clothes before he entered the bedroom. "You keep talking sexy to me, Imma jerk off to it."
She held in a laugh so he wouldn't know she was in the bedroom. He finally walked into the bedroom in nothing but his boxer briefs.
"Babe!" He dropped his phone, totally shocked.
"You still wanta just jerk off?" she said with a smile, admiring his sexy, chocolate body. Muscles rippling more than ever, from all that performing maybe. The man's body was a whole mood for her. The epitome of fitness so that turned her all the way on.
"When you get here?" He climbed into the bed, kissing all over her. "And damn, you look good."
"Gotta put some miles on that private jet you paid all that money on. I missed you."
"You know I missed you too," he said, kissing her. "Damn, this the best surprise ever. You knew I been going crazy without you and my baby." He went down to kiss her stomach. "How my man doing? What's up lil Ice-Man, you cool?"
"I left you some chocolate strawberries," she said, holding out the two left from the dozen she ordered.
"Babe, the only chocolate-covered strawberries I need is you," he said, picking up one and feeding it to her. He slid his other hand into her panties, slipping a finger into her wetness. "Keeping it wet for me."
"Drippin' wet, you wanta taste?"
"Hell yeah!"
Icee immediately went to work on her. It felt so good but Icee was a beast with his tongue game and her body got weak so fast from it, she had to tap out. Being pregnant was messing up the head game. Her body was super sensitive, yet she was always horny as fuck. Like never before. Maybe it was the hormones, maybe because they were not having much sex before, maybe because she found Icee to be the sexiest man ever.
"Icee, let me do you," she said, pulling him up.
"Naw, yo ass tapped out while I'm getting mine, don't half-ass my shit."
"Boy, I got this!"
Kitty went down on her man and had no problems enjoying him till he reached an orgasm.
"Yeah, you got that," Icee said when she finished and climbed on top of him.
She rubbed her hands over his muscled chest, down to his abs, held his waist as she slid him inside of her. There was no need for talking, she wanted to go in for the action. She had not flown all the way there just to talk to her husband, she had a phone for that. She wanted to be all up and on her husband every chance she got.
"I love you Icee," she said, looking down at him as he smiled at her.
"Yeah babe, I know. I love yo sexy ass too. You know you started something flying out here, you-"
She put her hand to his mouth to shut him up. They could talk later. After she reached several orgasms. She was not playing with him, she put in some work. They made love in several positions before they had enough of each other, then they lay in bed holding each other.
"That was nice."
"I needed you," she said, kissing him. "We're about to fuck shit up in a minute."
"Excuse me?"
"I'm ready to put that bitch on blast. Announce our pregnancy, kill her lies, a one-two punch. Are you ready? You trust me?"
"Hell yeah!"
A/N: I wish Kitty could fight Bonnie, but why they both pregnant? I would love to write that, but alas, it will never happen. Gotta hurt her a different way.
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