4. Iz You Iz My Baby
She say she wanna fuck me all night long
Baby iz u fo' real, honey I ain't dat strong
She say she heard 'bout dem boyz
Cra, Free, TA, Z, and me, I'm Icee
Iz you wha? Iz you wha? Iz you my bae-bee?
Oh, is you my lay-dee, pull up, u might be
It had been weeks since he last saw Kitrina and she walked out on him at Club 417. He was still shocked that a female would just walk away from him like he was just a bum on the street. He was Isaac Curtis! The one and only Icee of the hit group Fact Iz! He was not a chump on the street. Her loss.
Except he could not get that badass chick with the big afro, huge ta-tas, six-pack abs, and luscious lips out of his mind. It was bizarre because girls were constantly throwing themselves at him in every city, but he did not want any of them. He was turning honies down left and right because he could not keep that sexy ass chick with the afro out his head.
"Did you fuck that Hurricane Kitrina hard from the back man?" TA took a long hit of the blunt while they smoked and chatted it up. "I bet you had her ass all up in the air stroking that lil chick."
"Man give me my blunt." Icee snatched it and took a hit.
He was not trying to discuss what was going on with him and Kitrina because even though she said to forget about her he still tried calling her a few times, but she would not pick up. He could not believe one chick was stressing him out.
"I'm just saying man, pass her on when you done. I wanna fuck her and her sister. Together. Ménage a mother fucking trois!"
"Yo young ass can't handle chicks like them," he said, puffing the blunt. Although, he did not know if Krystle too was celibate. She drank and partied harder than Kitrina. Maybe he should have gone after that twin.
Fuck! Why was he still stressing?
Because he wanted her, plain and simple.
He called her again and just went for it.
"Hey Kit, this is Ice. You still mad? You mad, mad, or just mad? Look, me and the Facts throwing an all-white party at the spot Thanksgiving weekend and I want you and twin to be there. You know I got you hooked up with the VIP, so don't worry about anything. I hope you want to see me as much as I want to see you. Alright, then peace."
Why did he sound like a complete busta, but he did not care now.
Club 417 was packed for the all-white party. A few celebrities he was cool with even made their way to Springfield to attend the party. It was lit. He was in a good mood because he just knew that Kitrina would be there, even though she never called him back or said she would be there. If she did not show up tonight he was going to forget about her and be done with it.
He spotted her twin Krystle talking it up with Freezy and some of their crew. He grinned, and he went over to them because he just knew Kitrina was somewhere close.
"Hey, twin!" Icee hugged her. "You looking good."
"Man! I have never been to a party like this. This that rich bitch shit! I feel so country and out of place," Krystle started as she looked around the club.
She did not look like she didn't fit in. She was wearing this fly ass wide-leg white bodysuit that fit every one of her curves just right. A black belt around her waist attached a cape that touched down to the floor. Her large breasts were stretching through the material and he tried to keep his attention on her face, which was perfectly made up. Her hair in a sleek bob. A glass of champagne was already in her hand.
"Where's your sister?"
Krystle shrugged and sipped her drink. "She had a funky attitude talking about she didn't want to come so I left her ass. I was not trying to miss a minute of this."
Well damn, if Kitrina was not coming, he felt like he wasted all his time sweating on her. He grabbed a bottle of his favorite, Cristal, and started to guzzle it straight from the bottle when he spotted her and stopped.
Kitrina had to be the finest thing in there. She looked like she belonged there, and it was her party. The dress she wore was white and fitted to her small frame with an asymmetrical shoulder and a similar cape like her twins attached to the back. Her skin looked flawless, with minimal make-up. Her afro was fluffy and just perfect. He stood on that third level in the VVIP watching her as she made her way over to him.
"Hey, Icee."
"Can I have a minute with you...away from all this?"
He took her hand, put his bottle back on ice, and led her off to a secret set of rooms the club had. It was nice and quiet and gave them privacy. Soon as they were inside with the door closed, he pulled her in his arms and gave her a passionate kiss. He liked that she kissed him back and kissed him with the same passion. He never wanted to stop kissing her, because it was everything he thought it would be.
Kitrina was first to pull away, but he held her close to him and bit that luscious lower lip with a moan.
"Icee, we can't—"
"Why not? It's obvious we both feeling each other. I want you Kitrina."
"You don't want what I want."
"I want you, and whatever that means I have to do, I will do it," he said. "Be my girl."
"But you already—"
He cut her off.
"I broke it off with Bonnie. I just couldn't stop talking about you to her and she knew it was time to part ways. Besides, our relationship had become more of a show. Can we at least give it a try?"
Kitrina bit at her lower lip.
"Don't do that baby, let me do that." He gave her another kiss.
"Icee, you know I have feelings for you, from day one, before I even met you. I'm just, this is too much. You're you, and I'm me, a nobody."
"Girl, you will never be a nobody looking like that!"
She smiled.
"You know what I mean. And my lifestyle. My family, church, my celibacy means a lot to me."
"I dig it. Like I said, whatever it takes to be your man, I'll do it. A brother needs to take a leave from sex."
She laughed at him, then got serious.
"Really Icee, you would do that for me?"
"Sure," he declared, though he was already thinking a blowjob here or there was not like having sex. There was no way he could turn down all the free head thrown his way.
"No sex means no sex, oral sex included."
It was like she read his mind.
"I got you, girl." Although if all that was off the table, he was going to need some help. "I'll even come to church with you tomorrow and say some Amens and tithe and shit. I mean, my bad, and stuff."
"I don't want to change you Icee, just respect how I feel about it."
"Look sweetheart, say you will be my girl, and let's just go back and kick it at this party, all right."
"Of course, I'm your girl!"
Now that he pulled the most fly chick up in Springfield, he was on cloud nine, no cloud ten. With a bad chick like Kitrina on his side, he felt cockier than ever. They went back to the party and he cut up. Everyone was dancing and singing and drinking and he was just relaxed back with Kitrina on his side. He still got his drinking on, puffed a couple of blunts, and clowned with his boys, but he felt like a calm had come over him.
"Can we party like this every day Icee, please!" a very drunk Krystle said. "We need shit like this in Springfield every weekend."
Krystle was like the polar opposite of Kitrina, it was weird they were twins. They had the same face, but that was about it. Though Krystle was fly, wild, and crazy like most women he liked, he liked the cool and calm nature of Kitrina. He did not realize he needed that right now.
"I think I need to get my sister home."
"Baby, I ain't letting you go just like that. The night is hardly over. We headed to get grub and the after set at my place."
"Icee, I thought you said you wanted to go to church with me tomorrow? We can't party all night."
"Baby please, I need to spend more time with you," he replied kissing her and then giving her his puppy dog eyes.
"I see you are used to getting your way."
Of course, he was used to getting his way, she better get used to that as well.
"Let me get a car to take twin home and then you can kick it with me tonight. I got you, babe."
A/N: Finally together! Now let's see how much Icee breaks down Kitrina. No drinking, no smoking, no cussing, no sex? Something has to give...or will Icee change?
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