38. U & Me
For the rest of my life it's going to be you and me
When I wake up all I wanna do is see your face
Laying next to me in bed you're my everything
And whatever tomorrow brings, with you by my side
We conquer the world, it's ours baby, just you and me
Kitty dressed in the baddest outfit she could find in her closet. Power red skirt suit with a white blouse with ruffles down the front. She put on her black red bottoms, made sure she wore the big rock ring, couple more diamonds to show she rocked with Icee like that, on her wrists, neck, and ears. She fluffed out her afro as big as she could, even though she was tired of it. She had her face professionally done with a natural look. She was going for that "I woke up like this, bitch" look. Even though she knew paparazzi would be in the place, she gave two fucks about them.
Even less for Bonnie Walker.
She knew Bonnie would be over made-up, over-done and she was just so over it. Who the hell did she think she was coming into her city, trying to get at her husband? She had the wrong bitch. Kitty was not standing for it.
"Babe, you look good!" Icee said when he saw her. "That fro popping! I like it!"
"This might be the last of the fro, get over it," she snapped at him.
"You play too much Kit. Don't I get a say so in how you-"
Kitty cut her eyes to him, looked him up and down. "No, you don't get a say in how I wear my hair, what I choose to wear, or anything else about my body. I married you Icee, you don't own me, let's get that straight."
"Damn, you in a foul mood because of that bitch?"
She rolled her eyes at him but ignored him. Yes, she was in a foul mood. This mess would not have gotten this far if he nipped it in the bud a year ago. She could not believe she had to face this chick, see what she had to say about her man, and smile and be nice to a whole damn camera crew she brought.
"Babe," he said, coming up behind her, putting his arms around her. "Don't let her get to you. We're going to handle this shit together. Nothing she says will fuck up what we have, a'ight."
She nodded.
"Naw, I need to hear you say that."
"Of course Icee. You know I love you and believe in you. I just...let me calm down and meditate a bit before we get down there."
They were having a "press conference" with the media Bonnie brought in, even local news wanted to be there. Bonnie wanted to put all her cards on the table and confront them both. Icee did not want to do it, Kitty was all for it because it was all lies. She was going to play nice, but she wanted payback.
Bonnie was on the second floor, at Boyz in Da Field conference room. That was Kitty, she thought it would be a nice touch to show off some of the good Icee did for the community. Icee did not want them anywhere near his business, especially since they lived in the building, but that was a little known fact.
They rode their private elevator down to the underground garage, met with their security, then went to the bank of elevators for the rest of the building.
"I don't know how Imma act when I see her Kit," Ice said while in the elevator. "I still think about what she did to you and...and...I just might blow."
Kitty took his hands. "Don't let her see you sweat. Tell the truth. You have nothing to hide, right?"
"Kitty you know I don't."
"Let them know that."
He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it. "Love you girl, let's do this."
They got off the elevator and walked hand-in-hand down the hall to the conference room. There were so many people gathered in the room, she could not tell what was what. The media immediately began screaming at them with questions that sounded like nothing but noise to Icee. At the long conference table located in the front of the room, Bonnie sat in the middle of the table between two chairs.
"What the hell is she thinking?" Icee whispered to Kitty.
Kitty spoke to her security. They walked over to Bonnie, asked her to move to the chair on the end, then the security moved the other two chairs, further down the table. Icee did not want to be even that close to that woman. He squeezed Kitty's hand to control his anger.
"Be cool," she said quietly to him.
They walked over to the table and Kitty sat closest to Bonnie, to show she was not afraid of her. Icee sat on the other side, and he immediately put his arm around her. Kitty sat her tablet on the table, looked around the room, saw her brother-in-law, and gave him a head nod. Icee had no clue what Kitty had in store for Bonnie, but he was here for it.
"So everyone, how are we going to start this?" Kitty said all professional-like. That turned Icee on.
"We start with the truth!" Bonnie yelled out.
"Everyone wants to know the truth," one of the reporters said. "If Icee is so in love with you Kitty why is he still...having relations with Bonnie Walker?"
"I ain't doing shit with that bitch!" Icee yelled out.
Kitty grabbed his hand to calm him down.
"First of all, you're taking her word over Icee's? Where's the proof? Bonnie, I'm assuming you have proof my husband has been doing anything but being nice and a friend to you this last year and a half."
"Hell yeah! Every time he's in L.A. with me, we're fucking. That house was practically mine as well, I was living there before your ass came around. Do you really think Icee wasn't fucking everything in sight? He likes to spread the love bitch, I thought you knew."
"Call my wife a bitch again, I will catch a case on your ass," Icee said, looking around Kitty to look right at Bonnie. He could not believe he wasted so many years with that woman. Many men dreamed about getting with Bonnie Walker, and he had her, but she was the biggest mistake of his life.
"No, that's just what you allowed him to do to you," Kitty said, addressing the media. "For anyone interested in the truth, let's put it out there. Yes, Icee dated Bonnie Walker on and off for over four years. He was twenty years old, she was twenty-six. Fact Iz just released their first album, virtually nobodies, she was the superstar...although she wasn't signed to a modeling contract, no TV shows or movies in the works, music career fizzled before it began...she needed someone who was on the rise to put her back on top."
"Icee gave her a career again. She was in hot demand again simply by latching on to his rising star. Sure, she helped him with his image, meeting the right people, getting his name out there, so basically, they used each other.
"This bitch don't know what the fuck she talking about," Bonnie said, waving her off with a hand.
Icee jumped up from the table. "Hey, I told you-"
Kitty gently pulled him back down to his seat. "Ice, it's okay, name-calling is so immature, and if that's the only way she can get her point across, bring it."
Bonnie rolled her eyes, flicked her long hair over her shoulder.
"As I was saying. They used each other. Bonnie did help Icee stand out a bit more from the others in the group, but Icee would have made it on his own without her. What they had was an open relationship. Icee got to...bed any other woman he wanted, and Bonnie here...well, bedded, many, many men."
That got the media in a frenzy, shouting out questions all at once.
"Now you don't know what the hell you're talking about," Bonnie shouted. "I love Icee, he knows that."
Icee wanted to straight go off. He did not know how Kitty was so calm. He took a calming breath before he started talking.
"I don't care how you think you feel about me, I never had those feeling for you. I never said those words to you. The only woman I have ever been in love with is my wife sitting right here."
"Bonnie Walker, what about the other men?" a reporter asked. "Could they be your baby's father?"
"Hell no!" she said. "Icee fucked me Grammy night and it's his. I ain't got to lie."
"This bitch on something," Icee said in Kitty's ear.
"Are you even pregnant?" a local reporter asked. "Grammy night was nearly three months ago."
Bonnie stood up and rubbed her already showing a little pooch. She was definitely pregnant. More pregnant than Kitty who did not even have a little pooch yet.
Kitty was going to hit her with the assault on her, but then Bonnie could throwback that Ginger and AKA jumped her. Considering she was pregnant for real, she could not use that. The only thing they had on their side was the truth. She knew Icee was innocent, but the rest of the world would take Bonnie's side. Bonnie Walker was America's sweetheart, loved by many because she had them all fooled. The woman was crazy and evil. Icee had been portrayed as the playboy, with a bad reputation with women. The truth was not enough in this situation.
"Y'all going to take me seriously or not? Icee needs to stop fucking lying to that little troll-ass girl and-"
Icee jumped up again. "I ain't fucking bullshitting with you, yo ass mad disrespectful to my wife and I ain't sitting here while you lie and bat your eyes to err'body. On God, I ain't fucked with you. I was a fool letting yo ass hang around me, but I cut yo ass off and you know it."
"Grammy night yo ass was so drunk you don't even remember we fucked?"
Icee sat back down, calmed himself before speaking. "Grammy night I was with my wife. You trying to talk about the night before Grammy's when you were pushing up on me. I didn't drink a damn thing. You know that."
"So you were with Bonnie sometime around Grammys?" someone asked.
"Hell no! She was at one of our pre-parties, yeah, she pushed up on me but I left her ass there. I went to my hotel alone. I didn't drink a thing, so I remember."
"Lying ass mother fucker!" Bonnie shouted standing up. "We had drinks together. You came up to my damn room, drunk. We fucked."
Kitty grinned, the more this chick talked, the more she was digging herself in a hole. She had evidence on her tablet who she was with, but she had not shown it to Icee and she was not ready to show it to him. The pictures she had also showed how drunk Bonnie was.
"Where you drunk that night?" Kitty asked.
"I don't have to answer your ass."
"Who did you really sleep with that night?" Kitty asked, unfazed by Bonnie. If they both weren't pregnant, she would give her a good lesson on how she dealt with enemies in the past.
"I don't have to sit here listening to her bullshit!" Bonnie said, motioning for her people that she was ready to leave.
"What are you running from, Bonnie? The truth. You slept with many, many men, you don't know who the father is, so you're putting it on a man who has not been with you in over a year and a half," Kitty said to her. Bonnie continued to ignore her, putting on her coat her assistant helped her with, then sunglasses, but Kitty was not done. "I'm standing by Icee. We will be submitting to DNA testing that you will submit too. The truth will come out."
"Bonnie Walker, what do you have to say to this?" a reporter asked as Bonnie headed for the exit.
"You all can kiss my ass. I'll see Icee and that bitch in court."
Several of the media followed Bonnie out but the rest stayed and started hammering them with questions.
"Icee, Kitty will you sue Bonnie for defamation of character?"
"What is your next step?"
"Are you going to keep pushing for DNA tests?"
"Any ideas on who the father really might be?"
"Icee, are you sure you cannot be the father?"
"Hey, that b...I mean, she called this whole little get together but then she ran out when she started to get burned," Icee said. "Furthermore, this whole situation is fucked. I love my wife. I have never cheated on her. But y'all don't have to believe me, my wife does, and that's all that matters to me."
He stood and took Kitty's hand as she stood up as well.
"You can put the truth out there, or continue with the lies."
They headed for the door and Victor got up to follow them. They had their own security guards, but there was no one Kitty trusted more than her brother-in-law. He handed her a folder.
"Kitrina, here is everything I gathered for you. You could have said the word and revealed this to the media in there," he said to her.
"What's that?" Icee asked.
Kitty waited till they walked more down the hall, away from the media. She glanced into the folder, looked through some papers, and gave it back to Victor.
"Not needed."
"It's proof that I know you ain't fucking around on my sis... you'd be a dead man if you were and I wouldn't be standing here talking to you," Victor said. "You think I would let Kitrina marry you if you weren't on the straight and arrow?"
"Dually noted," Icee said with a grin.
"Bonnie's not done. She's going to lick her wounds and come back at us again, and again. But the more she digs herself in this web of lies, the worse for her." She hugged Victor. "Thanks again Vic, you're the best."
"So, y'all not going to tell me what's up?" Icee asked.
Kitty pulled out her tablet, opened a file, and showed Icee the pictures.
"Hell no! Not my man! That bitch."
"Nope, I ain't dragging his lil ass in this either. The bitch on something, for real. Da fuck!"
"All we need to worry about is protecting yo ass Ice. You look bad in the media, my sister looks bad in the media," Victor said. "But let me deal with this Bonnie chick, you fam now, so I got you. And when I'm done with her, she'll publicly apologize to both of y'all. That's my word."
A/N: I'm always here for Killer Vic, he ain't with the games. Who could the baby daddy be? 🤔 Couple possibilities.
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