30. Twisted
Sip, dip, smoke, we high, we drunk
Blunted on da sticky, let's get crunk
Faded, bout to blaze it
Twisted, let's get lifted
Kitty could have finished Ms. Bonnie Walker with an attempted murder charge, but she was going to let that play out another way. It was not over by a long shot.
She did not even tell her sisters, she knew what would happen if she did. She let Victor know and he was on the Bonnie Walker case, so she knew it would be handled.
As far as Icee went, for him to be so-called experienced in the world of women, he was dumb and naive when it came to Bonnie Walker. A pretty face, known and loved around the world, bigger and richer than him at the time they met, of course, he fell into her web. She played him like a fiddle and she was sure Bonnie Walker was not done with them yet.
Three weeks before her wedding and she had to hide her neck like a domestic violence victim. Make-up was not enough to cover it. She wore scarves and shirts with high necks to cover the bruises. After a few days, it got better and a bit of make-up worked, but still, she was not getting close to anyone so they would question it.
Icee put the L.A. house on the market and it quickly sold in a week. The Springfield house had been on the market for months and finally found a buyer. She had already moved her things to the penthouse loft in the downtown building. Icee was taking his time saying goodbye to the house like it was a family member. All the Facts were. They had parties for a week straight in the house. She was not staying there. She was staying at the Kelly house.
"I can't believe you ain't with yo man just days before the big day," Tennille said to her while they were lounging in the living room in pajamas eating popcorn and gummy bears.
"Absence makes the heart grow founder," she said, mixing her gummy bears with the popcorn. She was not doing a crazy diet to fit into her dress. She still needed to gain a few to get her curves just right.
"Fuuuuccck! That! Get all the dang-a-lang you can get now...I hear when you get married, you get less."
She laughed at her sister, sitting with her hair in two braids, glasses on, and acne cream all over her face. Not the diva tonight.
She was not worried about her and Icee's sex life. It would be the opposite for them, more sex. She could count on both her hands, not even using all her fingers, how many times they had sex in the last year. Soon as she said "I do," she was jumping on his face. And his D. No celibacy, no abstaining, no holds barred.
"What about you and ole boy?"
"What ole boy?"
"You know. Cutie Patootie Tucker TA. As cute as he is, and how much he claims to put it down, he better be putting in work."
Tennille munched on her popcorn, acting as if she did not hear her sister.
"Girl, what?" Kitty prodded her sister.
"Look here Ms. Almost Married...I told you it's not like that with me and TA. We are just friends...with benefits...but the benefit doesn't include na-na for him. I mean, he can taste it but-"
"What? You and TA? He..." She stopped herself from saying it because she could not say it out loud.
Tennille shrugged, kept stuffing popcorn in her mouth. "I mean, look, they rapping about licking it, gotta find out if they mean it."
Okay, she was wrong for stepping into the conversations with her little sister and the boy she looked at as a little brother. Just eew!
"Facts having the last hurrah at the house this Friday, you should come," she said to Tennille.
"Welllll, maybe if I can catch a real man who will do me," she said.
The last hurrah!
The house was sentimental to him, despite how Kitty felt. Good memories, bad memories. Memories with him and his boys. He could not wait to make memories in the brand new house Kitty was having built. She was not giving him details about it he just let her do whatever she wanted. He did not care if it was a one-bedroom shack, as long as she was there with him.
Seven whole days.
Seven days before he was married. He wished it was tomorrow. He missed Kitty. He only agreed with her staying at her house because he wanted to do whatever made her happy. This was the first time in a long time that he was in the same city as her and they were not in the same bed at night. Time went by fast because it felt like yesterday he first met her.
He was not smoking with his boys, but he was drinking like it was the last supper. This was not his bachelor's party, but he was still getting turnt. Freezy, T-Zack, TA, AKA, Spitfire, and more were there. Some of his artists he signed on Factory Hitz were there. Lots of his local friends he still kicked it with. Even Kitty and some of her sisters were there partying up, some of them indulging in the drinking and smoking. But not his girl.
"You miss me yet? Cuz I can come over to your place and we can clothes burn and shit," Icee said, kissing on her neck, while they sat in the middle of the party on one of his sofas in the entertainment room.
"You're a weirdo when you're drunk," she said, holding him back.
"I ain't drunk, yet," he said, drinking straight from the bottle of Cristal. "This shit can't get me twisted."
She kissed him, sucking on his tongue then licking his lips.
"I like how that tastes on you," she said.
"Damn girl, stop playing for I fuck you right here," he said, licking her neck.
She gave him another long kiss then moved away from him.
"Maybe I'll meet you upstairs in the bedroom," she said and walked away.
"Stop teasing me Kit, that ain't funny!" He drunk more Cristal. Seven more days, no holding him back from her.
Although Kitty did not care for the house, she still liked the house, just not for her and Icee as a married couple. Not what he considered a bachelor's pad for so many years. The wild party tonight was just an example of how he treated the house. Sure, they would have parties at their new house, but hopefully with some class and not all the smoking and drinking.
She walked around the house, looking at everything one last time. The "Ice Palace" as she called their new estates, would put this one to shame. The point of being with a millionaire had to live like a millionaire and she was getting used to that. This house was enormous, but it was not a mansion, it was a big house. What she was building was a mansion. Why think small? She was young, Icee was young, they would be in that mansion for many years to come.
"Aye yo ma, what you doing?"
She jumped, startled because no one was upstairs on the second level, everyone was down in the lower level where the party was. It was TA looking higher than a bird in the sky.
"Boy, what is your butt doing up here? You need to lay down and sleep some of that off?"
"I could lay down," he said, walking up to her. "You wanna join me?"
"Haha, boy, stop. Come on, let me put you in one of these rooms so you can lay down and chill," she said, putting her arm around him and leading him to a bedroom. "You need to stop all that smoking and drinking. I bet if you did you could find a nice girl and get yo life right."
"Like you huh? I want a girl like you," he mumbled, his lips brushed against her neck.
"Stop TA, damn, get yo drunk self off me." She made it into one of the spare bedrooms and pushed him in the bed, but he pulled her down with him.
"Kitty, I want to taste you." He tried to kiss her but she moved her head away. She tried pushing him off her, but he held her down with a strong arm.
This wasn't real. Was TA trying to do something to her? She felt his hands tug at her jogger pants.
"Stop! TA get off me!" She struggled to get free from his hold as her pants slid down exposing herself to him.
"Just a taste Kitty Kat, let me lick you."
Hell to the no this was not happening. She scratched his face as hard as she could and then with all her strength, pushed him off of her. She jabbed him in the nose with the ball of her hand. He screamed and held his bloody nose. She stood up on the bed, fixed her pants then kicked a blow right to his balls.
"Mother fucker who you think you messing with?" She started swinging on his face like a wild woman as he screamed in pain, trying to protect his face.
"Hey, what's going on in here?"
It was T-Zack standing by the open door.
TA jumped up, wiping away the blood that dripped from his nose.
"This bitch wilding out on me!"
"Oh, I'm a bitch now?" Kitty swung a kick to his side and he fell to his knees in pain. She was ready to knock him out but then T-Zack came over and pulled her off him. She was still swinging and kicking.
"Lil ma, what's going on? Why are you wilding out on TA? What that nigga do?"
"Fuck her! I ain't do shit to her," TA said, storming around the room.
"Hey boy, you best cool down for your cuz come up in here and he ain't gonna be nice about it."
"Fuck him, fuck her!" TA said.
"Let me at him Zack," Kitty said, trying to break free from T-Zack to get some more of TA.
"Girl, calm down and tell me what he did?"
"What who did?" Icee said, standing there, watching.
Kitty bit her lip, looked down. How was she going to tell Icee what TA tried to do? He was going to be a dead man. She was going to watch a murder right before her eyes.
"Man, I just came up here looking for that clown, Kitty wilding out on him like Tyson, neither of they asses saying shit about it," T-Zack said.
Icee walked in, looking at TA holding his bloody face. "Damn bro, who fucked you up?" He looked at Kitty, who T-Zack still held. "Babe, what happened?"
"Man, fuck this shit, I'm out of here," TA said and stormed out the room.
"Aye!" T-Zack called after him. "Stop being a punk ass and get in here and deal with this."
TA didn't even look back, he was gone. He knew that once Kitty said something, it was all over for him.
"Kitty, baby," Icee put his arms around her. "What the hell happened?"
She didn't say anything, just let him hold her.
"I'm telling you, that nigga did something. Let me go handle him, you stay with Kitty," Zack said and walked out.
"Babe," he said, kissing her forehead. "That nigga high and drunk, what did he do?"
"He tried to kiss me and-"
"He what?" Icee let her go and looked at her. "That mother fucker tried to what? Kiss you! My wife? What the fuck? Imma beat his ass!"
Icee immediately stormed out of the room but she grabbed his arm and held him back. "Wait, Ice, wait. Okay, you said he was drunk and high, maybe he didn't know what he was doing." She was lying to him, but she thought protecting TA was helping Icee not go to jail days before their wedding.
"Naw, that lil mother fucker know he ain't got no right laying his hands on you like that! Let me deal with his ass."
"No!" She hugged Icee tight. "Please, no. Just...cool down, you can talk to him later. When he cools down."
"Naw baby, he needs to know."
"Icee, please, for me."
He rubbed her back, kissed her forehead. "Baby, I can't let that shit go. That's supposed to be my family, he trying to push up on you...nah...nah...let me-"
"Hold me Icee." So she could stop shaking so much.
"Babe, you a'ight?"
"I wanta sleep here with you tonight. Can I?"
"Baby, you don't even have to ask."
The party was over after that for her. She was done. She showered and put on pajamas and got in bed and wanted to clear her mind. Icee was in bed shortly after her, pulling her in his arms and she was fast asleep.
A/N: Hard for me to write, even though TA didn't get far with what he was attempting to do...I know everyone is going to say she should have told Icee the truth but for many reasons she did not. They all the wrong reasons, but let me play it out differently for you.
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