28. Lurkin'
When dey want what u got, bitches be lurkin
Stop tryin' ta be what u not, bitches be lurkin
My money ain't yo problem, bitches be lurkin
Fuck ya think, we dem boyz, bitches be lurkin
Step to da Factz, we 'bout dat life
True to his word, he was spending more time with Kitty. He was home whenever he could and limited the number of shows. He did not want more mess like that show in NYC where she was attacked by his fans. As their wedding date drew closer, he felt like something could go wrong but he hoped that gut feeling he had was just nerves.
They were back in L.A. for a special awards banquet. Nothing but celebrity and the rich gathered to congratulate themselves on whatever bullshit they were dishing to each other. Since he did a lot of community work in L.A. and owned property there, he was a resident and they were honoring him with some community activism award. While he did consider L.A. his second home for the last five years, it was not home to him. He did so much business out there it was just smart for him to own property there and give back when he could.
Kitty was looking forward to the event. It was small and intimate, not a big venue, and only about one hundred attendees. At least it was only celebrities and not crazy fans. It was black-tie and he wore a nice Givenchy suit and she wore a Valentino black form-fitting dress. It was nice, but she should have worn one of her sister's dresses. Also, she had her hair straightened, something he had never seen in the year and a half of being with her.
"You're looking at it like you don't like it," she said while they ate their one thousand dollar plate dinner.
"I don't know, it's just...different," he said. No, he did not like it, but he was not going to tell her. He knew women. Don't mention they have gained weight, their age, and that their hair was not cute.
"I like it. Just trying out some things to see if I want to wear it like this for the wedding," she said, running her fingers through her shiny, straight black hair that reached her mid-back.
"I mean, I vote fro," he said.
"Fro, in my dress, not sure that's a look."
"Baby, you can come down that damn aisle butt ass naked, with a shower cap on, I don't care."
They were at a table with the rest of Fact Iz and Ginger who brought along a date. Some lil rapper guy that was older and a has-been. Riding her coattails because she was in hot demand after her Grammy win. Who was he to judge who she kicked it with?
"Kitty, it's cute, I like it," Ginger said.
"Icee hates it."
"I didn't say..." He was just going to let that go. He kissed her on the cheek. "Shave yo head bald baby, I'm still fucking with you."
T-Zack was on his other side with his wife Michelle. TA was in his feelings because Tennille had a performance and could not be his date. He still did not see TA and Tennille being a match. He was wild, she was wild and they definitely were not trying to tame each other. Wasn't his business so he was staying out of it.
"Kitty, let's go to the ladies' room. I need to uh...powder my nose," Ginger said, getting up from the table.
"Aye! You trying to take my girl out and smoke or something?"
"Boy, shut up," Ginger said, smushing his head.
Kitty went with Ginger to the ladies' room. She did have to go. They both made it to the empty ladies' room and went into a stall.
"Girl, aren't you nervous this close to the wedding? Like is your stomach bubbling up and you about to have a nervous breakdown?" Ginger asked from the stall next to her.
She laughed. "No, not nervous at all. Why should I be? Everything will be perfect."
"Girl, just hurry up and tie that man down. The bitches be lurking."
She finished, flushed, and straightened her dress back down. When she exited her stall, who was standing right there? A bitch lurking.
"Funny seeing you here," Kitty said, walking past her to wash her hands.
"My city, I know where to be," Bonnie said, moving too close to her personal space.
"Following after Icee like a love-sick puppy?"
"Humph! I see you really trying to look Hollywood straightening out that nappy shit on your head."
"Hold up!" Ginger stormed out of her stall. "What this bitch doing in here?"
"Gin, chill, I got this." Kitty walked closer to Bonnie, strained her neck to look her in the eyes. "You had your chance with Icee. He is done with you. You are a has-been to him, like your career. If he really ever cared about you, you would be wearing this ring, and what? Marrying him in three weeks like me. Get over it, because he's over you."
"Tell that bitch!" Ginger said. "You best get to stepping, girl!"
"Gin, I'll meet you out, I'm done with the trash," Kitty said, exiting the bathroom as Ginger went to wash her hands.
She had taken two steps out of the bathroom when she felt someone yank her by the hair.
"Bitch! I will kill you!" Bonnie yelled at her. "Icee is mine!"
Bonnie grabbed her by the throat and started to choke her. She tried to scream but that hurt and she was not loud. She felt her life about to leave her because Bonnie was not letting up on her. Oh no, she was not going out like that. Her brother-in-law trained her to fight to the death of her if needed. She started to dig her nails into Bonnie's wrists, and she drew blood, but that did not release her grip. If she did not have on the tight dress, she could kick at her, but she couldn't.
Icee heard Ginger screaming and a ruckus and the whole table of Facts rushed to the back of the room to see Bonnie choking Kitty.
"Bonnie! Hey, get the fuck off her!"
He grabbed Bonnie and pried her hands from Kitty's neck. T-Zack grabbed Kitty and checked on her as she coughed up and cried.
"What the fuck are you doing to my wife?"
"She's not your wife! Why do you want to marry that lil girl and not me Icee? I love you!"
"Bitch, you playing too much. You don't love me! You love what I did for you, now if you ever even look at my wife again, it will be the last thing your eyes do."
"Fuck that Icee, let me kick her ass," Ginger said, and her little five two self tried to swing on six-foot Bonnie, but Bonnie moved and then in turn slapped Ginger hard across her face.
"Stupid lil bitch!" Bonnie said, already in fighter stance ready to go blow-to-blow.
"Oh hell naw!" Ginger yelled charging Bonnie, but AKA pulled Ginger back.
"Get yo lil ass somewhere, let me get her ass." AKA punched her square in the face and Bonnie fell to the floor like a fallen tree. Then both AKA and Ginger kept landing blows at her while she was down.
Icee went to Kitty while T-Zack and Michelle were checking on her.
"Ice, take her out of here, she might need to get looked at," Michelle said.
He scooped Kitty up in his arms and headed out. Security at this point was swarming trying to break up the fight. He was trying to make sure Kitty was okay. He made it to a waiting limo parked in front and put Kitty inside.
She was crying and shaking so bad he did not know what to say or do.
"Kitty, baby, talk to me," he said.
He held her in his arms and rubbed her face, trying to wipe the tears away but they kept coming.
"Baby, please," he said, kissing her. "Say something. What do you need me to do?"
"No," she said, pushing him away.
"Kitty, let me take care of you. I need you-"
"No!" She pulled away from him and sat back in the corner of the limo.
A knock on the window startled them both. It was Ginger. He lowered the window a bit.
"Let me in mother fucker!"
The door unlocked and Ginger got in, pushing past him and taking Kitty in her arms. Ginger's hair was a mess and her dress was ripped, and she held her red bottoms in her hands.
"Don't worry girl, I fucked that bitch up. You okay?"
"I h-hate her!"
"You and the world," Ginger said, rubbing her hair.
"W-why w-would she do th-that to me? Why?"
"Shhh, girl, not your fault," Ginger said, then looked at Icee and rolled her eyes. "But someone...I don't know if he can say the same."
"Gin, this ain't about you," Icee said.
"Nigga, you let your hoe ass ex assault my girl. This is about me!"
"But Kitty my wife, let me take care of her."
"Nigga, you put a ring on it but she ain't say I do. Get yo ass on with that," Ginger said. "Kitty, I got you, we gone sue that bitch for all the lil pennies she has left."
"Ginger, don't make shit worse," Icee said.
"Worse!" Kitty yelled at him. "All you care about is protecting that woman! You're the one still friends with her! You're the one who keeps stringing her along like she still has a chance with you. I can't keep doing this Icee."
"Baby, I know, it's me, I'm wrong. I'm sorry."
"Yo ass sorry alright," Ginger said.
"Gin, Imma need you to leave and let me and Kitty handle this shit. I need to take Kitty to a doctor and see if she okay."
"I ain't going to a doctor! Take me home!"
"But Kitty-"
"What did she just say?" Ginger said.
"Then can you leave us? I got this," Icee said.
Ginger rubbed Kitty's back. "You need me to stay, I will stay."
Kitty nodded her head and rested it on Ginger's shoulder. All Icee could do was watch his woman in a chick's arm getting the comfort she should be getting from him. He told the driver to leave and they drove off. Kitty kept crying and sniffling and Ginger kept comforting her. He wanted to do something but was afraid Kitty would snap at him again. What was he supposed to do?
Yes, it was his fault. He kept Bonnie a part of his life and never flat out told her there was no chance of them ever getting back. Over the four years that they were off and on, they had "broken up" several times but always got back together. In Bonnie's mind, this was just another break. But it wasn't. He never loved Bonnie, not even a little. He never wanted to give up everything for Bonnie.
If anything, Bonnie made him the womanizing man he was. She allowed him to have other women, she didn't care, as long as in public they flaunted themselves around like a happy couple. As long as she got his dick whenever she wanted. As long as he iced her out like he liked to do. He never complained about their fucked up relationship because she was The Bonnie Walker, an icon in the entertainment world.
The day he met Kitty he knew she was the one, but he still held on to Bonnie. Even when he told Bonnie it was over and he wanted to pursue a relationship with Kitty, he held on to Bonnie. He didn't think he'd fall in love so fast and want to spend the rest of his life with Kitty, so he held on to Bonnie. Now she could have ruined his life by hurting the woman he loved. It was time to let her go for good.
They made it to Icee's house and he tried to get Kitty to come to him, but she didn't want to even look at him.
"Kitty baby, please, let me hold you, make this all better. Baby, I need you."
"Gin will you stay with me tonight?"
"Of course girl, whatever you need."
Ginger helped Kitty out of the limo. They both just left him there. He got out, went to the door, and opened it for them. Kitty immediately went off to the bedroom with Ginger and they slammed the door. He stood by that door, wanting to knock, wanting to just go inside and grab Kitty and hold her. What was he supposed to do?
A/N: Bonnie should have been canceled after the freaky sho-tel incident, now this? Who blames Icee? 🙋🏾♀️
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