27. Dem Double Ds
Imma havta' give it to her one more time
Cuz picture-perfect frame runnin' thru my mind
I can't deny the loveliness in my eyes
She so damn fly, fuck all dem lies
Like a freak of da week, she thicky thick
Nice and round-round, let me licky lick
She caught my eye, she came to please
Fuck y'all shit, I'm wit' it for dem double Ds
A/N: Thanks to oncetheywrite for the collabo! She wanted this rap when I didn't want to include it, but she helped with them bars! I hope you like it, girl!
Kitty worked with her assistant to get with Icee's assistant to better coordinate their calendars so that they could be together more. She knew as they got closer to the wedding that she had to put forth more effort into making things work for them. If that meant her traveling more or Icee coming home often, they both had to do their part.
The mall was coming along well, the house had a ways to go. She was adamant about not staying at Icee's place and that sale was finally going through. In the meantime, she found them a great in-between place to stay, his brother's old loft above the building. She was getting that renovated and expanded on. That would save them a whole lot of time just going downstairs to go to work.
Icee was still working hard as ever. After Grammy night he was in hot demand to do shows and tours but he could not commit to any of the tours and only picked shows where Kitty was able to fly out to. He was always hot in New York City and he was scheduled for three back-to-back shows there. Kitty flew out to be with him, plus Tennille was climbing the charts and she was able to be his opening act. Ashley was even tagging along as both Kitty and Tennille's hairstylist.
"Mmm-hmmm, lemme get used to this," Ashley said, having her fill of Cristal champagne while they lounged in the hotel suite.
"Umm, sis, you are here to work," Tennille said. "Look at my hair. You best get to work or sumthin.'"
"I like my hair," Kitty said and shook out her two-strand twists. "Ugh! I don't want to cut it to keep my fro, I like it long."
"You have worked the fro for how long Kit Kat? You gotta change it up boo, especially with you in the limelight," Ashley said.
"But my fro is my signature look." As well as always being dressed in KStyle Fashions fresh off the assembly line. A red fitted tee and a fitted long white skirt with red strips down each side. Of course she wore her favorite custom-made white and diamond-crusted, red-bottomed Louboutins. One thing she was not afraid to spend money on was shoes and clothes.
"Change is good. Period," Ashley said, as she now wore dark brown wet and wavy weave.
"Annnd! Can a sista get her weave tightened or sumthin'?" Tennile said, stomping her foot.
"This bitch here, too much damn drama," Ashley said, finishing her champagne. "I'on
know if I want to work for this heffa."
"Sissy, I'm sorry," Tennille said hugging her. "You know how I am. You are the best!"
"I know," Ashley said, pouring herself another glass. "Now sit yo ass in the chair and let me do something to your head so you can represent."
While she waited for her sister to get her hair done, she texted Icee who was at the venue prepping his show.
Gonna be another two hours before NiNi and I get there.
She gotta run thru her set
She'll do it. She'll be there and ready
Love u
luv u 2. cant wait to kiss you
Finally, Tennille's hair and make-up were done and they headed to the venue. It was a mid-sized arena that was sold out. Mostly women so Kitty was wondering how Tennille would come across. Her songs were super sexy and about being freaky. Then again, women liked that and got off on the female empowerment of it.
She performed "Get Me, Get Me," her second single "Do It" and "Freak Shit." Tennille was more than a singer, she was a performer. Still new and unknown, but her small set was to the level of a Beyoncé performance with eight dancers and a live band. Icee was molding her to be the female version of him, a freak and confident about it.
Icee then performed "Making Love," "My Heart, My Soul, My Everything," "Lay You Down," "Wet," and "Err'Thang About Ya," with Tennille singing Ginger's part. Kitty loved her sister and thought she had a great voice, but that song was made for Ginger. It was not the same feel when her sister sang the love song about her.
"I have one last song I need to sing for err'body, especially my lady tonight. I know err'body love that "Err'thang" song, but my favorite on the album is "Make U My Wife," Icee said as he talked to the audience. "I knew I wanted to make this woman my wife, but it was hard to say the right words. Fellas in the audience, if you ever feel this way about your woman, just sing this song to her."
Kitty was sitting in a reserved upper deck room of the arena with Ashley and some of Icee's crew, so she was not in with the crowd. She still felt like she was sitting right there as Icee sang his heart out with that song.
"Damn, Icee blowing shit up with that song," Ashley said. "How many people gonna get married to that song now?"
"He's gonna sing it at our wedding. I hope I don't turn into a crying mess," she said, wiping at her eyes.
"Girllll...no! Waterproof mascara and set that face real good so you don't ruin it. And think of something else if you're going to be a big baby about it."
After the show, they made their way down to the backstage area to meet up with Tennille. Some of Icee's people were with them making sure no one who recognized them tried to do anything. Tennille was doing a meet and greet after the show, but Icee was not meeting with fans.
"I'll stay with NiNi, you go on and meet up with Icee," Ashley said.
"Okay," she said and turned to one of Icee's people. "Where is Icee?"
"Out back waiting on the limo to arrive. Come on, let's head that way."
When they made it to the exit of the building, Icee was hanging around with some of his crew talking. He smiled when he saw her.
"Hey baby," he said, putting his arms around her. "Did you enjoy the show?"
"It was great."
"Cal said there was a mob of fans out back, the limo can't pull up."
"Is there another exit?"
"I'on know, they better think of something," he said, kissing her. He looked her up and down. "You cute today."
"Cute? What happened to sexy?"
"Always that baby." His eyes zoomed in to her chest popping out the tight fitted red shirt, with KStyle across it. "Showing off the tat on my Double Ds, huh?"
"Shoulda rapped that song tonight if I knew you were looking this good and had them out like that!"
"Mr. Curtis, we can't go out this back way. No way to get to the limo," the manager of the arena said. "We have another exit for you and we're going to get a car to wait for you and your fiance there."
"Whatever, I'm tired, ready to go and rest my head," he said.
Kitty, Icee, and two of his guards, plus his assistant and stage manager headed towards that exit. The arena manager was talking on a headset saying everything was clear.
Soon as Kitty and Icee exited the building, she saw it was all clear but the car was not even close. It was quite a little walk away.
"The guards are with you and we have security on standby," the manager said.
"Y'all really gone make my baby walk in these shoes, way over there?" Icee said to the manager.
"Ice, it's fine, I'll be fine."
"You sure? I can carry you?"
"C'mon, let's just go."
They got just a few steps when somehow fans exiting near noticed them. They started screaming and rushing toward them.
"Oh hell no," Icee said, holding Kitty's hand and trying to hurry to the car.
His guards tried to make a barrier around them but there were like two dozen screaming women at this point reaching for Icee. Kitty felt hands pull her, grab her arm, rip her shirt, pull her hair. She was scratched and pushed and thought this was going to be the end of her. The biggest guard grabbed her up and made a rush to the car. Arena security came and held back the mob of women as it grew to about a hundred fans.
Kitty was pushed into the car but there was no Icee. Women were all over the car and the driver honked at them. Finally Icee made it to the car and got in, barely able to close the door.
"I can't drive away," the frantic driver said.
"Fucking drive!" Icee barked, holding Kitty in his arms. "Baby, you okay? Let me look at you."
The driver kept honking as he slowly moved the car. Guards were yelling and pulling people off the car.
"Look what they did to you babe," Icee said, rubbing scratches on her cheek.
"I'm fine."
"No, the fuck you're not!" She had scratches on her shoulder where her shirt was ripped down, her black bra was showing.
"Sir, I think we're clear," the driver said.
"Get me and my wife back to the hotel. Now!" He hugged Kitty tight to him. "Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't think my fans would ever treat you like that. It's never been that bad."
"They all hate me, I'm sure," she said, finally catching her breath. That was a lot to deal with. Scary, but at the same time, she felt defenseless. Her instinct was to fight back, but she couldn't, not that many people.
"Fuck that, if my fans don't respect you, they don't respect me! How much of me am I supposed to give them when all of me belongs to you?"
"Icee, you love your fans and you would not be the success you are without creating a frenzy with the women wherever you go. I get it. I've seen it since that very first day at the mall when you got mobbed."
"Yeah, but they are touching you now," he said, kissing her forehead. "Better security from now on, ma. You need your own guards, with you at all times. Shit like that, ain't gonna happen again."
She was sore after that. She took a long bubble bath by herself, tended to her scratches and bruises, then took an aspirin, and lay in bed cuddled next to Icee.
"How many more weeks?" he asked, rubbing her cheek.
A/N: I would break up with Icee. Actually I would have dumped him a long time ago. I'm not built for that life. Do you think it can't get any worse than this for Kitty? Bonnie strikes next!
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