Money ain't a thing, and a ring is a ring
They call me Icee, I got da bling bling
From da rollie to da chains
So icy from my head down to my toes
Diamonds all around me
Let's get dat money right
And fuckin' bling me out
After more sex in the shower and getting dressed between bites of eating the food that was brought up, they finally made it to brunch where Ginger was waiting on them in the back area with a big floppy hat on and sunglasses.
"Sorry we're late," Kitrina greeted her, giving her air kisses and a light hug. She felt so Hollywood.
"Icee always doing the most I'm sure. Bet he takes longer to get ready than any woman I know, with his pretty ass."
"It wasn't even me, blame your girl for not keeping her hands off me," Icee explained and Kitrina shook her head with embarrassment at him.
"Ugh, don't even want to hear it," Ginger scoffed.
They ordered their food and Kitrina and Ginger chatted it up like they were old friends. They talked about all they saw last night and who was best dressed and worse dressed and all that gossip stuff. Icee was bored to tears, but he knew Kitrina liked hanging with Ginger. After they finished their food, the ladies excused themselves to go freshen up in the ladies' room.
"Don't keep my baby too long." Icee pulled Kitrina to him for a kiss before she walked off with Ginger.
"Girl, why is Icee goo-goo gaga over you like that? I have never seen him that way. Not with Bonnie or anyone," Ginger remarked when they were touching up their make-up.
"Oh, we told each other we loved each other for the first time last night," Kitrina smiled hard as she told her new celebrity friend. She didn't know her well, but she had a vibe about Ginger.
"Aaaaw, that's so sweet. Y'all in love. Girl, hold on to that man, he's one of the good ones."
"I know! And we also...made love for the first time."
"Shut the front door! Really? How long have you been dating that this was your first time?"
Kitrina did not know how much she wanted to confide in Ginger, because she still barely knew her. It was something about her that she connected with and she knew they would be friends even after this weekend.
"Girl, between you and me, I was celibate for three and a half years when I met Icee. We've been dating for about, five months now. He was cool with it, so he never really pressured me about it. We just took our time and got to know each other."
"Damn, damn, damn! Is that how you do it? That's how Ciara caught Russell, so let me consider this celibate lifestyle thang...not!"
They made it back out to Icee.
"Took you long enough, big head," Icee snapped at Ginger. "This is my girl, you need to find a man and not be a third wheel."
"Oh Icee, that was mean to say," Kitrina let out, slapping her forehead.
"Oh, don't worry about me big bro, you know I get mine in," Ginger remarked.
"I don't know if I like my girl hanging with this one, she might corrupt her pretty little mind," Icee stated kissing Kitrina.
"Oh please! I am not going to sit here and watch you two lovebirds make out like two high school kids."
Icee did not stop kissing Kitrina, he just shooed Ginger away with his hand.
"You know what I want to do now," Icee began. "I want to take my girl shopping and bling her out."
Kitrina was that girly girl that did not mind shopping and spending money on clothes that made her look good. She had not officially started working for Icee yet, but he had given her an advance on her high six-figure income she would be making. Icee wanted to buy her everything, but she had no problem spending her own. They hit up all the posh stores and Kitrina had so much stuff she was going to have to ship it home separately. Then they went to Icee's favorite jewelry store where he got most of his bling-bling. Icee was like a kid in the candy store. He wanted some of everything he saw.
"And I thought diamonds were a girl's best friend."
"And a man's best friend, at least this man. Look, bae, look at this tennis bracelet for you. Let me get that for you."
"No, I told you I don't need all that. How am I going to look wearing all these diamonds in Springfield? Cra-Z!"
"Naw, but I want you with me at my next shows and award and wherever I go, so I want everyone to know you mine by the blingage you wear. Okay look let's get some custom-made earrings to match the chain I got you. Alright?"
"Sure." She figured Icee was going to do whatever with his money, why try and stop him.
Icee spent like a cool million up in there ordering himself all kinds of custom diamond jewelry. She just shook her head at him.
After they dropped everything off back in their room, Icee took her to the car dealership.
"Why are we here?"
"Did you not read your contract, Ms. Thang. I owe you a ride as one of your perks."
"I don't need a new car."
"Babe, if you are going to represent me and my business, I need you driving around in style. No offense to your old hooptie."
"He-ey! I love my Rav." Kitty looked around at the luxury cars. "Although, I have always wanted a Denali SUV."
"Then let's go check them out."
After the car dealership, they headed to the studio and met up with the rest of Fact Iz.
"Yo, about time your late ass arrived," T-Zack stated once they walked in.
"Cuz he whipped," TA quipped, grabbing Kitrina in a hug. "I mean I get it cuz. Ms. Kitrina all that!"
"You're always playing too much, I see," Kitrina pushed TA away and sat down next to him. "What have you guys been working on?"
"We were just playing around waiting on fat head," TA remarked.
"Yo Ice, I told you I had this beat for you, what you got to lay on it?" Spitfire asked him.
"Let me up in here and do my thing," Icee announced, going inside the recording booth.
Lately, everyone was on him about this solo album, so he was testing it out recording this song for Spitfire. 'JetSet' was a song about living the life of a superstar. As always, true to Fact Iz style, it was about bragging about boasting about the money, jewelry, and all the crazy things they did. Kitrina liked the song, but she also felt like Fact Iz had done dozens of songs that sounded the same. If Icee wanted to shine on his own, he had to come at a solo project a little different.
"Spitfire, did you know Icee could sing?"
"Aw yeah, I heard him sing, he's all right," Spitfire nodded. "What you trying to say lil ma?"
"He wrote this great song he sang to me, you should hear it."
"Word?" Spitfire talked to Icee in the booth. "Yo Ice, your girl wants you to sing the song you sang to her."
Icee grinned. "That song was personal, I ain't trying to share that."
"Oh come on Ice, it was nice. Sing it!"
"Is this dude blushing in here, really?" T-Zack chuckled.
"Now I wanna hear it," AKA added.
"I ain't singing that song to none of y'all, that's for my girl."
"He's being shy and shit," Spitfire stated, then turned to Kitrina. "Why don't you go in there with yo man and see if you can coax it out of him."
Kitrina went inside the booth. Icee took off his headphones and turned to her.
"Kitty, I ain't singing that song. I'm a rapper, baby, not a singer."
"But you have a nice voice. Just sing the song and let Spitfire hear it. You can just sing it to me like before," she grabbed a headset and started to put it on. "And look, I can sing it with you."
"Oh really? You got it like that?" Icee put his headphones back on.
"I might. Come on."
Icee warmed his vocals with a soft melodic sound and Kitrina joined in with him. The look Icee had on his face was priceless because he was impressed with Kitrina's harmony. Icee started to sing "Err'Thang About Ya" and Kitrina joined in with adlibs and as much of the song as she could remember. Icee got into it now because he was feeling it more than when he first wrote it. He realized he had been in love with Kitrina then, maybe even forever. He did love everything about her.
"Damn, they in there doing the damn thing," Spitfire proclaimed as he recorded them singing.
"Look at lil Icee blow," T-Zack remarked.
TA watched in awe. "He must really be in love, nigga in there singing like he Usher."
"I ain't mad. That shit dope!" AKA added.
When Icee finished, he snatched off his headphones.
"Baby, you didn't tell me you could sing!"
"I do a lil something, something."
"You have a great voice. Babe, I gotta get you on a track."
"Already did." Spitfire motioned them out of the booth.
"What is he talking about?" Kitrina inquired as they walked out.
"Yo, that song is slammin, and I recorded it, but we need to clean it up a bit and let me put a dope beat to it..."
"We were just messing around," Kitrina pointed out.
"You messed around and made a hit song! Now go back in there and do it again," Spitfire declared.
"Me? No, way! I'm not trying to be recorded. Icee, tell him he's crazy," Kitrina insisted.
"Naw babe, I want you on this track. It's about you and me."
"So! You need a real singer on it, not me."
"Kit girl, you sounded good," AKA assured her.
"I'm not doing it."
Icee pulled Kitrina out of the room with him so that he could discuss it with her.
"Kitty, I wrote this song for you, about us, about how I was feeling. You encouraged me just now to sing it for my boys, and it's lit and they love it and I know Spit's gonna put a nice beat on it. Baby, record the song for me."
"No way!"
"If you don't record the song with me, babe, I'm not doing it. That's just that."
Kitrina felt bad now. It was a nice song and she did not want to be blamed for Icee not recording it and having a big hit. There was no way she was going to sing on it. She knew she had an okay voice, but not one to be recorded and she never wanted that kind of life. She was no professional. There were hundreds of other female singers that would love to do it.
She grinned. "What if I got another singer who is even better?"
"Ain't nobody better than you."
Kitrina took out her cell phone and dialed.
"Hello, who is this?" Ginger spat out when she answered.
"Hey Ginger, this it Kitrina, you know, Icee's girl—"
"Hey girl!"
"You haven't left L.A., have you?"
"Have my flight early tomorrow morning."
"Hey, can you come down to Spitfire's studio and record this song with Icee?"
"Excuse me? What? Kitrina that is not even how it works. I have to call my manager and get a contract drawn up, I don't do shit for free," she bellowed.
"I'm not asking you that. I'm sure you guys can work out all the business of it later. Icee and I just worked on this nice song that he wants to record and I can't think of any other female singer to do it with him. Please! I know you don't know me like that, but it would mean a lot to me and Icee. Please!"
"I like the please sandwich," she chuckled. "I'm intrigued. I have an event tonight, but I can push back my flight and do it early tomorrow. I mean, that's the only time I have—"
"We'll take it! I'll see you then," Kitrina hung up with a big smile on her face.
"Really? You asked Ginger to do the song?"
"Why not? You two have done songs together and I think the chemistry is great. She can't do it till tomorrow, so I hope Spitfire is available."
They played around more at the studio with Spitfire and Fact Iz before they headed off. It was late when they made it back to the hotel and they had to get up early to get back there, so they went right to sleep. It felt like they had just laid their heads down when they had to get right back up at five a.m. to get to the studio at six.
"Is this how you work all the time? Party all night, get up bright and early, and go to work?" Kitrina asked as they showered together.
"Basically," he said, kissing her, "Except I never had this sexiness with me before. I kind of like it."
"Boy come on, we can't do anything right now but get dressed and make it to this studio on time. What Spitfire say, time is money and—"
"Money is time. I know!"
They dressed and had a car take them to the studio getting there just as a sleepy Ginger was in the lobby waiting for the elevator.
"I can't believe y'all got me up this damn early on some bullshit!"
"Nice to see you too girl," Icee said as the elevator arrived.
"I'm just saying. My manager is going to be in my ass about doing this without going through him first. We're on different labels Ice, this shit needs to get cleared."
"It will be, so stop all your whining lil ma, and at least listen to the track and see what you can do with it."
Icee held the door to the studio open for the ladies as they walked in. Spitfire was already there bouncing to a beat he had playing out the speakers.
"Man, do you just live in here?" Icee said to him.
"Something like that," Spitfire replied. "Yo Gin, what's up with you girl. You ready to do this?"
"I'm always ready. Tell me what y'all been doing?"
Icee and Kitrina worked on the song more last night and wrote out the lyrics. Spitfire handed her the lyric sheet.
"Kitrina and Icee laid down some vocals. I'm going to playback what they did so you can get the vibe for it. A real dope love song," Spitfire told her.
Kitrina had to smile when she heard her recorded self. She did sound good. She was shocked at how good. Her voice blended well with Icee's too. It did not even sound like her it sounded like someone else.
"Kitrina that's you?" Ginger asked. "Girl, why do you need me? You are sounding like Beyoncé on there and I'll just be like Kelly. No way!" Ginger tossed the lyric sheet down.
"What? Ginger no! I'm not a professional. You are. It doesn't sound that good. I—I was just messing around."
"If that's you messing around, I would love to see you going all in. You need to record the song. You are singing about how you love this man, how can I make it any better?"
"That's what I was saying!" Icee roared.
"No, listen, Ginger, I asked you to record the song because I know you can make it better. I love your voice, and you have chemistry with Icee. I am not, nor do I ever want to be a singer. Yes, I have a voice, all my sisters do, but I only have sung for the church. Do you like the song?"
"Sure, and Icee is not even rapping. That shit will have all the people shook. Especially the ladies," Ginger snickered then nodded. "Okay, you know what? I am the diva. I can blow! I know I have the pipes to whip this song into a big hit. Come on Icee, let's do this."
Kitrina thought it would be easy to lay down the song, but it was not. It took them hours before Spitfire felt like it was right. True to her word, Ginger did her thing on the song. She was no Kitrina, but she put her own flavor on it and they all loved it.
Afterward Icee, Kitrina, and Ginger headed to get something to eat.
"I'm so glad you convinced me to do the song Kit, that is going to be a hit for sho," Ginger told Kitrina, digging into her shopped Cobb salad.
"If only I can convince this man to finish the whole album singing, that would be even better," Kitrina chuckled at Icee.
"Oh, you ain't got to convince me too hard babe, I see where the album is going now, and I like it. I have a lot more ideas for this and I'm going to take the world by storm," Icee assured them.
"Right!" Ginger laughed. "A rapper, turned model, now turned singer. Girl! If you think you have to fight the thots off him now, wait till they hear him sing."
"Oh, my babe does not have to worry about that," Icee pulled her in his arms. "She has me, and I'm not going anywhere. Let them groupies try all they want."
"It has to be hard dating a mega superstar Kitty and you're just...I're not in the Hollywood crowd or anything."
"Yeah, I'm a nobody, you were going to say that, right?" Kitty joked, giving Ginger a playful push. "I am, so what. I'm confident Icee picked me and so he wants to be with me."
"That's right babe." Icee kissed her. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Oh, here we go again!" Ginger threw up her hands at them.
The rest of the time Kitty was in L.A. with Icee, they spent every moment together. He took her to his condo and they spent the rest of their time there, mostly in bed. If he had it his way, he would keep her there with him but he knew the type of woman Kitrina was. She would never want to just be the girl following in his shadow. That was why he was sure she was going to do big things starting up his clothing label.
"Go on back to the crib and make Icee a lot more ice," he told her when he took her to the airport.
"You don't need anymore."
"Baby always can have more ice," he assured her. "You ready to shine baby girl?"
"Oh, you know this!"
Soon as Kitrina's plane took off, he hopped in his limo and headed to his favorite spot in L.A. He called his father on the way.
"Pops, I think I found the one," he said to him.
He had one more diamond he needed to buy.
A/N: Long chapter let's review. Icee bought Kitty a lot of ice and a car. Icee recorded the title song! Icee bought one more diamond? Yeah, that one.
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