||Requests|| (OPEN!!)
This is the update where readers can submit requests. Please refer below for guidelines and suggestions. All stories will be written in third person (3rd POV- Point Of View), though they will contain any specific details stated from the request.
GUIDELINES: I will NOT write about the following:
-beastiality (human intercourse with animals).
-rape/sexual assault (non-con/non-consensual participation in sexual acts; will NOT be explicitly detailed in stories, ONLY hinted at.)
-incest (sexual relations/acts between family members).
-underage sex (generally below 16yrs old)
-age-gap (I won't do 25yrs+, but 25yrs and under is ok).
REQUEST INFORMATION: Using this information is optional, but helpful for writing the one-shots/short stories.
-Prompts: Song lyrics, artworks/pictures/images (e.g. fanart), GIF prompts, *sentence/text/extract prompt, Work inspiration (I.e. inspired by another author's work- List work and author), other.
*Check out next update titled "Writing prompts/Suggestions".
-Rating: recommended age rating (PG, M15+, R18+) based on content will be determined after the completion of the story.
-Characters: Characters involved (main/extra), character pairings, etc.
-Sexuality: LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, other)/Heterosexual(straight)
-Relationship type: Poly... (multiple partners/spouses), Platonic (affectionate and intimate, of love or friendship, but not sexual), BDSM (Bondage & Discipline/Dominance & Submission/Sadism & Masochism), other.
-EXTRA Information: Time period (eg. 1930s/1940s, an event in history, etc), Setting/Location (Where the story takes place), OC character details (appearance/personality/behaviour of 'OC'/Original Character), FANFICTION (If I haven't heard of or had much exposure to the chosen media/fandom, I may not be able to complete the request), Creatures/Species (E.g. Supernatural creatures, etc), Faunus/Human-animal hybrids (naturally borne, or through genetic/body modifications), other.
-Other: Comment here any themes/ideas you would like included that are not already listed above.
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