4 ¦ How to Join
We have a form that you must fill in completely. We will provide the form just before each session begins with a total of 18 spots. An additional 5 spots for the waiting list should anyone drop out during the session. Those on the waiting list who review will have priority over any available spots. They will also have priority for the next session should no one drop out during the current session.
Things to consider before applying:
1) If you don't fill in the form correctly, your information will be posted exactly as you've written it. If you're accepted. We will not edit your grammar or fill in any missing information regarding your form. Nor will we chase you to inform you to fix it. Therefore, if you want to receive proper feedback, it's in your best interest to read the form carefully and enter the proper information required.
2) In previous sessions, we accepted all forms of written projects. However, we will no longer accept books littered with basic mistakes. What we mean by that is glaring grammar and spelling mistakes, obvious plot holes, no attempt of story or character development and/or a book without any plot whatsoever.
3) We will not accept any books that violate Wattpad's guidelines and Code of Conduct. We will check your book and if we believe your book does just that, we will kindly decline your application.
With that in mind, your form is not automatically accepted when you send it in. It will go through the consideration stage where we for the three points mentioned above. Whether your form has been accepted or not, we will let you know as soon as possible.
NOTE: Reviews will not be posted until the end of the session. And only for those who've completed the entire session. Those who drop out or leave will not get their reviews. Yes, this is extreme, but this has become mandatory due to individuals not following the rules and expectations. Do not apply if this is an issue for you personally. Thank you.
The form can be found on the external link.
For Readers:
If you're not signed up as a writer and would still like to read and review, you're also welcomed.
You're not held to the same expectations as writers because you aren't gaining any benefits for yourself. Therefore, you may disregard the 'Expectation & Requirements' chapter.
You're expected to adhere to the guidelines stated in the 'Rules' chapter as well as follow the EBC account & both admins. You must also create an EBC reading list.
To join as a reader, please DM this account the following information:
✦ Wattpad Name
✦ Your preferred name or nickname
✦ Age
✦ Timezone
✦ Your availability to review (We review 1 book every two weeks)
✦ Have you read the rules, followed the required accounts, and created your EBC reading list?
Once you've sent us the above information, we will add you to our roster of readers. You will receive a welcome message from us with the link to the review form which you will use to submit reviews as well as a link to our Discord server that will be used for open discussions.
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