The Atonement of Prometheus (Feedback)
Reviewer: JaszElise
Comments: I read the description and it's okay but confusing and hard to understand. And I only read three chapters so far but I had to force myself to understand the connection between Kass and Prometheus.So honestly I'm not a huge fan of fantasy romance and I really didn't feel nothing between them. But I understand that Prometheus is somewhat rather reclusive and kinda unimpressed that he have to save the humanity against the Evils that were mentioned on this book.This book is good but again I'm really not a fan of fantasy romance. No offense to the author.
Reviewer: Capri211
Comments: I really enjoyed the beginning of this story and plan to go back and finish the rest! I loved your physical descriptions of Kass in chapter 2! (Hands on her full hips, wisps of deep brown hair that fell out of her braid..etc..) I thought that was such a vivid description of our main character and really painted a beautiful image of her. I love her personality! Her curiosity kept me on the edge of my seat and wanting to know what was going to happen toward the end for sure!
I thought your chapters flowed very well and were the perfect length.
The only suggestion I would give is to watch your "ly" words. This is something I used to do too and have now learned to replace those "ly" words with more descriptive language. Like instead of saying "nervously" you could describe more what that looks like for the readers (tapping fingers, bouncing knee, rapid breathing..etc...)
Overall great job! I'm excited to read more!
Reviewer: EllenFairyBlue4
Comments: The Atonement of Pro. was a book that peaked my interest. Greek mythology combine with a romantic subplot is a story after my own heart. The descriptions and characters are on point. My only issue was the repeating chapters and missing scene of the manicore entering the tavern. I feel like the author was rushing to get the chapters up or simply forgot but the chapters are mess up. For the little I did read, I can't tell if Theo aka Pro. is attracted to Kass. His emotions seem flat when it comes to her. You were on point with Kass's attraction to the Greek god. I can tell she wants him, but as I've said Theo seem aloof and a little non interested. I would have read this story probably all the way through but your story is missing parts.... I thought the idea of Greek meet paranormal is what this book is mainly about.
Reviewer: KeraLee123
Comments: I absolutely LOVED The Atonement of Prometheus, she hooked me right from the start!
Such a unique idea as well, that a titan is sent to earth to protect humans and has to seek a woman who is the descendant of pandora. Wow, just wow!
Grammar is probably the weakest trait I agree with the author here, but I've seen much much much worse, it's honestly not even that bad. Download Grammarly (it always helps me a ton) and this book will be perfection.
*Cue the gif from friends where Chandler says, 'perfection' to Jill Goodacre.*
& honestly it's such a good story that the little typos don't make a difference in whether I continue reading or even effect how much I enjoy the novel.
The best trait? Descriptions, storylines, characters, all of the above!
Her descriptions are fabulous, it was just like watching a movie in my mind, effortless to read and easy to imagine. It reminded me of the nostalgic scene from Hercules with the oracles and the strings of life.
I love the personality that the author so easily portrays in Kassandra. She's very relatable and tough since she's working in harsh conditions (the ac beckons her but she pushes on!) yet she absolutely loves what she does for a living.
After seeing The Mummy as a child I always thought being an archaeologist would be amazing so reading this book with the main character being an archaeologist is right up my alley! Lol
I found the pacing spot on! At no point was I like, 'Oh god this is dragging.' Or 'Wait what?' The entire time it was an even pace and it was easy to just enjoy the ride.
I find myself wondering just how much time the author had to put into researching for this book considering how realistic and detailed she is. I can tell she's really worked hard!
Overall I just can't get enough of this book and I'm officially following the author so I can keep up on all their future works while continuing to read this one. Great job!!
Reviewer: ReggaeGirl4
Comments: 1. I think the book is about an archeologist meating Prometheus, disguised as a researcher for the Archeological Museum in Thessaloniki, who try to solve an ancient mystery, and will probably fall in love somewhere along the way.
2. The blurb promised an exiting read, it created anticipation and interest, without being too long or confusing. It made me want to read the book, and even though I have never really familiarized myself with Greek Mythology or Archeology, I found myself intrigued with the plot. I'm currently reading chapter 9, so my review is based on what I have read so far.
3. The pace of the book is just right and makes for an exciting read. The atmosphere of that dig site alone created so much anticipation in my case, I can't wait for the adventures Kass and Prometheus will continue to get themselves into, and I'm totally rooting for them to become more to each other. I haven't been able to put it down, but I won't be able to finish it before the review is due.
4. Kass is a witty, intelligent, sensual and interesting character. She is believable and relatable. Prometheus is another intriguing character. First of all, I loved the fact that he did not enter the story as who he is but in a disguise that makes complete sense. He also sounds sexy as hell, and I don't mean based on how his looks are described alone. I have a major crush on him lol.
5. The pace of the book is just right, no random skipping or gaps. Everything makes sense and flows.
6. The scenes, settings and emotions are well described and harmonize. I especially enjoyed anything related to the ancient dig site.
7. I love the mysterious atmosphere you created and the anticipation you built whenever something exciting happened, but I'm also feeling the attraction between Kass and Prometheus. Aside from that, this story goes without clichés, at least that is my impression. It appears well researched and interesting.
8. I would certainly read more of your work, because you're a talented storyteller/author (who obviously worked hard to get where she is now), and your story is just so gripping, exciting. As I continue reading your book, I will probably leave comments with my opinion regarding any mature scenes later on, I'm really interested in how you master those.
9. Your strongest writing trait is creating a great atmosphere and lovable, relatable characters, and you build up anticipation quite well. Your weakest trait is... hm that's hard to tell. I think you could work with paragraphs more to make the reading experience more pleasant.
Reviewer: BellaFrost1617
Comments: I've read five chapter of the Atonement of Prometheus so far (due to personal work constraints) and I really love it. Mythology and fantasy are right up my alley, so I have every intention of reading through to the end of this book. It's definitely a book I'd love to see published in print and add to my shelves. The characterisation is really well done with how you've used the myths of Prometheus and the Fates at the start to create strong motivation for one lead character to finding another. And Kassandra definitely feels like a descendant of Pandora to me with the way she talks about her inner demons and her lack of resolve when dealing with temptation, right down to her mother referring to her as a terror. But that she is as Prometheus says, the epitomy of what humanity is brings a whole new and redeeming quality to the bloodline of Pandora, who seemed unfairly tricked to be used as proof of humanity's inherent evil by the gods according to the myths.
Grammar wise there are a few small errors, but that's an easy fix with some editing read through efforts that most authors make, so it's not really a distraction. The pacing is good and there's quite a bit of showing rather than telling, which is hard to achieve in third person. The major issue I found that took me out of the flow was chapter five and six. Firstly, they're the same chapter exactly. But I felt like I had made a huge jump from the dig site to after the manticore attack, which I'd really like to see. I love the matter of fact attitude Theo/Prometheus uses to speak to Kassandra there, and I definitely felt Kassandra's yearning when looking at him in that "straining" towel (I love that descriptive and imagery), but I felt lost by the sudden jump to after the fight with the manticore. Then the double chapter kind of broke the flow. I guess that's just an accidental double upload of one chapter over two and missing the previous one, so easy fix. If you add the manticore fight though I'll be happy to reread both chapters and continue on, because I'm absolutely enthralled by the story. And you said that you're not effiecient in your words, but I've found that your convey the ideas of the story very effieciently and strongly with a vast vocabulary that denotes the intelligence and imagination of Kassandra, and the millennia's worth of experience and age of Prometheus perfectly.
I'm excited to see where the story progresses and how they're going to capture all the Evils that plague the world. Overall, a fantastic story with a rich connection to Greek mythology and history that has me excited for more.
Reviewer: JamesEnd49
Comments: Dear Liv:
Wow. I am in awe. Your writing is so professional. Immediately lost in the tale...I enjoyed the read immensely! I so want to continue, but deadlines loom and I must get this submitted, like now. I will continue, and am anticipating some delicious fireworks between Kass and Theo. Having only gotten through chapter eight, I have enjoyed the long, slow fuse that is their interaction to date. I love it when an author understands that anticipation is the key to good sex scenes. Make the reader work for it, no?
Anyway... with no complaints, I want to tell you that I have a weakness for women in archaeology and anthropology, so you hit me in the heart. I so wanted to be in that group working under the hot Mediterranean sun, stealing furtive glances at Kass, longing for her to return the attention! So with an iced sambuca in hand, I read on. The finding of the pithos and then the arrival of the hot doctor, I knew we had a story.
On the critical side, other than some minor editing, you have a repeat chapter, or Wattpad is glitching hard. Chapters 6 and 7 are the same, but then chapter 8 seems to jump to a point beyond the fight with the manticore. Might check into that. Or it might be an opportunity to throw in an action scene?! On my end, I like my women to be in on the action, so don't have Kass just be a damsel in distress type. Guessing at your style...I think not.
I liked the tension of the post fight hotel scene. It was cute that he couldn't fit in her robe, but you said her outfit included an overside tee-shirt. I was hoping for a cute awkward scene where Kass had to take off her shirt and give it over to Theo. Might be fun with a little foreshadowing.
Well like I said. Good solid story and writing. Can't wait for more, and since my book is up next....I got two weeks off to keep reading! BONUS!
Thanks, James
Reviewer: GreerRivers
Comments: I read through Chapter 5 and I wasn't sure at all about what this book would be about. I gathered Greek mythology, but that's a field I'm not very familiar with, so I had no expectations. The plot pulled me in. It's different from anything I've read before. I liked the characters and the idea of a modern day take on mythology.
The fates at the beginning were very well done. I could imagine them and the entire scene. Kass felt real, relatable, and believable. I loved how nerdy and curious she was about archeology but also somewhat awkward. I also liked that Theo seemed otherworldly, so to speak. I'll be interested to see how his character arc unfolds.
The pacing of each chapter was very good. It didn't seem to skip or jump and it flowed very nicely from one segment to the other. Although, I'm not sure if this was intentional, but I'm pretty sure the first half of Chapter 5 was missing for me for some reason. The actual scene with the Manticore was MIA and for a while I thought I was just reading the reaction after an action that wasn't available to readers. I saw in the comments however that at one point that scene was included and it seemed from the comments that it was well-done.
The descriptions were very good. I felt what the characters were supposed to feel, especially Kass's curiosity. The part with the pithos was very well done and I felt the suspense and imagined it in my mind very easily.
I really liked the author's writing style. I liked the pacing and the emotions coming from each character. I like that I could see each one and I loved the start of the book and that the whole story seems to be about saving humanity.
I would read more of this author's work because it seems very well thought out, the writing is well-done and it's interesting all around. It's a different idea than anything I've read before and if it continues on with some steamy parts I'd definitely read more from this author.
The other is definitely correct that her strongest trait is creating characters/arcs. So far that's my favorite part. Kass seems like she has a lot of depth, and I can tell there's much more for the reader to explore with Theo too.
The author cites her weakest trait as being technical grammar skills, inefficient word choices. I didn't think there were any issues here that couldn't be resolved by an editor.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I'll probably keep reading it and other works by this author.
Reviewer: PixieStormcrow
Comments: I cannot say enough how much I enjoy the writing. There is almost a poetic and lyrical feel to the beautiful descriptions. You know how to turn a phrase and how to describe with just enough words to evoke vivid imagery without burdening the story with too much of it. Most people know and can writes out Greek mythology but the details you went into shows a while new level of research that deserves recognition.
If I had to nitpick for some improvement purposes (trust me, it was hard to find), I would be wary of some of the shifter scenes. Rather than having a series of quick breaks which would sometimes make the story feel choppy, consider using a few transition sentences to knot some of the scenes together. (Chapter 3 is whereI noticed this.)
I know this is probably not very valid feedback but part of me wished that somehow Kass and Prometheus met earlier in the story so that the romantic tension is there from the very beginning. It depends a bit on how much emphasis you want to put in the romance of it but perhaps co aider something like a dream sequence to foreshadow them meeting. It would be a fun play on her name as well.
From the chapter headings, I gather that you are writing in third person point of view rather than omni so be careful to stay in that pov. It's really subtle and may be of personal preference but I find phrases like "he let her" may take the reader out of "her" pov. Consider something like "she stepped forward and led the way at his gesture" or something like that to make Kass more active and to interpret from her pov. Again, nothing glaring obvious of accidental head hopping, this is just a bit more subtle. (Told you I was nitpicking.)
Last nitpicking thing! I understand that italics is because of immortal's thoughts but I would caution against entire chapters of italicization. From a pure usability perspective, italics is actually harder for people to read. Also I have learned that writing in third person, sometimes it is good to intersperse direct thoughts which should be italicized so you may want to save that formatting for that. For example, he is good looking with present tense will indicate that the he character had that thought. This will help bring readers closed to the character and make the story feel more immediate.
Again, these are just little bits of suggestions but the story is already beautiful and sound as is. I can't wait to read more and if you ever want to publish this, let me make you another cover with print ready. (Also I want a copy signed!)
Reviewer: Jumping_jiminys
Comments: 1. What did you think the book was about?Chosen one transported to Olympus, Percy Jackson but make it XXX.
2. Did you feel the book fulfilled your expectations?I didn't expect such depth of greek mythology from the prologue to the end of chapter one. There is a fantastical technicality to your storytelling.
3.What about the plot? Does it pull you in? Or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book?It reminds a lot of the movie Immortals, where titans are involved, and the world is at threat of their presence. I enjoy the plot, and from chapter 1, I was hooked!
4. Do the characters seem real and believable Were you able to relate to them as a person and their predicaments? To what extent do they remind you of yourself or someone you know, if they don't all?They do, and they are everything you'd expect of gods in modern times.Kassandra is also a mood when she can't help but do more work, and it ultimately lands her in deep shit. I was like honestly I would've done the same.
5. How was the pacing of the chapters? Consider if the scenes skipped or jumped randomly. Was it too slow or too fast? Why?I enjoyed that we had the first chapter where we were given the stakes immediately then second chapter the person who is destined to help and the craziness happening to her which also connects her to Prometheus' problems.
6. How was the description of chapters? Consider the scenes, their settings, emotions, actions. Consider if there were any information bumps. If they were lacking emotions, too little or too much describing, telling rather than showing, etc.Beautiful description I was hooked, lined and sinker for this book I am so happy I was able to come across such a book.
7. Describe what you like and dislike about your writer's style. Why?At first, from the prologue, it felt more telling than showing; however, a prologue is an exception. Going into chapter one was a considerable contrast more modern with the dialogue and the narration. I liked your balance of showing and telling as wells as, despite the narrative being in the third person, it felt very much like first and being able to see everything unfold through the character/s eyes.
8. Would you read more of the author's work? Why or why not?I would read more!!! Especially that scifi one you have on the shelf.
9.Comment on their strongest & weakest writing trait alongside their help request and your overall thoughts. I wish I could help more with your grammar, but it'd be the blind leading the blind.
Reviewer: Daenerys1417
Comments: 1. How many chapters did you read? 5
2. What did you think the book was about? I thought the book was about a battle to save life on earth and the only two people who can save it are Prometheus and Kassandra.
3. Did you feel that the book fulfilled your expectations? From what I've read so far, yes. There's clearly some evil that is affecting all of the humans on earth and the Greek gods are concerned. Prometheus and Kassandra are working together to prevent this while a romance brews in the background.
4. What about the plot? I thought the plot was well-researched and thought out. You've mixed in Greek mythology into a present-day story which is a feat in itself. And on top of that, you've added in romance as well as touches of humor.
5. Do the characters seem real and believable? I definitely felt a connection between both main characters. Prometheus is different from other gods. He spends more time on his humans and deeply cares for their well-being. His attraction for Kass was clear from his attention to detail of all her little jokes and witty remarks was cute. Kass was also very relatable. She seemed like an average girl really dedicated to work who doesn't make much time for a social life. However, her instant crush on Prometheus and eagerness to assist him was cute.
6. How was the pacing of the chapters you read? I thought the pacing was good overall until I went from chapter 4 to chapter 5. Perhaps I missed something, but it seemed like part of the story (the Manticore attack) was missing. Perhaps you are editing and I just happened to catch you in the middle of that. Or perhaps there will be a flashback in a later chapter. In any case, the other chapters flowed well and left me eager to turn to the next one.
7. How was the description of the chapters you read? I thought your descriptive language was good, from the Greek gods to the archeological site, the characters' appearances, mannerisms, tone of voice, touch, smell, what they see and hear. You even paid detail to the supporting characters such as the other archeologists working with Kass. It felt very natural when they were all sitting under the tree taking a break and teasing and sharing jokes with one another.
8. Describe what you liked or disliked about the writer's style? I liked that you gave different points of view, shifting between both Kass and Prometheus. This allows the reader to get the inner thoughts and motivations from both main characters. As mentioned, the descriptive language was great, the plot was original, and the romantic chemistry between the characters came across from their very first meeting.
9. Would you read more of the author's work? Definitely.
10. Comment on their strongest and weakest writing trait along with their help request and give overall thoughts: I agree with your assessment of your strongest writing trait as both Kass and Prometheus are unique and well-developed. You've given a lot of dialogue, inner thoughts, and background information about each that fleshes them out into 3-dimensional characters. As far as your weakest writing trait, you mentioned an inefficiency with words, but I thought you had great word choice for the most part. In terms of grammar, one area to focus on is watching your tenses. There were a few instances of mixing up past and present tense, but otherwise, your punctuation and spelling were very good. Overall, I really enjoyed this read. Thank you for sharing your story.
Reviewer: KimberlyTanithMarie
Comments: First and foremost, a book about an archaeology? Sign me up! As a historian I was excited to see where the author would go with this story as usually these types of stories are not very common.
I really enjoyed the first chapter, it gave the reader a bit of context and background. The author gave us some beautiful descriptions that allowed us to feel as though we stepped back in time. When meeting Kass initially, I admit I really wasn't wowed by her character much. I felt that she lacked a bit of depth, especially for someone that was supposedly to be as smart and dedicated to her job.
From the first five chapters that I read, in terms of pacing, it felt a bit rushed in some areas for me. In my opinion, the author has a very vivid imagination and she has a lot of amazing ideas. Which is a good thing, but it would do her work more justice if she slowed down the transition into various scenes and spent more time fleshing certain things out.
For example when she encounters the Pithos, we get such an amazing build up, then towards the end of the scene it just sort of falls flat almost as if she got tired of writing towards the end and wanted to wrap things up quickly.
I'd also recommend proofing the chapters just a little bit as there were a lot of errors that could have been avoided with a quick reread.Similar in terms of sentence structure. Some of the paragraphs were mashed together, but that could have been a glitch on wattpad's side as I know this has been happening a lot.
All in all, I do think that the author has a great story that could benefit with a few minor tweaks.
Reviewer: Selly1010
Comments: 1. What did you think the book was about?The book about Kass the student in archeology met with Prometheus who has a task to catch an evil to save the world.
2. Did you feel the book fulfilled your expectation? Yes. Since the writer had her book been published in her country, I expected to read the kind of published book and I found this book really well written as a published book standar.
3. What about the plot? The plot as like romance fantasy/supernatural/mythology book that a good one have to destroy an evil, meanwhile maintaining her love life with the Male lead (this is my assumption as I didn't read the enough chapter but by judging from it's blurb). This is a common plot. Writer execute the plot with excellent way and I have to appreciate it as write provides this kind of plot in higher level.
4. How about the character? Are they believable?Kass is an ordinary girl, while Demetriou who was Prometheus which was a Titan, the character from the myth of Yunani. So that its character already has some foundation about the characteristic. It need a lot of research to be acquaintance with this kind characters (char. based on factual char, mythology, etc.)
5. How the pacing of the chapters?The pacing was in good pace. I like to read a story without in rush. Prologue as the background story why Prometheus has to become a human to save the world and the introduction chapter about Kass. All of these chapter was not so short nor too long for me.
6. How about the description?The writer really a good description traits. As the first or second chapter tell Kass and her surrounding or her background in narration with good description without making it so boring.
7. Describe what you like and dislike of the writer's style? I can tell the writer has a lot of experience in writing as I hardly found the typos or grammar error. The writing skill is at advance.
8. Would you read more about the author's work?Yes, absolutely
9. Comment for the strongest or weakest writing trait, alongside with the help.I thing the writer is more professional than me. I can tell this story is deserved to be published. Writer gave a lot of effort as the story was mix of archeology world and mythology. I think it need enough research to not give wrong information.
Reviewer: Natalieemm15
Comments: 1) What did you think the book was about? I don't think I've met a single reader not interested in Greek mythology so I was already intrigued by the concept of mixing the past and the present. Especially in a romance novel.
2) Did you feel the book fulfilled your expectations? I didn't really have any expectations going in, but immediately the story felt completely unique. It doesn't read like a typical romance but a fantasy thriller and I like it so far.
3) What about the plot? Does it pull you in? Or did you have to force yourself to read the book? The plot immediately starts with the introduction of conflict in Prometheus's perspective in the first chapter. The dying tapestry is a sign that something bad is about to happen and right off the bat, we're uncertain of how this is going to affect the civilization in the story, the future of the characters, so immediately you're drawn in because you want to know more. I honestly was more intrigued in the first chapter than in Kassandra's but in a book like this, I also understand the necessity of establishing the setting and introducing a new character.
4) Do the characters seem real and believable? Yes. I like that Kassandra's purpose as a main character is not only well established but very in keeping with the concept. Kassandra's job as an archaeologist closely relates to the history aspect of Greek mythology and further establishes the connection between the two characters.
5) How was the pacing of the chapters? For a novel, I thought the pacing was pretty standard. It doesn't move as fast as a typical romance, but that doesn't bother me. I think the fantastical/thriller aspect of the story requires longer chapters that establish the settings well and I think the author excels in this.
6) How was the description of the chapters? Great description. In the second chapter, there was a particular line I liked. "Her world started to change colour with the sunset" and I think it's lines like these that describe a setting without listing characteristics.
7) Describe what you like and dislike about the writer's style. I like the author's style of writing because you can tell she's put effort into learning the dialect the characters use. It further adds to the story. The only thing I can say I dislike is that the genre isn't what I'm used to and therefore, it can be harder to relate to the characters. But that's subjective.
8) Would you read more of the author's work? Yes. I like that the concept is different. The mythological element is refreshing and unique and something that takes me out of my reading comfort zone.
9) Strongest Writing Trait: creativity, setting description. Weakest Writing Trait: narrative gets lengthy at times.
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