Bonus Chapter: Actor AU
Laughter came from the set, Belle twirling Drago around before the two sat down in their seats, looking at the reporter. "We've gotten questions about Drago's story, due to the switching perspective, care to explain?" Belle grinned at Drago as the boy laughed beside her. "The thing is, like you said it's all Drago's story, it's all in his perspective and there will be switching POV's like with Kishan but that is to help build up to the point in which Kishan officially leaves the lab but the story is all Drago's perspective and it's all about his journey of becoming the King HE wishes to be"Belle explains, grabbing Drago's hand gently squeezing it. "And while there are parts from me and Wise's perspective they are mainly to help reunite Drago with family members and reveal information on the relationship the Old Lab had with the different factions or areas"Belle goes on.
Drago looked behind him and grabbed a book, smiling when he showed her the new script for the next chapter with him and Seraph. Belle smiled and ruffled his hair. "But like I said, everything is entirely just Drago's view, his journey of being King, finding himself, learning about the world and...it's just overall....a child navigating through a cruel world"Belle finishes. Both stood up, beckoning for the camera's to follow them. Drago ran to the set, Seraph getting makeup practiced on him for the scar Drago's gonna give him. Drago smiled looking at the camera. "It's so hard playing as Drago, having to make my voice raspy"Drago chuckles. "Belle, Kishan and Wise are my biological siblings too, I was happy when I found out they'd be playing the found family siblings." Nikki laughed, smiling as Nicole pressed a kiss to her cheek. Anby giggled, Lycaon stepping from in front of the green screen, ruffling his hair.
Belle paneled the camera around to the kids who had escaped from the lab when Draconix was awakened. "That's William, he's the boy who plays the rat thiren, Jane's younger brother! The girl next to him is Daciana, she plays Lycaon's younger sister!" William and Daciana smiled as they waved, wearing their thiren costumes. "The girl with the lynx accessories is playing Seth's long lost sister, her name is Sabrina." Sabrina giggled and waved to the camera, Seth standing beside her with a cup of juice. Wise stood crouched next to Drago, the boys arm around his neck as he pointed to an area of the set while coaching him through what's supposed to be done. "You have to throw Seraph through the window and that's how he gets the cut they're working on"Wise explains. Drago nodded, smiling as Wise helped him perform the throw correctly so he didn't mess it up. "Okay, try it and say it with the line"Wise says.
He handed Drago a Seraph dummy and backed away. "You betrayed Drago and he doesn't need you anymore!!" Drago lifted the dummy above his head and tossed it through the window, Lighter laughing as he clapped, Plum beside him. "Spot on, Drago"Lighter chuckles, bumping fists with the boy. Belle hurried over and hugged Drago, chuckling. "Nice toss!"Koleda laughs, Kiara peeking out from behind her. "Also these baggy pants are too much, can I change now guys"Koleda chuckles, scratching her cheek a bit embarrassed. Koleda walked past the camera, gesturing for it to follow as she went towards the others. She waved to Zhu Yuan and Qingyi when she passed by, patting Bethany's head as well. She caught Beanie when the girl leapt for her and spun around once before setting the younger girl down, watching her run off over to Ben who was out of his suit.
Koleda smiled and gestured to the other actors when they reached the relaxing room. Rina smiled, doing Corin's hair. Ellen stood with her younger brother Elton, smiling slightly as he put bows and hair clips in her hair. Koleda vanished behind one of the curtains to change, Kiara passing her a different pair of pants. "Guys, come on, group photo!"Belle calls, peeking in with Drago behind her. Ellen walked over with the others, heading out to the main area. Belle beckoned them over with a wide smile, Kishan and Drago standing between her and Wise. Wise wrapped an arm around Rina's shoulder's smiling as they all lined up together for the group photo. "Ellen!"Belle laughs, quickly pushing down Ellen's dress then one of the fans turns in her direction. Ellen smiled slightly, Elton helping keep her dress down. Belle looked forward, grinning widely as the photo was taken.
"See ya in the next part!"
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