U.A Entrance Exam
She's done her ten month training as she'll make a style of using her legs more though won't stop any punching. She went for her writing test after Present Mic's speech making her to sit ten rows away and a stair away from her friend.
It's with fifty seats between the two as she focus on the test, but she did send him a code. It's code they made together and he heard it as both turned the test over and they did the twelve additional questions and eight bonus question making them to pass.
She's quick to check her stats as she's not going to be looking like a fool out there. She even managed to keep away from the guy who thinks he's their 'mother' making her to annoy him as this is getting ridicule of him to do this.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever mom." She said as she's walking away. It's making everyone to just laugh at him as he glares at them all for that and frowns at her for calling him 'mom' as he's not a mother hen nor is he even a mother making him to be annoyed like she wanted.
He doesn't get her at all not knowing that she has just used an old saying that fully means "Whatever." Or "Who cares?" making her playmate/childhood friend to laugh at the guy once it reached him as he's in another testing area making them to not be in the same one.
She saw someone else who's a young man with messy, indigo-colored hair that flares out in large tufts around his head and notably straight teeth. His eyes are dark purple with white pupils, has thin and somewhat triangular in shape with no visible eyelashes.
They're usually half-closed and he has very dark eye bags underneath them. She then noticed something on his skin making her to walk over and talks to him as he looks like he could use some help with that thing.
It's making him to see a lizard tattoo moving on him making her to grab his arm fast before he pulled away and tap on the back of his hand four times. It's making it to show itself to them both as she pulls a bit of bread crumbs onto the back of the hand.
It's making the thing to eat it which's shocking him as he doesn't even know what's going on as she looks like she does if she got this thing to show itself like she got it to do in front of them both making him to wonder what's going on here.
"You leave him alone, you can move as much as you like on my body and give it a boost if you like. I doubt he noticed you at all." It shakes it head and moves it like it's rubbing it's head onto his hand making her to think and she had to ask as there's no way this is possible for him to not even notice.
"This might sound weird, but have you seen anything weird like a couple of weird beings or weird animals lately that no one else can see or hear, but you alone?" He nods and he explains making her to slap her forehead.
"You can see youkais and yes, they're real. I got six as my Shiki and this little guy here is a Lizard Youkai who has taken a very liking to you. Seems to be giving you a boost as he's very powerful." He shivers a bit at that.
"Care to be my apprentice? I can help you with this." He thinks as it sounds like she's a higher rank one and he seems to have the gift for it.
"Alright. Thanks." She smiles as she passes him her old pole that she had out grown making him to catch it and look to her confused.
"You're be learning far more than just Spiritual Arts, my student. I'm going to be stuffing that little brain of yours with far more things to make sure you can hold your own even as a Hero." He gulps as it seems he has his work cut out for him.
She has him following her like a lost duckling as Villains don't wait for anyone making Present Mic to agree since both took off after he finished talking to everyone making them to freak and bolts after the two of them.
"O.K, first things first: Quirk?" He hopes she doesn't call it a Villain Quirk.
"Brainwash." She glares at him.
"Whoever the fuck has told you that's a Villain Quirk's dead to me! There's no such thing as a Villain OR a Hero Quirk! It's HOW you use it!" He blinks in shock as he never was told this before.
"You could do so many useful things! You could make someone give up a hostage, you could stop a riot by doing a chant, you could do so many heroic things! You're going to be an amazing hero and I'm going to help you even if it kills me damnna it!
No one should suffer with their Quirk being called a Villain Quirk! That's how Villains come to be as a second method! The first is not being saved by the Heroes! Heroes save EVERYONE and DO NOT choose WHO to save!" He blushed and the teachers were shocked towards her anger.
She taught him how to use the pole and some moves with it more as this was making him to figure it out after seeing her in action with her new one making him to like it as he follows her plus she taught him how to send his large Spiritual Powers to the pole.
It's making him to get really ten 3-Pointer robots like she did plus they had rescued twelve people making them to wonder how that would work for them both, but the principle has it covered as he said it for everyone though shocking them in the process.
"60 points for recused person." They're shocked as that's 720 recused points plus the ten 3-points they got from the robots... Both got 750 points max fully.
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