The Sealing part 2
Izuna has to change into a lot of clothing for each ritual making her to be quick and not care if any males see her changing as these rituals needs to be done a.s.a.p as she's not letting this ayakashi out no matter what the cost.
Next Ritual is Gohei making Izuna to have Wands or staffs adorned with shide that are used by shrine maidens in blessing and purification rituals. They are useful in cleansing a space of dark Ki. All females helped her out as she chants the words for it. (AN: The new ones were warned it's a long one)
"By the command of KAMUROGI and KAMUROMI (the ancestral male and female deities of the ImperialFamily) who divinely remain in the TAKAMANOHARA (High Heavenly Plain), YAOYOROZU-NOKAMITACHI (*8,000,000 deities) were convoked in divine convocations and consulted in divine consultations,and the following heavenly words were mandated, "Our Imperial Grandchild (NINIGI-NO-MIKOTO) is topeacefully govern the Land of Abundant Reed Plains and Rice Fields." *【8 million deities is not necessary thecount of gods, but eight is used to describe as "countless" or "infinite" in the Japanese language】.
But not all deities complied with the mandate. NINIGI-NO-MIKOTO has fiercely defeated and dispelled thosedeities that did not obey. Consequently, not only the unruly deities, but the rock, grass, and trees that spoke wordsbecame silent. The Land has become peaceful. NINIGI-NO-MIKOTO has stood up from his throne inTAKAMANOHARA, pushed his way through the heavenly clouds, and descended to the Land he is to rule, theGreat Yamato.
Great Yamato became the capital and center of governance. The Imperial Grandchild constructed a Noble Palacein the central area of the capital. He dug a hole deep into the ground, placed thick pillars, and created CHIGI(ornamental crossbeams on the roof) which soared high towards TAKAMANOHARA. NINIGI-NO-MIKOTOthen entered the palace with the divine protection of AMATERASU.
Soon he will witness people committing various sins in the peaceful land. To cleanse those who have sinned, theywill conduct the AMATSUKAMI ritual in the same way used by AMATERASU in TAKAMANOHARA. The ritualconsists of using essential elements in the purification ceremony. Firstly, cut the roots and tips of trees, then trimthem to appropriate lengths, and place them on many tables. In addition, the roots and the tips of the purified hempare trimmed to proper length, and teared into strips. Finally, recite the sacred and heavenly prayers.
If the heavenly prayers are recited, the heavenly deities would push open the heavenly gate, push very stronglythrough the overlapping layers of heavenly clouds, and listen. The earthly deities would climb up to the summits ofhigh mountains and the mists of low mountains and listen.
If they thus listen, each and every sin will be gone. It will look like as if the strong wind blows apart the overlappinglayers of heavenly clouds, as if the morning wind and evening wind blow away the morning fog and evening fog, asif one pushes out a large ship anchored in a large port into the sea, untying at the prow and untying at the stern,and as if one cuts away the thick trees with a sharp sickle, he will be cleansed from all sins.
There will be no sins left. The exorcised sins will be taken into the sea by a female deity called SEORITSUHIMEwho dwells in the river which fall steeply from the summits of high mountains and to that of the low mountains.
The sins are then taken and swallowed by a female deity called HAYAAKITSUHIME, who dwells in the tide ofmany briny currents where no man can approach.
If she thus swallows the sins, a male deity called IBUKIDONUSHI, who dwells at the gate of breeze calledIBUKIDO, will blow them away with his breath to the land of the underworld.
If he thus blows them away, a female deity called HAYASASURAHIME, who dwells in the land of theunderworld, will take it and seal them in an unknown place.
People will perform the ritual in this way, where all sins will be eliminated and purified from this world. I humblyask our heavenly deities, earthly deities, and eight million deities to kindly listen and give us divine support for thepurification ritual."
"Oharae tamae, Kiyome tamae! Oharae tamae, Kiyome tamae! Oharae tamae, Kiyome tamae!" The girls' chanted making the dark ki to be cleansed as the ayakashi growls at them, but they ignored it as the dark ki's been cleansed from the area.
Izuna did the next ritual which's the Shide and Shimenawa as she has it like Madara's around the rock making him to hide a laugh at the site of what Izuna's doing to that ayakashi as he hated that ayakashi making him to be pleased by this.
'Natsume Reiko would have loved to join in on this. Natsume Takashi is part of the family now and seems to be doing very well with the Fujiwara Family, though Izuna did send him letters since she's his maternal cousin since they share the same grandmother.' Madara thinks as Izuna cares for family.
Shide are paper streamers that resemble lighting bolts. These are often affixed to sacred ropes called shimenawa. If a shimenawa with shide is tied around an object, it will mark that object as sacred and will also purify it and ward off yokai.
Objects adorned with either shide or shimenawa may not be tampered with by anyone other than those qualified to do so, namely shrine maidens or priests, lest they be cursed. Shide and shimenawa are not as versatile or powerful as ofuda.
But are much easier to make, and require only the blessing of a shrine maiden to become active. For this reason they are the best choice for market objects like trees, rocks, torii gates and other entrances.
Shimenawa also allow kami to dwell within an object marked with them, and therefore may be spots to communicate with them. They do however eventually lose their divine infusement, so it is a common task.
Well, a common for shrine maidens to remake or re-infuse them with divine chi, meaning the maintenance becomes more difficult the more there are, and it becomes counter-productive to make too many of them.
Izuna makes sure to have it sent as again she went for Amaterasu-no-Kami making the black flames to show up as she places her divine chi into each Shide and Shimenawa making the papers to have flames marking son them while the ropes black as the flames.
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