The Sealing part 1
Izuna's worried as Eri might not be ready to bring out her main Quirk making Hitoshi to calm her down as everything's going to be fine which calms her down, but Eri went through a lot making her to look to her and her eyes weren't human which's enough for Izuna to allow it.
"Hitoshi? Remember how you wanted to see my main Quirk?" Hitoshi nods before he saw Izuna stepping away from him and she stomps onto the ground making her Quirk to show itself fully making Hitoshi to be shocked before Eri and Tenma did the same thing.
(AN: Izuna's main Quirk)
(AN: Eri's main Quirk)
(AN: Tenma's main Quirk, hair's both black and blue with green highlights)
Hitoshi's shocked as he doesn't know what the Quirks are called making Izuna to answer his very question as her's is just a Demon Quirk while both Eri and Tenma has Demonic Angel Quirks, though Tenma's a falling Angel version of Eri's.
The skulls in both her and Eri's eyes mean Death powers and only for self-defense. Tenma's slit eyes means more demonic in his Quirk fully. It's making Hitoshi to wonder about his and Izuna's child making her to wait until the future.
Izuna didn't want to scare anyone which's way she hide her main Quirk from them making Hitoshi to hug her as he's not scared of her main Quirk and never will be no matter what as he loves her too much to be scared of her fully.
"I'm not scared, Izuna. I'm just in shock of a powerful Quirk." Izuna can tell he's telling the truth making her to hold Tenma and Eri's in his arms making them to look like a real family now as Madara took a picture quickly.
Izuna's told about the School Festival and she wasn't sure she could join since she's needed on that day making Hitoshi to fully realized she needs to do a fully tradition part-take since the other's sealed away which she nods to.
Nezu allows it, but will ask for it to be writing down as a project of hers from him making her to accept as Madara can be her for the School Festival which he fully doesn't mind since he likes the school and he'll help protect it.
Kai (カイ) is a river god of a river in the nearby mountains. Lonely in the mountains, he came down to live among humans, acting like a normal child. As a human, he took the name Kai Ishio (石尾カイ, Ishio Kai).
He is very fond of Natsume Reiko and despite feeling he might have betrayed him for humans, looked favorably upon him.
As he left to the mountains once again Kai left a parting gift of a holy wind chime hanging in Natsume Reiko's window. It is suggested by the dialog that and later go and visit him in his mountain. Eri has him as a Shiki with the other children ayakashi.
Tenma has a fox, a cat, a dog and a bird ayakashi for his Shikis making Izuna to be proud as it's from friendships more as her property is near Kai's home, so they can visit the mountain with Kai as they babysitter during that time.
The seal is something she and her exorcist friends have to deal with on a six-month basics making the ayakashi to be stayed sealed as Matoba's father's still trying to unseal it, but no luck as Izuna deals with him and got him to be injuried each time.
Tooru and Tanuma with Natori joins in making the seal to be eighteen times stronger as Eri and Tenma joins in making Izuna to sense two more making her to see Todoroki and Yaoyorozu joining them as this seal feels important.
Izuna's the 'Head Priestess' in this as she's been doing this alone since she found it and how evil the ayakashi is sealed there. Now, she has help making her to have them positioned for each ritual to keep the ayakashi sealed and stay that way.
Izuna told the Exorcist Society about this and they came to keep Seijii Matoba from stopping the many rituals which could get them all killed if he stops them plus unleashed the ayakashi who would just kill everyone and not care at all.
Izuna first did the Ofuda as the first seal to this as she needs to renew the old Ofuda quickly as her friends, lover and children hold the ayakashi back as much as they can making her to place Amaterasu-no-Kami down and prays.
Paper or wooden talisman created and used by shrine maidens, and Moon Rabbits as a vessel for the containment of divine Ki, not unlike how a spell scroll would work. There are two basic constructions of an ofuda.
First is the standard paper slip ofuda, which features the name of the kami whose energy infuses it, the name of the type and purpose of the ofuda, and a seal called a "shuin" for the shrine from whence it was made.
The other type is the far more rare and powerful wooden ofuda called a "Jingu Taima", which has the same inscriptions as the paper one, but also has a paper sleeve around the back and sides that is tied to the wooden talisman with a colorful band.
Jingu Taima are most commonly made by moon rabbits, as very few shrine maidens have the power to make them. Once the inscriptions on an ofuda, regardless of type, are made, it must then be set through a series of rituals.
It's to make it suitable for receiving divine chi from the kami. A candle and incense are set up and the ofuda is passed through both three times, and the ofuda is ready. Then the shrine maiden will meditate on their kami.
During this, they ask them to infuse the ofuda with specific power and the shrine maiden acts as a vessel to receive the ki and channel it into the ofuda. Depending on the strength of the ofuda, this process may only be necessary once.
Or may need to be repeated for many days before the ofuda is complete. Ofuda are most commonly used for warding of evil spirits, and are thus used on defensive walls like in castles, shrine and temple walls, and palaces.
warding spells push yokai outside of their area of effect, and prevent them from entering it. Ofuda are the most potent form of warding, and are reserved for the most important areas. A stache of warding ofuda is always kept stocked at shrines for any locals that need one to protect their home.
The second most common usage is for sealing magic. An ofuda can be used to create a magical lock on a box, door, or other item or place that could otherwise be moved or opened. Ofuda may also be used to seal magic energy.
Most often dark chi from yokai if the yokai is able to be restrained and the ofuda applied to them directly. The more powerful the being, the more sealing ofuda must be applied to successfully seal them.
Ofuda are also a much more popular alternate to spell scrolls for those that find use for them. A requisition will be made, typically by the local or national government to the shrine or temple for a certain type and quantity of ofuda.
And the shrine maidens of that temple will carry out the order and the ofuda will be collected when finished. The bigger and more important the order and customer, the bigger the shrine or temple that will be requested to fill the order.
The most powerful ofuda creators are the Moon Rabbits who are able to create more powerful spells and effects than normal shrine maidens. The moon rabbit high priestess is the most powerful creator of ofuda.
Higher level ofuda makers can even add triggering effects to ofuda if they spend extra time adding them. These triggering effects may be something like an explosive ofuda detonating if the object it's affixed to is moved or a thaumaturgy effect will take place one hour after the ofuda is activated by the user.
Izuna has black flames all around her and on the paper making Seiji to be shocked as Izuna's more powerful if a Kami is literally helping her as the ayakashi roars and growls and screams at Izuna making Shindo to show up and cause the rock to shake a bit.
"No time! He nearly broke out!" All Might adds more in making him to be ready to fight the ayakashi personally making the ritual to be too strong for Izuna to handle alone as the 'Head Preistess', but she kept going anyway.
She then places it right on the rock after Shindo removes the old Ofuda fast as the ayakashi's dark ki's starting to leak out making Izuna to do the next ritual as Shindo and All Might joins in fast making Izuna to be quick as she changes clothing.
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