This is recommended by the one and only, amazingly talented Kimrapmonster1268922 . I hope you enjoy this chapter. ( Get better soon!)Also please read the warnigs. I feel like some of you my not be and this time it's very important.
Rape but eventually turns consensual sex
Pet Levi
Master Eren
Death of minor character
On with the story
Eren's pov
There he is. With that damn Blondie. Didn't I tell him not be be near him attached all cost. What a fucking asshole. He must have a death wish. I was going to kill that blondie and get my precious baby Levi if its the last thing I do. Me and Levi are the closest friends, but I obviously want something more. It's not fair that he gets to spread attention around to others. He should only look at me and speak to me. ( Eren is a huge attention whore, but why not). We talk often enough that I know everyone about him. Even some of the things that he doesn't know himself. I know that whenever a big test is coming up, he gets so nervous that he throws up. I know that when he is interested in something or someone he has this glint in his eyes, even if he doesn't want to show it. Those stormy grey blue eyes, with slight sliver can tell you everything, even if he wants to hide it from me. I know he has a crush on me, but he thinks hes to much of a pussy to confess. However I'm going to confess to Levi today. Right before this big douchebag does it before me. " Hey Levi, Erwin, what's y'all talking about?" I said. Saying erwins name already wants to make me puke. " H-hey Eren, nothing really, Erwin was just about to tell me something secret." He said all shy like. Levi is incredibly innocent for a 16 year old. Bit I loved that about him. " I have a secret to Levi, but I think I want to tell my good friend Erwin first, I'm planning a really big surprise for you!" At this point in time, when I mentioned erwins name, he was sweating like a pig that hasn't had its mud bath in days. He was scarecd, scared of me, and I was happy. I have lots of fun torturing people until they die, not getting the mercy that they begged and screamed for, for so long. "Am I going to like the surprise er- Erwin what happens, is everything alright?" "Maybe erwins just excited for our little talk, aren't you Erwin?" I asked mischievously, " n-no Levi, everything is fine, we should go and talk now shouldn't we Eren?" "Yes we should, I'll talk to you in a minute Levi." " Okay, don't take so long".
Soon me and Erwin was at the coner of an abandoned alleyway. I took out my recently cleaned, sharped kitchen knife. It was long and sliver, could cut through bone if I put enough force. " What have I told you about being near my Levi?" He didn't respond to me , which was perfectly fine. I didn't really car we we don't have time to talk, this is risky and I can possibly get caught and go to jail. I made sure I gagged Erwin before I started to hurt him. Making sure no matter how lound he screames no one can hear his signs of begging. I began with those disgusting bright blue eyes and uaual. This isn't my first time killing for Levi. I've killed countless that have tried to hit on Levi. And take what's mine. Anyways I then stared to chop off limb by limb making sure all that was left was his actual body. I left him there to bleed out. "Hey eren, where's erw-mmff!?!" I gaged him and hit him aganist the wall to make him unconscious. "Don't worry about him Levi, I promise you'll love your surprise." I shoved him in my car and drove off to my house.
Levi's POV
I woke up to darkness. I thought I was blind until I saw this light. I then remember how I got here. " HElhp!!" I then realized I was gagged and that no one will be able to here me screamed. I try to reach out in front of me but I couldn't. I was tied extremely painfully tight around the chair. If I made a move then I could possibly fall down flat on my face. I decided to stay still when I heard a loud voice saying my name. Although I remember stuff some thing where fuzy, as my head was throbbing in pain.
So your finally awake Levi, do you like your surprise?" I finally realized who it was, it couldn't be though, why would he do this to me?! He kidnapped me for God's sake! I do have a major crush on him, but this is not the way I wanted it to go. " Its me levi, the one you like, don't think I haven't noticed your crush on me, I kill for you if your wondering where Erwin is, he's dead in that allyway we where 'talking' in." He told me casually, as if there was nothing wrong with killing people. It makes sense though, I've always noticed Eren's possessiveness towards me. Ive also noticed how many time he has glared at the ones that talked to me, and then should also disappear.
He came closer to me and had a sharp bloody knife in his hands. " This is erwins blood if your wondering." He took off the gag, and all my clothes leaving me naked. He didn't do anything in that moment, so I came to the development of admiring him. He was shirtless his 6 pack defined and strong. It looked like I could fucking eat on it. I came up to his face. He was smirking at me seductively, as if he could read my mind he bent down and kissed me. "Mfmm." I moaned into our kiss, causing him to shoving his tongue inside my mouth. He tasted so sweet, I couldn't help but kiss him back. This is something I've always wanted. I'm just not ready for my virginity to be taken away. And I'm afraid that today will be the last day of being one. Goodbye to consentual sex. He trailed his tan, large hand down to my nipples, I tried to pull away but his grip was just as tight as the rope was around me. I stared to fight back. I didn't want sex yet. I'm way to scared. I bit his tongue, causing him to stop kissing me and he looked at me in disguise. "You dumb whore, don't make this harder then this has to be, okay pet," He hose on to sayy. " Master will have to hurt you if you don't listen." He said strictly. "I'm not your slave, I'll never belong to you!" I screamed at him. In return, I felt a sharp, sting slap aganist my face, I was going to hit him back until he he graped my rist and broke them. "A-ah!!" I screamed. "You will always belong to me, I guess I'll just have to show you to understand." He said.
He stared to touch me again, this time going to stroke my cock. Even though I didn't want it, my body reacted quickly. I soon got harder then I ever had. " G-AH s-stop, p-please." I begged. He stops and looks at me. Usually his eyes are a bright green with a bit of blue. Now it was covered in lust, hunger and insanity. Without any lube he shoved his huge 10in member inside my now non-virgin hole. "AHH S-STOP, PULL IT OUT PLEASE!!!" I begged, then I felt liquid out my asshole. I realized immediately I was bleeding. "Maybe if you admit that I'm your master, I'll slow down." At this point I couldn't care, I just needed him to take in out. "Y-YOUR MY M-MASTER, Y-YOULL ALWAYS B-BE MY M-MASTER!!" But he didn't slow down, if anything he went even faster. I guess he got more turned on, because I felt him grow even harder inside of me. I stared to bleed even more then before. I was on the edge, and felt as if I was going to pass out about how much pain I was receiving, untill he his something that made me scream in pleasure. "A-AH FUCK, RIGHT THERE!!" I screamed in absolute pleasure. Not even when I touch myself am I ever this pleasured. "There it is." He said. He stared to go even faster now, I lost all self of control and my cock got really red. "M-MASTER IM GONNA CUM!!!" "Cum for your master Levi." On his command,I came all over myself, I never came so hard before. It went all over the place on his stomach, to mine, to my hair and even in my wide open mouth, as I screamed in pleasure. "L-levi!!" Then he came inside of me. I dindnt know anyone can come so much. He was so deep that as he pulled out, nothing came out. I took a look below me and saw that there was a small but noticable number of his cum. I looked at his dick, covered in my blood and cum as I passed out.
So I hope y'all enjoyed that. Also request what you guys want in the comment section below.
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