The Knight In Shining Armor
(Annie's POV)
"Holy heck... Last night was fun..." I told Sasha who woke up just a few seconds after me.
"Yea. We messed around a little too much, huh?" She asked.
"Yea we did. I think I haven't had this much fun in a while." I got off the bed and fixed my clothes. "I think my body cannot take any more of this for the next week."
"Next time we shouldn't bring way too much soda or popcorn. We barely finished all of this junk food. My bowl still has some food left in it! MY bowl!" Sasha exclaimed dramatically.
"Uh, Huh." I affirmed. "For a second there, we sounded as if we were reflecting on a lesbian sex night. If someone listened to us now without any form of context, we'll be screwed!"
"I always wonder how lesbian sex goes..." Sasha stated, looking at the ceiling and trailing off into her own thoughts that, for once, is not thinking about food.
"You wanna try?! Come here, sistah! I'm more than ready to get these shorts off!" I shouted.
"What?! Oh, no no no! I'm kidding! Annie! No!" Sasha screamed, holding her hands in front of her face while staring at me like I'm a serial killer. The look on her face made me burst out laughing.
"Oh, lord... I can't believe it... You look so ridiculous! Haha... I'm joking, I'm joking... Hey, loosen it up a little, It was a joke."
"Oh... I thought you were serious in there for a sec. From what you described being with Eren like, I'm starting to believe you're a nymphomaniac!" That statement led to me giving her a raised eyebrow accompanying a bewildered face.
"I'm... I'm gonna pretend like I didn't hear that."
I made my way to the bathroom, followed by Sasha. We did our morning routine and headed to the living room.
"I'll prepare breakfast." Sasha said before rushing to the kitchen.
"I want cereal! And don't you dare put the milk before it!" I shouted from the living room as I turned on the TV for some morning show binge watching.
"I'll put ya some water!" Sasha shouted back.
"I'll make sure you'll never have the appetite for anything again if you do! And when I promise, I deliver!" I replied.
Finally, Sasha came to the living room with two bowls of cereal, both were cereal first, judging by how I could tell that she didn't spill some milk out of it or anything else that's odd.
"So. What are we doing today?" She asked.
"We should get ready to school." I said before taking one spoonful of cereal.
"Yes, we should." She concurred while doing the same.
A few minutes later, we got ready to leave. Sasha brought her school backpack from her house just before we arrived to mine yesterday. She and I made our way to school while walking.
"Hey, Annie? What do you work?" She asked me out of the blue as we were walking down the road.
"Uh, I used to work at a Starbucks but I quit when it started to interfere with schoolwork. And I inherited a sort of fortune from my mother before she died, so I'm living off of that for now. Why?"
"Oh, no. I was just wondering how you can afford a house here. All by yourself and all."
"Actually I used to work a lot on my shifts. I did lots of things simultaneously. I worked my ass off so I can maintain a stable income and not get fired. My boss was somewhat of a prick. Especially on Wednesdays." I explained. "He hates Wednesdays."
"And how were you able to afford a house before your mother's passing?" She asked.
"Work, work, and lots of work. Starbucks, babysitting, and sometimes I used to do some beta reading to some up and coming writers that are testing their prowess with fanfiction. I remember one author, he was called AwadaJ or something. He was good, although I stopped following on his work after a while. You know, with all that's happening right now."
"Oh... So that... Explains it, I guess. I still don't know how you could manage to do all the work all by yourself and simultaneously."
"And I also cannot ever, in my entire life, be able to comprehend how in the heck are you able to consume so much food and not gain a gram of weight!" I replied.
"I'm gifted." She replied with a simple shrug of the shoulders.
"And so am I." I added.
Soon we arrived at the school grounds. The second I did, I started to feel a weird and uncomfortable feeling. It stemmed from the fact that I share now this high school with my worst enemies. Plus, my relationship and identity are at stake. I couldn't risk getting found out, or worse, losing my love.
"Annie, are you okay?" Sasha asked as she took notice of my situation.
"I'm... I'm not feeling so well." I said as I stared at the entrance, my heart skipping beats and my mind urging me to leave.
"Annie, come on. All will be fine, trust me. You and I will deal with Adrian, I promise. I just want you to listen to me and focus." Sasha said before placing her hand on my shoulder, grabbing my attention.
I swallowed my own saliva out of anxiety but made my way inside the building regardless. I knew that this day will not end without me laying my eyes on Adrian more than 50 fucking times. And I know he does this deliberately. He wants me to see him because he knows that I am not that indifferent to him being there. My mind was thinking about whether his gang is on the premises, however.
I entered the class normally and took a seat at the usual place. The second chair in the back feels like my home away from home when I'm in class. I felt a little relieved that I didn't see Adrian at the hallway at all in the morning, but I was expecting him to show up eventually. And maybe if the timing is right, I will definitely be greeting him with a crystal fist to the face.
Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around only to see someone wearing a hoodie asleep with their head on the desk. I knew for a fact that they were not asleep.
When I turned back around, I was tapped again. The same happened again for three more times until I finally decided to use my reflexes and grab the person's finger just an inch away from my shoulder.
When I finally did that, I turned around to glare at the person trying to childishly prank me, only to be taken away by the green eyes that I fell in love with.
"Honestly, I missed pranking you a little." Eren said with a gorgeous smile.
My urges suddenly kicked in as I pressed my lips against his without even realizing. I broke the kiss after three heavenly seconds and was met with his face staring back at me with complete and utter shock. He then started to scan the room for individuals, only to take a deep sigh of relief, knowing we were the only ones in the classroom.
"And I missed your lips." I replied to him.
"What are you doing later today?" He asked.
"Nothing, maybe studying." I informed.
"Hmm... How interesting. Coincidentally, I have this subject that I am having a problem with, and I think you should help me." He stated.
"Was that some sort of cheesy one-liner to try and woo me or something?" I asked while staring in front of me as the teacher arrived.
"No. I really have this subject that I want your help with." He said. The sudden realization that he was actually serious for once made me want to burst out laughing, but I held it in.
"Okay, Okay. I'll come by your house, later today."
"Why don't I come by yours?" He asked, prompting me to sigh in response.
At lunch break, I soon found myself sitting on a cafeteria seat with Adrian right in front of me, staring with his disgusting grin right back at me.
"Can't you just leave people alone. This is getting old, Adrian." I commented.
"You know exactly when I will leave you be. I hope my subordinates made that clear yesterday." He asked.
"Ooo! So scary. I am so terrified right now." I stated sarcastically.
I then started to talk with food in my mouth, just to show him how uninterested I am with his threats.
"Can you at least try not to be a trashy villain? Your looks give off the try-hard vibe that you really cannot shake off."
"Oh, keep making your snarky comments. Sooner or later you will feel nothing but despair as the closest people to you, leave you to die. Sad and alone." He said before leaving.
"Finally some room to breathe. This guy hasn't discovered the toothbrush yet." I stated to myself.
Sasha then arrived a minute later and took a seat with a tray filled with double the food of a normal person. I didn't give much attention to it since I'm used to seeing her like this.
"So, I saw Adrian leave not too long ago." She stated.
"And your eyes didn't deceive you. He was here and yes, he did indeed leave." I replied.
"What did he say, exactly?" She asked.
I pulled out my phone from behind my own food tray and pressed the play button on a voice recording that played the entirety of the small dialogue exchange between Adrian and me.
"Oh, Annie... What an awesome idea..." She said as she held her head with her hands that were wrapped behind it.
"Thanks. Eren taught me. I remembered today that he recorded my voice at night when I was sleep talking and repeating his name over and over again. He and I were not speaking to each other for a while and when we met again, I was missing him so much that I was speaking his name in my sleep. And I remember when I saw him that day, I felt butterflies of joy down my stomach. He and I later we-"
"Annie..." Sasha cut me off. "I get it, you're obsessed with the guy."
I looked at her and sighed with a smile, knowing she's right. And just after that, exactly a second later, Eren entered the cafeteria and oddly, with a large crowd of guys and gals around him. Sasha and I stared from our seats, which were far away from the entrance, at the whole thing with confusion clouding our brilliant super genius minds.
"Where is that cocky brat?" Eren said. "Yea. Where's that blond idiot who thinks he owns the place?"
"Annie, I think he's talking about Adrian." Sasha noted.
Suddenly Adrian came from the opposite entrance. When I saw who accompanied him, my heart dropped. You guessed it, his associates. The girl and the big guy who both tried to kill me before.
"So you are Eren Jaeger. Huh, I was planning on meeting you, but you are not as important as pretty much everything else, so setting some time aside for you would be a waste." Adrian commented.
"A waste? Hahaha! Says the guy who has to put lots of money to maintain a fuckboy look! Tell me, are you doing some male prostitution on the side? I'm pretty sure you take the term fuck boy literally. I prefer to call you 'fucked boy'." Eren replied.
"I'll give you this one chance to back away. You don't want to lose your precious teeth in front of everyone here, do you?" Adrian asked.
"Ooh... He's trying to scare me. Oh please, I found better things to say coming from a homeless dude in a convenient store."
"So you spend so much time with homeless people, huh?" Adrian stated.
"Yea. They have more personality than you can ever dream of. Oh and by the way, since you're so conspicuous, I want to make sure it's obvious to everyone. So I got this paper." Eren said before sticking a paper on Adrian's forehead. It read: 'Fuckboy here. Notice me, Ladies!'
This stunt angered Adrian so much that he leaped onto Eren with punches and kicks, only for Eren to grab his punches and return the kicks. Eren then punched Adrian in the face so hard that blood started flying. I could only stare in bewilderment as Eren wounded him so easily and with so much force that he ended up actually making him spit blood!
"Heheh... Is this all it takes? And I took you for a strong guy." Eren said before being on the receiving end of one of Adrian's fists.
The fists and kicks exchange continued until a group of teachers came in and separated the two boys. What I saw was Eren emerging victorious despite being bloodied and bruised all over as the group that swarmed him kept cheering Eren on as he was taken to the principle.Â
"Farewell me foe. May we meeteth again some other time. We wilt duel to the death at which hour the time cometh." Eren said as he was taken away.
My heart was overwhelmed with joy, seeing Eren beat Adrian and all. But I could only think of what an angry Adrian can do. I have already finished my tray by the time the fight started, so I stormed off to the class with Sasha following suit.
When I entered my class, I took a gander at every student, and I saw that everyone, even the teacher was talking to some of her favorite students about the incident. From what I can hear. The entire high school is divided between Eren and Adrian. All I cared about is that I knew which side I'm on.
Later in the day, I got a message from Eren saying he was suspended for the week and that he'll be spending the time at his place, focusing on what he can study. I suggested he'd come to my place so we can study together, and he gladly agreed. He even offered to stay at my place which I agreed to, and with that said. I made my way back to my home, knowing Eren is already waiting for me there.
When I arrived at my place, I unlocked the door and walked inside. Turning on the lights, I saw the body of a man with a bouquet of red flowers covering his visage. But I didn't need to know who it was as my heart is the only guide I need.
Eren then showed his face and gave me the bouquet before I embraced him with a tight hug. Looking at his face, I saw not too many bruises as I saw before which confused me. But I shrugged it off as being the fact that Eren turned out to be as equal to Adrian if not stronger.
"Did you like what I did to this bastard?" He asked.
"Why did you do that?" I asked.
"I don't want to sound like your generic Martin Stu lover, but he was approaching you, multiple times, and I didn't like it." My heart skipped a beat. Hearing Eren say those words made a million thoughts rush into my head.
"Why was he talking to you?" Eren asked rather casually, knowing that he already beat some sense into him.
"He just wanted to get to know me." I replied. My quick thinking got me out of the situation easily. But my voice and looks didn't seem to help as much.
"What's wrong?" Eren asked.
"I'm just..."
"Still thinking about the fight?" Thank you Eren for handing me the perfect excuse.
"Yes." I replied.
"Oh, just forget about it. Let's go to your living room. I brought pizza."
Hey, I'm eating pizza too! Cheers! Hey guys, did you love this chapter? Don't forget to vote, tell me in the comments what you think, and NEVER forget to Keep On Reading!
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