Rivals from childhood
"Hey Eren. Today is your first day of high school. You don't want to be late." Eren's Mother said while in the kitchen.
"Ok mom." Eren said while he grabbed his stuff and got out the door.
"Bye!" Eren said to his mom as soon as he stepped outside.
(Eren's POV)
"Okay. This is not going to be bad." I hard Armin talk to himself as I got close to his house. He was... excited? For school? I didn't know until I approached him.
"Oi, Armin!" I called out for him from a distance and waved my hand as I walked closer.. He looked at me and smiled.
"Eren!" He ran to me and bro-hugged me. Following that with a fist-bump.
"So... Ready for this new 'high-school' life?" I asked him while doing sarcastic Jazz hands. It really wasn't a big deal for me. I didn't really care about my school life as much as you'd think I should. I'm not a genius cupcake like Armin, but I have something planned.
"Yea! I'm so excited! I get to learn all new materials and study harder!" He replied.
'Oh my god. He actually believed my sarcasm and took it seriously! Ha! What an idiot. But he's still my idiot best friend no matter what.' I thought to myself.
I looked at Armin and facepalmed. Then I shook my head while it was still in my hand. My eyes were closed and I was just thinking about how stu... forget it.
"Wh-What's... Wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing. Forget it." I replied. Then a thought instantly popped up in my head. "Hey Armin! Have you seen Mikasa?"
"No. We'll meet her on the way to school. The shortest road to the high-school passes by her house." Armin replied while pointing at the road we were supposed to go through.
"Okay, GPS Armin. Please give me directions to: Mikasa Ackerman's house." I said sarcastically.
"Okay. Searching... Sorry. Did not find any place called Pizza Sa Aftermath's house." He replied.
We bursted out laughing. Even though he can sometimes be fooled by sarcasm but he also makes cool jokes sometimes. This actually made my day. He's a genius in many fields.
We walked our way to the "Shiganshina high school" that we decided to go to. I did not seem interested in picking a high school. Any high school that my friends were going to go to, I would've decided to go there. But then I found out that Mikasa and Armin chose different high schools. That troubled us. A lot. Mikasa and Armin both made up their minds about the high schools they wanted and did not want to go to the other's high school. I wanted to join one of them of course but I didn't want to leave one behind. All alone and without us. Because I knew that Armin might get bullied and Mikasa would not go along well with other students.
Then I found this high school. I did a tour around it and I was amazed. It was actually cool and colorful. It would give students the energy and motivate them to go to school. I didn't care about that stuff.
It also has very friendly and approachable teachers. Also it has delicious foods and stuff. The food is where my mind's at. I can make some delicious lasagna and when you give me noodles and ingredients, prepare for a masterpiece.
Most of all it was affordable, close and I liked it. Also it had free Wi-Fi so... why not? Is that high-school heaven?!
I brought Mikasa and Armin together and forced them into the high school. After we took a look at the high school from the inside. I was able to convince them to come with me since they were already convinced by then that it was better than the high schools they chose. And ever since I was the one to make the 'Big' decisions.
We arrived at Mikasa's house. She already packed her stuff and was ready to go. She looked as ready and well dressed as always. When I take her with me shopping she's the one to pick my clothes. I don't know why, she has a good taste and everything but it feels weird. I guess she likes those clothes on me.
"Hey, Mikasa. How's it going?" I asked.
She turned around and looked at me. Her eyes widened. It's like she saw an angle or something. I don't know why she does that either.
"Eren!" She said. She then ran up to me and hugged me. The hug lasted 10 long seconds. Armin just stood there smirking.
After she let go and we began walking, I was pulled by Armin for a second as he wanted to whisper something to me.
"I ship you two." He whispered.
"Shut up before I make sure you get hit by a ship." I whispered back.
"Okay." He whispered.
We arrived at the high school. Nothing too special, just a bunch of students entering the thing.
I sighed. "Hey guys. This is it. Now let's go."
We entered the school and looked at the place. Now crowded with students, I felt that there's gonna be a lot of action in this school.
First I need to start to fit in and shake off the young boy attitude. Then I need to start and focus more on my grades and sports. Why? So I can get my mom to get me stuff! I wanted to shake the young boy attitude on the outside, not the inside!
But suddenly... something... completely... ruined... my... day.
I saw the only person. The ONLY person in existence that I don't want to see. I would sacrifice my allowance... My most prized controller... My toy 'Rogue Monster'... My own back yard... Even the BEARD that has not grown yet, just to not see this person. Ever. again.
Jacksepticeye, I MEAN-
Annie Leonhardt.
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